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 Legendary Pokemon? 
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Legendaries have been the subject of many a controversy. (By seeing these posts I can clearly say I'm right.) Some use legendaries for their power, others use them for trophies. Myself, I'm half-and-half on that point. Some legendaries I have are really powerful but I don't use them (Groudon, Rayquaza). On the other hand there are legendaries that are somewhat weak that I use anyway (Zapdos). I have to admit I do use 3 legendaries on my team, but so what I don't care. It is a very well balanced team, and if anyone thinks I'm cheap, I don't care, and half my team is Flying type. (But at least they are good flying types.) I would have to say, anything over 3 legendaries in a team is overdoing it, and having 6 legendaries shows a noob. (There is no way I would do this. I did it for fun though: 6 lvl 50 legendaries against 5 lvl 50 non-legendaries plus Latios. The all-legend team was absolutely pwned by Typhlosion and mostly Metagross.) I use what I use because I'm so attached to them (I got attached to Mewtwo ever since I battled a guy with Crystal version and a lvl 100 Lugia, plus a legendary bird team. Yet despite that I still couldn't win. I knew Lugia had high Sp Def, so I thought: To beat high Sp Def, counter with high Sp Atk, so there became Mewtwo with Thunder. And to this day, all my Mewtwos have Thunder.)
There, I've said my peace.



Wed May 16, 2007 10:28 pm

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i used to use legendaries, but after i beat my friend so bad i realized that it wasnt fun killing his pokemon over and over again so now in Diamond i have my own team raised from level 1. (all were bred with Ditto)


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Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:20 pm
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_Dark_Knight_ wrote:
i used to use legendaries, but after i beat my friend so bad i realized that it wasnt fun killing his pokemon over and over again so now in Diamond i have my own team raised from level 1. (all were bred with Ditto)

Dude, I want to congratulate you for youf awesomosity. Not only did you learn that legendaries suck, but you hand-raised your team from poke-babies.

If that's not true trainer grit, I don't know what is. *Salutes*

Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:55 pm
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theSooz wrote:
_Dark_Knight_ wrote:
i used to use legendaries, but after i beat my friend so bad i realized that it wasnt fun killing his pokemon over and over again so now in Diamond i have my own team raised from level 1. (all were bred with Ditto)

Dude, I want to congratulate you for youf awesomosity. Not only did you learn that legendaries suck, but you hand-raised your team from poke-babies.

If that's not true trainer grit, I don't know what is. *Salutes*
I agree. Is awesomosity a word?

Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:06 pm
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Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:08 pm
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Dragon Tamer
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ill be honest and say i use legendarys all the time :cry: ..............


Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:07 pm
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i use ledaries but mostly one the elite 4 personly i dont care if people use legendaries because they worked hard to get them hard then you can beat them heck i used torrtera and beat heatran several times. i like having the legendary pokemon more than using them i am tring to get giritania.

pokemon lover go to

Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:19 pm
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i boycott all legendaries. Their stats are simply too high and consequently make the game far too easy. For this reason I also tend to shy away from unique pokemon like Metagross and Heatran. Although they are not legendary, their stats are still obscene. However, that doesn't mean I never use those two, I just limit how often they show up in my teams.

For me, there are two ways i get pleasure from playing pokemon.

1. catching and training up my own individual team from scratch

2. the satisfaction that comes from scraping through a seemingly impossible battle with a win, knowing that one critical hit or missed attack would have meant your doom.

"One man slain for each tree felled. One city razed for each forest cleared"

Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:16 am
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I don't use legendaries because in normal conditions (no EV training or taking advantage of nature), they get higher stats than the normal Pokemon.
Just to put an example: With our Generation 3 games, my two brothers had 3 or more lvl 100 Legendaries in their parties (I say had because they already transfered their lvl 100 Pokemon to their D/P games) when I have lvl 100 non-Legendaries. We three didn't know about EV training and didn't care about Natures or movesets, only on having a variety of strong moves. So, when we battled, I always lost.

And only to mention, I raised all my 6 lvl 100 pokemon party from lvl 5 (I bred them, and baby pokemon born at lvl 5 in Sapphire)

Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:58 am
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I have only used one legendary - my level 100 rayquaza, but I don't use it in competetive battling, I simply use it to plough through the elite four hundreds of times, to level up my pokémon (just to get the evolutions in my pokédex) otherwise I use my hand-trained party :D

Yes, I used to have a shop; no, I'm not still doing it. (Unless you can give me a good reason...)

Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:23 am

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i don't like to use ledgendaries but i catch them only for their data.

Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:31 pm
Champion of Mews
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I use legandaries and ubers because I suck at battling. I am not good with movesets, stats, or raising pokemon.

I have become a little more shy since my last visit.

Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:39 am
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I use pokemon I like. If that includes a legendary, so be it. I'll find a way to make it work.

I do not use a legendary in my party, but that might change.

Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:53 pm
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i just catch legendary and let them rot in my box so i can train other pokemon so i could get really strong pokemon (exept when i'm battiling my friend and he says no legends but i use them anyway :D )

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Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:11 pm
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Legendaries are wicked cool and awesome, but they're too powerful and unfair in battle. Also, there's way too many of them nowadays. I'm not a fan of legendaries...except for the fact that they look amazing.

Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:37 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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this is an interesting discussion. heres my two cents.

personally, i like them as trophies - a few people have said this and its a nice way to put it. but i also like training some fearsome lvl 100s. eg my modest mewtwo with almost 450 in special attack.

in a world where we are all free to do whatever we choose, i dont see anything wrong with using ubers. as long as its a level playing field. if you know someone has 6 ubers and you dont have any, then you are free to decide not to battle them. or you can go and get your ubers and battle. or you can try with your regular team and see how you go. if you lose you can keep your pride by saying "your a noob and you only won because of your ubers", and if you win you can feel satisfied.

on netbattle when someone challenges me and they have 6 ubers i usually lick my lips and beat them all with blissey. however, someone who actually knows what theyre doing can be deadly with an uber team. for example, if salamence is good with dragon dance, earthquake, rock slide, aerial ace, then rayquaza is even better (except that i would prefer intimidate to air lock). if someone beats me with a well raised team like that, i dont blame it on the ubers - i just think i was stupid for trying.

but my main reason for shying away from using (any) ubers in battle is this. if enough people used them, then to get anywhere, everyone would have to use them. the next logical step is that the more ubers we use the better our chances will be. and finally, if we are to include 6 ubers in our team, there will only be a very small number of good balanced teams consisting of all ubers. this means all the variety will be taken out of pokemon battling.

having said all that, i would love to see how my mewtwo can do. with d/p, now i can teach it shadow ball and aurasphere!! if you think someone is a noob for beating you with 6 ubers, go and get 6 of yours and prove you can beat them.

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Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:52 pm
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I use my legendaries, but yes... It does get a little boring... I mostly just show mine off.

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Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:44 am
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Tossing my two cents into the jar for this topic as well...

Legendaries have always been a controversy. At my old message board, we had a few nasty flamewars over the Mewtwo-issue back in Red/Blue days... general consensus being that Mewtwo is "cheap" and too overpowered for regular gameplay. I've pretty much watched all the Legends have this argument happen over them, one way or another.

Personally I like the Legendaries, but I don't like to see teams of them. My little sister and I went to the Atlanta Pokémon 10th Anniversary competition and were quite put out that the final fight came down to a two-on-two team between a Latios/Raquaza and...I think it was either a Groundon or Kyogre and Ho-oh or something. Bottom line was that the final fight was between two teams of nothing but Legendaries. And that was the 15+ bracket.

We both dislike people who abuse Legendaries like that. Having one or two on your team isn't so bad - but when your entire strategy is based around them... then it gets kindof annoying.
I personally had a Raikou on my Silver team and plan on collecting them in Diamond. I lurve my saber-toothed kitty. I also have a Mewtwo on my Red game. I also got into a Mewtwo versus Mewtwo battle with it and know how agonizing it is to fight powerhouse on powerhouse.

I think Legends, when used sparingly, are okay to keep around. I just personally think it starts getting a little ridiculous when your team looks something like: Lati@s, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Dialga, Entei, and Mewtwo or something... That's a little ridonkulous.

...I also admit to liking the Legendary Birds/Dogs, so I'm probably biased because I normally like having one of them on my team.

They're just Pokémon though... I know I've gotten my arse torn up one side and down the other, Legendary or no, so they're not un-beatable, just a little above average. Most times. IMHO there are more annoying things than the "official" Legendaries floating around. *coughcoughTYRANITARcoughhackSALAMENCEcoughcoughMILOTIChackwheeze*

...but yeah. My two cents.

Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:16 pm
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Here's somebody elses two cents :wink: .

I used to use legendaries when I was a noob and didn't even understand EV's :cry: but now I don't, my team can beat my mates fine.

I do, however have legendaries in my trophy case (PC in English) because it's so much fun watching my AR-using, cheating friend squirm at the sight of careful regice and rash tyranitar (weird nature but it works :) ).

On wifi battles, I use my team of non-legendaries. Harder to raise when you catch them at lvl 5 but when you win a tournament by beating an all legendary-using cheat it feels so much better.

And that is my opinion on legendaries. :twisted: .

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Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:34 pm
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Well, I'm fine with using them in a PvP, or even Battle Frontier battle, HOWEVER, I agree with the first post when speaking of people who use them as shortcuts through the storyline, like trying to beat the E4 with a lvl 70 rayquaza. It somewhat provides an "easy way out" of training your Pokemon.

I am trading My PKRS Latias for a rayquaza, and my untouched Mesprit Or a Masterball for an untouched Sapphire Kyogre.

Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:54 pm
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I capture legendaries only for the pokedex, i dont like to use them in battle, i preffer to train non-legendaries from a low level

Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:46 am
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Okay, here's my 2 cents, but it is short. I prefer both. Legendaies and non-legendaries. It doesn't matter what you pick in these games. If that is your strategy, then go with it. I believe that you should have a team of legends and a team without them. That way, if your friend wants to battle you, ask them if they are going to have legendaries. If they do, then you bring your team with them. If they don't then bring your team without them. And if they say that they wont use legendaries and they do, then you should try to beat them without legendaries. That way, it proves that you really ARE a good trainer, because even with normal pokemon you beat legendary pokemon. And it will REALLY make your friend look stupid then.

I have in my legendary team Porygon2, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Ho-oh and Lugia. I purely rasied them all to lvl. 100, and i like them for what they are. Even if they are mostly all legendaries, 5 of those guys have some of the same weaknesses.

My non-legendary team is Golem, Gengar, Gyarados, and Staraptor. I prefer only 4 in that instance, because you can only use 4 in a doublt battle at the Battle Tower.


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Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:34 am
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