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 War of Legends 
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Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:59 am
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RP Name:
War of Legends

RP Genre:
Pokemon, Fantasy

Starting in Kanto and gradually spreading to the other regions

The legendary pokemon of each region have started a war against tamed pokemon and their trainers. Subsequently all of the wild pokemon begin to obey their legendary superiors and start to fight against the trainers as well. You and your team fight against the other pokemon in order to stop this war before the bond between human and pokemon is completely broken.

-No Spam
-No legendary pokemon (obviously)
-Max 6 pokemon 5 moves
-Proper Grammar
-I will accept and reject players as I see fit
-Standard Psypoke Rules

We'll start when we get enough people approved


Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:50 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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Delete my account please.

Last edited by HErnst25 on Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:35 pm
Ace Trainer
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this was a edit of of my previos aplication for another role play

Name: Jared Met
Age: 13
Appearance: always wears a hat preferably fedora eyes change colors 5'2" wears a chain necklace with a pokeball on it digglet in it wears a black and red jacket

hometown saffron city

personality shy parinoid perty nice get angery easy sticks by his answers

flaws he holds a grudge and dose first thinks later a lot

ablitys none realy but can know where diglett is at all times

past got diglett when 8 trained it sicne then move to vermilion when 10 after team rocket had try to steal a master but in the next town over moved back to saffron when 12 to train in dojo been ther ever since

{charizard} fire ball moves flame thrower fly blast burn dragon claw

{diglett} moves Earthquake dig magnitude Mud bomb fissure

{rotom} giga watt moves trick subsitute ominous wind thunder shock discharge

{electrode} moves rollout self-destruct swift sonic boom gyro ball

{skuntank} Moves Flame thrower toxic explosion smoke screen slash

baby shiny {abra} teleport and super rarely he use zen headbutt

Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:17 pm
Ace Trainer
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Both of you are approved. A few more ought to do it. I'll be posting my char shortly


Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:51 pm
Ace Trainer
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Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:56 pm
Ace Trainer
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Name: Erick

Curly black hair. dark complexion, likes to dress formal, but often seen wearing a black jacket and red T-shirt. He wears a lightning bolt made of metal around his neck for the flaafy that he lost a kid.

Hometown: Sootopolis, Hoenn

Growing up without a father Erick was always different than the other kids. While the majority of kids gravitated towards pokemon that were strong or would become strong Erick always went for pokemon nobody ever particularly liked. He had a mareep as a child and it soon evolved into a flaafy. However the flaafy fell ill and eventually died. He had a thunderbolt necklace made in honor of that flaafy. Now he is known as one the best trainers among his friends and community

{dewgong} "Aquos" - Ice beam, Surf, Rain dance, Aqua tail, Rest
{drifblim}"Nightmare" - Shadow ball, Thunderbolt, Fly, Hypnosis, Dream eater
{ludicolo} "Pedro" - Hydro pump, Sunny day, energy ball, solarbeam, Giga drain
{primeape} "Heavyweight" - Cross chop, Seismic toss, Close combat, Earthquake, Aerial ace


Last edited by Dark_Swampert on Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:09 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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Dark_Swampert wrote:
Both of you are approved. A few more ought to do it. I'll be posting my char shortly

Thank you for accepting my character. I didn't think it would be approved because it lacked deatale. My other characters are way more indept then my guy here.

Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:50 pm
Ace Trainer
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I'll give it another day before we start if that's ok. It's still open to anyone who wants to join


Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:00 pm
Ace Trainer
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k could you please post in normal color when it starts cause i have to highlight it to read it (im color blind)

Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:44 pm
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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Ok that's no biggy. I hope we an get more people to join


Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:18 pm
Psychic Trainer
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I guess i'll try this out...
Name: Kris
Age: 13

Personality: Pretty anti-social to people he doesnt know, and also unpredicatable to most everyone. Not very good on first impressions.

Appearance: 5'4", Hazel eyes, normal white skin and semi long dirty blonde hair. Usually in Jeans, mostly black, with T-shirts with no design, usually black, blue, and red t-shirts. Usually wears a hoodie, usually black and mainly his black and white checkered one. Wears white & black sneakers.

Hometown: ...Celadon City, Kanto.

History: Kris was never very good at making friends, but was somehow well-known. Since he wasn't very good at making friends and the ones he had weren't always reliable, he made friends with Pokemon. He trained daily, eventually taking on all of the pokemon leagues, effectively making his team almost invincible. He now stays at his hometown, waiting for a new challenge to come.

Main Pokemon:

{ninetales} "Tales" (F) - Flash Fire - Fire Blast, Will-o-wisp, Flamethrower, Pain Split, Iron Tail

{altaria} "Altair" (F) - Natural Cure - Dragon Dance, Draco Meteor, Earthquake, Solarbeam, Fly

{lapras} (F) - Water Absorb - Surf, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Body Slam, Perish Song

{metagross} "Meta" *Shiny* - Clear Body - Psychic, Hammer Arm, Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Magnet Rise

{hippowdon} "Hippo" (M) - Sand Steam - Earthquake, Dig, Sand tomb, Crunch, Ice Fang

Image "Cinder" (M) - Blaze - Blast Burn, Swift, Rollout, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam


Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:04 am
Pokemon Ranger
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I'll try it.


Name : Ray Connery

Appearance : Straight short black hair, Asian posture, usually uses black t-shirt and silver/chrome trousers, uses sunglasses because his eyes were sensitive against light. Wearing a watch on his left wrist, usually uses black shoes with white socks. Sometimes seen with earphones.

Personality : Kindhearted, shy, usually smiles. Got a phobia to bugs, even seeing them already makes him shiver in fear. And got a poor conditioned body, often coughs and sneezes.

Hometown: Petalburg City, Hoenn.

Background: He was Wally's friend since they were 5 years old. When he hears that Wally got a pokemon, he wants to get one too. He asked to Norman to borrow a pokemon, and he finally catched a female Ralts, and also a male Ralts. He moved to Saffron City because his father's job got assigned there. And there, he trained his pokemon.

Pokemon :

{gardevoir} - Trace (F)
-Shadow Ball
-Calm Mind

{gallade} - Steadfast (M)
-Psycho Cut
-Close Combat
-Swords Dance

{wailord} - Oblivious (F)
-Water Spout
-Ice Beam

{arcanine} - Flash Fire (F)
-Fire Blast
-Double Team

{skarmory} - Sturdy (M)
-Steel Wing

{aggron} - Sturdy (M)
-Iron Head
-Stone Edge
-Iron Defense
-Stealth Rock

Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:59 am
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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Great you're both approved we'll start later on today (still open to more applications though)


Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:48 pm
Psychic Trainer
Psychic Trainer
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...yesterday has gone and passed, when do you plan to start?


Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:14 am
Ace Trainer
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((Sorry I had a bunch of crap to do yesterday))

The television flashed in the background I turned around to look, but they were still reporting on how wild pokemon were going crazy in Kanto. I had thought it was a quite odd but I had noticed that it was beginning to happen here. Many were scared but I wanted to get to the bottom of this. "Alright It's time to leave nightmare I grabbed on the the drifblim's legs and flew out of the volcano on my way to Lilycove City to see what answers waited for me there. On my way there I noticed all kinds of water pokemon chasing down swimmers. I knew that what ever was going on had to be something bigger than just these pokemon.


Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:15 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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((I'm gonna post in third-person.))
Derek was riding on Flygon as he had been doing for quite some time now. His cape flaped in the wind. He had been serching all over Kanto to figure out why the pokemon were acting so strange. Derek had just couldn't shake the feeling that if the problem went unsloved something very bad would happen to the world. A war. Pokemon vs. human. He couldn't just let that happen. As he flew farther he noticed someone rideing a driftblim. He flew up to the trainer's side to ask somequestions about what was happening."Excuse me, My name is Derek and I'm not from around here ,but could you answers some questions for me,"He said to the man.

Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:26 pm
Ace Trainer
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((finaly it starts))
looking i knew it was him or me hitmolee went for a kick i doged and punch while he stumbled back this was my chance i through out fire ball's ball "flame fly me out of here!" the flaming fly lizard land so i could hop on his back "whats up with all the pokemon?" flying me over i see someone land down with a driblimb "take me down there" i walk over to him "whats with the suite? we are in Lilycove City thers no folmale party is there?"

Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:35 pm
Bug Catcher
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A man with a hitmolee came over to Derek and asked him about his outfit. Derek was surprised since no one ever asked him about his cloths."This suit is very special to me. I wear every where expect on certain occasions. I wear it to honor my Master. You may have heard of him. He is Lance of Blackthorn City,"said Derek In a very proud manner. He jumped off Flygon telling him he did good.

Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:41 pm
Ace Trainer
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((no i was fighting a hitmonlee it gose with the whole dojo thing))
"oh that explains the cape. ya flew in after being atackt by a hitmonlee theres some thing bout the pokemon now a days." diglett poped to say hi "Hi" but to every one else it sounded like "diglett"

Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:49 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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((Whoops sorry for the mess up.))
"Lance always wore capes so so do I. About the pokemon I came here to figure out whats going on. I just arrived here so I was flying around the region takeing a look around. Do you know whats going on?,"asked Derek. He smile at the diglet when it poped up.

Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:57 pm
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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((Sorry for the late start but to kinda compensate for it I'll be posting alot))
I looked down "Looks like we're near Mossdeep City nightmare" "Hey!" a yell in the distance called out to me. Soon a kid on a Flygon came up to me asked me if I knew anything about the way pokemon were acting strange. "Not really" I replied back. I landed in Lilycove and saw the same boy and another one talking. I walked up to them and said "Do either of you know anything about the strange happenings with the pokemon


Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:03 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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"I know nothing about the pokemon. I came here to figure out whats going on. I fear if it gets to bad. A war may break out of Humans vs. pokemon and I can't let that happen. I must get to the bottom of this and fast. So how long has this been happening?"said Derek. He start to pet flygon behinds it's wings. it was just how he liked it.

Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:07 pm
Ace Trainer
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"all i know is it start i areas were legens reside, that could have something to do with it." i called back fire ball into his ball "i acualy was going to ivestigate it to maybe we could work together?"

Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:08 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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"Were the legends reside you say? Well we're in Kanto ,right? So that means no dragon legendarys are here. Well thats a problem. I say we go pay a vist to a legendary,"said Derek.

Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:13 pm
Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger
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Ray was flying on his Skarmory and traveling around Hoenn, he wondered to himself what was going on in the world of pokemon? Why all the wild pokemon became ferocious? He continued flying on his Skarmory above Lilyclove City, then he overhear that someone was discussing about the chaos in pokemon world. He flew off there to find out who was talked about that, and he found out that there were three people discussing about the chaos.

"Excuse me, are you guys know about *cough* what happened in this pokemon world? I overhear some of your discussion and you said that *cough* the legendary pokemon was controlling the wild pokemon, is that *cough* true?", said Ray.

Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:18 pm
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