
The Celadon City Trainer Meet
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Author:  Treeckomaster [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:23 am ]
Post subject: 

"Ya good point. Absol, don't dodge the Poisen Fang, just let it hit you and use Bite!" Tom said, emphasising the last part.
Crobat's poisen Fang seemed to hurt Absol, but Absol just grabbed Crobat before it could fly back.

Author:  Buneary~Freak [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Character Name: Grace

Pokemon On hand:
Nickname: Bubbles
Bubbles Info: Bubbles has just been with grace for about a week they have learned to know each other well they also practice coordanating some time but they do it secretly, they have ancountered many trainers and have won most battles but when they lose they get right back Up there!

Gender: Female

Personality(grace):Grace has just got her starter pokemon it is a squirtle they have been with each other for about a week but they loved each other when they first met eyes. grace1s mother is a gym leader and her father past away a couple years ago.....but she knows that her father watches her wile she learns to become strong, she has defeated one gym leader it was ruff for her but she won but it was a rock type gym so it was a little easy but she has been in school sense she was six years old and left it when she turned ten so she knows alot about types and weaknesses and strong points.

she was born in in Twin Leaf Town ( Sinnoh Region) she has always been there she does not talk about her father much she does`t want to think about it, he died wile she was at school he was aone of proffessers asistants his wife said to grace that it was fyooms but she new that was`t true he died when she was about eight an never forgot that day but she is cheered up better cause she turned ten and got her first pokemon her mom became a gym leader when she turned nine she does`t know much about her mom now cause she is so far away but grace is hoping that she will travel to her Mother and May even defeat her but she knows she must trainer hard and catch pokemon and meat New Friends!

Reasons for attending the meet: she wants to be a Champion!(is going on the SS. An To get there)

Author:  metavoir [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:03 pm ]
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"Twinleaf town, 13, Anson Hook!"

Author:  Whitewash [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:44 pm ]
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"Can't wait till they call my name," said Domenic. Feebas was content with the fountain now, swiftly swimming up and down the water crests. It loved this fountain. However, upon seeing others it shied away slightly. It was always embarrassed that it was purple. Feebas aren't supposed to be purple, but yet this one was. "Fee-baassss," it said as it hid near Domenic's shadow on the fountain.

"Honestly Feebas, you don't need to be ashamed about looking different. Be proud of your uniqueness!" The Feebas puffed up its chest as if its bravado attitude had changed, then exhaled and gurgled the water. "Fwewewe-bawawawas." Bubbles ran forth from its mouth. Domenic sighed and took out a blue pokeblock. The Feebas eyed it and flipped several times in the air; however, it landed out of the fountain and began to flail on the steps to the fountain.

Domenic panicked. "Feebas! Geez!" He scrambled to the pokemon and plopped it back into the fountain. She immediately opened her mouth. "Feeb." Domenic kneeled down and gave her the pokeblock, then put his head in his hands. The Feebas ignored her master's actions and enjoyed the pokeblock.

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:32 pm ]
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"Go, Candy!" I yelled, and she bounded towards Turtwig. "Candy, NOW!!"
She prepared her attack, just to be hit by a Razor Leaf attack. "Candy!" I yelled, and Candy got up. I sighed, then said, "My turn! Candy, do it!" Candy ran towards the Turtwig again, this time jumping behing the Turtwig, suprising it, and grabbing its legs with Vine Whip.

Author:  Kipper [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:51 pm ]
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OOC: Welcome aboard buneary~freak, you can start posting. Although I doubt Grace will become a Champion with just that Squirtle. Perhaps you could persuade the Professors to give you one of the eighteen available Pokémon at the starter tent.

Starter Tent

"Alright Anson, very well." Oak said, turning to a computer and putting his info into it. A few seconds later he handed Anson a small card, "here is your trainer card. Every time you defeat a Gym Leader or obtain a new Pokémon it will be updated. Good luck Anson and please take good care of that Shinx."

Anson thanked the professors and left the tent, now having his very own Pokémon.


Before Turtwig could react, Candy's vines pulled his legs out from under him, flipping him over onto his back and disabling him almost totally. He was now looking absolutely distraught, flailing his legs and looking to Jacob for help.

"Ah! Turtwig, try and blast her with Bullet Seed!" Jacob ordered, refusing to admit defeat.

Turtwig merely uttered an upset cry, clearly uncomfortable.

"Okay, that's enough." interjected Erika, walking between the two. She slowly walks over to Turtwig, turning him the right way up, pettting his head and giving him a specialised Pokéblock that grass Pokémon seemed to love. "Victory goes to Kiki and Candy, congratulations."

She threw a pokéblock to Candy as well, who jumped into the air to catch it in her mouth.

"The both of you had better run along, sign up for the tournament has begun. I expect that you'll be entering with Turtwig, Jacob?"

"No miss, I won't. I don't think I'm ready. I'll go watch the more powerful trainers to get tips, but after the meet I think I'll go train Turtwig and maybe catch more Pokémon."

Turtwig walked up to his trainer, showing a new level of obedience.

Both had learned from the battle.

"Kiki, I'm going to get a see at the stage now; are you entering?"

Author:  Whitewash [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:56 pm ]
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Domenic sat comfortably at the fountain and enjoyed the air. Suddenly a pokemon stepped in front of his light. It was a Wartortle. More importantly though, that's my Wartortle! "Who said you could come out Wartortle?" It was more a scolding than a question. The Wartortle replied, "War!" and pointed at itself. He really needs to deflate that ego of his.

Wartortle stood with his hands at his sides and observed the area around him. He began marching toward the starter tent. Domenic threw a pebble at Wartortle, which hit his shell. Wartortle gave his attention to Domenic by ceasing his walking. "I didn't say you could leave Wartortle. Do it and I won't use you in the fights." Wartortle reluctantly turned around and hung his head with a frown and slowly walked back to Domenic. He knew Domenic wasn't joking. He sat with a quietly mumbled. "Tortle-wartor." "I heard that!"

Feebas splashed water at Wartortle and laughed. "Feebasbasbasbas!" "You watch yourself too Feebas. It's impolite to taunt like that." "Feebas?" She played innocent. "Oh sure, now you're not shy. Save that energy for later." Wartortle and Domenic both eased back in the bench they were on in almost the exact same position simultaneously. "You'll get your chance soon."

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:47 pm ]
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"Why yes, I am entering. You sure you don't want to join? I'll watch your Turtwigs back-well, er...legs. Besides, my spped and your attack combined with defense is the perfect team! Your only weakness is the legs, but Candy can look out for that." I waved to him, and said, "Think about it. I'm signed up, and waiting for a partner, if any. I have to go tell Birch that I've entered." I left, heading to the tent.

Candy and I got to the tent, and I told Birch what had happened. Birch was worried. "You sure you should do this? I don't know if you parents would li-" I cut him off, arms crossed and angry. "How would you know if they worried or not?! Besides, I can take care of myself out there! It's not likely that they'll just show up asking for me! We both know that that's not possible, whether we like it or not!" With that, I stormed out of the tent, Candy following and giving everyone near me warning glances.

Author:  metavoir [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:21 am ]
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he left the tent and went to a spot alone by himself. "go dratini! go shinx! shinx meet dratini, dratini, shinx. now, shinx! use tackle!" shinx charged foward and hit dratini. dratini fell back and wrapped itself around shinx. "Shinx! use leer." shinx stared at dratini and it slowly backed away. it then sent a bolt of lightning down and paralyzed shinx. "now shinx! use tackle!" shinx hit dratini and it fell back, looking hurt. Anson walked up to dratini. "see? i can beat you! i'm worthy of you! now willl you obey? dratini cocked its head sideways and then nodded. "good! return shinx and dratini!" he looked down at his belt and sighed. "one more left. i'll take care of it later. he walked away to socialize.

Author:  Tragar [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:46 am ]
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Joshua, a rather shy boy, had to stay in the front of the crowd because he was the closest to them when the battle started with the two grass trainers. Luckily the battle was fairly short. As he tried to leave, he was pushed down onto the ground by some thug.

"Watch where your going!" Said Joshua, obviously mad. He just stood up, picked up his two pokèballs that fell off his side, and walked towards the two trainers who practiced battling. He noticed that they were saying as they entered someone's tent. He noticed that it was Professor Birch's tent, since his is so obvious. He waited and followed them after they left. After a few minutes he decided to talk to them.

"Um..Hi there you two. I heard that you were entering too? My name's Joshua, and I'm going to enter as well...I am kind of new to Kanto, so I'm kind of shy." He said to them, rubbing his head.

"Do you two want to see my pokèmon? I'm like these two, and I'm trying to get the other to evolve." He asked.

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:55 am ]
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((That's me, right?))
I was angry at Birch, and I showed it, but when the boy asked the question, I stopped.
"Sure I'll see them. And I'm entering as well. Although, I've already asked someone to be my partner, and he's thinking about it.

Author:  Youkou no Mugon [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:57 am ]
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Yokou watched Domenic with his Feebas and Wartortle and silently laughed. She took out her Pokeblock case and handed Ewan a golden colored pokeblock, and pointed to Domenic. The Ralts nodded, went over to Domenic, and gave him the pokeblock. With that done, Ewan scurried off to Yokou and made himself comfortable on her lap.

(She does have gold Pokeblocks, she is a Pokemon Coordinator, and she also knows the Master blender :D do not think I am god-modding, I take that as an insult :? )

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:01 pm ]
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((I don't think that that is god-modding...I think it's fine. You are very talented, yes? :D))

Author:  Tragar [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:02 pm ]
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"Ok cool. Here they are..." Said Joshua as he tossed out two pokèballs.

"Gligar!" "Frooooolass!" Said Joshua's two pokèmon as they came out of their pokèballs.

"So what do you think? I kind of wish my Gligar would evolve, but he won't do it for some reason..." He said.

((I'm also trying to do your character, but she might look a bit older than she is...and what are khatis?))

Author:  Kipper [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:10 pm ]
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OOC: You're not God-Modding, and it's okay to have that much experience.


Jacob, Turtwig at his side, strolled up behind Kiki, who was talking to an older boy, who seemed to be struggling to get his words out. He had just offered to show Kiki his Pokémon, and realeased his Froslass and Gligar. and Kiki had mentioned her offer for him and Turtwig to be her battle partner in the doubles tournament. Without making his presence known, he stood near them both.

Kiki said ..."he's thinking about it." as Jacob stepped in.

"Actually, no. I've accepted. I just signed up as your partner, Kiki." he said, startling Candy.

"Hi" he said to Joshua, "I'm Jacob from Sinnoh. I like your Pokémon. How do you do?"

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:49 pm ]
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((Khakis are those pants that are too short for normal pants but too large for shorts. They come up to the mid-calves section. Those things. And it's okay if she seems older. As long as she can pass for ten, I'm happy. Just don't forget that she's shortish...:D))

Candy jumped, then we both smiled at the fact that he accepted the offer. "Thank you, Jacob. Now," I turned to Joshua. "I'm Kiki, of Viridian Town." I stated the place of where I lived before it was with Birch. "Nice pokemon." I looked at Gligar. "Did you give it a Razor Claw? It needs one to evolve." I had studied the needs of pokemon evolution. I remember looking up Gligar, where you needed to level it up at nighttime with a Razor Claw. "You need to level it up at nighttime. Suddenly, Erika came running up to me. "Kiki, Birch is looking for you." I looked at her, surprised. "Me? If it's to apologize, no thanks." Eika laughed. "No, silly. It's not for that. It's for something else!" She laughed again, then said to Jacob. "Ah, so you decided on yes, eh? Hey, if she can beat my Bulbasaur easily, you'll want to be on her side!" I blushed, then waved and headed for the tent.

Author:  Kipper [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:08 pm ]
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After Kiki and Erika left again, Jacob looked up at the trainer with the Gligar and the Froslass.

"So... uh... how long have you been a trainer?"

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:18 pm ]
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I went inside the tent, to see Birch standing there, holding something behind his back. He saw me come in and said, "Well, Kiki, you're here. Err...well, lately I have been thinking about something, and I thought you're so good at bonding and understanding pokemon, I wanted to give you this." He gave me the gift, and I widened my eyes. "Me?! Really?!" He nodded, and I hugged him with the gift. I then put it in my bag, which was warm due to the sun. "Now, be careful with it, and...well, you know better than I do how to take care of it. Good luck." Birch said, along with Professor Oak next to him. "Kiki, good luck in the tournament!" Oak said as I left the tent.

After I left, Oak turned to Birch. "You sure this is a good idea? I know that she is good at this, but what if her...what if they are found, and they don't like the pokemon? What will Kiki do then? She's too young for that possibility, much too young." Oak said. Birch replied, "I have no choice. I can't have her thinking about it too much, and seriously, what is the rate that they are still out there? It's been around three months. She's had Candy that whole time, and pokemon is her nature. Candy is the only person who can keep her thoughts away. If she was gone, so would be Kiki." He sighed.

I ran back to Joshua and Jacob, not even panting much. "I'm back. Sorry about that." I straightened up from my knees, and rubbed the back of my head.

Author:  metavoir [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:44 pm ]
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anson noticed a large group of people. "they look like fun." he sat down and watched them from underneath the shade of a tree.

Author:  Whitewash [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:53 pm ]
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Domenic looked up from where he sat at the Ralts tugging on his pants-leg. Apparently he wanted to give him something. "Is that for me?" The Ralts nodded and offered the pokeblock. "A golden pokeblock?!" He was shocked at what he was holding. He looked wide-eyed back at the Ralts. "Are you sure?" Ralts pointed over to its master. Domenic yelled a voice-cracking, "Tha-ANK you!" and waved. Wow, that was unexpectedly kind.

He got up and turned to Wartortle. "Watch Feebas. I'll be back in a sec." Wartortle gave him a look, but Domenic ignored it. His turtle was just blowing off steam was all. He walked up to Yokou and said "Hi. I can't tell you how thankful I am. I'm Domenic. And you are?"

Author:  Kipper [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:08 pm ]
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Before the older boy could respond, Kiki arrived back, removing what looked like an egg from her bag.

"Wow Kiki, is that what Professor Birch wanted you for? What's inside?"

Jacob walked up to the egg, excited. Candy moved between him and Kiki, and began to growl ferociously; you'd almost think there was a Feraligatr angrily protecting it's eggs, rather than a tiny Chikorita defending her trainer's egg.

Turtwig's newfound loyalty and bond with Jacob after their battle at Erika's gym caused him to run to his trainer's defense; running between Jacob's legs to growl at Candy as she growled back.

"Turtwig, back off." Jacob commanded, trying not to scold his Pokémon but trying equally not to get the two locked in another battle.

"So, do you know what's in the egg Kiki?"


Back near the fountain, Elliot was still locked in battle with the boy's Absol, which had just taken one of his Crobat's Poison Fang, something he found impressive in itself; but something he was more impressed by, was that the Absol had managed to grab Crobat with it's Bite attack and hold him in place, eradicating Elliot's advantage of Crobat returning to a hover just out of Absol's reach. This was one of the most interesting battles Elliot had been a part of for a long time, but it unfortunately had to be cut short.

"Sorry kid, we can finish this another time; I really want to go sign up for that tournament. Listen though, if you're looking for a battle partner for the double battles, I don't have one as of yet. Interested?" Elliot said, as he returned Crobat to his pokéball, making the Absol bite down onto nothing, the confused Pokémon turned to it's trainer and shrugged.

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:33 pm ]
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"Hmmm...It's a surprise." I said, not giving away the egg's identity.
Candy felt my ease and backed off. I gave her a look that said, He can be trusted. Besides, he's my partner. You have to be able to watch out for Turtwig and yourself. I smiled, then turned back to Joshua. "So, how old are you again?" I asked.

Author:  Whitewash [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:56 pm ]
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After some small talk with Yokou, Domenic was appalled at what he saw. Someone had retreated from a pokemon battle (ELLIOT). Sometimes he shot off the handle. Today was one of those days. "Hey kid!? Yeah you! You gonna finish what you started? How dare you insult your opponent by backing out of a battle!" He stormed off away from the boy.

Wartortle put the Feebas in his shell and jumped in front of Domenic, as if he was clearly the master. "Wartortle! War! Tortle-wartortle!" "You tell him Wartortle!" Domenic stormed off without bothering to listen to the boy's replies. "I hope I don't verse a trainer that backs out like you just did! If you aren't gonna finish it, then don't bother showing up here!" He trailed off as he spoke. Wartortle followed. Feebas poked its head out of the back of Wartortle's shell and stuck out its tongue.

Author:  Kipper [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:06 pm ]
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Elliot turned from his pleasant conversation with his new friend, infuriated, and stormed after the ignorant man who had called him "kid", who was clearly no more than a year older than he was...

"EXCUSE ME?!" he yelled, "I was having a PRACTICE BATTLE, and it occured to me that we were running late to sign-up for the tournament, so I withdrew Crobat from our PRACTICE and asked my friend here if he wanted to be my partner for the double tournament." Elliot had a fiery temper when necessary, and his illustrious career as a trainer and reputation in Hoenn lended to his unerring confidence, his temper had certainly fired now, and his confidence had gotten the better of him.

As if his rant hadn't got the poind across properly, Elliot grabbed his collar and punched the man in the jaw, making him stumble into the fountain.

Elliot looked down at the outraged - trainer, now soaked. "Get up and pick a Pokémon." he said, grimly; narrowing his eyes in anger.

He turned and walked away, creating a suitable space for a battle, taking a pokéball from his belt and holding it at the ready as he done so.

Author:  Kawaii Angel [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:16 pm ]
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I heard yelling, and turned around. Two boys, one that I saw from earlier, were fighting. The boy that was new to me had been yelling that the slightly younger boy had withdrawn from a battle. The younger boy then got angrier for being judgmental, and pushed him into the fountain. Now, they were fired up and ready to fight with pokemon.

I froze. I had to stop them. It was wrong to sort out arguments by battling pokemon. That was something to be enjoyed with. All my happiness of the egg had been gone with this scene, using pokemon to sort out problems.
Now, I had the anger I had with Birch earlier.

Still holding my egg in my arms, I ran towards the two boys, and ran between them, Candy behind me, me clutching my egg. "You!" I looked at the now wet boy. "Stop judging things if you don't know the truth of it! You deserve to be wet." And when the other boy smirked, I turned on him. "And you! You have something to do, yes?! If you were in a rush to do it to where you canceled the practice match, shouldn't you have ignored him and not chosen to battle, or are you really that into protecting your pride that you just didn't care?!" Candy yelled in agreement. I stared angrily between the two, then walked off with a "Hmph."
This time, I walked towards the entrance of the Biking Route, where there was a hidden entrance leading to a small garden with pokemon. ((Where you get Fly in the game.)) I forgot about conversing with the two boys.

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