
The Celestian [ Open to All. ]
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Author:  Noxious Nyx [ Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Celestian [ Open to All. ]

[ This is my first actual pokemon roleplay thread, I didn't think it would get this far. But I'm loving the amount of details and effort you guys are putting into it. :3 Its really nice to see. ]

Hearing the commotion in the distance, the mother of the two troublesome young mightyena would slip out of the brushes. Her one son had ran over to her, having yipped and pleaded for his mother to come and see the little pokemon that had smited both he and his brother. Standing over the other mightyena laying in the rubbish, she looked down at him before looking up at Cynthia, tilting her head curiously. The mother, being wiser then the two pups, knew not to jump into action first but to ask questions. Thus, the questioning head tilt, "Why were you attacking my sons? Are you going to be a threat? Or is it just the fight you want?" Standing over her son, she would place a protective paw over his stunned form whilst the other stood off to her other side. The two young ones were new to their evolutions, but the mother looked much older, her fur a little grayer and her eyes sharper, she did not mind a battle if it were nessecary. Looking to the other pokemon standing by Cynthia, her gaze reflecting on the kirlia, who seemed quite full of life. Perhaps if the young lady were training... this particular mightyena coulda help, but she was a lot stronger and sly then her two young sons.

Author:  pupsrule [ Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Celestian [ Open to All. ]

Cynthia would eye the mother Mightyena carefully. Flare would look up at Cynthia, and copy her by looking at the Mightyena family too. Cynthia could see, this Mightyena seemed very strong, maybe too strong for Kirlia, but she knew Flare wouldn't drop out of a fight. Cynthia would chance it. Cynthia would call over Flare, and whisper "Okay, tell the Mightyena why you battled her sons, make it sound kinda sad, so she'll maybe be sympathetic, like Oh, I wished to level up, a mean man said he'd beat me up if I didn't level up! Something like that. Then tell her that you wish to battle her." Cynthia was aware of the type disadvantage, but that didn't bring her down. Kirlia would spring forward, tell Mightyena some sad story, then ask to battle. Cynthia would fling Kirlia an Oran Berry, in case she would need it. "Okay Flare, first attack, Magical Leaf!" Flare would rush forward, spin around and jump a bit for balance and to make her opponent dizzy. Then she would leap up to a tree, down into a box, and attack with Magical Leaf. Kirlia would then rush off to a new patch of grass and lie down, trying to hide. (OoC i'd prefer if you did the Mightyena side of the battle, I don't know much about Mightyena :3)

Author:  Noxious Nyx [ Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Celestian [ Open to All. ]

[ Not a problem, not a problem. :3 ]

Mightyena eyed the two carefully while they whispered to themselves, her guard was up, hackles raised. She knew something was suspicious, for her son had ran back and told her what had happened. But the mother didn't mind a challenge, no matter how big the opponent. Mightyena's were a dark type pokemon, immune to psychic attacks, resistant to dark and ghost, but weak against bug and fighting types. Cynthia's Gallade was a psychic and fighting type pokemon, and the mightyena regarded it cautiously before choosing her first move swagger, a move designed to confuse her opponent and raise her attack . Circling the pokemon much like a wolf, the muscles in her legs would bunch as she hunkered low to the ground, screaming for release before she sprang into the air, attempting to jump over the first magical leaf attack before choosing her second move Sucker Punch as the Gallade jumped in the air to land on a rail car. If the move connected, the mightyena would land on the ground with a thud, only to whip around with a snarl, baring her teeth. If the move didn't connect and the Gallade was able to make it to the car in time to release his next move, the mightyena would miss and fall to the ground as her opponents move would connect. Sending dirt and chunks of grass into the air, the mightyena would have lowered herself to the ground, making herself as small as possible when the move had hit. In which, she would get up with a slight cringe before shaking it off and bracing her footing with a defiant growl. She refused to go down so quickly.

Author:  pupsrule [ Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Celestian [ Open to All. ]

Flare shivered at the strength of the Mightyena. She went and poked Blade, asking him to take over. Blade nodded and sprung in to battle. Blade was many levels stronger than Flare; he even knew Close Combat, which is quite a high level move. Blade would study his opponent quickly, and then jump towards Mightyena and use Close Combat. Flare would cheer him on, knowing that was the least she could do. Blade would then jump away, awaiting to see what his move had done to the Mightyena.

Author:  Moon_stone99 [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Celestian [ Open to All. ]

"Don't worry, we can do this." Said Gabriel, loudly and clearly. "Jolteon, Leafeon, go, fair fight." The two looked to the Umbreon. It nodded, urging them on. "Umbreon, pin missile, blind them." Ordered Gabriel. The Jolteon needed little order, its fur already on edge with static, the razor sharp quills shot forwards, the steel clad Bisharps putting their arms in front of their faces to protect their eyes with their metallic body. The Leafeon took the opportunity and darted forwards, aiming to finish the fight early. "X-scissor." Said Gabriel. The Leafeon attempted to strike for the legs, but the Bisharp moved back and dodged it in the nick of time, responded with a few parries and flourishes of its own. The Jolteon sent forth a thunderbolt towards the other Bisharp, drawing its attention from the Leafeon. The Jolteon moved backwards quickly whilst still zapping the Bisharp with lightning, until the Bisharp drew close... "Jolteon, double kick," Said Gabriel, and the Jolteon gave two kicks to the Bisharp, knocking it down, finishing it off then with a quick thunderbolt. It turned to the duelling Leafeon and examined it, deciding to step in only if the fight went the wrong way. The Leafeon eventually found an opening, and scurried between the legs of the Bisharp, confusing it, and then striking at the back with a leaf blade. "Good fight," Said Gabriel, and smiled at the Bisharp. They nodded, grudgingly, and ran of. The Umbreon then turned to the Braviary and examined it quizzically. "Thank you for your timely intervention, but who are you? Where did you come from?"

Author:  pupsrule [ Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Celestian [ Open to All. ]

(by the way, im on holiday so i wont be on much<---- OoC)

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