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Pokemon Ranger
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Kintoru wrote:
Spoinkable wrote:
I have a general question.

When looking at the silhouettes, I can't help but see some hints of colors and/or details.
Was this the lighting in the room?
I only see them on the collective shot of the three silhouettes; not the individual, zoomed ones.

Does anyone else see these?
Am I crazy?

yeah i see them too and for those who dont see it focus on the left side of the right starter you can see some red so i think that ones fire

But I see yellow on the top one a little! With (I think) red legs...

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Tue May 11, 2010 9:22 pm
Bug Catcher
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I'd say its

like,seriously, when they showed the siluettes(whatever) for turtwig,chimchar,pliplup where show it was in grass,fire,water from left to right.
Also,the pokedex.Have a look ate the patterns of #001,#004#007.Then #152,#155,#158.After,#252,#255,#258.And finally,#387,#390 and #393.
lastly,when you pick your starter,The order from left to right is:GRASS,FIRE,WATER.
I rest my case.

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Tue May 11, 2010 10:52 pm
Lite Four
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Let's hear the inevitable baaaaawfest of how ugly the new starters are and how much you hate generation 5 already! Ready? Set? Go!


Wed May 12, 2010 5:15 am
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Haha butt-ugly. Knew it.


Krisp beat me to it.

Grass starter looks like a revamped Treecko.
Fire is a roast pig.
Water looks like a Mime Jr.

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Wed May 12, 2010 6:35 am
Lite Four
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At least they don't look as lame as Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle...they look a bit more original than the RBY starters did.


Wed May 12, 2010 6:38 am
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Krisp wrote:
At least they don't look as lame as Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle...they look a bit more original than the RBY starters did.

I'll try to take that as sarcasm, considering the RBY starters were in fact, the original, as in THE original. :D

{venusaur} {charizard} {blastoise} {meganium} {typhlosion} {feraligatr} {sceptile} {blaziken} {swampert} {torterra} {infernape} {empoleon} {machamp} {gallade} {toxicroak} {pidgeot} {staraptor} {luxray} {alakazam} {gengar} {nidoqueen} {nidoking} {aggron} {rhyperior} {gyarados} {milotic} {kingdra}

Wed May 12, 2010 6:46 am
Lite Four
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I fail to see how a dragon, dinosaur, and turtle are anymore original than the new starters.


Wed May 12, 2010 6:54 am
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The fire pig is kinda cool, grass lizard I'm hoping it's evolutions move away from treeko but ok looking. I'm still trying to debate what that water thing is.

Male/Female characters look good, they look older then the previous games.

So is the entire region to take place in a giant city? Okinawa region GO!

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Wed May 12, 2010 6:57 am
Lite Four
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My favorite so far is the pig because he's so happy, I really wish the water starter (what the hell is that thing anyway?) would turn his frown upside down and look happy, otherwise he'd be my favorite.


now is that cute or what?


Wed May 12, 2010 6:59 am
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I need to see the evolutions.

What these things are trying to establish will make SO much more sense...

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Wed May 12, 2010 7:20 am
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Krisp wrote:
I really wish the water starter (what the hell is that thing anyway?) would turn his frown upside down and look happy, otherwise he'd be my favorite.

I think it's an Otter.

Wed May 12, 2010 7:37 am
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I think the starters are alright. Granted, none of them immediately stood out and made me jump for joy the way that Piplup did, but that'd be hard to do, considering I'm a huge penguin fan and none of these new guys are penguins. Anyway, I'll already go on the record to say that none of the Starters really offend me either, although I have to add that none of them are even close to what I was expecting, as I thought Fire was a rabbit and Water was a platypus based on the silhouettes.

Right now I'd say that the Fire one is my favorite because it's the happiest of the three, although I don't know why it's apparently a pig even though it has bunny ears? Either way I'm kind of glad that the token rabbit family of the region wasn't used as a starter. The Water one is alright, but I have to agree with Krisp in that his sadface kind of hurts a design that I'd otherwise like more. The Grass one is probably the big disappointment to me. I was really excited to see that one in particular because its body shape looked pretty unique based on the silhouette, but it's just some lizard thing and that's about it. And it's good to see that we already have kneejerk "Grass looks like ___, Water looks like ___, Fire is ugly!" reactions. I don't see freaking MIME JR. at ALL in the Water starter.

As for which one I'll pick, it's probably going to be Fire at this point unless Water's sadface isn't present in the game's sprites, and that's okay with me because I haven't picked the Fire starter first since Charmander and I was kind of hoping I'd like the Fire one the most because of this. I'd have to say that as a trio I don't like them as much as the previous four sets, but that's to be expected because I've had years to get used to the previous Starters but only about 20 minutes with this set. I'll see how they grow on me as time passes, but at least none of them are awful.

Also, Generation V's region is apparently called Isshu.


Wed May 12, 2010 7:41 am
Dragon Tamer
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I was positively surprised with these starters, to be honest. I love the simplicity of the designs, and the fact that this new generation has a fire starter that doesn't have fire coming out of its ass. These beat the 4th gen starters in many, many ways= just what I had hoped.
The water starter is kind of weird, yeah, but at least it's a bit more original in terms of colouring and the animal it's based on (an otter/bear/whatever instead of those non-mammal things in previous generations). Its evolutions have a chance of being something amazing so I guess I'll just have to wait for them now.

I personally like the grass starter, the giant eye and the smug face just have that something in them. I'll most likely choose it in the Jap version and then play through the English with the fire starter. I never thought I'd find a fire pig cool, but here I am, doing that exact thing.
Thank you, Gamefreak C:


Wed May 12, 2010 8:07 am
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Its definativly an Otter
The mouth isn't sad its just the way their mouths look, also note the shell on its belly, otters are well known for eating shell fish while lieing on their back
Red River Hog, Note the large ears
The grass one must be some type of reptile

Wed May 12, 2010 9:06 am
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The starters look alright i suppose. But i want to see their evolutions. Corocoro states that the protagonists are older than any of the others so far.


Before the scans came out there was a post on 2ch saying some information including the region name.

Zoroak has an ability called illusion which allows it to transform into various pokemon. And it apparently differs to transform.

A special event is activated by the special legendary dogs given out at the new movie...(it is not known whether its all three or just one) and this event lets you encounter a level 25 Zoroak and will transform into various pokemon and will break its transform to allow you to capture it.


There were names for tha starters too:

Tsujata= grass snake
pokabu= fire pig
mijumaru= water otter


New attacks were also named,
Trickery. This allows the attack to be calculated by using the opponents stats
Claw sharpen. This allows the users attaxk and accuracy to be raised.





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Wed May 12, 2010 9:50 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Token rabbit pokemon?
Aren't {wigglytuff} and {lopunny} the only two rabbits?

Darkrai-follower, I hope that's all true, because if cool!
Zoroark can transform?!

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Wed May 12, 2010 11:45 am
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I feel this might be relevant to the topic at hand


Wed May 12, 2010 12:05 pm
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Okay, I admit, They do look pretty dumb, but it all depends on their final Evolution. I might get the Grass dude.

P.S, My prediction was right.

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Wed May 12, 2010 12:13 pm
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Spoinkable wrote:
Token rabbit pokemon?
Aren't {wigglytuff} and {lopunny} the only two rabbits?

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Also Nidoran M and Nidoran F, arguably. Every region has had at least one cat, dog and rabbit Pokemon. We've also almost had a moth Pokemon in every region, but Johto has none while Hoenn had two.


Wed May 12, 2010 12:56 pm
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Well I like the sprites and am probably going to flip a coin to decide which one I'm going to use between the grass and fire starter.

Also I found this off a YouTube video, so I don't know how accurate/acceptable it is.

* The region's name is Isshu (????) and is located very far away. * The main characters are older than ever before; they are not children. * The Pokemon's names are Tsutaaja (?????), Pokabu (???), and Mijumaru (?????). For Tsuutaaja, "tsuta" means "ivy" and "ja" is one way of saying the word "snake." For Pokabu, the name could derive from "po" for "pork," "ka" from the Japanese kanji for "fire," and "bu" is the sound a pig makes in Japanese culture (here it's "oink"). As for Mijumaru, "mijuku" means "immature" and "maru" means "round" or "ball." * It appears the starters are an ivy snake, a fire pig, and a sea otter. * The city shown in the top-left of the scan is Hiun City. * Zoroark's ability is called Illusion (???????). The ability allows it to take on the appearance of other Pokemon. * Two new attacks are Trickery (????), which outputs damage depending on the opposing Pokemon's stats, and Claw Sharpen (????), which raises your Attack and Accuracy. * If you trade over the shiny Entei, Suicune, or Raikou from the the Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark movie ticket preorders, you can battle and capture a Level 25 Zoroark. During the battle, the Monster Fox Pokemon will take on the appearance of the Pokemon you traded over, and at several points it will revert to its original form. When it does, you can attempt to capture it.

Quoted from YukiJadenSurvives.

I suck at WiFi battling.

Wed May 12, 2010 1:07 pm
Bug Catcher
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I'm actually quite impressed with the new starters. They actually look unique compared to older starters and they don't look too much like the others, which is a good thing. As for their possible evolutions, I really can't wait to see them.


Wed May 12, 2010 1:10 pm
Psypoke Maniac
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The Region name is finally awesome, love the way it rolls off my tougue, ISSHU...

I just knew the one on the left would turn out to be a Grass type pokemon cause it had that weird tail, treecko like pokemon & hands & feet, I was really hoping that the Pig looking one would be Water typed but no dice *sign* so ugly right now & the water starter is cute as is as it looks shy & I see something weird lurking from it's evolved forms just by looking at it (it's the most baby like one of the three)...

1. The Grass Type is now my favorite based on appearance as I see some kind of elegently classy pokemon coming of it's evolutions
2. The Water Type is a close 2nd as I tend to find sad frowns to be adorable on a creature like...whatever the hell it is
3. The Fire Type is I guess some kind of experiment Gamefreak is trying to see just how popular the Fire Starter would be if it went down a peg appearance wise which it clearly did here, ugly but might be promising later on once it evolves into one of it's later stages

What I don't want to happen this time around excluding ugly basic evolutions for starters is ugly 1st stage evolutions for the starters as this has been present ALOT among the past 3 generations with Croconaw in the 2nd Gen, Marshtomp & Combusken(a little bit) in the 3rd Gen & there is also Grotle (a little bit) & Prinplup in the 4th Gen, please no more of this, just saying...

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Wed May 12, 2010 1:43 pm
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hmm, the water one does look sad, but these are only poses, i think; i doubt these will be the poses for the sprites. but based off of these, i think the grass one looks a little stuck-up, almost like it thinks it's better than the others (am i reading too much into this?? lol). rite now, the fire is my favorite, as it looks pretty cute and cuddly rite now, but it'll probably wind up with some uber-pig/rabbit final evo. of course, any of them could wind up with a cool final evo, and considering that's what i'm gonna have to deal with during the adventure, that's how i'll decide which one.
@shinashu_taji: i wonder where that guy got his info?? the thing about the trainers being older makes sense; but the stuff about zoroark doesn't really make sense, as that sounds either like ditto (which can't transform back) or some new legend (and zoroark has a pre-evo). hmmm, seems interesting, though, doesn't it??


Wed May 12, 2010 1:59 pm
Dragon Tamer
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i just saw the starters and these are my first impressions,
The grass one isnt much different than Treecko, or Turtwig, another grass reptile. I do like the leaf on its tail however.
The Fire is pretty much exactly what I expected it to look like. A fire pig is kind starange to me though and I dont know why i needs the rabbit ears.
The water is kinda odd, although it looks like an otter it looks like a panda bear too. I also dont like how sad it looks.
I want to see the evolutions though before judgeing further. I have to say the pig is the cutest, and is right now my favorite.

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Wed May 12, 2010 2:51 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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shinashu taji wrote:
Well I like the sprites and am probably going to flip a coin to decide which one I'm going to use between the grass and fire starter.

Also I found this off a YouTube video, so I don't know how accurate/acceptable it is.

* The region's name is Isshu (????) and is located very far away. * The main characters are older than ever before; they are not children. * The Pokemon's names are Tsutaaja (?????), Pokabu (???), and Mijumaru (?????). For Tsuutaaja, "tsuta" means "ivy" and "ja" is one way of saying the word "snake." For Pokabu, the name could derive from "po" for "pork," "ka" from the Japanese kanji for "fire," and "bu" is the sound a pig makes in Japanese culture (here it's "oink"). As for Mijumaru, "mijuku" means "immature" and "maru" means "round" or "ball." * It appears the starters are an ivy snake, a fire pig, and a sea otter. * The city shown in the top-left of the scan is Hiun City. * Zoroark's ability is called Illusion (???????). The ability allows it to take on the appearance of other Pokemon. * Two new attacks are Trickery (????), which outputs damage depending on the opposing Pokemon's stats, and Claw Sharpen (????), which raises your Attack and Accuracy. * If you trade over the shiny Entei, Suicune, or Raikou from the the Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark movie ticket preorders, you can battle and capture a Level 25 Zoroark. During the battle, the Monster Fox Pokemon will take on the appearance of the Pokemon you traded over, and at several points it will revert to its original form. When it does, you can attempt to capture it.

Quoted from YukiJadenSurvives.

Yeah, i think thats exactly the same information i found but i couldnt copy and paste from the website so its just basically rephrased slightly. I think generation 5 is sounding so cool. I really hope what we found is true.



Wed May 12, 2010 3:24 pm
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