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Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer
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Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:01 am
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Location: Riding on Salamence, looking for Bidoof to kill
Magikoopa, you're lucky I'm here.

{bulbasaur}: Behind the Shrub, at the very south-east of Lyra Forest.
{ivysaur}: Enter Lyra Forest Maze, and head up.
{venusaur}: Behind the shrub, in the Hoppip section of Lyra Forest Maze, just past the Beedrill.
{bellsprout}: Scattered everywhere in Krokka Tunnel.
{weepinbell}: Scattered in the section of Lyra Forest Maze just past the weird-looking shrine.
{victreebel}: After completing the main storyline, go to where you meet Gordor for the first time.
{chikorita}: Scattered in the Lyra Forest.
{bayleef}: Go to the section with the millions of bugs in the Olive Jungle. When you climb the first vine, don't go up the second one, as there is a Bayleef to the far right.
{meganium}: Enter the `bugs` section of Olive Jungle, but when you reach the first Venonat, go south-west instead of north.
{hoppip}: Venture to the Lyra Forest Maze. After the section with the Beedrill, you will arrive at a field full of Hoppip.
{mudkip}: Scattered in the Lyra Forest.
{marshtomp}: Approach Lyra Forest Maze, but before entering, head down into the grass. If you keep going, you will run into a Marshtomp.
{swampert}: After you complete the main storyline, enter Lyra Forest Maze, and head up.
{slowpoke}: In the Kisara Plain, catch two Abra.
{torchic}: Near the entrance to Lyra Forest Maze.
{combusken}: Go slightly up and to the left of the `Middle Tree` in Lyra Forest, and cut down the Shrub.
{blaziken}: After you complete the main storyline, in between Krokka Tunnel and Fall City.
{rapidash}: In the Kisara Plain, catch teo Spoink.
{cyndaquil}: Scattered about in Lyra Forest Maze.
{quilava}: Near the Victreebell in Lyra Forest Maze, and also in the entrance to the Sekra Range.
{typhlosion}: When you exit the Weepinbell section, back up, and go down, past the Ivysaur and (hopefully) the Weepinbell, and head to the right. Typlosion is behind a Shrub.
{pichu} Scattered about in Fall City.
{pikachu} Follow the path in the Sekra Range, until you come to fork in the road. The upper road should be blocked by Snorlax, and in front of it, Pikachu.
{raichu}: Near the top of the Fiore Temple.
{beedrill}: There is a whole gang of them in the section past the Victreebell/Gordor in Lyra Forest Maze
{ralts}: Start the Rayquaza mission, and it is located in the Fiore Temple.
{kirlia}: In Krokka Tunnel, find the Diglett, then go through a small archway, to the left of the Diglett. Enter the upcoming door and head to the left, and through a different door. Head downwards, catch a Graveler, head back up and to the left, and use Graveler on the Cavern Wall. It can also be found in the Kisara Plain.
{gardevoir}: Start the Rayquaza mission, and it is located in the Fiore Temple. It can also be found in the Kisara Plain, after catching two Kirlia.
{abra}: In the Kisara Plain, after a minute has gone by.
{spoink}: In the Kisara Plain.
{nincada}: In the Lyra Forest Maze, just past the Hoppip field, you will come to a fork. Take the lower road, and you will find Nincada.
{ninjask} Head to the Weepinbell section in Lyra Forest Maze, and go down. Shake the tree that you see and a Ninjask will pop out.
{shedinja}: After completing the main storyline, go to Lyra Forest Maze, complete the maze involving the Nincada, and you will find them scattered around the tree where Murkrow lives. Can also be found at the Jungle Relic, while doing the Mew mission.
{phanpy}: Go to Lyra Forest Maze, complete the maze involving the Nincada, and you will find them scattered around the tree where Murkrow lives.
{donphan}: In the Fiore Temple. Can also be found in the Kisara Plain.
{taillow}: Scattered around Lyra Forest and Lyra Forest Maze.
{swellow}: In Lyra Forest Maze, just after the Nincada, coose the top path and you will find a Swellow.
{dragonite}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{spearow}: In the Kisara Plain.
{fearow}: In the Kisara Plain, after beating Joel's record.
{doduo}: In the Kisara Plain, after catching two Kirlia and two Gardevoir.
{dodrio}: In the Kisara Plain, after beating Joel's record.
{scyther}: Located near the middle of the first section of Lyra Forest Maze.
{scizor}: Located near Ninjask's tree in Lyra Forest Maze.
{skarmory}: In the Kisara Plain, after beating Joel's record.
{murkrow}: In the Lyra Forest Maze, do the maze involving Nincada, and at the Swellow, go down and you'll find a tree surrounded by Phanpy and (sometimes) Shedinja. Shake the tree and Murkrow falls out.
{zigzagoon}: Scattered in the Lyra Forest.
{linoone}: Scattered in the Lyra Forest.
{tauros}: In the Kisara Plain.
{paras}: Behind the cave that contains the Hariyama and (sometimes) the Machamp. In Krokka Tunnel.
{parasect}: Get a Guster and blow Parasect out of the ground! Anyway, its together with the Paras.
{poliwag}: Go past the Diglett, into a door above, and go through the path to the Poliwag. Approach them from behind, as they have a common tendancy to jump into the water, out of reach.
{poliwhirl}: In Krokka Tunnel, in front of the cavern containing the Hariyama and Machamp.
{poliwrath}: After completing the main storyline, start the Groudon mission, catch a Rhydon, use it to break the boulder and capture Sceptile, and use the Sceptile to cut down the wooden fence hiding two Poliwrath.
{politoed}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{magnemite}: Scattered in the Krokka Tunnel.
{magneton}: In the Krokka Tunnel, head through the archway to the west of the Diglett, and keep on going up.
{zubat}: Below the cave with the Hariyama and Machamp.
{golbat}: In the entrance to Panula Cave.
{crobat}: In Panula Cave, head to where the two Golem are together, and head through the topmost door. Behind the following ice slab there are thrww Crobat.
{diglett}: In the `main road` of Krokka Tunnel.
{dugtrio}: Below the cavern of Hariyama and Machamp in the Krokka Tunnel, search the side of the lake on the left until you find a Post. Vine Whip it and follow the path. Head slightly to the left and down, smash the Rockfall and you find da Dugtrio!
{rhydon}: Enter the Jungle Relic, Head to the right and keep on going up until you reach a Rhydon.
{geodude}: In the Krokka Tunnel, head through the `east of Diglett archway` and you will see either some rocks or some Geodude. If they are rocks, wait for them to turn into Geodude.
{graveler}: Through the door to the south of the Kirlia in the Krokka Tunnel.
{golem}: Scattered about in the Sekra Range and the Fiore Temple, and also in Panula Cave, to the left of the last Medicham you see.
{plusle}: If you are a girl, it will be the first Pokemon you get. If you are a boy, it will be there after completing the main storyline.
{minun}: If you are a boy, it will be the first Pokemon you get. If you are a girl, it will be there after completing the main storyline.
{tangela}: In the Kisara Plain, and also the Sekra Range.
{krabby}: At Fall City Harbour.
{corphish}: Scattered around Fall City Waterworks.
{crawdaunt}: Behind a Metal Fence that, at first glance, doesn't appear to hide anything.
{totodile}: Scattered around Fall City Waterworks.
{croconaw}: Scattered around in Fall City Waterworks.
{feraligatr}: In the Fall City Waterwroks, in the area with the two side by side Corphish, look for a post. Vine Whip it, burn down the Scrap Metal, and go down to one of the water-level platforms. Feraligatr is on one of them.
{squirtle}: On the metal pipes just below Feraligatr in the Fall City Waterworks.
{wartortle}: Enter Lyra Forest Maze, and head up. Smash the rock that appears, go down the small bank, and Wartortle jumps at you.
{blastoise}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{voltorb}: Behind the Dusk Factory.
{machop}: Scattered around the Krokka Tunnel.
{machoke}: After completing the main storyline, search at the Dusk Factory.
{machamp}: In a cavern just above the Zubat and Poliwhirl in the Krokka Tunnel; this section is above the room with the Graveler.
{makuhita}: In Fall City.
{hariyama}: Together with the Machamp.
{meditite}: In the Fall City waterworks.
{medicham}: One near the entrance to Panula Cave, one in the middle of Panula Cave, and one below the last Dusclops you see in Panula Cave. There is also one in the small chamber below the stone pedestals in the Fiore Temple.
{grimer}: In the sludge-storage area of Fall City Waterworks; fall down a hole.
{muk}: Together with the Grimer.
{koffing}: In the sludge-storage area of Fall City Waterworks.
{drowzee}: Scattered in the Fall City Waterworks.
{hypno}: With the Gastly in the Dusk Factory.
{mr. mime}: Scattered around in the Dusk Factory.
{pinsir}: In the Dusk Factory situated around the force floors.
{gastly}: In the Dusk Factory.
{haunter}: In the Dusk Factory.
{gengar}: In the small chamber below the stone pedestals in the Fiore Temple.
{snubbull}: Scattered in Fall City.
{skitty}: Scattered in Fall City.
{meowth}: Scatterd in Fall City.
{jigglypuff}: At Joy Clock Tower.
{rattata}: In the Fall City Waterworks.
{raticate}: In the Fall City Waterworks, past the first Koffing section.
{porygon}: I don't know myself. It just appeared in my browser.
{kecleon}: At the entrance to the Dusk Factory, back up, go through the little path above you, and you will arrive at a platform. Walk everywhere, and sooner or later, you will run into Kecleon. It is also found in the Kisara Plain, after one minute has gone by.
{snorlax}: Catch all other Pokemon first, including legendaries. At the area where you catch Charizard for the second time, you will find some stone steps, and to the right of those, a cave with a man outside. Enter the cave, and Snorlax should have woken up.
{lapras}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{horsea}: In the Safra Sea.
{seadra}: In the Safra Sea.
{kingdra}: In the Safra Sea, after catching two Horsea.
{goldeen}: In the Safra Sea.
{seaking}: In the Safra Sea, after catching two Goldeen.
{staryu}: In the Safra Sea.
{starmie}: In the Safra Sea, after catching two Staryu.
{remoraid}: In the Safra Sea.
{octillery}: In the Safra Sea.
{mantine}: In the Safra Sea, after catching three Remoraid.
{carvanha}: In the Safra Sea.
{sharpedo}: In the Safra Sea.
{wailmer}: In the Safra Sea, after catching two Goldeen and two Seaking.
{luvdisc}: In the Safra Sea, after one minute has gone by.
{psyduck}: In the Safra Sea, after catching two Staryu and two Starmie.
{wingull}: In Fall City Harbour.
{pelipper}: In the Safra Sea, after beating Cameron's record.
{magikarp}: In the Safra Sea.
{gyarados}: In the Safra Sea, after catching five Magikarp.
{oddish}: Use Gust on the plant in the top-right of the area containing the Wurmple in the Olive Jungle.
{gloom}: Use Gust on the plant in the top-right of the entrance to the Jungle Relic.
{vileplume}: Use Gust on the plant in the top-right of the point where the Sekra Range joins on to the Fiore Temple.
{treecko}: At the entrance to Olive Jungle.
{grovyle}: One behind the Vine and the Dead Tree in the flooded section of Olive Jungle, one at the entrance to the Jungle Relic, and one at the Fiore Temple.
{sceptile}: Behind a Boulder in the Jungle Relic, together with a Tangela.
{lotad}: Camouflaging in the flooded section of the Olive Jungle.
{lombre}: Behind a Shrub, which is behind a Grovyle, which is behind a vine and a dead tree, in Olive Jungle.
{ludicolo}: On a platform above the Lotad, connected by a vine.
{numel}: Upon entrance to the Jungle Relic, you will find a Numel.
{camerupt}: From the Numel, head up, and up the stairs. Simply walk past the Houndoom, Slugma, Magmar and the Manectric, and follow the path until you reach the Rhydon. Fall down the hole, and just below you is a Camerupt.
{magmar}: From the entrance to the Jungle Relic, head east, then north and up the stairs. Avoid the Slugma and to your left is a Magmar.
{slugma}: From the entrance to the Jungle Relic, head east, then north and up the stairs. You will find a Slugma.
{magcargo}: From the entrance to the Jungle Relic, head east, then north and up the stairs. Avoid the Slugma and Magmar, and head up the next set of stairs to find two Slugma and a Magcargo.
{charmander}: From the entrance to the Jungle Relic, head east, then north and up the stairs. Ignore the Slugma, Magmar, Stairs, Manectric and Houndoom, and head up the next stairs. You will find two Charmander.
{charmeleon}: There are two Charmeleon past the Charmander in the Jungle Relic.
{charizard}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{torkoal}: After you complete the main storyline, Go into the archway to the west of the Diglett in Krokka Tunnel. Go through the door, but instead of going left, go up. You will find a Magneton and a vine. Climb the vine and there's Torkoal!
{growlithe}: Enter the east Dusk Factory building, climb one flight of stairs, push aside the crate you see and fall down the hole. You will land on a platform with a Growlithe.
{arcanine}: From the entrance to the Jungle Relic, head east, then north and up the stairs. Ignore the Slugma and the Magmar. Go through the first stairs that you see, avoid the Magcargo and through the next room is an Arcanine.
{electrike}: Almost everywhere.
{manectric}: From the entrance to the Jungle Relic, head east, then north and up the stairs. Ignore the Slugma and the Magmar. Ignore the first flight of stairs, and you will run into Manectric.
{heracross}: Together with Ludicolo.
{mankey}: In the flooded area of the Olive Jungle, Knock down the Dead Tree, and go right. You will find a room with two Mankey and a Primeape.
{primeape}: In the flooded area of the Olive Jungle, Knock down the Dead Tree, and go right. You will find a room with two Mankey and a Primeape.
{ekans}: In the narrow section of Olive Jungle below the flooded area, walk along the right side and Ekans will jump out at you.
{arbok}: On the path at the Sekra Range.
{venonat}: Near the entrance to the `bug` section of the Olive Jungle.
{wurmple}: Near the entrance of the Olive Jungle.
{silcoon}: In the `bug` section of the Olive Jungle.
{beautifly}: In the `bug` section of the Olive Jungle.
{spinarak}: In the narrow passae of the Olive Jungle involving the Ekans, Spinarak will fall from the sky.
{ariados}: In the `bug` section of the Olive Section.
{flygon}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{gligar}: On the vine that leads to the Jungle Relic.
{houndoom}: From the entrance to the Jungle Relic, head east, then north and up the stairs. Ignore the Slugma, but get the Houndoom.
{slakoth}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{vigoroth}: In the narrow passageway with the Spinarak and Ekans.
{slaking}: At the entrance to the Jungle Relic.
{bagon}: Acquired in the Challenge of Destruction.
{shelgon}: Acquired in the Challenge of Destruction.
{salamence}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{jynx}: At the entrance and exit of Panula Cave.
{solrock}: At various locations in Panula Cave.
{wobbuffet}: Behind a boulder in Panula Cave.
{dusclops}: At various locations in Panula Cave.
{swinub}: At various locations in Panula Cave.
{piloswine}: At various locations in Panula Cave.
{snorunt}: At various locations in Panula Cave.
{glalie}: At various locations in Panula Cave, and also in the small chamber below the stone pedestals in the Fiore Temple.
{whismur}: In Panula Cave.
{loudred}: In Panula Cave.
{exploud}: In Panula Cave.
{steelix}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{seedot}: Near the entrance to the Sekra Range.
{nuzleaf}: At the entrance to the Sekra Range.
{shiftry}: In the little grotto with the towering tree known as `Shiftree`.
{vaporeon}: At the Fiore Pyramid.
{flareon}: At the Fiore Pyramid.
{jolteon}: At the Fiore Pyramid.
{electabuzz}: At the Go-Rock Squad Base.
{swalot}: At the small chamber below the stone pedestals in the Fiore Temple.
{beldum}: At the Go-Rock Squad Base.
{metang}: At the Go-Rock Squad Base.
{metagross}: At the Go-Rock Squad Base.
{larvitar}: At the top of the Sekra Range.
{pupitar}: At the top of the Sekra Range.
{tyranitar}: At the Go-Rock Squad Base.
{swablu}: At the Sekra Range.
{altaria}: At the Sekra Range.
{aerodactyl}: At the Fiore Temple.
{sneasel}: Near the exit to Panula Cave.
{absol}: Below the section in the Panula Cave with the Crobat.
{kangaskhan}: Near the entrance to the Sekra Range, behind a Rock Wall.
{entei}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{raikou}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{suicune}: Acquired as you go through the game.
{registeel}: See my last post.
{regirock}: See my last post.
{regice}: See my last post.
{groudon}: Special Mission
{kyogre}: Special Mission
{rayquaza}: Special Mission
{deoxys}: Special Mission
{mew}: Special Mission
{celebi}: Special Mission

PS. No, Manaphy is the only Pokemon you can trade to PD.

I have absolutely no time on my hands, so if you're sending me a PM for whatever reason expect to receive a reply in a few years. Try to use my e-mail if you can.

Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:18 am
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer
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PS. No, Manaphy is the only Pokemon you can trade to PD.

HUH you meam others can be transferd
which ones

I am so sorry, I have been reborn on psypoke

Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:58 pm
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as soon as i saw this i lost my game.........

porygon is in the factory it is invisible sorta like seethrough in the room with the movine floor

Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:41 pm
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After completing certain missions, lets say you fail to see a pokemon.

Can you go back and see them again?

Couple things to add:
1.) Location of Regis is on the main site: Regice is in the icy cave, you need a 3Flame pokemon, a rope pokemon (like Tangela), and a couple of other things. Regirock will need a 3fire pokemon, 2 golem, and a water type, located in the Sekra Range. Regice is located in the first tunnel.
2.) The Johto Dogs are encountered during Mission 10, though entei is originally captured around Mission 6 or 7.
3.) Porygon is a ghost in the dusk factory, the room with the arrowed floor tiles, right by the Magneton.

But I think a few are screwy - where's Kecleon? And, after Mission 10, where do I find Flygon or Altaria to get Vileplume.

Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:31 am
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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you can also get kecleon in fall city where you first saw the trainer abusing his pokemon after you beat the game. (you ned a cut to get to it)

Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:55 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel.

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Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:49 pm
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Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer
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Location: Riding on Salamence, looking for Bidoof to kill
Guys, don't blame me. In the Pokémon Ranger topic, magikoopa asked for a bit of help with Pokémon Locations, so I posted this little guide. sn0wball moved it here; I didn't intend it to be a Victory Road guide.

Altaria should be in the Sekra Range (I think), where you first caught it (and you definitely caught it, because that's part of the storyline).

Flygon is impossible to get after Mission 10, except for in the Capture Arena (Boss of Level 6).

Ralts, Kirlia and Gardevoir are in the area of Sekra Cave outside Snorlax's cave.

Dragonite is captured to be able to use the Dragonite Bus from Ringtown to Summerland.

Poliwrath should be somewhere in the icy cave south of Wingtown. I haven't been there for three months.

Politoed is captured to complete Mission 4.

Blastoise jumps out of the water in the Fall City Lighthouse Basement.

Lapras is required as part of unlocking Summerland.

Charizard is part of Mission 9.

Slakoth is caught as part of Mission 10 (one of Clyde's Pokémon).

Steelix is a part of Mission 8.

If any of this is inaccurate, don't blame me. I haven't played for the last three months.

Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:53 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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Victory Road is the final journey one must take before they can face the Elite Four. Like the other Victory Roads from previous generations, there are three levels. In order to get through the cave, Surf, Strength, Rock Smash, Waterfall, and Rock Climb are required.

After the Elite Four have been defeated, and the player has become the Champion and has the National Pokédex, a previously blocked path will be open, which leads to Route 224. Along the path, a young woman named Marley will need the player's help to get through a foggy area of the cave.

In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the entrance to the cave was only one tile wide; this was increased to five in Pokémon Platinum with a small Poké Ball carving overhead and stairs going downward.

Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:07 am
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