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 Annoying Battle Situations 
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Psychic Trainer
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LethalVirus wrote:
Blue Mew wrote:
Oh and recently I ran into Feebas and it splashed me to death.

Splash doesn't do any damage, hello :roll:

I hope your joking :evil:


Uh no it just annoyed me by splashing and kept on coming back out of the poke ball. But I caught it and its now a {milotic} !!!Yay!!!! :mrgreen:

I just wanted everyone to know. I got my first job and I won't be here anymore. I may visit every once in a while, but meanwhile....Goodbye.

Wed May 10, 2006 3:51 pm
Psychic Trainer
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When I was facing Steven on Emarald for the 100th time and just when I chose to use blizzard to finish of his last pokemon that was on red health, my finger slips and I choose Ingrain. He then uses Meteor Mash and destroys my last {ludicolo} . It was so annoying that I threw my GBA on the ground and it broke. Damn you Steven, I'll have my revenge. :evil:

Thu May 11, 2006 7:58 am
Bug Catcher
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1. When the AI hits 2+ OHKO moves in a row with quick claw or simply quickclaw you for then win.
2. When brightpowder works for the AI right when you are going to beat it.
3. When they do 1 DT and I miss 3 times in a row and I do it 3 times and they hit me 5 times in a row.
4. They confuse me and I hit myself 4 out of the 5 times and I counfuse them they hit themself 1 out of the 5 times.
5. When they critical hit me 2+ times in a row when you know they have leftovers or others and not scope lens.
6. They use a stat incresing moves to the max and it takes me 15+ turns to critical hit them and when I do it they critical hit me within 3 turns.
7. When they freeze/paralyze you with one move and it takes you 4-6 turns to do them.
8. The AI and there super fast ubers like Kyorge.

1. They protect for no reason
2. They use moves like odersleath for no reason.
3. I have a sub up and they keep tring to lower my stats and/or give me a status problem.
4. When they haze there own moves. (They baton pass with ninjask at 3 times speed and 2 sword dances. The the pokemon they passed it to uses haze the very next turn)
5. When you always beat them easily then they suddenly get smart and then the next time they are dumb.
6. They have the advantage and/or can beat me in one hit they roar me and I have the advantage.
5. The frontier leaders are easier than the normal people you fight.
6. When your apprentice have dumb move sets. (starmie with no special attacks)
7. When they hindge on luck to win. Like the umbreon on battle mode in PKMN colosseum. He counts on confuse ray and double team to win.


Mon May 22, 2006 5:25 pm
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When in the Multi-Battle Tower in Emerald, I picked an ally who's Flygon knew Earthquake and keep using it untill both of my Pokemon where fainted. Pissed my off so much :evil:. Should have gone with COOL TRAINER Jack >.<


Sun May 28, 2006 4:54 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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My three most mind numbing battle experiences ever.

1.Against Elite Four Bruno, I decided to be cool (scoff) and use Pidgeot's Fly on his Hitmontop. The little backwards creep kept using Detect, which was infuriating since the chance of Detect failing increases by half each time it's used consecutively, yet he used it without fail every time!!! After five tries (and about half my brain cell count) I gave up and used Wing Attack. He was toast, but so was my IQ. {slowpoke}

2.I needed a Magnemite, so I went hunting and found one. It Paralyzed me, confused me, and otherwise made a nuscience of itself as my Scyther tried to use False Swipe (all my other PkMn would've wasted the stupid thing, so I didn't have many options at this point.). Three minutes later, I got it down to 1 HP. It promptly fled from battle, and I promptly slammed my head in a car door. :shock:

3.I was in Battle Tower, and my opponent sent out Lapras. Snickering, I sent out Lanturn. Lapras used Thunder or some ridiculous thing like that, and I lost. What was with that?! Seriously, my frontal lobe just deflated at that point...

Hope this makes some of you feel better about your battle experiences!

Sun May 28, 2006 10:12 pm
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this happend to me battleing agatha in my old yellow version.
items gone, out of moves, last pokemon, struggle... vs gengar...

this is when u know u messed up

Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:54 pm
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I was playing XD and then ugh, this was horrible, I sent our a PKMN can't remember which one, and then the other guy sent out a PKMN that was resistant to all my moves, then I found out that his PKMN had no attacking moves, gr.............stalled me forever and it ended in a struggle battle LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
but my most infuriating moment ever drumroll please.............

I was playing XD again the next day with my friend, and we were doing that metronome cup thing (you have two pokemon, the only move they know is metronome, same thing with your opponent) THe enemy was getting all these great moves (EQ, sky uppercutt, ice beam, flamethrower etc.) I was getting splash and present, which healed them and then when I thought I got lucky, my pokemon used thunderbolt on a ground type pokemon, I was mad. So then I was boiling mad, and my friend was laughing his head off at me, we kept at it for hours. Then, when we almost had them, they started going on a good move streak again. When will the good moves stop? My friend cried in despair. Then I said "I know, next they are gonna use hydro cannon or something....." I gaped in amazment at the T.V screen. The little message at the bottom said "Geodude used Hydro cannon!" I was very very mad by then...........


Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:51 am
Bug Catcher
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The most annoying pokemon battle in my life:

I was in battle factory in frontier. I battled against a Lapras. it was the seventh battle.

Weezing VS lapras:
Lapras used attract
weezing was imobillized by love
lapras used confuse ray
Weezing is imobillized by love
lapras used Sing
weezing fell asleep
lapras used surf 2x
weezing fainted

Go! Machamp!

Machamp used Cross Chop
Machamp's attack missed.
Lapras used attract etc....
Lapras used surf
Machamp fainted...


Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:51 pm
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A few days ago, I lost to the Elite Four in Crystal for the first time since...well, actually I don't think I ever have. I got myself wasted in Yellow and Gold a few times, but by the time I got Silver and Crystal, I knew how to handle the E4.

Anyway, my team consisted of:

{butterfree} lvl 30

{gengar} lvl 47

{scyther} lvl 33

{rhydon} lvl 45

{pidgeot} lvl 40

{mew} lvl 51

Mew knows Surf, Fire punch, Thunder punch, and Psychic, so I whomped the first four people with no problem. Then I faced Lance. I killed two of his Dragonites, but Mew got really hurt in the process. Then, on the third one, Mew bought it. So I sent out Rhydon. Dragonite used freakin' Blizzard, and he was gone. He thundered Pidgeot, so I sent out Gengar and killed him with Ice punch. Then came Aerodactyl. It used rockslide on Gengar. For those of you keeping score at home, I now had a Butterfree and a Scyther. Scyther died really fast, so out went Butterfree. It was then that I realized that I'd evolved Butterfree too late. He only knew Tackle, String shot, Harden, and one other worthless move that I don't recall right now. So....need I say more?

PS: I went and got my Alakazam and my Raichu in favor of Scyther and Butterfree, then came back and laid the E4 out. Vengence is a dish best served hot....

Sat Jun 24, 2006 7:33 am
Psychic Trainer
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I had trouble with Double Team as it seems most of you did. I had a Lv. 17 Geodude with Tackle, Defense Curl, Magnitude, and Rock Tomb against Lt. Surge. Pikachu and Voltorb were easily disposed of but then Raichu came along and DTed me to death (speaking sarcastically, for the dimwitted out there). I couldn't land a hit and his Quick Attacks were doing 1 HP damage to me each turn. I eventually got him, though. It was just annoying and time-consuming.

This next one is actually a capture. Onix is probably the hardest Pokemon to catch in the game, excluding Legendaries. I, apparently, had it down to 1 HP (it doesn't tell you and Pokemon are automatically recovered when they're sent to the PC) and it was Paralyzed. Yet it took every ball I had (10 Pokeballs and 2 Greatballs) to catch it.

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Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:55 pm
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Today I was playing my Crystal version and I wiped out Team Rocket and found the director of the radio tower. He told me to go to Tin Tower, so I did. I had to engage in battle with three annoying sages, all of which I slashed to death with my Feraligatr. I went into the tower and saw Raikou and Entei dancing out the door, then Suicune tackled me. I battled Suicune, but I didn't know I was going to battle it in the first place. I kept on using bite until it went down to red. I threw four Ultra Balls, 2 Great Balls, and 6 Pokeballs. Yes I know, throwing Poke Balls at a legendary is a bad idea. Suicune kept on breaking out after I threw the Poke Balls, and I was getting ticked off. I threw another Poke Ball, and to my surprise, I caught it. How the heck can you catch a lengendary with a Poke Ball?!?! I've been acting funny every now and then today.
Another thing that ticks me off is when I get wiped in the Battle Dome before I can battle Tucker. Dumb triathletes, their Pokemon always get to me.


Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:31 pm
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Okay. I'm at Dewford Gym with a Lv. 18 {combusken} and thinking, " I'll fly through this battle easy." But no. Brawly's {machop} took about 3 Pecks then fainted. Then, {makuhita} came out. It would usually use the first turn raising its Defense and Attack with Bulk Up. Next, it hit me with Arm Thrust. Naturally, with my luck, it seemed to always hit 5 times and at least 2 would be critical hits. After about 10 tries I managed to get a critical hit free match and win.


Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:21 pm
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I finally made it to the battle with the factory head and had these three pokemon


he sends out hitmonlee and KO's all my pokemon with one hit from brickbreak, i never even got in a single attack. I never even found out what his other two pokemon were.

curse you factory head, i shall rip off your head and feast on your entrails. RRRRRGGHH!!!

Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:20 am
Psychic Trainer
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it just happened a while ago. i battled juan's {kingdra} and it is so annoying like hell! :evil: he keeps on doing double team which makes my pokemon miss.. and when i managed to make his {kingdra}'s hp 1/3, he used rest.. my battle with his kingdra took like 10 mins.. i used 3 Pokemon to knock down his {kingdra}.

I'm not a tease, Im just a reminder of what you can't have

Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:47 am
Pokemon Ranger
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The most annoying battle for my was in Ruby when I fought it out with Maxie at Mt. Chimney. His {mightyena} was strong and all I had was a already weakened {wingull} . I did ko it and then he had {camerupt} .
Even though {wingull} had a water attack I thought that his {camerupt} would attack first ending it all for me. But my {wingull} got to attack first and koed his pokemon easy, and just then {wingull} became {pelipper} . To be clear I thought I last the battle for sure, it was the biggest scare I had though the game.

TRADE (Lv. 51 Palkia) Sig & TC by me

Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:34 am
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My Snorlax (Cuddles) was going well in an Emerald battle frontier battle, but then he came up against a Banette and I realised I hadn't taught him any non-normal moves. Anyway, Cuddles used all his moves' PP (including curse x10) and, finally, his stuggle knocked Banette out easily. Then the opponent sent out his final pokemon: Kingler! The Kingler tried guillotine and missed, then Cuddles' stuggle got him down to 25% health, and of course the next guillotine hit! Man, that battle was soooo long - using up all of rest's PP takes ages! And I was on the way to getting the gold badge for whatever building I was in.........

Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:31 pm
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Greta and Brandon are the hardest to make it up to Brandon is hard because of the cheap A.. pokemon that you fight whine trying to get to the top (cheep Breloom and it's no charge focuspunch)Greta because of her Heracross which is way to strong :mad: :evil: :D

Thu Sep 07, 2006 2:25 pm
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I have a calm nature ,but 3 times that have truly pissed me of...

1.Battle Factory,second battle agaisnt the @#$% factory head...
My team
{latios} dragon dance, earthquake,shadow ball,recover
{regice} ice beam, rest ,thundebolt,don't remember
{suicune} surf,rest ,calm mind,don't remember

his team.
dragon dance,earthquake,sing,return
and others that i haven't even see...

I send latios him send altaria...
I start to thank my luck...
altaria use sing,larios fall asleep...
altaria use dragon dance...
latios awaken...
latios is owned...
i send regice...
regice ios sweeped...
so do suicune...
punch the door of my room and broke i finger...
and played with the left hand for a while...

2.Stay four hours in the safari zone looking fore shines...
and when i give up i found i shine mightyena ...
and she roars me...

3.I against some mother@#$% cooltrainer...

I send latios(mine this time)
he send gyarados
latios uses thunderbolt
he falls
he send lapras i kick him as
fast a gyarados...
he send nidoking...
he use his quickclaw and use horn drill...
latios is down...
go tyranitar.
he use his quickclaw and use horn drill...
Tyranitar faints...
i send swampert
and guess what?
he strike first
and his surf misses
and nidoking use horndrill and
finish the killing...

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Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:36 am
Pokemon Ranger
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oh, man. kk, this was the 7th person in the open level of the battle factory.
my pokemon were:

{espeon}@chesto berry
calm mind
shadow ball


don't remember.

all i remember is that this guy sent out a {meganium}. i was at full health for everything. this is what happens.

meganium: double team
my pokemon: miss
meganium: double team
my pokemon: miss
meganium: seeded
my pokemon: hits! gets it into yellow.
meganium: dt
my pokemon: miss

it keeps sucking out my life. every now and then, it would do substitute. by the time i kill it, the life would have already been sucked out of me and it would be full health. and then on top of that, it would use grasswhistle!! when i lose my {salamence} and other pokemon, i send out {espeon} GRRRR! It kills me. It doesn't even have ne attack moves. this is what i lost to.

Level 100 {meganium} @ lefties
leech seed
double team


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Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:46 am
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well this first is not so annoying for me, but Im sure it was to my opponent; this was at the Battle Tower in Emerald at the... I think the 5 battle:

1. my first choice: Togetic, opponent: Slaking move: Waterpulse, opponent: Bulk up
*confused! Yay!* move: Toxic, opponent: Traut turn
*Toxified! Way to go!*
my move: Flamethrower, opponent: hits himself because of his Stupidity
*critical HIT?! WOW!* Seismic Toss, opponent: owned

5. opponent



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Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:38 am
Bug Catcher
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the most aning battle that I was in was me vs a dum dellcatty I was training my scizor and all that dell catty did was put me to sleep I use blue flute it uses atract red flute so on so forth till it got to the strugling point then I ko it one blow and get this only 100-150 exp

but the one that almost made me quit was i am on my ruby i am one the last battle to the trophy thing I send out my lvl 50 latios he sends out lvl 50 regirock I use earthquake it gets him down to 10-20 hp and wouldnt u know he uses exploson1 latios is gone i send out latias registeel exploson
other lati down well now I am mad so I send out golduck he sends out regiice my golduck had damp so I thout I was good I use rock slide he is on 1-10 hp and I am go yehaw and the he uses zap cannon I was freeking out gah and thas why I hate the regis


Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:23 pm
Bug Catcher
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Post gah
the most aning battle that I was in was me vs a dum dellcatty I was training my scizor and all that dell catty did was put me to sleep I use blue flute it uses atract red flute so on so forth till it got to the strugling point then I ko it one blow and get this only 100-150 exp

but the one that almost made me quit was i am on my ruby i am one the last battle to the trophy thing I send out my lvl 50 latios he sends out lvl 50 regirock I use earthquake it gets him down to 10-20 hp and wouldnt u know he uses exploson1 latios is gone i send out latias registeel exploson
other lati down well now I am mad so I send out golduck he sends out regiice my golduck had damp so I thout I was good I use rock slide he is on 1-10 hp and I am go yehaw and the he uses zap cannon I was freeking out gah and thas why I hate the regis


Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:25 pm
Ace Trainer
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ninetales fire wrote:
the most aning battle that I was in was me vs a dum dellcatty I was training my scizor and all that dell catty did was put me to sleep I use blue flute it uses atract red flute so on so forth till it got to the strugling point then I ko it one blow and get this only 100-150 exp

but the one that almost made me quit was i am on my ruby i am one the last battle to the trophy thing I send out my lvl 50 latios he sends out lvl 50 regirock I use earthquake it gets him down to 10-20 hp and wouldnt u know he uses exploson1 latios is gone i send out latias registeel exploson
other lati down well now I am mad so I send out golduck he sends out regiice my golduck had damp so I thout I was good I use rock slide he is on 1-10 hp and I am go yehaw and the he uses zap cannon I was freeking out gah and thas why I hate the regis

WOW i had no idea what u said

Well the most annoying battle is when i had to battle a girl that had a miltotic. It must of took 3 times to beat her.

I am so bored so I am erasing your signature.

Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:48 pm
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Okay, I was battling Morty on Gold and I had killed his Gastly and Haunter and Gengar, but his last Haunter killed all of mine apart from Tauros. Then we had a stale mate;

Horn Attack
Tail Whip
Fire Blast (out of PP)

and Haunter

Shadow Ball
Mean Look
Something else.

In the end he beat me by struggling. I am most ashamed...

Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:12 pm
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The Elite Four and their stupid full restores.

I was down to Steve's LAST POKEMON, I whittled away at it's health for a good thirty minutes because the only Pokemon I had left was Blaziken and the only move with any PP left was double kick, and I FINALLY get him down to the red.... only for him to use a full restore and then beat me. ARGH.

Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:00 pm
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