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Lite Four
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I am posting this on behalf of wisewords as he is experiencing problems with posting:

wisewords wrote:
When i started i had a team devised to beat pike queen lucy in gold and silver symbols. Here is the team;
Silver Symbol
{snorlax} - Immunity
Destiny Bond
Seismic Toss
{wobbuffet} - Shadow Tag
Mirror Coat
Destiny Bond
{swampert} - Torrent
Ice Beam

Gold Symbol
{latias} - Levitate
{wobbuffet} - Shadow Tag
Destiny Bond
Mirror Coat
{swampert} - Torrent
Ice Beam


Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:39 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Is this team good for the Battle PikeDomeTower?

{zangoose} Bold @ Scope Lens Level 85
Crush Claw
Sowrds Dance

{gengar} Quriky @ ??? Level 74
Giga Drain
Shadow Ball

{swampert} Timid @ Leftovers
Ice Beam

Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:53 pm
Lite Four
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Meeps wrote:
Is this team good for the Battle PikeDomeTower?

Try the Rating Center instead. The RC can be found here:


Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:51 am
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Okay, this is just a thought, but i would think Dodrio that knows the ability run away would be a good starter for pyramid if want to get through it quickly. If you post it, you can choose the moves because I'm really bad at it.

Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:03 pm
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ive got some suggested teams. ive got 5 gold symbols so far (missing battle arena and factory, currently working on arena).


{starmie} @ leftovers
natural cure, lvl 100
timid: 252 sp att, 252 spd, 6 hp
ice beam

{salamence} @ choice band
intimidate, lvl 100
jolly: 252 att, 252 spd, 6 hp
rock slide
arial ace
brick break

{blissey} @ leftovers
natural cure, lvl 100
calm: 252 def, 252 hp, 6 sp def
thunder wave
seismic toss

the strategy is pretty straightforward. try and blast everything with starmie (and run away from most wild battles) and salamence. switch to blissey if the opponent is a special attacker that starmie/salamence cant kill, or if she needs to heal a bit. starmie and blissey both can cure themselves by switching out, and blissey can heal with natural cure anyway. blissey restores hp for the others outside of battle with softboiled, to save on hyper potions. it took me a while to find the items they have. at the moment im still going with my challenge, but ive done more than 100 floors. salamence is also a decent starter since its intimidate ability makes wild pokemon less likely to appear.


same pokemon as above, but my starmie has bright powder instead of leftovers (since you cant repeat items). my strategy involves just going into the middle room every time. i used to listen to the lady who gives you clues, but its still a 50-50 chance each time. starmie leads, and can easily run from all wild pokemon - if starmie faints, then salamence at least lowers the appearence rate of wild pokemon, and is still fast enough to run away. everything else is straightforward. blissey heals out of battle using softboiled, and you switch her in if her hp is getting a bit low, or if you are anticipating a strong special move which starmie/salamence are weak to. i got up to about the 290th room before i lost a battle when i made a slip - an armaldo KOed my blissey and i accidentally switched in my salamence instead of blissey. i used rock slide and didnt quite KO it, and it KOed me with rockslide. then my starmie KOed it with surf (which it would have done at full health if i had put it in instead of mence), and the next opponent was a heracross. my psychic wasnt enough to OHKO it and it got me with megahorn. salemence would have OHKOed it with arial ace, and i would have been healed after the battle since it was a "somewhat tough trainer". oh well......


{starmie} @ leftovers
natural cure, lvl 50
hasty: 252 sp att, 252 spd, 6 hp
ice beam

{salamence} @ scope lens
intimidate, lvl 50
hasty: 252 att, 252 spd, 6 hp
rock slide
arial ace

{sceptile} @ lum berry
overgrow, lvl 50
hasty: 252 sp att, 252 spd, 6 hp
leaf blade
thunder punch

simple strategy. leave a pokemon in if you think it is stronger than the opponent, and switch it otherwise. hasty nature works like this:

with high hp: attacks 58%, protects 37%, incapable of using its power 5%
with low hp: attacks 88%, protects 6%, incapable of using its power 6%.

(see ... alace.html for more info about natures in the battle palace).

so when any of their health is high, they will most likely attack but, if they dont want to attack, at least they can protect themselves. when their health is low they just go all out and attack. the only annoying thing is when they try and protect like 4 times in a row. it occasionally has worked 3 times in a row, but ive never seen it work 4 time in a row. this is offset of course because the opponents often do stupid things like rest when their hp is full, etc.

i got past the 42nd battle, and got the gold symbol, and then lost the 43rd when a slowbro kept getting to go first from quick claw!!! oh well, better after the symbol than before!!

i would like to acknowledge that garabato suggested the hasty nature and the move protect for this one. thanks garabato!


my team consisted of the level 100 starmie (with lum berry this time) and salamence described above, plus the following critter:

{snorlax} @ leftovers
thick fat, lvl 100
adamant, 252 def, 252 sp def, 6 hp
body slam
shadow ball

strategy - blast away with starmie/salamence and then send in snorlax as a reliable last defence. it curses up and then obliterates while shrugging off attacks. again, i switch snorlax in if i sense the opponent will use a special attack that starmie or salamence is weak to. its great when they try and use ice beam against salamence. i got to about the 80th battle with this team and then lost. it was a while ago so i dont remeber how i fell down.


same team as for battle tower. strategy - look at the opponents team and usually choose snorlax for the last spot, and choose the first spot based on who i think has a better chance of KOing the opponents team. i cant remember how far i got in this one, but something like 100 battles - i might still be going on that challenge too.


still trying to win this one. at the moment im trying the same team as in the battle palace (ie the level 50 pokes) and have got to about the 35th battle. im still going on that challenge, and its the furthest ive got, but i find it difficult not being able to switch. however, im liking the move protect a lot now - it gets you past slakings easily, and depending on what has happened in the first two moves, you might be able to protect on the third knowing that you will win on the referees decision.


still trying to win this one. the furthest i have got is about 28 wins. i find this really difficult - sometimes i get some great pokemon, but sometimes lousy. ive read that it helps if you do a lot of swaps, but im not sure if that is really true. however, i usually do try and do a swap each turn, just in case it is true.

whew, that was long. but ive had a lot of success with those strategies, and i would recommend them to anyone who wants to beat the battle frontier. it took me a very long time to breed and train those pokes. the level 100 starmie has exellent DVs with 31 in speed and 29 in sp attack, and the salamence and blissey have quite good DVs too. i whipped up the level 50 pokes in a couple of bus trips - since im using hasty natures, i probably wont use them for serious battling, so i didnt spend too much time waiting for an egg to hatch with great DVs.

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Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:44 pm
Bug Catcher
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Just mentioning this since I think it's somewhat useful (and I don't think it was mentioned in the guide). All movesets used in the Factory, including the Pokemon rented, apply for all generic trainers in the whole Frontier. I find practicing in the Factory (my first facility) a lot helps with predicting what moves various mon can dish out. For example, if a Dewgong uses Ice Beam, you can bet that it's not a Resttalk OHKO set.

Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:35 am
Ace Trainer
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Try the Rating Center instead. The RC can be found here: [/quote]
You must get REALLY get tired of telling all these people to try the rating center.


Fri Mar 30, 2007 5:12 pm
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Cuddles your team is great!!!
I tried it and it worked very good.

Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:21 pm
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elusivedragonite wrote:
Cuddles your team is great!!!
I tried it and it worked very good.

hey, thanks a lot!! which one did you try? and how far did you get?

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Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:03 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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ok, ive just beaten the battle arena!! :)

my team:

{heracross} @ choice band ** STING
jolly, swarm
EVs: 252 att, 252 spd, 6 hp
brick break
rock slide

{starmie} @ lum berry ** JEWEL
timid, natural cure
EVs: 252 sp att, 252 spd, 6 hp
ice beam

{salamence} @ kings rock ** SALLY
jolly, intimidate
EVs: 252 att, 252 spd, 6 hp
dragon dance
arial ace
rock slide

the idea is pretty simple. blast with megahorn until sting faints, then blast with appropriate move until jewel faints, then blast with appropriate move until sally faints. just kidding - sally never fainted! actually, i only ever had to use sally 3 or 4 times. with STAB, megahorn does 180 damage and, with choice band, it is effectively 270. not many pokes can survive that - i mean its almost like 2 hyperbeams. even if the opponent has a resistence to bug type moves, it still does 135, so it was very rare that i didnt use megahorn - only when the opponent really resisted it, and one of the other moves would be way better - like on a magneton for example. the kings rock on sally was just in case i came up against an ice type, and needed to hope for a flinch!

anyway, it worked a treat, and i was surprised that i got to face the brain at the end of the 8th challenge. it was a walk in the park - megahorn OHKO'ed umbreon (without a critical hit) and i used it three times on gengar (quadruple resistence) before he got me (he used hypnosis and missed, then took two psychics to kill me). then jewel's psychic was too much for gengar and breloom. sally would have made minced meat of breloom anyway.

i cant recommend heracross highly enough!! if it has 252 speed EVs and 31 speed DVs and a jolly nature, it will outspeed everything with a base speed stat of less than 120 (in the battle frontier anyway) and beat almost all base 130 speed pokes if their nature doesnt enhance speed.

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Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:49 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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ok sorry for the double post, but it has been over a month after all. yesterday i got the gold symbol for the battle factory. that was the last one i needed to get a gold trainer card, and it was also the hardest pokemon related thing i have ever done. i had tried for about 70 hours of game time since beating the battle arena, and got nowhere (got to the 5th round maybe 5 times, but always losing in about the 4th battle or so). then i tried a new theory and it worked FIRST TIME!!! so if youve been trying battle factory with no success, you could give this a try.

well, first of all there is a lot of useful info at the following websites: ... kemon.html ... ctory.html

the first website contains a list of all the pokemon that are used in the battle frontier, and the second has a list of which are used in each round at the battle factory. as you can see, the pokemon you get in rounds 1-3 of the level 100 battles are the same as those you get in rounds 4-6 of the level 50 battles. since i was finding it difficult to compete in the level 100s due to the power of the pokemon, this suggested to me that level 50s would be a good way to go. also, i had been going by the advice that swapping is good. well, swapping is good in the sense that you get to use some awesome pokes, but it is actually bad also because your opponents will also be using those awesome pokes! i would get so frustrated when my awesome dragonite would come up against an articuno. with 42 battles to get through, the chances of you being thwarted in a way like that are so big. so i decided to go through making as few swaps as possible (i swapped only if it would REALLY improve my team, or if i had a weakness against the upcoming opponent).

so to summarise, i think the best strategy in the battle factory is:
1) do the level 50s,
2) try and swap as little as possible,
3) obviously try and get a good team - hopefully one which covers its own weaknesses, doesnt rely on luck, can hit hard, can defend well (i looked more for a Pokemon defences when choosing who to rent),
4) print out the lists from the above websites. if youre in the 4th round of the level 50s and your opponent send out an alakazam, you will know it has the moves thunder punch, fire punch, ice punch, thunderwave, is holding a focus band, has been given EVs in defence and special attack. it helps immeasurably.

another thing to watch out for. when they say "the next opponent favours the water type" its probably best to try and have a grass type to counter it, rather than an electric type. it seemed to me that there was always at least one water/ground type in those situations. in fact, in the 35th battle, the guy said "the next trainer has no clear favourites" - and he had three pokemon of water/ground type!! i almost had a heart attack because my first poke was jolteon!! lol. when he says there are no favourites, it just means there isnt ONE type which outweighs all the other types. (another time he said the same thing and there were two grass/poisons.)

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Tue May 15, 2007 8:35 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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heres a good team for the battle tower. i used it to get me a gold shield for my secret base :)

{salamence} @ choice band
female, intimidate, jolly
EVs: 252 att, 252 spd, 6 hp
aerial ace
brick break
rock slide

{blissey} @ leftovers
female, natural cure, calm
EVs: 252 hp, 252 def, 6 sp def
seismic toss

{suicune} @ chesto berry
genderless, pressure, docile (would have liked calm)
EVs: 252 hp, 40 sp att, 216 def
calm mind
ice beam

its a very durable team who cover their weaknesses very well (in particular, salamence's big ice weakness is covered perfectly by both the others). blissey is the special wall, suicune is the physical wall (although not quite as good at its job as blissey), and salamence is the enforcer. the best chance of victory is to get suicune in on the first turn to set up. sometimes this requires using blissey and salamence to drain the opponent of their moves, and suicune itself does a very good job of this due to pressure. it works very well due to the games hopeless use of strategy and prediction. here is a perfect example.

i send out salamence and they send out swampert. swamperts attack goes down (intimidate).
1. i switch salamence for suicune. swampert uses ice beam. hardly any damage to suicune, ice beams pp goes down 2 (pressure).
2. i switch salamence back in. intimidate lowers swamperts attack again. swampert uses earthquake. doesnt touch me.
3. repeat turn 1.
4. repeat turn 2.
do this for a few turns until the swampert has hardly any earthquakes left (and they hardly do any damage by this point anyway) and then send in suicune to use calm mind 6 times and sweep the rest of the team. but be careful of swamperts mirror coat. thats what the 40 EVs are for in special attack - it seems to be enough on my particular suicune (its sp att stat is 203, which becomes 812 after 6 calm minds). this method works well on those pesky whiscash's which know fissure as they try and use ice beam on salamence (switch suicune in) and fissure on suicune (switch salamence in).

so basically, this team works slowly but surely to take complete control of the battle. most battles are fairly long, and you have to keep patient, but the rewards are very satisfying.

the only problem the team has is against lapras with sheer cold and horn drill (or others such as walrein). choice banded rock slide or brick break does about 80% damage to lapras, so as long as blissey can get a seismic toss in they can be taken down, but its just that they sometimes get lucky and keep hitting everyone.

by the way, ive noticed the last few posts in this thread are mine. and although they are (kind of) on different topics, a mod can feel free to merge them if they want.

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Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:35 pm
Bug Catcher
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check my team on battle tower 1blaziken lv100 2swampert lv100 3 sceptile lv100 8-)

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:45 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Raygauza4live wrote:
check my team on battle tower 1blaziken lv100 2swampert lv100 3 sceptile lv100 8-)

what are their moves?

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Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:29 pm
Bug Catcher
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Blaziken1overheat2slash3sky uppercut4flamethrower.Sceptile1leaf blade2slash3detect4razor leaf.Swampert1earthqauke2surf3counter4waterfall

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Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:47 pm
Dragon Tamer
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wow...........great guide.............thanks! :D


Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:01 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Raygauza4live wrote:
Blaziken1overheat2slash3sky uppercut4flamethrower.Sceptile1leaf blade2slash3detect4razor leaf.Swampert1earthqauke2surf3counter4waterfall

are you sure? sceptile doesnt even learn razor leaf.

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Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:11 am
Bug Catcher
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i have found this easiest when i have my prime team.
ihave a level 80 charizard with blast burn, double team, flamethrower, and heatwave.
a level 80 blastoise with hydro pump, ice beam, surf, and hydro cannon.
and a level 80 venusaur with razor leaf, giga drain, hyper beam, and frenzy plant.

with this team, i find the pyramid kind of easy.

Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:54 pm
Ace Trainer
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I use this team in Dome and other battle-once-and-heal places.

Gengar @ Lum
Timid | Levitate
252 SpAtt 252 Spd
-Giga drain
-Ice punch
-Shadow ball
Special sweeper and starter. Shadow ball still deals lots of damage to Psychics even with Timid. Magneton/mite are only that resist this.

Sceptile @ Lum
Modest | Overgrow
252 SpAtt 252 Spd
-Leaf blade
-Thunder punch
-Dragon claw
Special sweeper #2. Easily outspeeds everything in BF.

Swampert @ Lum
Brave | Torrent
188 Hp 176 Att 144 SpDef
-Ice beam
Physical sweeper and part tank.

Lum is recommended because Lefties wont have enough time to heal in BF. I may switch Pert to T-tar.

Fri May 23, 2008 6:30 am
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I heard that you can catch crobat in one area of the battle frontier. is that true? if so, where is it?

Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:11 am
Lite Four
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rumetz wrote:
I heard that you can catch crobat in one area of the battle frontier. is that true? if so, where is it?

Not true.

In the future, use the Psydex Locations to confirm where Pokemon can be found :wink:

Here's the link to Crobat's Locations page:


Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:54 pm
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Battle Pike:

You got something wrong about the room before you battle pike queen lucy. There are 4 possible outcomes, not 3. The 4th person says, "I welcome you... Giggle... You seem to be bereft of luck... If only you hadn't chosen this room, your pokemon would've been healed... I shall go fetch our master..." I seem to get her a lot. I've gotten her about 5 times in a row.

Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:47 pm
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lol, if that ain't the truth!

though you know me, i usually end up with the guy and his renegade dusclops, though i am pretty good with getting the random person doing nothing on the side of the rug.

Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:29 pm
Bug Catcher
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check out my team for battle dome!

metagross lv 66 moves:meteor mash,earthquake,agility,psychic.

walrein lv 66 moves:blizzard,surf,waterfall,dive

salamence lv 57 moves:dragon claw,fly,fire blast.

nice team?

Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:37 am
Pokemon Trainer
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[quote="cytronmetagross"]check out my team for battle dome!

metagross lv 66 moves:meteor mash,earthquake,agility,psychic.

walrein lv 66 moves:blizzard,surf,waterfall,dive

salamence lv 57 moves:dragon claw,fly,fire blast.

nice team?[/quote]

i think though salamance would be better with outrage cuz its stronger dragon move...other then that great team =) =)

Fri May 01, 2009 11:10 pm
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