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 First Pokemon RP 2 (no new charries, please) 
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Even when she ducked, the large attack hit enough of her to knock her over. She rolled back onto her stomach, wincing (a weird expression with a stone mouth and only one eye) and trying to get back up.

Her arms buckled before she could, and after one other similar attempt, Cassius bowed his head and took out a third pokeball, quietly withdrawing the last of his pokemon. His eyes returned to their usual violet, and his creepy smile disappeared, replaced with a somewhat more pleasant one.

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:41 am
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Sidney, who had been anxiously holding her breath the majority of the battle, finally exhaled, collapsing a bit onto the railing in relief. Too close, she thought. But we did it.

"(I won!)" Ginger cheered, laughing out loud. "(I won! I won! Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!)" she continued to sing while prancing about merrily. "(I'm bad! You know it! Uh-huh! Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!)"

The girl looked up, smiling at her opponent. "Great battle," she said, ignoring her pokemon, who was currently doing a moonwalk across the dance floor. "You made it challenging, but I expected no less of you."

"(What she means to say is 'boo ya, ghosty'!)" the absol cackled, wandering over to Cassius. "(Not bad, huh? Bet you could tell I've become stronger. Maybe I'll even be able to take on you someday.)" She was still a bit peeved she had missed her first opportunity to fight the infamous Cassius. "(Now, let's see that pretty badge.)"

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Last edited by Flannery on Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:19 am
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Cassius leapt right over the rail of the elevated platform, landing neatly about half a foot in front of Ginger.

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:29 am
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Ginger was too busy gloating over her victory to notice Pandora's absence.

The ninja jumped down from her platform in the same fashion as Cassius, jogging over to accept her badge, which she had rightfully earned. "I haven't had this much fun since...well...not for awhile now," the told him, patting Ginger's head. The absol purred, still wearing a broad smile. "It's a shame, since after this, we probably won't see each other again for a long time..."

"(Who says we have to leave now?)" the dark pokemon piped up, frowning. "(I say we stick around and throw a party. For me, of course...because I'm just that awesome. Wouldn't you agree?)"

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:02 am
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Cassius handed over the badge box, which contained a small squared off spiral badge, black to a degree that it seemed to absorb light.

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:53 am
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Sidney bowed and took the box graciously, the excitement she felt at that moment shining through her face. "That sounds like a wonderful idea," she replied, kindly accepting the invitation. "I wouldn't mind trying a few of the local dishes. And we can bring each other up to speed on what we've been up to."

"(Free food? Count me in!)" A year ago, Ginger would have thought that 'join me for lunch' was ghost code for 'I want to consume your soul'. But that was back when she thought Cassius was secretly planning to eat her trainer. "(Hear that, Pan? ...Uh, Pan?)" Odd. The haunter was missing. Was he bitter because his trainer lost?

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:06 pm
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"I'm afraid not all of the local specialties are very good for humans, but there are a few you might like." Lavender town, having mysteriously drawn in ghosts for centuries, had incorporated some of their favorites into local dishes, some for the ghosts themselves, others for humans, using potentially poisonous plants in safe quantities, or parts that weren't as harmful.

He glanced over at the group of ghosts, where Pan was not present. Cassius couldn't blame him, and decided to let him take some time to himself. "We'd better go out through the garden, it's easier than the front exit." Even after winning their badges, guests had a notoriously hard time getting out the door they came through.

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:39 pm
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"Thank you for the badge," Sidney said, unable to express her gratitude enough. She removed the small emblem from its container and held it out for Ginger to see, who sniffed it and smiled.

"So you have a garden too? How old is this house anyway?" She faintly remembered the scary campfire story Cassius had told them about him and his mansion, which she had believed to be false at the time--but she couldn't recall such details, either because she had forgotten or Cassius had failed to include them.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:05 pm
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"It's my pleasure, and congratulations." She'd had a harder time earning it than most, really, he'd stretched the limits of the pokemon he was allowed to use to their very maximum, and perhaps a little bit past that.

He examined one of the room's walls, running his hand along it for a moment, then tapping twice. A door swung open, nearly invisible before it had blended in so well with the wall. It was one of the newer passageways, which wasn't saying much, it still looked ancient.

"I'm not really sure exactly how old the mansion is, really, but I know it's a fair bit older than I am. The first building here was built over a thousand years ago, a small castle I think. All that remains of that is the dungeons, the rest has been built and restored mostly in the last five hundred or so. There are paintings of most of the past human owners on some of the walls, if you're interested. Most of them were from a fair ways off, and a lot of them were rather eccentric." That was an understatement; half of them had been completely mad, and at least four fifths had died in the house or gardens under mysterious circumstances. Most of the owners were foreign, because no one local would ever come near the place.

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:04 pm
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Sidney, facinated, listened intently to Cassius' story, silently walking beside the gym leader while he led them outside to the back.

Ginger yawned a bit as she trailed behind her trainer, Cassius' history lesson boring her to tears. Instead, she replayed the earlier battle inside her head, chuckling quietly to herself when she recalled certain scenes.

"But what made you want to come live here?" the girl interrupted. "Because it was haunted?"

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:57 pm
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The ghost trainer looked a little puzzled. "Of course" he said, as if everyone should want to move into a haunted house. "Actually, it wasn't very haunted at the time, most of the ghosts lived in the old lavender tower, but once the lot of us moved in... well, times change."

The passageway lead into another small room, more plain than the highly decorated entrance hallways and ballroom. It lead out into a large porch, once carefully screened off, but now in decay. The garden was in a similar state- it was large, and had clearly once been very orderly and well maintained, but now it was covered in vines and thorns and dangerous looking flowers that made it look rather frightening even in the daylight. A thin path looked like it might lead back around the house, although plants were creeping in on it from every side, and the stone walkway did not look very well maintained.

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:08 pm
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Mike was just behind Cassius and Flannery, following then closely so he wouldn't get lost in another reverse walkway room. He was grinning a bit; food always got him excited.


Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:26 pm
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"(You should fire your landscaper,)" the absol snickered, moving up beside Cassius and nudging him in the leg with her elbow spike. "(This place is dead.)" She carefully stepped over the thorny vines, not just because she didn't want to prick herself, but because she was afraid she might become a snack for some slumbering plant monster hidden within the shrubs.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:56 pm
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"So, Cassius, where exactly are we going for lunch if you don't mind telling," he asked as his boots crucnhed over the dead leaves and thorns of the small pathway of the garden. "I would really like to catch up and stuff. I mean, being a Gym Leader sounds like an interesting thing to do. After all, once my dad retires, I'll be the next Vemillion Gym Leader."


Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:02 pm
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"The building's last landscaper has been dead for over a hundred and fifty years" he informed Ginger. "They found his body in the middle of the garden, with vines and flowers growing right through it. The odd thing was, he'd been seen just that morning. To this day, no one's quite sure how the plants, ancestors of those that grow here today, were able to grow over him so fast. Fortunately, there's no record of anyone else suffering a similar fate in this garden... yet."

He smiled, and turned back to the humans. "There are a few little restaurants down near the pokemon center, the two of you can pick one out when we arrive. As to being a gymleader... well, I'm not sure I'm a typical example of one, but it certainly is interesting."

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:12 pm
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Ginger swallowed hard, not liking Cassius' story very much. She was extra careful where she treaded.

"Will your pokemon be joining us, or are pokemon not allowed in the restaurants here?" The young woman was sure her team wouldn't mind meeting Cassius' old gang again, as well as Michael's. Their pokemon had gotten along very well, save Ginger and the ghosts. But even the absol had made friends with the friendly misdreavus, and eventually warmed up to the others.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:09 pm
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"Pokemon are welcomed, but I think mine will be eating back at the mansion, with the rest of the household. Except Godfather, he's out traveling on his own for awhile" he said, not quite wanting to explain why Pandora and Maiden wouldn't be coming along. Sneak, Rook and Marionette were probably still asleep, it was the middle of the day after all. "I would have invited you to stay too, but I'm not sure we have enough in the house to feed three living people."

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:17 pm
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"Ah..." Sidney was a bit disappointed, but didn't let the others know this. Instead, she tried changing the subject. "'re pretty famous around here, no? Do they have special discounts for the King of the Dead?"

"(Ah, that's right. I forgot all about that,)" Ginger said. "(Well, I'm sure his highness is subject to special treatment. It must be nice to be so powerful and not even be fully evolved yet.)" Absols, oddly enough, weren't capable of evolution. Well, as far as the humans knew. Chances were, there was a rare stone somewhere out there that could turn Ginger into some sort of demigod. One feared for their life.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:32 pm
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"I do tend to get meals on the house" he admitted. "I've ended up as something of a tourist attraction for Lavender town. I, ah, don't really go into town all that often." Nothing cheapened being the vicious, frightening King of the Dead more than being asked to sign autographs for black-clad teenagers in too much eye shadow. "But there aren't any major events going on this week, so I shouldn't be getting too much attention."

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:03 pm
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Eventually, the group reached the pokecenter. "Alright, let's get these guys healed!" Sidney dashed ahead, still the same energetic ninja. Ginger didn't feel up to chasing after her, and instead stayed with the two male trainers, even as the girl disappeared through the automatic doors. "(There she goes again...)"

Ginger stopped before entering, and turned to face the spikey haired trainer. "(After you, your highness,)" she said teasingly, giving him an exceedingly exaggerated bow. She glanced over at Michael, then turned her back him, walking away with her tail in the air. She didn't waste her time with worthless peasants.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:32 pm
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As he predicted, Cassius did get some stares as he entered, mostly from local trainers who recognized him. A couple of them were the gothic worst-case-scenarios he tried to avoid, and he promptly positioned himself so Sidney was between them and him, hoping neither would be bold enough to face the ninja over the matter. They giggled, which destroyed all possible sinister-ness they might have had.

None of his pokemon had received any serious injuries, and the nurse was able to rejuvenate them though a quick run though a simple healing machine. He released them immediately, and fiddled with the pokeballs to reset them to blank.

The shuppet noticed the gaggle of fans and rolled around in the air. "(Same group as before? Don't they have school or something?)"

"(I don't think they even live around here, but they've been around for months)" replied the Dusclops, "(I think the tall one has started to spike her hair like Cassius'. They're getting kinda creepy.)"

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:45 pm
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"(A Cassius fan club, eh?)" the absol butted in, wandering over to the ghosts. She took a seat near the gym leader's feet, waving to the small cluster of goth fangirls as if saying 'yeah, I'm with him'.

Sidney was too busy healing her pokemon to notice the girls at first, but then she heard the giggling and couldn't help but look up, wondered what the fuss was all about. Were they laughing at her? And then she noticed that Cassius had relocated himself to her other side so that he was obstructed...and she put two and two together. That, or the girl with the haunter hair tipped her off. "Perhaps we should hurry out," she suggested, nudging Cassius a bit. No wonder the gym leader had few human friends. Some could be scarier than most of the ghosts he hung out with.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:09 pm
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The little fan club was quite puzzled to see their gymleader apparently associating with some other human girl. If he wouldn't talk to them, then why was she any different? One of them quietly suggested she was probably a vampire or another ghost or something, and a little jealously they decided this was probably the best explanation. Why didn't anything cool like that ever happen to one of them?

"That's probably a good idea" replied Cassius quietly, trying to pretend the little crowd didn't exist. "There are a few places to eat across the street, we can find somewhere for lunch."

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:16 pm
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"(Ah, they seem like a friendly enough bunch,)" the absol continued to teased while the trainers were doing their best to be inconspicuous. "(I'm sure that under all that makeup and eye shadow they're just normal teens looking for a little attention.)"

"Any place is good. I'm starved," Sidney admitted. "But you know this area better than I do. As long as they don't poison the food, I'm fine." She gave an uneasy laugh.

Use a Splash attack!</center>

Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:32 pm
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"(They could at least have the common sense to go trail after someone who isn't dead)" muttered Cassius, glad that they didn't seem to be following. Yet. "(Or someone their own species, for that matter.)" Humans were really strange, especially the young ones.

"Ah, two stores over then" he said, turning left. "They serve mostly to visitors, nothing with anything toxic in it. Or we could try one block over. There are a few places that actually do use toxins in some of their dishes, in controlled quantities. You might end up with a stomach ache though, so if you plan to be traveling closer is probably safer." The farther restaurant, though, was far more interesting, and had much better ghost food. Cassius was quietly hoping she felt a little adventurous.

<center><img src=""><img src="images/trainercards/gryphflame.png"> - Doll Base</center>

Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:41 pm
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