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 The Chosen: Ascension 
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Dragon Tamer
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Location: I'm not telling you! Why do you want to know anyways?...Are you a stalker?!
The major concepts and themes for this RP were inspired by The Seventh Tower series by Gath Nix. I’ve added my own little twists and tweaked it a bit to better suit an RP.
Setting: The Dark World

An ebony shroud of darkness covers the entire planet, no sunlight can ever penetrate this Veil and thus the Dark World is in a permanent state of night. Savage icy seas churn beneath the Veil and the lands are frozen and barren, but life has a way of taking hold in even the most inhospitable of places and the Dark World is no exception. Marine creatures live in the frozen seas and other, hardier creatures brave the barren lands.

The most amazing sight in all of the Dark World is the enormous structure known as the Castle. Carved into the side of a mountain the Castle burrows into the very heart of the icy rock and the land below, thousands of passageways and rooms can be found leading through the maze-like structure. Standing tall and proud at the top of the Castle are seven towers, they are unbelievably tall and extend beyond the Veil itself, into the sunlight. At the very pinnacle of each tower is a single room that houses a fabulous gemstone known as a Keystone. A Guardian takes care of each stone, circulating its power and keeps an eye on it. Each of the seven Keystones is a different color, and according to legend they are the only thing holding up the Veil, should they be taken out or destroyed the Veil would brake and the entire Dark World would be exposed to sunlight, the ice that has encased the Dark World would melt and all life would be exterminated, including the masters of the Castle; the Chosen.

The Chosen are a race of people that have mastered the magic of ‘Light and Shadows’ using the power of Sunstones. Mined from deep within the frozen earth, Sunstones are miniature Keystones that come in seven different colors and use the power of the sun to utilize magic. Since they use solar power, the Sunstones must be exposed to the light of the sun in order to charge and retain power, thus they are collected in giant nets and hung around the seven towers, high above the Veil to absorb the sun’s rays. The Chosen will then fashion the rough Sunstones into bracelets, which they will then use to utilize the power within the gems; magic. The Sunstones have become the center of all Chosen life, not only are they used for their magical capabilities but they can be used as a source of light and heat in the otherwise bare Dark World.

Long ago the Chosen learned how to use the Sunstones to cast spells on their shadows, turning them into animated entities that protected and served their individual Chosen, they were called Shadow Guards. Numerous other spells were discovered, all of which used one of the seven different colors of the Sunstones. These seven colors of Sunstones have even influenced the Chosen social structure.

Outlined below is the hierarchy of the Chosen social scale:

Violet: The pinnacle of the Chosen social ladder, very few Chosen will ever achieve the rank of Violet in their lifetimes. Only the Empress/Emperor, the High Advisors and those who have attained complete mastery of Sunstone magic are privileged enough to use a Violet Sunstone and wear the Violet robes. Consequently, the Violet Sunstones are the rarest.

Indigo: The second highest level, Indigo is strictly for those who serve in the Chosen Army and the Empress/Emperor’s Elite Guard. The Chosen on this level protect the Castle from the savage beasts that roam the ice fields and from rouge Chosen. Indigo Sunstones are particularly effective with attack spells.

Blue: A level that values intelligence and special talents above all else. Those who occupy this level are regarded with respect and often jealousy. The Blue Sunstone seems to be very responsive to the mental stability of its owner.

Green: The Green Sunstone is the only one that is able to cast healing magic; its rejuvenating power heals not only physical wounds but mental and emotional scars as well.

Yellow: The most numerous of all Sunstones and the same can be said for the amount of Chosen that occupy this level. The Yellow level is considered to be ‘normal.’

Orange: The equivalent of a middle-class family in the real world, Orange is a pretty common color among the Chosen.

Red: The bottom of the Chosen social chain, those who have been demoted from higher levels and those who are not particularly skilled with Sunstones reside here. If a Chosen is demoted from Red, their Sunstone is revoked and they become Underfolk.

Underfolk: The servants of the Chosen, they general perform the tasks that the Chosen don’t want or feel are beneath them, such as cleaning, laundry, manual labor, mining for Sunstones, farming food and so on. Underfolk are categorized by the color White and are not allowed to use Sunstones or have shadows.

A few centuries ago the Chosen made a breakthrough in Sunstone magic, they figure out how to use the power of Sunstones to detach their very spirits from their bodies and travel to the spirit world of Aneir.

Aneir was a strange and wonderful discovery for the Chosen, for the world of Aneir did not have a Veil and sunlight streamed thought the sky onto the ground. Delighted by the discovery of Aneir, the Chosen quickly built a settlement in Aneir, which they called Azure. Azure in itself was a village built around a lake in the crater of a dormant volcano and soon all the Chosen had learned how to use their Sunstones to travel to Aneir. But, Aneir was not as wonderful as it seemed, many strange and often dangerous creatures resided in this perplexing environment and they did not take kindly to the Chosen, many times attacking and killing numerous people.

The Chosen tried to fight back using their Sunstones and Shadow Guards, but the natives of Aneir turned out to be far superior to the weak Spirit Guards and the Chosen were forced to retreat to Azure, unable to explore the rest of Aneir.

The Empress devised a new spell that would allow Chosen to bind the creatures of Aneir into their shadows, but at the cost of destroying their former Shadow Guards. Unwilling to give up Azure and admit defeat many of the Chosen agreed to destroy their Shadow Guards and in turn they binded the creatures of Aneir into new, more powerful shadows. The new shadows were called Spirit Shadows and they far exceeded the might of the Shadow Guards, they were even able to talk once the Chosen bound them. They had intelligent thought, personalities and they were sought after by every Chosen.

In time, all Chosen acquired Spirit Shadows and the journey to Aneir was only made once a year from then on, this day became know as the Day of Ascension and the Chosen remained in the Dark World for the majority of their time, only spending about a month of time in Aneir, as a vacation of sorts.

Decades later, the binding of Spirit Shadows became a tradition and all Chosen children, when they became of age, traveled to Aneir and obtained their own Spirit Shadow as a way to mark their progress into adulthood. Those who failed to obtain a Spirit Shadow became Underfolk, Sunstones revoked and forced to be servants for the rest of their lives.

The Day of Ascension is once again here and a new group of Chosen youth must embark on the traditional journey to obtain their own Spirit Shadows, lest they be disgraced and demoted to Underfolk. But, Aneir has become more hostile, the inhabitants do not whish to be enslaved any longer and the children may find much more than they bargained for.

This is the main storyline; all of us will be Chosen kids who must bind a Spirit Shadow in Aneir or else we become Underfolk. Expect twists and turns, things are not quite so simple anymore…

1.)No godmoding, power playing, Mary-sues; basically all the usual rules that apply to RPs.
2.)Please, be LITERATE. Nothing ruins an RP like people who can’t spell or have the grammatical knowledge of an eight year old. If you aren’t the greatest speller in the world, write your post in Word than copy and paste onto Psypokes.
3.)I have the right to kick you out if you are breaking any rules; power playing is an especially annoying aspect of RPing so THINK before you post.
4.)Lastly, have fun. I might have come off as pushy and demanding, but in the end I really just want us all to have fun with this.

Age: (This one is not negotiable because we all must be the same age, let’s say 16 for now.)
Social Cast: (Red, Yellow, Green…Any of them are fine really. Keep in mind thought, we are all kids so we don’t have any real powerful positions. For example, you can still choose Indigo, but you aren’t a solider, instead you can be the child of a solider.)
Background: (Some basic history about yourself, are you good at Sunstone magic, how do you feel about the whole Aneir/Underfolk issues…make up whatever you want.)

People ask me why I do all these wierd things.I tell them I have a heart of a little boy, which I keep in my desk.

Once there was a man who ate a poisonous grapefruit and died.The moral of the story:DON'T EAT POISON GRAPEFRUIT!!

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:40 am
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Name: James
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Social Cast: Blue
Background: Despite being the child of a prestigious family, he still has yet to master the powers of the Sun Stone. Since he was a boy, he had detest the veil around their land and dreamed of the day it would return. However, he knows that these are just foolish dreams and quickly banishes them when he finds himself pondering. He grew up having high expectations from his family because of the very social cast they reside. Often, he cannot live up to these expectations. This was the very cause of his fear about going to Aneir.
Appearance: ... rurugi.jpg
Personality:He is often very optimistic and always looks on the bright side of the situation. His intelligence is much higher than he lets it on to be out of fear of judgement. He secretly hates the very stones their world revolves around.

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Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:09 am
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Ace Trainer
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Social Cast:Indigo
Background:Trevor is the son of the late soldier Marcus and Elite Guardsmen Wendy. His mother tries hard to remarry but is never successful. Trevor always visits his father's grave wishing that he was still there. Marcus died when Trevor was 5. A rogue Chosen had slain him and Trevor swore to avenge his father by being the top Elite Guardsmen of his generation.
Personality:Trevor is very kind and generous but he craves to be stronger all the time. His dream is to capture a dragon shadow(if that's possible in this) one of the stronger Spirit Shadows. Trevor is a fast learner and prefers fire and water based attack spells. Whenever a fight occurs, Trevor is right there ready to battle to the death if necessary.


Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:53 pm
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Name: Spence
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Social Cast: Orange
Background: In the past, Spence's father was the one of the Chosen knights of the Indigo level in his youth. He was a brave solider who was loyal to the end. Until one day, he fell in love with one of the royalties, a princess. In secret, they saw out their love until something happened. The princess fell pregnant to Spence.

After the current Emperor found out, the knight was banished and thought to be killed. The princess was forbidden to see him ever again.

Heartbroken, the princess sadly died after the birth of the child.

Mysteriously though, the boy that was supposed to have been put down at birth was instead given to a woman, one that would care for him, in the princess's will.

It was for that reason that Spence grew up with a foster mother in the Orange social cast, and learned to be quite proficient with most of the weaker stones. Spence grew up to be a kind-hearted and brave young man like his father.

Spence grew up not ever knowing his legacy, his father, or of his real mother.

Appearance: Brown fuzzy longish hair, big brown eyes. He wears black garments, white shirt, white baggy pants, belt, brown boots.
Personality: Brave, kind, easygoing, a bit careless


Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:28 pm
Dragon Tamer
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((No, that

People ask me why I do all these wierd things.I tell them I have a heart of a little boy, which I keep in my desk.

Once there was a man who ate a poisonous grapefruit and died.The moral of the story:DON'T EAT POISON GRAPEFRUIT!!

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:57 am
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(No necklace or earrings)

Name: Jalen
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Social Cast: Underfolk
Background: Jalen never really knew his mother. His father was a rogue. He knew that. But other than that, all Jalen knew about his dad was that he abused Jalen. Every night, his father would come home enraged. He would throw things at Jalen, and beat him horribly. Of course Jalen never really knew that this was wrong. He was kept secluded from the outside world all his life--for he lived in the Barrens. Everyday, Jalen would stay in a cage that his father locked him in, and wait for him to come home, beat him, and then be locked back up in the cage. Truly it was a horrible existence; but he knew no other.

One day, two men in uniform came to the door of his house while his dad was not home. Jalen was locked in his cage, and was frightened terribly for he did not know what to do. The men summoned up some light that knocked the door off the hinges. They walked in to see Jalen, a 10 year old boy, as he was every day. Filthy, and barely wearing any clothes, it truly must have been a shock for the uniformed men to see him. Deciding not to touch him and lower themselves, the two men used their powers to carry him out in his cage and load him onto some kind of transportation device, and put a black cover over the cage. Jalen was transported from the cold, rugged Barrens to the safe haven of the Castle. Of course, he did not know this at the time.

Once he arrived at his destination, he as unloaded an brought into a dark room. They took him out of his cage and tied him with rough ropes to a metal chair. A very serious looking man then came in with a whip in hand. The man then interrogated poor innocent looking Jalen, asking him very strange questions and asking him to read things off of cards. When Jalen didn't have the answer, the man responded by beating him ferociously trying to get some answers out of him. But in truth, Jalen did not know anything. His wretched father had not even taught him how to speak the language, let alone write or read. After two days of failed interrogation, and many cuts bruises and injuries later, the man gave up, and sentenced Jalen to life as an Underfolk. Jalen grew up the next few years living the life of an Underfolk.

These were the happiest years of his life. For once, he could do something with his days! He spent every day working feverishly in the mines, and gathering crops in the fields. Even after all the hardships he endured earlier in his life, he proved to be a very strong worker. He became very strong and muscular due to his years of hard labor. He even befriended his masters due to his dedication. When he turned 14, as he was mining sunstones, he came across a particularly attracting stone. It was a beautiful shade of emerald green. It just drew Jalen close and closer to it. He decided, that since it seemed that the stone liked him, that he should keep it. Its not he was thinking he was doing anything, but in truth, he was crossing class lines that were never meant to be crossed. He simply hid the gem in his pants, and when he got to his little, very modest home, hid it in the dirt. From that day on, whatever injuries he had obtained during the day of hard work, once he had a full nights sleep, they seemed to be gone! It was miraculous! Or so he thought. You see Jalen had never had any education about anything. All he knew that he was happy with his simple existence, and that his special stone was his friend.

One day, when he was sixteen, he had gotten wind that there was going to be a riot on the 'Day of Ascension' by the Underfolk. Of course, Jalen had no care. He was very happy, and intended on continuing working on that day. But he got pulled into it anyway, by the massive crowds, and was carried up to the hall before Ascension Room. There, most of the Underfolks were slaughtered, others were taken as prisoners by the Imperial Guard. All except for Jalen. Jalen, standing tall and proud with his strong muscles bare, realized that his crystal from home had made the journey with him, and was in his hand. The soldiers seemed to believe that he was just a citizen who was late for the Ascension, and hurried him into the room with the others.

Personality: Despite the harsh conditions he grew up in, Jalen is a very kind person. He always helps others in need, as he did the Underfolk with their labors. He is always willing to lend a hand to anyone, no matter the person nor the circumstance. He is very forgiving of people (second chances), never judges people by appearance, and doesn't really not like anything. Since he grew up knowing bad things as decent things, most events that are bad seem like things that should happen. He sees mean people as normal people. (I hope you get this part because its important lol) He has no sense of justice at all though. He has no education, and can barely speak the language of the people; so he is very shy.


Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:48 pm
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I remember the Seventh Tower series

Name: Rumetz Pierce
Age: 16
Gender: Boy
Social Cast: Green. He was born into an Indigo family but willingly chose a green Sunstone when he discovered his knack for healing.
Background: Born into the Pierce family, a group of guards held in high esteem, he was shunned for his deformed forehead (A weird growth that appeared as a third eye. However, it did not function) as well as his kind nature. He was extremely talented at Beastmaker. While conversing with an Underfolk (Rae), who he frequently visited, one of the Indigo guards appeared and severed Rae's arm, only to be stopped by Rumetz, wo challenged Him to a fight. Before it could begin, Sharrakor appeared to send away the solder. After this, Rumetz stole a Green Sunstone so he could become a healer.
Personality: Normally timid and modest, when in the company of Underfolk he becomes much more relaxed and outgoing. He is very attached to his spirit guard and seeks to avoid relinquishing it at all costs.

Last edited by rumetz on Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:55 pm
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Name: Peron Gatow
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Social Cast: Indigo
Background: Peron is the son of the general Rafon Gatow, a violent and cynical man. Peron did not choose his Sunstone, instead, his father forced the color of the fighter on him. The only use Rafon could see in a son would be a solider that would bring him honer, so at a young age, Peron was forced into intensive solder training. The only part he enjoyed was the tactical training, early on, he had a skill for strategy. At the age of eight Rafon was satisfied with the skills he had beat into his son--if a bit disapointed at the lack of the mindset--and sent him off to a full fledged military school. Peron always tried to do badly on his tests to become a solider so that he could be demoted to red; but, whenever he was tricked into thinking a test was real, the instructor saw his true skill. Now he is a low-rank solider, but once he has Spirt Shadow he has the potential to rise quickly through the ranks. Peron doesn't want to be an Underfolk, but he also hates fighting, so he has decided that he will try only a little bit to get a shadow, let come what may.
Appearance: He is very fit from his forced work-outs from the age of two, and he is a bit taller than average, people often find it incredible that he is only 16. He has black, crew-cut, hair and other features the barely hint our Mexican, even though his skin is white; on top of that he has dark brown eyes. Despite all this it is very hard to feel intimidate by him, his body language is always what would be expected from a priest or Buddhist.
Personality: He is very calm and peaceful, he puts a great deal of stock in love and knowledge; he hates violence. If he had a choice, he would have loved to be green, but his actual skills and father get in the way of that. He has an incredible tactical mind, even more so from being developed before he could even read, and in other areas he is also not an idiot, a natural scientist. He is also skilled with his Sunstone, despite them being forced together is seems like he was meant for it; he has tried to do healing spells with it, experimenting and making up his own, but the closest he has ever gotten is sense enhancement and dulling-originally used to dull the enemy and enhance pain (and of course the vice-versa on yourself).

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:34 am
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((Well, I figure we have enough people to start this now. Dunsparce and rumetz are both accepted, although I'd like you to change a few things on your application rumetz. This takes place before the events in the books, so there is no Sharrakor and changing the color of your Sunstone is not possible, although you could always steal another. Thanks, and hopefully this will be fun-ish.))

Reina couldn't help but grin as she watched her parents prepare the final incantations for their trip to Aneir, the Blue Sunstones on their wrists glowing brightly and their voices blending together as they chanted out the spell. Aria, Reina's elder sister, was also smiling brightly, her ebony hair sprawled across her shoulders and the Spirit Shadow at her feet shifted slightly as she too recited the spell.

Reina watched the dark shape splayed out at her sister’s feet with interest, wondering how her own Spirit shadow would look, or even what species it would be. Aria had only acquired her Spirit Shadow on the previous Day of Ascension, when she had bound a Subfusc; a rare bird-like being with six wings and a dusky black plumage. Almost instantly life changed. Aria was now allowed access to certain restricted parts of the Castle and she was often gone for days, studying Magic with a Master Sunstone Wielder, who had accepted her as an apprentice. Reina was loathed to admit that she was slightly...envious, and the way her parents had gone on and on about how Aria had managed to bind such an exotic and valuable Spirit Shadow...

Shaking her head, Reina snapped out her morbid thoughts, stepping back to allow Pew, the Underfolk who worked for her family, to get by as the elderly woman took away some dirty clothing. In the process she caught glimpse of her own feet and her eyes hardened. There was no shadow there, her mother had already performed the ritual to get rid of the Shadow Guard the day before and Reina was still having a hard time adjusting to the change. Her Shadow Guard had been a part of her forever, sure it had never talked, but it had cared for her in any way possible. She missed the constant presence and its silent companionship, but she pushed the thought into the dark recesses of her mind and concentrated on the task before her. She would bind her own Shadow and she would become a great sorcerer of Sunstone magic, even better than Aria!

"It’s done." Her father announced finally, as he and Reina's mother stopped chanting and both held up their Sunstones. The Blue gems on their wrists glowed in a constant and bright light which pulsed every few moments, as if they were breathing. Aria’s Sunstone displayed the same characteristics.

"Let’s get ready, the signal will come soon." Replied Reina's mother, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her head, the older Chosen quickly gestured for the two girls to follow her as she exited the room.

All three of them, followed by Reina's father, gathered together in a circle on the living room floor. All of them sat down, Reina ending up beside Aria and her father. The next part was familiar to Reina and all the members of the family raised their Sunstones above their heads. A bright light erupted out of all the Sunstones and surrounded the family, as they all recited the words for the Protection; a failsafe mechanism that protected and nourished the Chosen's bodies while their spirits traveled to Aneir.

After a moment, the light faded and all was silent, except for the shifting of shadows as her family's Spirit Shadows mingled together on the floor. Reina caught sight of a magnificent wing- Aria's Subfusc, and beside it the gnarled limbs of her mother's tree-like Spirit Shadow. Her father's spirit Shadow was a slithered around the man's feet, its long tail visible.


The sound reverberated through the entire Castle, thumping in Reina's chest as the siren sounded the start of the Ascension. Acting instantly, the pulsing Sunstones on her parent’s wrists spewed forth their dazzling light and the last thing Reina saw before darkness overtook her was her own body, now an empty husk, as her spirit drifted off to Aneir and her awaiting destiny.

People ask me why I do all these wierd things.I tell them I have a heart of a little boy, which I keep in my desk.

Once there was a man who ate a poisonous grapefruit and died.The moral of the story:DON'T EAT POISON GRAPEFRUIT!!

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:41 am
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Peron was sad, today was the day. Today, the last barrier preventing him from becoming a full solider would be eliminated and he would be doomed to a life of violence.
"Don't think like that," he chided himself, "maybe you'll get lucky and you won't get a Spirtshadow!"
This was Peron's only hope, that somehow he would fail to get a Spirtshadow even if he tried.
"Not likely," Peron replied to himself, "instructor Glant said that, with my father there and the preparation he's given me, it would be hard to avoid getting a Spirtshadow."

Peron sighed and entered his father's study, trying now to adopt what looked like barely concealed excitement; there was no need for his mother to share his pain.
"Good evening father," Peron said, "the separation has been completed and I am now ready to ascend."
"About time," General Gatow replied, not caring for greetings, "Now get over here before the signal arrives."
Peron hurried over and sat across from him, he wished his mother was coming, but his father says that in order to become a man, you must be in the presence of men.
"Take care dear." his mother said from the far wall as they recited the protection incantation; Peron nodded, but secretly he hoped that he would be injured, that would count as a failure.

The world was peaceful for a moment.


And suddenly, sight and sound became non-existent, and they were on their way.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:36 am
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James sighed. His hands were shaking and his palms were sweaty.
"James! Posture!"
"Sorry mother..." He stood straight with his hands by his sides.
"Thank you...such slouching is not becoming of you. I don't want you to embarass us in front of the guests."
His mother was odd. She wore her Sun Stone around her neck in a very renowned fashion. She had no problem using her families money and power to her advantage. "Now hurry along! We musn't be tardy."
"Yes mother..." Old bat...
The two entered a large room and his mother sat gracefully on the floor. James plopped down, making a thump. He was greeted by a harsh glare.
"Yes, well, let's hope you can at least carry yourself properly in Aneir. James dread the sound of that place. He knew he would fail in obtaining a Spirit Shadow and looked down to the floor. He had never had a Shadow Guard. His mother called them 'improper'. His father sat across from the quietly. He rarely ever spoke unless it was to give a lesson to his dear son.
"Now then...are you ready James?"
He rolled his eyes. "Yes sir..."
His father and mother began chanting. They refused to have any guidance, for it would make them look foolish. They had a single man watching, for safety reasons.
A moment later, he saw his parents Spirit Shadows dancing in graceful circles on the floor. His mother's large bird-shaped shadow, seeming to show its feathers and father's large cat-like creature. Oh how they danced. Soon, all went quiet.


James felt free. The worrying and fear of Aneir had seeemd to vanish.

((I love how universal the BRIIIWWW is XD
Quite catchy...))

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Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:24 pm
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Jalen gasped as he was thrust forward into a large room full of crystals. The immense beauty of the room amazed him. There were many boys and girls, his own age, who were all divided into lines. He knew he wasn't supposed to be here. This was for the mighty Chosen. He was nothing but a lowly piece of crap that was graciously allowed to live in the wondrous place that is the Castle. He turned around to see if he could still leave, but the two guards that brought him in were gone, and the enormous onyx doors were closed tight, and no handle was present. He had nowhere else to go, so he decided to just fill in the back of one of the lines. The immensely crystal floor was amazingly cold against Jalen's bare feet as he moved into the position in the back of the line. He was in a cold sweat now, his bare muscular torso completely soaked with perspiration. He grasped his green crystal as tightly as possible, fearful that he might lose it and the scary men might beat him.

The men at the front of the room were standing on a large platform with steps leading up to it. These people were turned away from the crowd of teenagers and were facing a large circle unlike anything Jalen had ever laid his eyes upon. It gave off a strange vibes that sent chills through Jalen's body. He felt the green crystal in his sweaty clenched palm begin to pulse. Something was special about that contraption. The men were wearing especially regal-looking robes, and were speaking in a strange tongue that Jalen was very unfamiliar with. Of course, even though he did not understand, read, write, or speak the common language, he still knew what it sounded like. But this new language was completely different.

The leaders at the front of the room finished their incantation and turned toward the crowd and raised their crystals. The rest of the crowd followed, and raised their stones with them. Jalen looked around and saw this, and decided to follow suit. Suddenly, the stones flashed, including Jalen, and all of the teens fell to the ground, as did Jalen. But he didn't feel it. He looked down on his toned, wet body. That's the point. He was looking down on his own flesh. He looked round desperately and saw that all the others were walking, as if hypnotized, up the steps of the platform and towards the contraption. Jalen sure didn't want to sit here and be stuck forever out of his body, so he reluctantly decided to follow them into the portal.


It was the strangest sensation Jalen had ever felt. He could not see or hear. He felt helpless. He flashed back to the time of his lie outside the Caste. When he was trapped. Locked behind the cold, black iron bars. When he truly was helpless. But it was different now. His time in the Castle had helped, but Jalen was still in need of rehabilitation. He needed more healing. And he hoped wherever he was going now, that that place would hold the key to his salvation from the nightmares of his father.


Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:52 pm
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"Wake up, Spence," his mother awakened him from his daydream.

"It's time. But before you go... I want you to take this," she walked over to him, a sheath, she pulled the handle. The handle was gifted with a hole in which to place the sunstone into. As Spence gazed, the small part of the blade reflected to see himself in it. She pushed it back in and gave it to Spence, "I want you to have it... It'll protect you."

Spence gasped, he felt saddened for a second, but then held it up with glee, "Thanks, Mum," he said, proudly lifting it up into the air. He smiled at his mum before getting ready as he got up from his bed and placing the sheath strap around him.

After equipping his Orange sunstone into the sword, he turned to nod at his mother. Spence was dressed, equipped and ready to go.

Like everywhere at almost the exact time, many had chanted and as their shadows danced into the new realm. The same old clearing sound echoed through Spence as he was carried off into the unknown.

The mother was all alone now. "Hehe, he's grown into your splitting image... Please look after him when I'm gone..." she murmured quietly to herself, looking up onto the wall of the Chosen Chest.


Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:53 pm
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Trevor sat in the middle of the immense room surrounded by three of the Elite Guard, his mother included.
His mother knelt down beside,"Your father would have been so proud of you.", his mother said through a solemn voice. "And I will make him proud by making one of the strongest beasts in Aneir my Spirit Shadow.", He said confidently.

One of the Guard leaned over,"It is time." His mother began to chant with the others. Trevor looked down at her Shadow, it was a four armed bear-like creature. Those are the kind of beasts that make an Elite Guardsmen , he thought to himself.

Trevor heard a loud BRIIWW and he was pulled out of his body, on his way to Aneir.


Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:28 am
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Cracking her eyes open, Reina was pleased to note the intricate wooden walls around her and the high ceiling; she was in her family's villa in Azure. The young Chosen quickly walked past her bed, maneuvered around the large dresser and walked out into the hallway. Once she had made her way past a few more doors and down the stairway to the first floor, she was met by her parents and Aria in front of the door.

The three Chosen regarded Reina carefully as if going through a mental checklist in their heads, eyes sharp and faces placid. Seemingly satisfied, Reina's mother and father exchanged a look before they addressed their daughter.

"Remember Reina, this Day of Ascension is the most important in your life," Her mother started. "it will determine the outcome of your future and how our family is regarded in the eyes of others. Failure is not acceptable, do you understand?" The young girl nodded stiffly, her eyes locked with her older counterpart.

"You are Blue, Reina; do not forget your place. Intelligence will always be the most desirable and worthwhile quality, use your head and you will be fine." Her father added, his voice was slightly gentler and he spared her a small smile. Reina once again nodded, she knew that this one event would be her ultimate test as a Chosen if she failed now she would never again be allowed to use a Sunstone or be with her family, instead the dismal Underfolk cast would be her only home and she but a lowly servant.

Aria did not spare her a second glance; instead the older girl quickly opened the door and walked out with Reina and her parents following. The door shut behind Reina with a soft click and the Chosen was able to take a look at Azure. The sunlight was bright in Aneir and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust but she didn't mind, something about Aneir always made her feel at peace. Today was a particularly wonderful day with rays of sunshine and a clear blue sky, a slight breeze was also noticeable, which bought a smile to Reina's face. The villa that her family stayed in was located naturally in the Blue Section of Azure, and already the other Blue Chosen were walking outside, all of them moving in the same direction.

Reina's family joined the throng and they all set out, soon they were joined by Green and Indigo, the sects closest to the Blue Section. The Chosen walked at a steady pace through the colored streets of Azure toward the Lake. It's waters were a clear pristine color and small aquatic animals could be seen swimming, although the Chosen paid them little heed as they all walked onto the wooden platforms that covered the Lake and lead toward the middle of the watery inlet. From here Reina was able to look back and see Azure in its entirety, the settlement wound its way around the Lake, sections of the city glowed under the sun's rays in the seven colors of the different social casts. Orange, Red and Yellow were on the eastern side of the Lake, and Reina could see them walking on the wooden platforms further off. Leading off from those lower sections were the Green, blue and Indigo, where she had just come from. It was probably unintentional, but the higher casts almost overlooked the lower from their position situated higher up on the hillside. The said hillside was actually the sides of the dormant volcano that the entire Chosen community was built in. It was no surprise that Violet had been situated in the rim of the high walls, overlooking the entire lower portions including the Lake and the other casts. High walls and towers could be seen from the Violet section; no doubt it was the most luxurious and beautiful section of Azure.

The Chosen soon slowed down and Reina was able to see what they were all walking toward. It was an impressive building made of all of the Chosen colors with high walls and seven towers jutting out into the skies of Aneir. This behemoth of a structure was built in the exact center of the circular Lake and it too was held up by wooden beams and Sunstone magic, as some chosen speculated. The entire Chosen community made their way inside the immense structure, through the arched doorway. Once inside the different casts once again split up into their distinctive sections and all walked toward the large ornate doors that were each a different color. The inside of the structure was very forlorn, with high ceilings and large statues of important Chosen from the past and their respective Spirit Shadows. The domed ceiling was made of colored crystals that let sunlight shine through and spill over the Chosen in a beautiful display of color, although not many seemed to notice the quiet beauty.

Reina followed her family as they all walked through the Blue door, which was quite fancy and made of some shiny metallic substance. The room on the other side was perhaps the biggest Reina had ever set foot in. It was a large arena almost, with countless seats and a wide area in the middle that could have held at least fifty Chosen. The top was left open and sunlight streamed through, down onto the crowds. The seated sections, like everything in Chosen society were divided into colors. Reina took a seat beside her father on the Blue chairs that lined the rows in front of her and behind her as more Blue Chosen quickly filled up the spaces. The seats on the left were occupied by the Green, followed by Yellow, Orange, and Red. The right was filled with Indigo and the sparsely seated Violet section.

A loud horn blast signaled the beginning of the ordeal, whatever it was, and all Chosen instantly went silent. The horn stopped a few moments later and a large gate opened up near the Indigo level, it spewed forth a line of Chosen who were all dressed in the dark hued armor and distinctive robes of the Chosen Army. Swords were strapped to their waists, sheeted in black scabbards, spears clanked in their right hands and the Indigo sunstones on their right wrist shone brightly in the dazzling light, shadows shifting around their feet. The parade of armored Chosen quickly set themselves up around the perimeter of the inner space, before the horn sounded again.

Once more a group of Chosen wearing the Indigo colors walked out, although these looked much more dangerous and intimidating. All of them were tall and wore fancy armor made of some crystalline substance that seemed to absorb light. Reina felt her heart beat faster at the sigh of these strange Chosen; the Elite Guard, the strongest of all warriors in Chosen society. They too took up positions near the other Indigo soldiers, although there were far less of them and they were certainly more dangerous looking and their Spirit shadows were much larger.

Another short note from the annoying horn announced the presence of the other Chosen who were now making their way to the arena. When Reina caught sight of them, she instantly felt herself stiffen and her heart soared as she watched the robed figures intently. About ten hooded Chosen, wearing dark Violet cloaks and robes walked through the open inner field and took up position near the middle; all of them were situated in a perfect circle, facing the seated crowd. Their faces could not be seen because of the hoods that they wore but the aura of power and their flashing Violet Sunstones indicated their importance, the shadows at their feet were particularly elaborate, Reina caught sight of a tentacle and what could have been a strange creature with hundreds of eyes. They were all Master Sunstone Wielders-the highest level a sorcerer f Sunstone magic could ever hope to attain. In short they were the greatest of all Chosen when it came to magical matters. A hushed sigh escaped out of Reina's mouth as she watched the robed figures, her eyes shining as she silently promised herself that one day she would be among their ranks.

Her thoughts were interrupted, once again by the horn, this time thought, a deep mournful melody spewed forth from the infernal instrument and all the Chosen rose to their feet. Reina knew what was coming next but she couldn't help but watch the gate with interest. The horn continued to sing its song, as two figures emerged from the darkness. The first was a tall man with ebony black hair and a muscular physik, splendid Violet armor covered his body and a large, exquisite cape was draped around his back, it too was a deep rich Violet with Indigo interlays. The Violet Sunstone on his wrist and the band of gold around his brow, combined with his charismatic aura, why he could only be one person-The Emperor of the Chosen. The figure next to him was perhaps even more awe inspiring than he was. She was a beautiful woman, with light golden hair that spilled over her pale skin and onto her shoulders; a necklace made of Violet gems was adorned around her slender neck. The elaborate Violet robes she wore, combined with her elegant walk and the purple bundle she carried in her arms... It was clear that she was the Empress, and the little bundle was the newly born son of the Emperor and the Empress, the child was hidden in the folds of the purple blanket but one tiny arm poked out, small fingers grasping at the air. Acting as one, all of the assembled Chosen raised their Sunstones and flashed them, the area filled with brilliant light and the Emperor and Empress took their places in the inner most circles of Indigo Guards and Violet Sunstone Wielders.

"The Day of Ascension has already begun; in the tradition of the Chosen all those who have become of age must bind their own Spirit Shadow before the Return to Dark World in thirty days." The voice was clear and precise, as if spoken right beside Reina although the Emperor was in fact at least a hundred feet away from her. The Spirit Shadow at his feet twitched its shape indistinguishable, the Empresses likewise.

"Recent events have made this annual ceremony harder, it is advisable that all those who are participating should do so in groups. Now all of you come down." The Emperor finished, his rich voice soft and unreadable, emotionless almost.

Reina, along with the other Chosen children left her seat and walked down to the area, where the Guards, Sorcery and Royalty waited. She spared her parents a glance, both nodding in encouragement as Aria ignored her, eyes focused on the Emperor. The majority of the children wore Yellow and Orange, with the other casts making up the minority of the participants. It was no surprise that there were no Violet children.

Reina was quickly surrounded by the other Blue Chosen, Green and Indigo on either side of them. The Emperor gestured and the crowd walked off toward the gate and out to meet their destiny.

"Good luck..." The soft voice sounded in Reina's ear and she quickly turned to see the Empress looking at her, vibrant eyes locked on the young Chosen's face. Uneasy, Reina quickly looked away, unsure what had just transpired.

(I know, I know, it’s huge, but bare with me. Now the story can be moved along and we can all meet up and continue the adventure by ourselves.)

People ask me why I do all these wierd things.I tell them I have a heart of a little boy, which I keep in my desk.

Once there was a man who ate a poisonous grapefruit and died.The moral of the story:DON'T EAT POISON GRAPEFRUIT!!

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:52 am
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Peron shuffled along with the group, on his way he passed his father, standing proud with the rest of the Chosen army. General Gatow made no movement to indicate his oldest son had just passed within ten feet of him, his stance was solid like that of a statue. "That's what I will be," Peron noted with a twang of sadness, "a statue, unable to move in the direction I want and forced to be emotionless." He sighed and faced forward. Although his father seemed to ignore him, Peron knew he would be watching, so he began to make it seem like he was looking around, when he was really thinking "Please let there be nothing, please let there be nothing, please let there be nothing..." every time he glanced towards a likely place.

((So how does this work? We just look for an animal and then bind it?))

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:14 pm
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((Technically, yes. Although it wouldn't be very fun or smart to catch the very first thing you see, would it? Think of it as if something like this could be available in real life, would you automatically bind a mouse you find around your house or would you rather have something much stronger and exciting, like say a lion? Besides, we have yet to meet and go explore Aneir, you know beyond Azure.))

People ask me why I do all these wierd things.I tell them I have a heart of a little boy, which I keep in my desk.

Once there was a man who ate a poisonous grapefruit and died.The moral of the story:DON'T EAT POISON GRAPEFRUIT!!

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:28 pm
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Trevor walked over to the gates, his head held high. As he walked past his mother his eyes shifted to where she was standing motionless, his father's sword at her side.
When I can bind a creature that is stronger than my mothers' than I shall be able to wield that sword.
The creature that his mind was set on was the great Fandroon(a cross between a dragon and a wolf) which is found only at the lakeside in the center of a mountain.

As Trevor walked along he bumped into a fellow indigo wielder. "Oh...sorry, didn't see where I was going."
He looked up to see a huge guy next to him. The teen had his head down sulkily. "Hey, are you okay?", Trevor asked him.


Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:30 pm
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"Ah, yes I'm fine," Peron grinned, a show, "anyway, what are you looking for? I'm not particularly eager to find my spirit shadow, nor do I even know what I want, so maybe I can help you and perhaps come across something. Anything to prolong it." He thought. Hopefully the excuse of helping a comrade would extend the time he was still free.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:56 pm
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A soldier's child that is not eager to find his Spirit Shadow? I wonder why but I'm not going to breach that subject anytime soon.

"It would be fantastic if you could but I'm looking for a Fandroon. You know how difficult it is to find one so if you say no it won't bother me. Maybe if you do help than we can find you a suitable Shadow, a fast Spirit should do nice."


Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:08 pm
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"A Fandroon, perfect. A Fandroon isn't a problem," Peron said, "which mountain do you want to check first?"

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:15 am
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"A Fandroon, perfect. A Fandroon isn't a problem," Peron said, "which mountain do you want to check first?"

((so can we just invent a random animal? Or is there some list from the books?

Sorry for my ignorance, I'm going to start reading the things soon.))

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:22 am
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Spence chuckled with excitement. He was Orange, but he knew that if he proved himself he would become an Elite Guard someday. It was funny, the sword's sheath was almost the same as theirs, the blade customized somewhat however. Anyway, Spence was kind of depressed his mother couldn't see him off like all the others, but he knew she had been sick for a couple of months now, understandable.

Spence met over with the others with a determined grin on face, "So guys, where are we headin' first?" he chuckled again, "My name's Spence, by the way."


Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:51 am
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Trevor looked at the random newcomer. "We are thinking of a mountain that has a lake in the middle of it. I'm searching for a Fandroon and I'm helping this guy find a suitable one for him." Trevor motioned to the other guy," I'm Trevor and this is...."


Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:05 am
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((You can make up a creature, or I can post a list of some of the creatures that are in the actual books if you want.))

People ask me why I do all these wierd things.I tell them I have a heart of a little boy, which I keep in my desk.

Once there was a man who ate a poisonous grapefruit and died.The moral of the story:DON'T EAT POISON GRAPEFRUIT!!

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:55 am
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