
Mega Gengar/Gengarite suspected for ban in Ubers
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Author:  MasonTheChef [ Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Mega Gengar/Gengarite suspected for ban in Ubers ... 1.3513127/

So Mega Gengar is up for a full ban out of Ubers. Which is quite odd considering ubers isn't a tier but a OU banlist that isn't meant to be balanced, barring obscene luck strategies such as Swag,Moody,OHKO,Funbro.

So do you think Mega Gengar should be banned?
Uber split into 2 tiers, Balanced and full?
Should Shadow Tag be banned instead?

Author:  ChillBill [ Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mega Gengar/Gengarite suspected for ban in Ubers

Ubers are Ubers. As my main tier and the place where I had the most success, I consider an extra tier for Ubers unimportant. Mega Gengar isn't the only thing that's broken in the world, and we're talking Ubers; if it isn't completely luck-based, there's always a way. I think Ubers should stay as they are.

Author:  Kiga [ Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mega Gengar/Gengarite suspected for ban in Ubers

I don't really play Ubers myself, although I've been looking into it for a while. If they ban Gengarite, it's more than likely going to lead to a line of 'broken' things being banned. On the one hand, if they don't split the tier, and give it the Moody treatment, then that would be a shame to see. On the other hand, if they split Ubers into different tiers, and follow that inevitable line of bans, then it may provide the ability to use the 'lesser' Uber pokemon more frequently, which might be nice.

As I don't really play Ubers though, so I don't know the effect that Mega-Gengar really has on the meta game, but I would find it a shame to see it, and other pokemon if that can is opened, be outright removed from the Smogon meta game, so I would not support a ban in that case; if they split the tier, I'd probably be more supportive of the ban then. Lord knows how much people are already crying about Primal Kyogre, after all, so this sort of thing was probably inevitable.

Author:  GofD [ Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mega Gengar/Gengarite suspected for ban in Ubers

Again, this is a case of Smogon waving around the Ban Hammer way to much...

Preventing your Opponent from switching/ retreating is a VIABLE strategy and is found in pretty much ALL STRATEGY RELATED GAMES, heck in some cases its a real world strategy. And Guess what Pokemon has strategy type elements to it. As such, removing this takes away a certain element to the game. Yes one could use Mean look (Which in some cases gives the opponent the chance to switch out and have a Pokemon in play that makes the user of Mean Look go "fudge..."), but is it really worth it on Pokemon who rely on coverage?

Honestly, Mega Gengar does not affect the "Meta" that much. And Honestly..Smogon is Banning so much stuff...That Im finding they are Making the Game less fun.

So in Summary, NO BAN.

Author:  ChillBill [ Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mega Gengar/Gengarite suspected for ban in Ubers

Mega Gengar greatly affects the game; you're wrong in saying that it doesn't. However, this isn't a case of SwagPlay or Moody, which are both strategies based entirely on luck rather than skill. Mega Gengar isn't luck-based, and as such doesn't need to be removed from the Ubers meta.

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mega Gengar/Gengarite suspected for ban in Ubers

completely forgot about this since no announcement was made on the FB feed. Gengarite was not banned O_O

In other news, PO is suspecting Geomancy from Ubers

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mega Gengar/Gengarite suspected for ban in Ubers

Gengarite has not been banned from Ubers, but now Shadow Tag is being placed under suspect. Which for ubers is basically the same thing with better wording.

Author:  ChillBill [ Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mega Gengar/Gengarite suspected for ban in Ubers

Not quite... Mega Gengar is the strongest and most used Shadow Tag user in Ubers, but if you wanna use Mega Blaziken or Mewtwo, Gothitelle also works wonders. Many people who voted in the Gengarite suspect test voted no ban because they felt that Shadow Tag needed to go altogether, and banning only Gengarite wouldn't fix something.

Author:  Hedayet [ Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mega Gengar/Gengarite suspected for ban in Ubers

I hope not.I really like it and so if it happens I will be very sad...

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