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 Pokemon: Generation 4.5 {Revived-Place Applications on 10} 
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Louis heard Cs's comment, and reached into his bag, taking out a can of..."Cream of Mushroom Soup." He gave it a strange look. Oh well, he thought, It's not like he can see the label while I'm running. He yelled behind him. "Cs! Canned Tangerines when you've caught up to me!" he said, waving the can about over his head, then speeding up down the path.

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:42 pm
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Jimmy laughed as he ran. "Come on, slowpoke! We're dieing of old age up here!"

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Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:47 pm
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"Eh?" Mikayla stopped her running and almost fell from the momentum
"Oh, yeah, I'm sure my mom'll be happy to heal your Ralts. She's probably worrying about where I am, though, 'cause I never went back to the house."

They continued on, and soon Mikayla spotted a small, yet cozy house
"Well, here it is." she said
"You guys stay here for now," Mikayla added
"'Cause I think Mom will freak out if she sees me with a bunch of older guys." She went onto the front porch and went in the house.

"Hey Mom, I'm home!" Mikayla said as she entered. A woman that looked like an older version of Mikayla appeared with her arms crossed.
"Your late." she said
"I'm really sorry, Mom. A lot of stuff happened today and I wasn't able to get to you until now."
Oh? Like what?

A while passed outside and Mikayla and her mom came out of the house. Mikayla pointed to the guys and said
"These are the guys I was talking about."

((Okay. :D ))

{oddish} ~night
{spinarak} ~night

EDIT: My dad want's me to do yard work, so I'll be inactive for an hour or two.


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:55 pm
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Jimmy panted loudly as they reached Mikayla's house. He looked around, astonished at how open the pokemon were in their own little habitat. "Wow...and there's so many..." He heard Pidgey chirp in his ear and he laughed. "Ok, go and play...but mind the others." It nodded and hopped around.

He sat on the cool grass, taking in the delightful scenary when he saw Mikayla point the boys out to her mother. He waved, hoping to make a good impression and went back to watching the pokemon.

EDIT: Same, I need to go pass out flyers for my mom's party *rolls eyes*

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Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:05 pm
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((Oh, I am sooo getting a Poliwag...and maybe a Bulbasaur...))

Wow, they look almost the same... Louis thought, walking up to Mikayla's mother and holding out his hand to be shaken. "Hi there, ma'am, I'm Louis." he said, as politely as possible.

((In that case, I'll help my mom with housework and clean up the porch for about an hour. :D ))

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:11 pm
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((I'm back. It's raining now :D ))

Mikayla's mom looked at the guys her daughter pointed to and accepted Louis's handshake
"My daughter told me about you boys, but she forgot to mention that they're all much older than her..." she gave Mikayla "that" look
"Heheh, I forgot?." Mikayla said nervously. Her mother sighed
"Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter anyways. My name is Rebecca. Mikayla told me that you ran into some trouble and need your Pokemon to be healed?" Mikayla hugged Rebecca and smiled
"Thank you Mom!"


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:46 pm
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When Louis said he'd give him "canned tangerines", Cs stopped, and started to rant again. But, it was cut short, as Cs began to run again, to avoid being left behind. Muddy rode on top of Cs's shoulder, as she couldn't run as fast.

When Mikayla told him to wait, he collapsed. "Whooo, let the happiness begin." Mudkip rubbed her head against Cs's head, as a cat would. But, this was her way of getting his attention. "What?"

Muddy chirped, "Mudkip?" which transleted to, "Can I go play wih the Pidgey and those other pokemon?"

Cs replied, with an annoyed tone, "Yes. You don't even have to ask me." Upon Mikayla coming out with her mother, he stared blankly at the mother and daughter, zoning out intirely. He didn't even notice one pokemon poking him, and then calling its friends to poke him together.


Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:53 pm
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As Pidgey hopped, it was squirted with a spout of water, but upon looking, nothing was there. AS soon as he turned again, he was squirted once more. So as he turned the thrid time, the moment he felt it, Pidgey turned and blew a gust of sand up into whatever shot him. In the dust all he could hear was light coughing and as it cleared, a light blue turtle-looking pokemon gave him an angry look,; It's face covered with sand. Pidgey cackled in amusement as it rose from the water and quickly (in it's own speed) tried to chase him down. Each time it got close, Pidgey would hop a few feet out of reach until it was distracted by a small group of pokemon poking at Cs' leg. It soon joined in the poking before it was approached by the turtle again. "Squirt! Squirtle, Squirt!" Pidgey cooed at it and pointed at Cs. The pokemon Pidgey now knew at Squirtle also began poking at him. For some reason, they all had a great time doing so.

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Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:20 pm
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Louis turned and laughed as he saw the group of pokemon poking Cs's leg. He then turned back to Rebecca. "Excuse me ma'am, my Ralts was dragged along quite a ways by a Spearow." He took out the pokeball which held his recuperating Ralts. "He has a few bumps and bruises, nothing serious. I had to rap a bandage around his neck - it's a bit scratched up, since that's where the Spearow grabbed him." He handed the woman the ball. "Please examine him."

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:50 pm
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Rebecca took the Pokeball
"Okay." she turned to the other two, and saw that Jimmy's Pidgey had engaged itself in a small battle with a wild Squirtle, While Cs's Mudkip and some other Pokemon were harrassing it's trainer's leg
"As soon as the other's Pokemon are done playing, bring them to me and I'll look over them." Rebecca turned to Jimmy, who was entranced by all the different Pokemon
"By the way, Mikayla told me about a wild Spearow that needs to be treated, may I see it?"


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:50 pm
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Cs finished zoning out. "What the hell...? GO AWAY!" In his rage/thrashing, he kicked the snout of a Wooper. Who was.....less-than-satisfied. It found some of its Wooper friends, and started to harass Cs. "What did I do? Oh flip." A semi-large group of Wooper started to advance towards Cs, who was runnig at that point.


Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:44 pm
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Jimmy shortly came back into a trance and handed Rebecca the hurt Spearow. " it is...can you help it?" He asked her worriedly. "I was told it has a broken wing." He glanced back at Pidgey as it played with the Squirtle. "My Pidgey...he was hurt in the fight too, but was treated with a potion."

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Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:02 pm
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Rebecca gathered the injured Spearow into her arms
I'll see what I can do. As for your Pidgey, it should be fine for a little while but to make sure, I'll need to at least give it a checkup. As she headed back to the house, she added
"You guys should stay at my house for the night, since I doubt you'll get too far now."

Mikayla watched her mom reenter the house, and then turned back to Jimmy
"Isn't my mom awesome?"


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:59 pm
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Jimmy didn't know what to say until Mikayla directed him. "Uh---yeah! It's great that we actually have a place to stay instead of just having to sleep out in the wilderness.

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Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:11 pm
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Mikayla nodded happily
"Yup! And we can get some Pokemon while we're here!"


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:56 am
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Jimmy laughed and looked over at the Squirtle. "Looks like Pidgey already made a friend." He then looked at Cs who was still being chased by the mass of Woopers and laughed much harder. "And so did Cs!"

((I'm reformatting my hard drive so I'll be inactive for a few hours, if need be, you all have permission to bunny me whenever I'm not here.))

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Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:58 am
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Mikayla laughed along with Jimmy and even more Pokemon joined in the chase as they were laughing. Mikayla saw nearly every Pokemon she could think of in the mass. Two dozen Wooper, two Lotad, two Poliwag, three Seedot, six Squirtle, and even a Chikorita thrown in
"Bandana-man must be really fun to chase, don't you think, Curly?"


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:20 pm
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((Mikayla and Jimmy, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...))

Cs was tired. "I'm tired of being chased! For once, I do not want to be hated." Then, oblivious of the mob of pokemon that were chasing him, he stopped running. "Cease and desis-ACK!" He was tackled by the large mass of pokemon. "I REGRET NOTHING!" was his last words before he was completely covered.

One of the Wooper, a baby to be precise, saw a red-and-white orb/ball fall out of the bandana'd man's pocket. It found that it was quite enjoyable to kick around, oblivious of its pokemon catching abilities.


Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:56 pm
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((... Mikayla is 12 and Jimmy is 15. More likely is Cs and Muddy :) ))

Mikayla watched Cs be buried by the Pokemon and saw one of the Woopers on top of the pile. She grinned and slowly took a Pokeball out of her pack. Mikayla enlarged it and threw the ball at Wooper after careful aiming.

The Pokeball connected with the Wooper and it was engulfed in a red light and dissapeared into the ball. The Pokeball shook violently a few times, but slowed down and finally stopped. Mikayla stood up and walked over to the Pokeball, then raised it up in the air
"I caught a Wooper! Yes!"


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:14 pm
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Jimmy continued laughing as Cs was tackled by the pokemon. "You think we should help him?" He turned to Mikayla. "How 'bout you, buddy?" He looked over to Louis. That's when Jimmy saw the pokeball and his smile faded some. "Uh...Cs? You might" But his words remained unheard from the mass of pokemon cries.

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Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:20 pm
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As Cs was pushing pokemon out of his way, he spotted the Wooper playing with the pokeball. "HEY! Give me that." And before the Wooper could react, Cs snatched the pokeball away. The Wooper began to cry, and its childhood friend, a Chikorita, got mad. "THIS IS MADNESS! No....THIS IS-OOF!" The Chikorita tackled Cs in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him.

Muddy saw this, and laughed.


Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:42 pm
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Mikayla laughed even harder, and let her newly caught Wooper out of his ball. The Wooper looked up at her and gave her his natural dopey look. He then turned his head to Cs, smiled, and ran back over to bug him again. Mikayla was currently rolling on the ground, laughing until she cried.


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:32 pm
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Jimmy laughed along with Mikayla until one of the Seedots began to stare at him. Ha made a face back at the Seedot who must have gotten mad, because he made a "Huff!" noise its its high-pitch voice and rammed into Jimmy's legs, making him fall. Soon a large group of the pokemon saw this and began climbing on Jimmy as well. Unfortuantely, they were mainly Squirtle and Seedots so it felt as though he were being pumbled by heavy rocks. "Ahhh what the---" He failed his arms wildy--what could be seen of them, anyway until Pidgey pecked at one of the Seedots as if to say "Get off!" he was quickly taken down by his former rival, the Squirtle. "Squirt" It spoke in its own language as if to say, "" want a rematch!" Pidgey responded by pushing the Squirtle off and cooing at him in a very threatening tone...if it could be called that. Squirtle back away a step or two, but quickly charged at Pidgey to tackle him again. Just before Squirtle reached him, it was met with a large cloud of sand. Unfortunately, this covered most of the pokemon along with Jimmy and Cs. The pokemon ontop of Jimmy began to flee once the cloud of dust and sand approached. When it was cleared, Squirtle was on its side wiping at its eyes vigorously. "Squirt....Squirt.....Squirtleeeee." Jimmy stood up and brushed himself off before smiling widely at the small turtle and reaching into his satchel. By now the Squirtle was at his feet and ready to cahrge Pidgey again. As it prepared, Pidgey was already airborn and preparing its own blitzkrieg. It dove down quickly at the Squirtle, who was now running ots full speed, which, as not much faster than a small child. As their bodies met, trhey both blew back from eachother. Pidgey rose first, although very dizzy. Jimmy dropped the enlarged pokeball onto the knocked out turtle and returned it to its former, miniature shape before consulting back to the pokedex. Squirtle. THe Tiny Turtle Pokemon. It shelters itself in its shell, then strikes back with spouts of water at every opportunity. Jimmy smiled widely and looked to Mikayla, then to Cs. "You doing okay over there?" He quickly made his way over to Cs and began pulling the pokemon off of him.

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Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:33 pm
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By now, Cs was getting furious. And Muddy knew when Cs was angry, he would try a groin kick. But, most pokemon's head are positioned where the normal human crotch was located, and because of that, he got in major trouble once. Muddy did not WANT that to happen, so she tried her emergency plan.

"MUDKIP! Mud mudkip! Mudkip mud kip!" which translated to, "PLEASE GET OFF OF HIM! Can any of those other people's pokemon help?"


Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:49 pm
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Pidgey perked up and pecked lightly at Jimmy's leg. Jimmy nodded and dropped the pokeball again, releasing the Squirtle. Pidgey cooed at it and motioned toward the pile of pokemon. Squirtle nodded and the two ran over and quickly started to pulled the pokemon off of Cs. This started a large brawl adn the two pokemon began fighting off the pokemon trying to get back on Cs.

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Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:32 pm
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