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 The Angels of Creation (need four more people) 
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Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer

Joined: Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:20 pm
Posts: 122
Location: somewhere in time. following your life. plotting to control you.
Roleplay Name: The Angels of Creation
Roleplay Genre: Fantasy Adventure
Rating: T

History: Five hundred years ago god fell asleep and the world began to fall into chaos and there was nothing the archangels could do. so they had to wait.... wait for him to wake up so that he could make everything right...

Setting: In America

Plot: After waking up god realizes his power has diminished and he can't do everything on his own on earth anymore, so he changes five different people into angels to fix the world. but unknown to god satan has his own plans to destroy the world, and has created his own demons to counter the angels work.

Angels: angel of fire, angel of water, angel of earth(must be female), angel of air(taken), angel of time,
Angel Weapons: flame hammer, aqua whip, terra staff, air bow, chrono sword,

Demons: satan, lucifer, (satan is the devil and lucifer is the head demon. they are not the same person)
you may pm me if you want to reserve one of the charecters.

this is my profile.

Name: angelo silver
Profession: dancer,
Angel: angel of time "chronos"
Appearance: ... Angel4.jpg
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Body type: tall, thin
Hair and eye colours: brown hair, brown eyes,
Face type: Thin, sharp features
Other physical features:
Clothing style: elegant, beautiful costumes.
Speech style: Concise and specific,
Personality: serious,
General demeanor: Usually quiet and reclusive, Can get very dramatic when he's dancing,
Parents: his mother works for the dance company he works for, his dad is a policeman
Siblings: none
Hometown: New York City
Childhood history: he has been dancing since he was a kid, that is the only thing special about his childhood

Recent history: was recruited into a famous dance company and then became the angel of time.

Plans for the future: hopes to be finsih his role as angel of time so he can go back to his dancing

chrono sword
ready... set... apply!

Last edited by angelo chronos on Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:15 am
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Fails at life
Fails at life

Joined: Sat May 31, 2008 9:58 am
Posts: 52
Location: At Asda, getting a pint of Milk
Name: Sam Lexus
Profession : Financial Advisor
Angel: Angel Of Air
Weapon: Air Bow
Appearance Angel : ... cBlack.jpg
Appearance Normal :
Age : 22
Gender : Male
Body: Tall Thinish
Hair and Eyes : Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes
Clothes Style: Smart Casual , When Working Immaculate
Speech Style : Clearly and Slowly but not patronizing.
Personality : Naturally Funny , Intelligent
General Demeanor: Loud and says what he thinks to peoples face and sometimes behind backs.
Background: Australian.
Parents : Robert and Lucinda
Siblings : Little Brother Jack
Hometown: Perth , WA
Childhood: He never knew what he wanted to do in life and he thought he was fairly good at maths so he gave it a try.

Recent History: Offered an Amazing Job and Took it. Recruited as Angel.

Plans: Wants to be the best Angel ever and hopes to climb to the top of his Career.





Last edited by Hyperjack123 on Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:03 am
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Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer

Joined: Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:20 pm
Posts: 122
Location: somewhere in time. following your life. plotting to control you.
accepted. also note your weapon in your profile.

Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:48 am
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Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:43 am
Posts: 266
Location: under your keyboard, smiling at all the dust mites....
Name: mikael pedon
Profession: martial artist, weapons specialist.
Angel: angel of earth
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Body type: tall, thin
Hair and eye colours: white hair, black eyes,
Face type: vengeful
Other physical features:has a huge scar on the side of his chest
Clothing style: likes white
Speech style: likes to use quotes and one liners
Personality: serious,
General demeanor: gets angry very easily
background: he is a master of psychology and loves to mess with poeoples heads
Parents: he doesnt know
Siblings: 1 but never talks about him
Hometown: tamarac
Childhood history: hes a master of all thing he tryes so he was a faverite at all the homes he was in, he refused to be adopted
Recent history: insrtucts peiople in the art of sword and bo staff
Plans for the future: he wants to keep his powers as he finds them invigorating

terra staff

A flea and fly in a flue, Were imprisoned so what could they do? Said the flea let us fly. Said the fly let us flee. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Last edited by Archangel Mikael on Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:47 am
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer

Joined: Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:20 pm
Posts: 122
Location: somewhere in time. following your life. plotting to control you.
accepted as soon as you put flame hammer in. every weapon is with an angel of the same element. e.g. angel of time = chrono sword.

and as soon as some one applies for satan we will start. (not all the angels were made at the same time)

Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:58 am
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Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:43 am
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Location: under your keyboard, smiling at all the dust mites....
Name: satan ''belial''
Profession: head devil
Angel: fallen
Age: infinite
Gender: female
Body type: well built
Hair and eye colours: green hair, red eyes
Face type: sleek
Other physical features: has four wings
Clothing style: skimpy lol
Speech style: sly and convincing, she should, she's the demon of lies and guilt
Personality: conceided
General demeanor: slacking and lounging around bossing lucifer around whenever possible and never giving up a chance to put her two cents in, she also has the hots for lucifer and he knows this which gives him an advantage over her as he occasionally puts suggestions in her head.
background: originally a member of the virtues, a second sphere in the angelic hierarchy, but rebeled soon after lucifer was thrown out of heaven at the hands of mikael, his twin brother.
Parents: tahariel, raphael
Siblings: orifiel, lemik, cretin, etc ,ect,
Hometown: heaven i guess
Childhood history: really, an angel having a childhood, ive never heard of a child angel. and no cheribs arent little naked babys with wings. the word was taken from cherubim and the image was stolen from greek and it sort of evolved from there.

Recent history: her diabolical plan that was, by no means, incited by luce... she swears :wink:

Plans for the future:
nothing much. just the end of the earth.

A flea and fly in a flue, Were imprisoned so what could they do? Said the flea let us fly. Said the fly let us flee. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:16 pm
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer

Joined: Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:20 pm
Posts: 122
Location: somewhere in time. following your life. plotting to control you.
((sorry guys my comp crashed so we couldn't start but now..... GO! and also we will add more people as we go along.))

"plie, plie, grand plie, lean foward, come up, lean back, come up, susue sutanu and other side." -an hour later everyone walks out of class-

ugh..... i'm so tired..... -walks to my room but as i step in i am teleported to a strange world where there are three other people two standing next to me and one in front of us- wh-where am i? who are you guys? -the person in front coughs and i turn towards him- " My name is Mikeal. and you three are here because we are in need of your assistance. The world had fallen into ruin while god was asleep and we need your help to put it right. you three shall be placed in the positions of the angels of creation if you accept. they are the beings that keep the world in balance and each is assigned to a specific attribute. but the question is will you take this chance? if you do you will leave the life you know behind. but the choice is yours..."

((by the way this is the ARCHANGEL mikeal talking. not the new recruit mikeal. and i will play him whenever we come up to heaven.))

Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:47 am
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Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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Joined: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:50 pm
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Location: Mew Cafe
Hey can I join cuz it looks like you need at least one girl in this.

Name: Zakuro
Profession: Fashion model
Angel: The angel of love and beauty
Appearance: Image
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Body type: Very skinnny and curvy tall
Hair and eye color: Long glossy brown hair and hazel eyes
Face type: Her face is in a kind of heart shape and she has soft elegant features
Other physical features:
Clothing style: Sexy, cute, and fashionable
Speech style: Suductive
Personality: Bubbly, Kinda has its all about her additude and can sometimes be an air head
General demeanor: Is completely boy-crazy
background: Zakuro is the 2nd richest fashion model in the country and is always in the headlines of every magazine out there.
Parents: Kurmi and Krei
Siblings: None
Hometown: Hollywood, California
Childhood history: Zakuro grew up in a beautiful Hollywood mansion and was treated like a queen the day she was born
Recent history: Had appeared in a fashion show during Fashion Week in France
Plans for the future: To become a fashion icon that everyone adores
Weapon: The staff of loveImage<--pic of staff


Mew Zakuro

Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:34 am
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Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer

Joined: Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:20 pm
Posts: 122
Location: somewhere in time. following your life. plotting to control you.
A little suggestion... Check the date of the last post before you post somewhere. Reviving dead topics can get you a warning.

But crunchy do me a fav and shut this rp please. It's dead.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:52 pm
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