
Looking for a Trade Partner (DPPtHGSS)
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Author:  PidgeottoLover [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Looking for a Trade Partner (DPPtHGSS)

I'm Looking for a trade Partner to trade witH my Heart Gold file. My friend code is 3869 2638 1416.
I'm open to trading almost anytHing, excluding my legendaries, unless i get a great offer. My starter is also off limits. THiese are wHat i need.
Groudon (from SOUL SILVER, caugHt at Embedded Tower)

if you Have tHese, name your PokePrice. xD Send me your friend codes in tHis tHread as well.

(also i apologize for all tHe H's being capitalized. Keyboard problems, H only works if capitalized)

Author:  PidgeottoLover [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Trade Partner (DPPtHGSS)

BTW I Hope I'm not coming off as rude, I don't mean to.

Author:  DNA [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Trade Partner (DPPtHGSS)

What would you be willing to trade for the Groudon?
Here's my trade thread. It is mostly 5th Gen, but I do have a lot of 4th Gen things, such as Nintendo Events. Let me know what you want.

Author:  PidgeottoLover [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Trade Partner (DPPtHGSS)

I dont Have a groudon, i need one. sorry for tHe confusion. i migHt as well make a list of wHat i'm willing to trade. tHey are'nt all very strong, so i wouldn't be surprised if i dont get any offers.

Arbok (Lvl 17)
Giratina (Lvl 1)
Eevee (Lvl 1, I can get Eevee eggs, and train tHem if you want)
Kingler (lvl 38)
TangrowtH (Lvl 36)
RapidasH (Lvl 44)
PHione (Lvl 1)

THats really all I Have tHat are really wortH putting up HEre, but i can train Pokemon for you guys if you want me to, tHen I'll trade it to you. Just send me a message or reply to tHis tHread for requests.

Author:  DNA [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Trade Partner (DPPtHGSS)

Oh, whoops, I misread the post! Those are your wants, not your haves.
As for your haves list...there's nothing I want on your haves list; sorry.

Author:  Kirifox19 [ Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a Trade Partner (DPPtHGSS)

Hello, my name is Kiri. I'm currently playing Soul Silver and I'm trying to fill out pokedex and finish getting all the Kanto Badges.
I have Aerodactyl and Kangaskhan to trade, i could even maybe get Treecko, Ralts, and Spoink for you.

Don't really need anything back, but was just wondering where or how you got a lvl 1 Giratina?
Maybe we could trade some other pokemon too? Like the ones I can't get in SS.

Name: Kiri
Pokemon Game: Soul Silver
FC: 2881 4431 5815
Add me!

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