
Broken DBS Mods
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Author:  Nuetral777 [ Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Broken DBS Mods

Changed Trait in slot 2 to Speed Boost.

Added move Lock-On.
Changed Trait in slot 2 to Pure Power.

Added move Meteor Mash.
Added move Meteor Mash.
Added move Meteor Mash.
Added move Meteor Mash.

Added move Aeroblast.
Changed Trait in slot 2 to Speed Boost.

These are some dbs mods I've come across. For all those who were interested in actually making a ModServer for Psypoke...Do not do this. Why in the name of all things holy and evil does Steelix need Aeroblast and Speed Boost? Why does Slaking need Speed Boost? Yeah.

Author:  Neo_Matrix [ Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:26 am ]
Post subject: 

One server actually DID put wonder guard on sableye. how broke!!

Author:  FireStarter [ Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, there won't be any Psypoke mod server made any time soon, and I would also like to tell others NOT to imply in any way that your server is connected with Psypoke.

Anyway, about those mods, I fully agree that they are broken. I've seen Blastoise with Volt Absorb, Mewtwo with Shadow Tag, and a few other database mod abuse cases. However, as long as someone does it on their own server I don't see the harm.

Author:  Nuetral777 [ Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

What I am saying is that Psypoke could make a Mod Server. However, I'd recommend gathering a diverse group of well experienced players that excell in one of the formats of play(OU, UU, 202, 368, ect.) and then decide on mods that will make the game more fun but not make it total chaos.

Take Exploud for example. Exploud doesn't get Focus Punch. It gets All the other punches but Focus Punch. I think that most people would agree that Focus Punch wouldn't make Exploud unstoppable, although it would make it a little better.

The main thing I can see mods doing is leveling the playing field so to speak. Making the metagame more diverse rather than having the exact same 10 or 11 pokemon repeated on everyone and their grandmother's team. Why not give Murkrow a better ability or some more Special Attacks.

The more people on the commitee to decide the mods, the more angles the mod in question could be looked at. How about giving Wobbuffet an ability OTHER than Shadow Tag. Or making Softboiled illegal on Blissey. There are many things that can be done to level the playing field.

I'd say leave the OU pokemon MOSTLY untouched(some pokemon could use things to make them better like Magneton) while giving a few BL and the majority of the UU and NU pokemon some great boosts.

Better Movepool for Rapidash anyone? Natural Cure Umbreon could be pretty fun :X. Dragon Dance Flygon? Megahorn Pinsir? Guts Linoone?

You could also say good bye to some things like Sandstream T-tar, Softboiled Blissey, or OHKO moves altogether.

Author:  ChroniclerC [ Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think Neutral has a good point. As long as the disscusions remain polite and everyone can say their word, we might actualy get a decent Database mod. Just don't give Magneton Levitate.
{magneton} + Levitate = Broken
{slaking} - Truant = Broken
{rapidash} + Speed Boost = Decent poke
{exploud} + Focus Punch = Good idea
{blissey} - Softboiled = Yay :D

Author:  Mewnoob [ Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

i counter that magneton with levitate loses the only reason its used at all, to trap skarm.

Author:  Nuetral777 [ Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Magneton with Levitate isn't broken

It still is too slow to cause TOO much damage.

Gets walled EXTREMELY easy.

A STAB'd CB Return attack does wonders to its low HP

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