
The War Of Land And Sea
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Author:  Blazikendude [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  The War Of Land And Sea

Name: The war of land and sea
Genre: Pokemon
Setting: On the coast of a huge continent before humains existed.
Plot: On the continent's coast, Groudon and Kyogre are having a war that could spell doom if it isn't stopped; but their aconpanied by their armys of land and sea pokemon.
Additional rules:
1.You cannot be Groudon and Kyogre, but the seconde-in command of the teams can control their respective leader as if it was an NYC PC.
2.Their are 2 teams; the Earth team and the Sea team. Each team will have five roleplayers, but you can control other pokemon in your team if they are not a roleplayers pokemon!
3.You have to belong in your team; no being a Starmie in the Earth team.
4.When you post your profile, include your rank in the team you chose.
5. Must have at least 25 post to join and must be active so the rolepaly deosn't have the same fate as Unforceen havoc. [My last roleplay]
6.Make your profile like this:
Favorite food:

6.On each team their is 1 commander roleplayer, 1 leutenent and two soldier roleplayers.
7.You can be minor legendarys [weak ones] such as Manaphy [me] or Regirock IF your a commander.

My profile:
Team: Sea
Pokemon: Manaphy
Rank: Commander
Personality: Very playful yet is serious at the same time.
Favorite food: coral

I am making a team list;

Sea team:
Led by Kyogre
Commander: Manaphy [Blazikendude]
Leutenent: Phione [Treeckomaster]
Soldier: Feraligatr [Geno]
Soldier: Kingdra [Houndour]
Soldier: Kabutops [Cellblock]

Earth team:
Led by Groudon
Commander: Celebi [Treeckoluv]
Leutenent: Farfetch'd [ScizorManiac]
Soldier: Dugtrio [blaziken234]
Soldier: Arcanine [Riasto]
Soldier: Ambipom [EXP]

Don't apply anymore; OR ELSE! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: SE!

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Personality:Loyal, brave and Happy.
Favorite food: Pecha Berries

That is so fitting.

Author:  Blazikendude [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Treeckomaster wrote:
Personality:Loyal, brave and Happy.
Favorite food: Pecha Berries

That is so fitting.
Okay, but don't start RPing yet, as we need some enemies to battle! :wink:

Author:  Treeckoluv [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Team: Land team
Pokemon: Celebi
Rank: commander
Personality: Timid, but doesn't run away
Favorite food: Ipapa berry

I'm Celebi because it has grass in it's type, and grass is attached to the ground.

Author:  ScizorManiac [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Team- Land
Rank- Leutenent
Pokemon- Farfetch'd
Personality- Obedient, Loyal, Smart
Favorite food- The leeks that Farfetch'd use as weapons ( he has a bag full of them, and eat the ones that get damaged.)

Author:  Blazikendude [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:55 am ]
Post subject: 

You're both in! But let's wait for the soldiers to sign up!

Author:  axel13 [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Blastoise
Rank: Soilder
Favourite Food: Coral
Team Water
Personality: Brave, and determined

Author:  Kirbus [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:52 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Geno [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Team: Sea
Pokemon: Feraligatr
Rank: Soldier
Personality: Adamant
Favorite food: Fish

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Name: Dugtrio
Team: Earth
Position: Soldirr
Food: Dirt
Personality: Absent minded, a bit of a klutz, but makes up for it by being very focused in battle

Author:  Cellblock [ Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Team: Sea
Pokemon: Kabutops
Rank: Any...
Personality: Carefree
Favorite food: Food? Who cares! Training is more important!

Oh yeah i forgot...

Author:  Blazikendude [ Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:59 am ]
Post subject: 

blaziken234 and Geno, you two are in! Those of you who I didn't just accept have these problems:
axel13: Post count to low.
Kirbus: That excuse in your PM didn't fix a thing. Become a Pokefan and then try again if there's space.
Cellblock: You can only be a lengendary if yo're a commander, but both commander spots are taken.

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Isn't Phione technicly a legendary?

Author:  Blazikendude [ Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Treeckomaster wrote:
Isn't Phione technicly a legendary?

Author:  Cellblock [ Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay, I've changed it.

Author:  Blazikendude [ Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cellblock wrote:
Okay, I've changed it.
Okay. Just one more person! PM people! Pm a person who might be interested! Just don't let this roleplay die before it even starts! :wink:

Author:  Houndour [ Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Blazikendude wrote:
Cellblock wrote:
Okay, I've changed it.
Okay. Just one more person! PM people! Pm a person who might be interested! Just don't let this roleplay die before it even starts! :wink:

Here Sah!

Food: Bublles, they're nice and fluffy.......
Personality: Loyal, but yet lazy

Author:  TheKyogreKing [ Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

OOH! Another RP!

Team: Earth
Pokemon: Gardevoir
Rank: Soldier
Food: Cornflakes smothered in marmite, then cooked at 100 degrees for 16 hours! (That was totally random!)
Personality: Has a slippery attitude, and tends to fade away when sad (literaly!).

Edit: Forget my entry, I don't have the time.

Author:  metavoir [ Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Team: groundon's
Pokemon: rhydon
Rank: soldier
Personality: sturdy, dettermined
Favorite food: hot dogs

Author:  Riasto [ Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Arcanine

Team: Land
Pokemon: Arcanine
Rank: Soldier
Personality: Happy, Silly, Strong, Sturdy all at the same time
Favorite food: Tomato Berry (Powers up my FlameThrower LOL)

Author:  Riasto [ Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  AM I TOO LATE?

:cry: Am I too late?

Author:  Blazikendude [ Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Riasto wrote:
:cry: Am I too late?
Don't double post.
I'd like to say that out of all of you, my favorite are Houndour and Riasto, but I can boot anybody if they aren't active. I'll add you two shortly.

Manaphy woke up from his deep sleep. "What time is it? 6:00?!? I'm late for inspection!" Manaphy rushed outside without bothering eating. "All Soldiers report to the Plaza!"

Author:  metavoir [ Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

wait wait wait. am i in? or not? i'm so confused :cry:

Author:  Cellblock [ Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:38 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm a tad bit confused - am I in this?

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:34 am ]
Post subject: 

((Look at first post))

Phione heard the anouncement. He knew what that meant. He grabbed a Pecha scarf to suck on and accidently hit Kyogre. "Sorry sir." he mumbled, but Kyogre didn't seem to notice. "Just watch out next time." he said back. Phione went straight to Manaphy. "Am I late for inbspection SIR?"

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