
Pokemon Pirates!
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Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Sun May 27, 2007 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Pokemon Pirates!

Name: Pokemon Pirates!
Genre: Pokemon...and pirates!
Setting: Mystery Dungeon locations, and some more created by myself.
Plot: Pirates all of the Pokemon world are hunting for a newly discovered treasure, the Rainbow Gems. These gems are priceless, but money is not the reason that everyone is gathering them. These gems hold untold powers which could spell doom if fallen into the wrong hands.
Additionial Rules:

-Everyone is a Pokemon, zomg
-PD Attacks, Pokemon, and Attack Style
-Use this profile:

Name: duh
Age: In human years, so no 3 or 300 year olds
Species: duh
Gender: M or F or T (actually, cross out that last one >.>)
Profession: Pirate, Navy (make sure you put rank, like Captain, General and such) or Other (please specify)
Apperance: Clothing and/or anything of importance that affects appearance
Personality: duh
Attacks: Six attacks, at least 4 must be natural, and only 2 TM moves OR 1 TM and 1 egg move. Make sure you specific which kind of move it is.
Other: Anything you want to add, whether it be extra info on your character, or just anything else you'd like to say.

My Profile:

Name: Sam Lucas
Age: 17
Species: Croconaw
Gender: M
Profession: Pirate Captain
Appearance: Cliche pirate captain hat, a sabre

Personality: For a Croconaw, Sam is quite calm, but can easily snap depending on the situation. He isn't afraid of much, but when he is, it shows. In fact, his facial expressions instantly tell how he's feeling.

Attacks: Ice Fang, Crunch, Aqua Tail, Scary Face (Natural); Swords Dance, Shadow Claw (TM)

Other: His crew recently abandoned him for reasons later explained during the RP.


The RP will being once some moar people join.

Author:  Houndour [ Sun May 27, 2007 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Peter
Age: 21
Species: Mudkip
Gender: M
Profession: Pirate, Deckhand
Apperance: Always wears his Skull and cross bones bandana and blue0white striped tee-shirt
Personality: Happy-go-lucky
Attacks: Water Pulse,Bite, Mud Slap, Water Gun,Whirlpool, Tackle(First to are TM's)

Author:  2x4b [ Sun May 27, 2007 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Henry
Age: 25
Species: Machoke
Gender: M
Profession: Navy Captain
Appearance: Naval hat and a flintlock pistol (If not allowed then a rapier)
Personality: Calm and civil
Attacks: Cross Chop, Revenge, Seismic Toss, Submission. (Natural) Thunderpunch, Double Team. (Breeding and TM)
Other: Henry can be rather quick to judge and can hold a grudge.

Author:  Treeckoluv [ Sun May 27, 2007 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Zap
Age: 20
Species: Pikachu
Gender: M
Profession: Pirate, um, what ever you call a pirate that is uses the telescope in that very high spot on a ship (I forget what it is called)
Apperance: A little bandana on his head
Personality: Rough, reckless
Attacks: Thunder wave, Thunder bolt, Discharge, quick attack, present and mega punch.
Other: Always carries a daggar in his mouth

Author:  pelligargetic [ Sun May 27, 2007 3:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Carter
Age: 17
Species: {lombre} Lombre {lombre}
Gender: M
Profession: Chef
Appearance: The claws on his hands are sharp, but the claws on his feet are average size. His ears are almost completely shrouded by his... leaf-thing, and he is a darker shade of green due to the sun. 3 feet, 7 inches.
Personality: He likes his life, but takes a lot for granted. He can fight well, and although he doesn't like to hurt people, he's loyal and enjoys wielding a sword. He doesn't care whether he makes a good meal or not, only if it's edible. He looks down on people who don't do anything that "contributes to society".
Attacks: Zen Headbutt, Energy Ball, Mega Drain, Mist (natural); Ice Beam (TM), Razor Leaf (Egg Move)
Other: Carries a dagger, hidden in his lily pad...thing.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Sun May 27, 2007 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Xander, in fights he is just called X, for the marks he leaves everywhere
Age: 18
Species: Kabutops {kabutops}
Gender: M
Profession: Pirate (Yaaar), 2nd Mate
Appearance: lolgeneric eye patch and bandana. His scythes are longe rand sharper than most
Personality: Likes to slice-and-dice his opponents. Fairly violent during battle, somewhat pleasent tk be around out of it. Always looking to fihht though
Attacks: MudShot, Slash, NightSlash, AquaJet (natural), SwordsDance (TM), RapidSpin (Egg)
Other: Has developed a deadly way of scythe attacking, in which he gets into a RapidSpin with the scythes sticking out. It mows down almost any pokemon in his path, be it friend or foe

Author:  daveshan [ Sun May 27, 2007 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Pirates!

Oh boy, a S_S pokemon RP. Time for me to whip out my favorite RP character.

Name: Shard
Age: 16
Species: Charmeleon
Gender: M
Profession: Pirate. He's a normal member of the crew and has no special rank.
Apperance: A scar above his left eye and leather gauntlets that have patches of metal on the back.
Attacks: Flamethrower, sunny day (TM), dragon claw (TM), fire spin, dragon rage, and smokescreen.
Other: A really arrogant pokemon. He underestimates anyone or anything that looks weaker than him.

Treeckoluv, it's called a helmsman.

Author:  StevensNightmare [ Sun May 27, 2007 4:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Steve (Real name), Orion (Code name)
Age: 15
Species: Ditto
Gender: Hermaphrodite? Neither?
Profession: Pirate Hunter, Spy
Appearance: A cute pink blob.
Attacks: Naturally, transform.
Other: Adaptable but sometimes is split in two.

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Sun May 27, 2007 4:47 pm ]
Post subject: 


Gender: M
Profession:Serevant for sale.
Apperance:Wears rags
Personality:A loyal and depressed friend
Attacks:Force Palm,aura sphere,Feint,Counter (naturel) Drain punch Blaze Kick

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Sun May 27, 2007 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

((k first post, ah, and YOU CAN STILL JOIN IF YOU WANT))

((Also, Treeckomaster, 10 might be a bit too young for a servant...if you don't want to change it, that's fine. I'm just saying. And pistols are ok tewexforebee))

"That should do it," Sam said, putting up the last flyer. "I need a new crew, and this is about the only way to do it. I just hope at least one person replies," he finished, making his way over to the bar.

The flyer simply read: Pirates Wanted for dangerous quests. Reward extremely high. Go to Sushi Bar for more info. Ask for Sam.

Author:  Giratina_Man [ Sun May 27, 2007 5:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: "Blank Eye" Kalani
Age: 15
Species: Spiritomb
Gender: M
Profession: Pirate, First Mate
Apperance: A Spiritomb with no pedestal to sit on. So basically floating ghostly flames. Kinda like Gastly.
Attacks:Shadow Ball, Psywave, Dark Pulse (TM), Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Teleport ((Egg Move)I think...)

Kalani looked over at Sam, sitting next to him. "You lookin' for pirates huh? Well, I have had much experience as a captain... maybe I'll join you little crew. For a fee that is..."

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Sun May 27, 2007 6:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sam was sitting at a table in the far corner of the bar. He quickled eyed Kalani.

"If you're looking for anything upfront, you're going to be dissapointed. In fact, there's a strong possibility of us not getting any treasure. You and the rest of my crew are going to have to wrok hard if you want any, etc," he paused for a brief moment. "Normally, this is the part I'd say you might die, but it seems you've already done that. Nevertheless, the question remains...are you willing to take that risk?"

Author:  StevensNightmare [ Sun May 27, 2007 6:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

"My Zubat friends.... What's the disturbance?"

The Zubats indeed seem to be screeching much higher then normal, seeking safe havens inside the darkest caves, and in general acting as if a crisis was about to occur. Like animals before an earthquake, they feel a sense of foreboding, and seek to save themselves.

"You've hunted pirates for six years. Well, we need your assistance. Our scouts report a band of pirates with a plot to retrieve something legendary, something dangerous."

"What is it?"

"Some sort of rock or gemstone. They said something about powering up from them."

"The fabled Rainbow Stones. I'm on the job. Get your pack to safety now."

"You read my mind." *The Crobat flies out, leading a veritable army of Zubats out with him.*

"I've heard about these. Time for a mission!" *Transforms into a Crobat and jettisons himself into the air*

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Sun May 27, 2007 7:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Xander stabbed a flyer with his scythe, scowling as he read it. " 'Pirates wanted for crew, Reward' What is this, the circus?" He sighed. Xander needed gold badly. He had been out of work for ages. He finishsd his pint, got another, chugged it, and looked around for - who was it? He checked the flyer, 'Sam' - and saw the Croconaw talking with a floating Spiritomb. He scuttled over to them in time for Sam's litlle speech. Xander slammed his scythe down.

"I be here, Cap'n!"

Author:  StevensNightmare [ Sun May 27, 2007 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Using my hearing and sonar, I lock onto a group of pokemon a few miles away. I start swooping down....

Author:  Houndour [ Sun May 27, 2007 7:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Peter Finishes his drink and looks at the Flag. He lets out a grin Bout time I got to Work again He heads over to the sushi bar and sits down close by to the croconaw.

"You looking for Pirates? WEll, you got urself one."

Author:  daveshan [ Sun May 27, 2007 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

((A sushi bar? Being a little P.C., eh, Sneaky?))

After reading the flyer, Shard walked into the sushi bar, pushed open the door, and shouted at the top of his lungs, "WHERE'S SAM? I HEAR HE BE NEEDING A CREWPOKEMON!"

Author:  RukarioManiac [ Sun May 27, 2007 8:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

A Sneaky Sneasel Rp...Can't miss this...

Name: Raphael DeLuge -- Nickname: Whirls
Age: 17
Species: Poliwrath
Gender: M
Profession: Pirate: Navigator, 1st Mate
Apperance: Has an Eye patch over his left eye, and a Blue bandana covering half of his eyes. Has a large gash across his back from a Bite from a Gyarados.
Personality: Very serious and rough. He enjoys talking with his companions and shows strong loyalty. He shows no fear, but feels it. Incredibly brave and bold.
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Hypnosis, Belly Drum, Mud Bomb--Payback, Giga Impact (Tm, TM)
Other: His eye was taken out after a Gyarados ambush, which took out his whole ship and crew. Is obsessed with Grape Soda.
Raphael saw the torn flyer. He walked over an dpulled one off. He saw a growing group at a Sushi Bar gathered around a Croconaw. "Ayy...there he be." He walked over to the Sushi Bar. He sat down at a stool about 3 stools away from the Croconaw. He ordered a few pieces of Sushi, then turned around, and silently "overheard" the men talking.

Author:  pelligargetic [ Sun May 27, 2007 11:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Carter sat in the sushi bar, minding his own business. He was out of work, and needed something quick. He'd tried, and tried, but he couldn't find a job, and was now desperate. His last job was working on a farm, but that burned, so he was SOL. Now he was just here, staring at the food he couldn't buy, brainstorming for ideas of what to do next.

As he sat, recounting his seven cents, hardly enough to buy anything, he overheard some people talking about pirates on a crew ship.

Wow, pirates...that sounds exciting, he thought.

Lombre began to listen in, but then remembered that it's bad to eavesdrop, so shook himself out of it. But when he heard a loud voice scream out "WHERE'S SAM? I HEAR HE BE NEEDING A CREWPOKEMON!" he realized that this pirate thing could be one of two things:

1. This is NOT a good job, seeing as apparently insane people want to sign up for it.
2. This must be a really great job, and exclusive too, because people are getting so excited about it.

Carter walked over closer to the Croconaw and the other pokemon, and sat down, head turned foward, ears perked up. He wouldn't enter their conversation until he had heard something REALLY interesting.

Author:  eevee-master [ Mon May 28, 2007 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  kool

Name: James
Age: 18
Species: Scyther
Gender: M
Profession: Pirate deckhand
Apperance: Wears a torn cloak and has a scar over the right side of his face.
Personality: Strong hearted but refuses help, Will often risk his life to save others
Attacks: Slash, wing attack, X-scissor, air slash natural Bug buzz and hyper beam (egg move and TM)
Other: was a theft at one point, and neglects to tell anyone of his past


"Stop him, he's getting away." "To late." "Send a search party, I want him found."

The voices got quieter as James ran, a gold necklese on his scythe.
"I've got to get off this island before they find me." James thought to himself as he ran to the port.
Catching his eye was a torn flyer.
Pirates wanted for crew.
'Great' he thought, 'I can get off this island'
He walked over to the sushi bar and went over to the table where the captin was.
"I heard your looking for crewmen, well I can help you there."

Author:  2x4b [ Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am ]
Post subject: 

((Outnumbered 2x4b is outnumbered ^^; I guess I'll just have to make some crew members up))

Henry smiled contently as he walked down the wooden ramp off of his ship. It had been another successful Pirate capture. He watched as two of his crewmembers dragged a Tentacruel off of the ship, all 14 of its tentacles shackled.

"Where shall we take him Captain?" Asked his Lieutenant, George, a rather large Empoleon.

"The local brig... He will be transported to be executed tomorrow at dawn" Henry replied.

"Right away Captain" George replied as he and Arthur dragged the Tentacruel down the cobbled street.

Henry watched them until they were out of sight and turned to face his ship. The HMS Victory.

"Commander Murphy!" Henry shouted up to the deck.

After 30 seconds a Kadabra leant over the side of the ship.

"Yes Captain?" Commander Murphy asked.

"Look after the ship, I'm going to that sushi bar we passed!" Henry shouted.

"Of course Captain!" Commander Murphy replied, giving Henry a salute.

Henry smiled and saluted him back before walking down the cobbled street. As he walked down the street he noticed a flyer stuck to a wall. He ripped it down and read it, a smirk appearing on his face. This was his lucky day. He rolled up the flyer and deposited it in the rim of his hat. He set off down the street at a slightly faster pace until he arrived at the Sushi Bar. He opened the door and immediately noticed the group of rough looking Pokemon sat down at the bar. Deciding to watch and wait, hoping to find out what the so called 'reward' was he walked very slowly towards the other end of the bar.

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Mon May 28, 2007 9:53 am ]
Post subject: 

((P.C.? Wut does that mean?))

"Well, well, well...I didn't think I'd get so many volunteers. Let's see here," Sam paused for a moment, quickly glanceing at Henry.

"Oh great, he's here."

"Ok then. Now, for all those who are interested, there are some certain gems that I'm after - the Rainbow Gems. I'm sure you've heard of them..." Sam stopped, and took his hat off.

On top of his head was a bluish-purple round stone.

"Now this right here is one of them. This is the Indigo Spinel. Each gem has an individual special power. Would you like to see what this gem can do?"

Author:  pelligargetic [ Mon May 28, 2007 10:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Without thinking, Carter stepped off his chair and stuck his hand in the air.

"Uh, sir, if you need a guinea pig, I'm willing to do just that."

Depending on what these gems did, Carter might just be interested in finding some.

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Mon May 28, 2007 11:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Aura walked up to Sam."You must let me in to your crew,I'm on the run from my creul master,I hae no money I need food." And then hefainted causea 10 year old can only take so much.

Author:  daveshan [ Mon May 28, 2007 11:51 am ]
Post subject: 

((Politically correct))

Shard, realizing that the craconaw was Sam, walked over and took a look at the gem. He shoved the little Riolu aside and spoke.

"Looks like an ordinary stone to me. I'd say that its power is fetching a pretty price."

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