
Pokemon Analysis: Delibird
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Author:  Tobey [ Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Pokemon Analysis: Delibird

POTW inspired it.

Santa + Penguin - OU = Delibird.

+ Absorbs Sleep
+ Hustle + Aerial Ace = <3
+ EQ immune!

- 4x Weak to Rock
- Hustle can miss
- Can't do a heck of a lot

General Counters: Anything with a decent offense score and move with 70 or higher Base Power.

Delibird@Choice Band
Adamant: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp
Trait: Hustle
Aerial Ace
Focus Punch
Quick Attack
*Hustle + Aerial Ace will OHKO anything Grass or Bug and/or has low enough defense. Focus Punch is AWESOME if you can predict. Believe it or not, you won't miss that often. Although, you might miss at a critical moment 8(

Delibird (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Vital Spirit
EVs: 112 HP / 144 Atk / 252 SAtk
Lonely Nature (+Atk, -Def)
- Blizzard / Ice Beam
- Focus Punch
- Rapid Spin / Hidden Power [Electric] / Quick Attack / Substitute / Thief
- Quick Attack / Rapid Spin / Hidden Power [Electric] / Substitute / Thief

ABSORBS SLEEP. Pretty much its only use. The EVs and Nature are pretty much HEAVILY dependant on the moves you pick. For damage on their switch or something, +Spd Nature and Spd EVs. It can OHKO a Breloom. Switch into Spore, then Blizzard or Ice Beam. Does close to 50% on Max Sp.Def, Max HP Venusaur. You aren't going to throw this into Gengar.

It could pseudo-boltbeam with Modest > Lonely. It won't do THAT much damage so meh. Rapid Spin can throw away spikes. Quick Attack is fun for those UU EndRev/Flail users.

If you max speed, you can thief away thier item before you die.

This Moveset is LEAST recommened because you can't do anything but smack around a blissey or OHKO a Breloom.


So yeah. Hustle + CB + STAB + 100% Accuracy = the following:

100% Primeape
100% Shedinja
71-83% Pinsir
64-75% Meganium
72-84% Machamp
83-98% Hitmontop
50-59% Fearow

If you are wondering why 6 out of 7 of the pokemon have a type disadvantage and none of them but 2 have some sort of defense...these are the type of pokemon that will actually take a nice wallop from Aerial Ace. You'll have to have very nice planning.

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