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Near didn't get much sleep that night. Instead he decided to pick up his hut from the mess he'd left it in. Being a Shadowling; His night-vision was impeccable...but little could be said for his day. Gathering his belongings, he set them in a small satchel. some small pieces of bread, a canteen, a few gold pieces, and his precious gem. He held it in his hands, looking over it for some time. He was soon interrupted by a voice outside.
"Yes...thank you, kind Dragon. In turn I will prevent the theft of your gem."
Near made sure to glance out every now and then. He had had his gem stolen quite a few times in a broken down side of the village as this one. He looked back to his gem. Lust...the very pride of Quet. A smirk came across his face. And now you're mine...

Later on outside, Near heard light scratching. He looked out the door, keeping to the darkness. It was a small man, very poor. HE was slowly making his way to the Dragon. The gem... Near looked around quickly and threw a pebble in the direction opposite of the one the man was facing.
"Who's there?" The man turned and yelled in a wisper. He was soon met with a dagger to his neck. Near spoke in a hiss. "What business do you have disturbing a sleeping Dragon? Even if you do acquire his gem it will surely reduce you to nothing." The man stuttered. "!" Near took his dagger back and kicked the man to the ground. He scrambled to get up and ran away hastily.

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Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:02 am
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"It makes me happy that you liked it, Sir Blake." cheerfully responded Raine. "If you need anything more, do not hesitate to request anything."

Raine quickly ate the rest of her curry and grabbed the two plates. She brought them to her run-down sink and began washing them. While cleaning them, she turned her head to Blake.

"If you aren't tired enough to sleep yet, you may want to leave to find something to do." explained Raine. "I will be doing my evening prayers soon, and I'm sure you aren't very interested in that."


Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:30 pm
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Crimlash did not sleep, it was too dangerous for him to sleep here, especially out in the open. But he did fall into a meditative stupor, it was in that state that he could do something he had not done asleep for as long as he could remember, dream.

Crimlash was just a boy, he had only been with the phoenix's for thirty years, but already they trusted him, took pride in him, expected great things from him. There was one that stood out among the rest, he was very old, and very wise; he had existed before the Immortalis, long before, to him they were no more than infants, his name was Emir. Emir was the closest thing to a father that Crimlash had, it was he who taught him about vampires, while everyone else taught phoenix; it was he who gave Crimlash his bow, who taught him how to shoot, and it was he who hid Crimlash's hands.

Crimlash was eager for his instruction today, what would he learn now? Emir had hinted something about the weak points on the body, points where balance can be disrupted, it was all very exciting. Crimlash bounced into the room, this vampire had no emotional restraints.
"What're we doing today Em?" he said. Em, a short he had developed himself, he was quite proud of it.
"Crimlash..." Emir's face was very solemn, immediately Crimlash adopted a more somber demeanor.
"What's wrong Em?" Crimlash was worried, this was different from the normal, cheerful grandfatherly way Emir usually was, it scared Crimlash a bit.
"Nothing's wrong," Emir replied, though his face spoke differently,"in fact, something's going to become very right." Emir held a bright orange and brown jewl on his wing, Crimlash felt a strange luer to it.
"What is
that?" Crimlash said. He had never felt much longing for jewels or riches, but this was different, it was like his spirit was tugging himself towards it.
Emir's solemn expression deepened, "Your future," he said, "But tell me Crimlash, do you trust me?"
"Of course..." Crimlash was confused.
"Well then, trust in this, 'all will be explained in time'."
Crimlash got impatient then, "Come on Em, what's this all about?" He walked forward, palms held upward.
That's when Emir attacked.
The cave rung with the sound of a vampire's screaming hiss.

Crimlash was jolted out of reminisce by the sounds of dishes clinking, he relaxed his clenched fists and chided himself for almost falling asleep , he needed to stay alert. Crimlash focused again on the scene inside.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Last edited by dunsparce on Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:55 pm
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"Alright," Blake responded, walking over to the door, "I won't be long."

He opened and closed the door behind him, taking in the cool air of the night sky. Suddenly, he began jumping with ease up onto a high flat roofed building a couple of blocks away. He started to walk slowly into the centre. "Come out, Vampire," he murmured.


Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:42 pm
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Finished washing the dishes, Raine dried her hands and reached underneath her counter. She pulled out a small wooden kneeler. Setting it in the corner, she kneeled down on it and faced up to the cross.

"Oh blessed Martel, I and many others are about to embark on a perlious journey." chanted Raine, closing her eyes and gripping the crucifix around her neck. "Please, I implore thee, watch over us. Give us your grace to persevere in trying times, and give us your kindness to share with one another. St. Elimine, you too, please protect us in our times of need."


Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:54 pm
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Crimlash winced, this man was either really strong, magical, or both. Crimlash didn't have a lot of defense against magic, and he really didn't want to fight this man anyway, but it looked like he would have to confront him somehow if he wanted to learn more about these people with the crystals; the man seemed the nonviolent type, perhaps all could be resolved peacfully. Crimlash appeared on the left side of the man, as if he had been walking along with him the entire time.
"Don't you know better than to hunt a vampire at night?" Crimlash said. He held a casual stance, but he was ready to block or bolt as necessary.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:14 am
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Blaze opened his eyes and saw that Near was standing a little distance in front of him.
"Near why are you out here?"


Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:35 am
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Rumetz screamed in frustration. The books gave him no lead at all, and he was tempted to burn them. The only possibility he had was to confront the shadowling, a prospect that made the temptation to burn even stronger. He went outside, and began to search for places big enough to hold a dragon.

Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:58 am
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Near turned abruptly. "Oh, my apologies...I didn't mean to wake you. There was a man here, he tried to steal your gem..." He turned and sheathed his dagger. "All is well now...he won't be coming back." Near casually walked back into his hut. "I'll be off to sleep now..good night."

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Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:01 pm
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Blake stood still, "Yeah, and if you knew better, there wouldn't be wanted posters up for you everywhere," he smirked, turning to face him.

"Given the circumstances, you're either peeved about that comment I gave you earlier, or... You want to know more about the crystals."

Blake held his out, just looking at it. "Truth is, I don't know much about them myself. Today I witnessed a Shadowling just barely using a fraction of the power... Maybe it's just me... Maybe something's wrong with me... I don't know..."

Blake put it away. His face was now saddened by his thoughts, but he looked up at the Vampire with his usual blank expression, "Anyway, what I'm saying is that you should join us. We formed up recently. Raine and I, and the others..." he paused, continuing, "...Perhaps with these crystals we can help save this world of chaos."

"My name's Blake, by the way."


Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:18 pm
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Crimlash raised his eyebrows a bit at the flood of words, the man was more of a talker then he'd let on. "It seems as if he is a peaceful being, he extends comradeship, but still, I must be cautious. Crimlash..." He offered as a response, "And if you are indeed against the Immortalis then I would gladly assist you, but I suggest you don't mention me to anyone else until we leave the city," He grinned a toothy grin, "if there are indeed notices about up, then people might get the wrong impression, especially your female host. I can't afford a slip of tongue or a well-meaning snitch to set these people on me." Crimlash paused, and his smile faded, "And you really don't want to learn more about the crystal, is not a pleasant thing." Crimlash winced as he remembered.

The phoenix being sucked into his widening mouth, into his very being, neither of them able to do anything about it, both screaming...

"No...certainly not pleasant." He thought to himself.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Last edited by dunsparce on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:02 pm
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This should be interesting...

As he strolled around the city he noticed something odd. Earlier, the presence of the others across the city could be clearly felt, but now, they were barely detectable, as if something was blocking them out. "Hey, what the hell do you think your doing! Those are my goods pay u-ghaaaaa!" Someone was coming, something big. it could be seen clearly as it lumbered along nearly 70 feet away. Crying. He heard haunting, melodious crying. Then scars running across his began to ache and he realized what it was. turning, he flew away as fast as possible. He had to warn the others. They had to know gluttony was here.

By the way, crystals react when their respective Immortalis is nearby.

Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:45 pm
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((WARNING: Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong post))
Rising from her stance, Raine put away her kneeler.

Sir Blake is still out... I do pray he is safe. ... ... In the meantime, I ought to prepare for the journey ahead. I don't want to slow Sir Blake down tomorrow by not having my things ready...

Raine went over to her dresser and slid out the lowest drawer. Inside it was all her traveling supplies: vials of holy water, spare crucifixes, skins of water healing medicines, herbs, bandages, and a lightweight bag to carry it all in. Humming a holy prayer, she took out the supplies and laid them out on the table.

One by one, she put the supplies into the bag. She organized them in a way so they wouldn't move around while moving, so as to prevent accidental breaking or spills. Soon, she had everything packed away neatly.

But something was nagging in the back of her mind. What was it? An old memory of a mentor, long gone from this world...

8 years ago...

"Sister Raine, I have something to show you." spoke a gruff, kind voice.

"What is it, Father Lucius?" asked Raine in reply.

The priest she knew as Lucius, her mentor in the ways of divine magic, reached into his desk drawer, pulling out an odd book.

"Do you know what this is?" questioned Lucius.

", it does not seem familiar." replied Raine. "However, it looks to be a holy tome. Is it?"

"Correct sister." confirmed Lucius, nodding. "This is a holy relic, the divine tome of Aurolea."

"...!" Raine almost fell backwards in shock.

"Sister, do you know why I am showing you this relic?" spoke her teacher.

"N-no... I haven't the slightest idea." replied Raine.

"I wish to entrust it in your care. For many decades I have guarded it, and I fear events are unfolding that would cause this tome to fall into the wrong hands should I not pass it on." explained Lucius. "You are like a daughter to me, Raine. I trust you more than the bishops themselves."

"Father Lucius... I... couldn't take..." started Raine.

"This is not an offer, this is a duty." further explained Lucius. "Take it and keep it hidden from all others. It exists for the purpose of smiting the darkest evil with holy might. In your future, this power will be needed... so it must stay in righteous hands. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes Father..." said Raine. "I will... protect it with my life..."

The holy tome of Aurolea. If this journey is what I believe it to be, then Father Lucius may have been foreshadowing Aurolea's use for my journey... oh teacher... I will keep true to the righteous path, for your sake, as well as the whole world.

Slowly, Raine went to the corner near the bed. She lifted up a board from the floor, revealing the sacred tome. Cautiously, she grabbed the book and put it in her bag.

I can only pray that I will use it correctly at the right time...

((Whew... over and out... @_@))


Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:38 pm
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rumetz wrote:
...He had to warn the others. They had to know gluttony was here.

By the way, crystals react when their respective Immortalis is nearby.

Registeel_Rocks wrote:
...vials of holy water, spare crucifixes...

((Feeling the love...

Waiting for Crunchy to respond before I make it, eh, even more interesting. ))

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:37 am
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Blake ignored the crystal comment. He nodded, "Yeah, I know your current situation. I won't tell anybody."

He walked over to the edge of the roof, "As for the crystal, I have my own reason---"

Suddenly, he noticed the intense light piercing from Crimlash, his crystal. Blake growled, "Gluttony..." ripping out his blades, "An Immoralis, here...?" he felt frustrated at the thought.

"Crimlash, lead the way."


Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:58 pm
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"Oh s%$#," Crimlash dropped to his knees, clutching his wrists, keeping his gloves on, trying to conceal the glow coming from underneath them. "not again!" He thought desperately. "Blake," He said, "get away about fifteen feet away and stay there!" Crimalsh waited for compliance and then, when he couldn't hold it any longer, he let go of his gloves, and they shot off him like an arrow. Crimlash's hands were his crystal, welded into his own body by a very old, very wise, phoenix. "By melding the crystal with your body, you gain much skill with the crystal after it gains it's power, it becomes part of you, and you can use it like any part of your body...But as a part of your body, it is connected to your emotions, and fueled by it, if you lose control, then you have a wild weapon that you cannot stop. Already, Crimlash had consumed a phoenix in a bust of emotion that powered the crystal for a brief secound, and from that he gained the ability to heat his skin, but the things he "ate" did not appear again in a distant land, they died; and now, apparently the presence of the Immortalis activated it beyond his control too. Crimlash got to his feet, he didn't know how prepared he was, but if gluttony was here, he should at least try to fight him, if only to fully gain the power of his crystal. Crimlash lept from the rooftop to rooftop, towards where his soul was pulling him.

((Here's a picture of what Crimlash looks like I found, but no cross


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Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:57 pm
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A low tremor vibrated the ground. Blaze awoke in fright.
"There is something very big coming this way. Near we must find the others and leave....NOW!".

Blaze swiftly got to his feet and banged on the door with his tail.
This is big even in my standards.


Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:22 pm
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It's seems like he had two options- Spend what could be hours waiting for the others or crank his flames up a couple of notches. The first endangered the city while the latter endangered himself. He chose the second one. Fire streamed out of every pore in his body, and he willed it to move, to form something that would let the others know what was going on.

(random backstory)

Emir stood in front of him with a stern look on his face. "Rumetz, why are you here?"
"You already know. I can't control my fire and torched Teacher." He went back to sharpening his swords.
"How many times have you been told exercise some control over the fire? You were born from the ashes of a sacred place, but you're one of the weakest goslings in the city. I was hoping you could inherit this," He pulled out a glowing round crystal and tilted it towards Rumetz "But it seems I overestimated you. For now I'm waiting for someone a bit more... adequate to come, but I doubt it will come soon. you are dismissed."

Last edited by rumetz on Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:34 pm
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Near jumped from his sleep and burst through the door.
"Blaze, what is..." He gazed across the night sky to see something very large coming up the horizon. "What is that...?"
His body trembled, even though he knew his powers were much stronger at night.
"You're right...we need to leave and find the others."

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Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:12 pm
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Blake was in a crouched position as he watched Crimlash and his uncontrollable power, jumping rooftop to rooftop to find and put an end to Gluttony.

He stood up and sighed, "So, is that how... The crystal has to be somehow apart of you to actually gain the power... That's probably why Near found it so easy to do it, because the stone was shrouded by his shadow... But, you can't control it fully without killing the Immoralis first, otherwise..." he turned his head into the direction Crimlash was off.

Blake turned away, "Good luck, friend..." he said, "I can't join you yet... I need to keep control, at least for now."

Afterwards, Blake opened the door to Raine's house, closing the door behind him.

"Sorry, Raine, but I doubt we'll be going to sleep tonight..." as he spoke, the window lit up with a light that seemed as if the streets were somehow ignited into flame.


Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:34 pm
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Raine saw Blake come in, and following his talking, a bright light began radiating through the window.

"What... what in the blessed name of Martel is going on??" asked Raine. "Sir Blake... what is happening out there? Are you ok?"


Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:48 pm
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"It's Rumetz, he's out there warning us. It's Gluttony, he's here..." he said, saddened, "It's up to you what we do. There's not much we can do about it."


Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:53 pm
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"Gluttony... is... here..." muttered Raine, slowly, over and over again. "Sir Blake...... you must flee. Take as many people as you can with, along with the others..."

Raine picked up her staff and headed over to her bag. She took out the tome of Aurolea.

"As a cleric of Saint Elimine... I must protect others before myself." sternly spoke Raine.

Walking towards the door, she suddenly stopped.

"Sir Blake... it was a blessing to meet you. I can only pray I buy you and everyone else enough to time to escape." said Raine without turning to face Blake. "Please live..."

With that, she opened the door and started to head outside.

This has to be what Father Lucius was foreseeing... I must defend the lives of others at this time of despair...


Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:34 pm
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Blake sighed, "What am I doing..."

He ran up and held her by the shoulder, "You can't! Gluttony's one of the strongest, you'll never stand a chance let alone buy us some time! Not even I could kill that thing..." he walked passed and in front of her, holding her by the shoulders, "Besides, a friend of mine is taking care of it. The others should be safe if they don't get involved."

Blake nodded with a small smile and let go of her, sighing again and facing the flames on the street. "Sorry... I can't let you go..." he paused for a small moment, "...Remember what we talked about? You... Need to stay alive for the future, to try and save this world..." he glared at the flames heat, "...I have to protect you, no matter what."


Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:12 am
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"Food!" Gluttony bellowed and raced towards him. "Pheonyx food! You be roasted Pheonyx?" Rumetz knew better than to fight Gluttony alone. Heck, even if all the others were here he seriously doubted they could pull off a victory.
Maybe showing him his crystal would calm him, but it was to much of a gamble, and he wasn't even sure if the person who had the gluttony crystal was in the city.

Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:35 am
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