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 Pokemon High School RP 
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Since my last RP was a complete bomb...

Name: Pokemon High School

Genre: Do I have to say it?

Setting: Um, a high school...for Pokemon. BLARGG

Plot: Um, Pokemon go to school and learn stuff. Not just math though, they learn to battle too. RAWR!

Add. Rules: (below)


Just like my previous RP, 6 attacks (one Egg and one TM OR two TMs plus 4 regular attacks). There will be battles, so you just might lose one. gasp.

tri tu speel tings correclydfsdhf....serisously though, try not to be a complete retard when it comes to grammar.

There are two extra teacher positions which will go to who I think are the best RPers (of those who choose to sign up) along with his or her student character.

Name: Sam
Age: 18
Grade: Senior/12
Gender: Male
Species: Croconaw
Likes: Seafood (both raw and cooked,) loud music, and airplanes
Dislikes: Excessive homework, idiots, and tofu
Bio: Sam, like most actual people, can display a wide variety of emotions depending on the curent situation, but he is usually carefree and calm.
Attacks: Ice Fang, Crunch, Aqua Tail, Scary Face, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance. First 4 are natural, last 2 are TMs.


Name: Amoto Tio
Aka: Principle Tio, Mr. Tio
Gender: Male
Species: Toxicroak
Age: 38
Area of Teaching: Principle of Pokemon High
Bio: Tio is the current principle of Pokemon High. He is well known for being a fair and balanced principle. One of his distinguishing characteristics though is his temper. He is able to hold his cool through what many would consider hell, but when he is upset...
Attacks: Poison Jab, Sucker Punch, Revenge, Swagger, Bulk Up, Brick Break.



1st: Math (Mr. Claw)
2nd: Science (Mr. Quiver)
3rd: Language (Mr. Grossworth)
4th: Elective (Mythology with Mr. Glalie)
5th: Battling (Mr. Claw and Ms. Malicia)


Last edited by Sneaky Sneasel on Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:58 pm
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...I think this calls for a genderless CROAGUNK. ;)

Name: Mari Posio(as in Maria or Mario, except without the last vowel, so that the gender is still unknown. ;o)
Nickname: GreGGle--- (always changes it, to GreGGle{insertsomethingelsehere}, ie GreGGleSpark, or GreGGleMaN)
Age: 15
Grade: Sophomore/10
Gender: Unknown
Species: {croagunk} CROAGUNK {croagunk}
Likes: Cakes, handstands, loud noises, parties, when nothing is planned and all you have to do is wing it
Dislikes: Its grades, its failure to be sensitive,
Bio: It has a brain problem. It can try really hard, and still not do well in school. But that's not even its MAIN brain problem. It's insane. It can't keep focused or still. That's why it keeps his gender secret: it makes no sense. It generally keeps quiet in class when the time calls for it, but when time calls for un-seriousness, it is extremely loud. It has the most beautiful handwriting in all of school, and tends to get things in on time. It tries to be sensitive when its friends need it, but always ALWAYS fails.
Attacks: Poison Sting, Revenge, Wake-Up Slap, Mud-Slap, Pursuit, Faint Attack

1st: Math
2nd: Science (Mr. Quiver)
3rd: Language (Mr. Grossworth)
4th: Mythology (Mr. Glalie)
5th: Battling

I think this will be fun. :O

Oh, and will you be picking our schedules? :c

EDIT: Yay! First time having the first application for ANYTHING! <3

Name: Allison Delilah Kaborson-Glalie
Aka: Mrs. Glalie
Gender: Female
Species: {minun} Minun {minun}
Age: 37
Area of Teaching: Mythology
Bio: Being a minun, her students tend to not take her seriously. She's bigger than the average minun, standing at a shocking 2'9", ears and all. She's not the most powerful battler, but because nobody takes her seriously, she ends up having to show off her electrical skills a lot, seeing as her students tend to be intimidated by that. No, she's not strong for her league, but she's been around longer than these silly little high-school students; she's bound to be more powerful. She has two totally different personalities for when she's with students and with friends. Students: Gar gar gar, super strict lady, no fun at all. You mess up, you get yelled at. Mess up again, you get sent to the office. Mess up a third time, you get a shock to your behind. Friends: True to her happy go-lucky. The minun cheerleader she was born to be, she's very supportive and secure. A bit hyper and immature for her age when she's in this mode. She didn't take this job so much because she loves mythology, but because it was the only job that there was an opening for at the high school, and EVERYONE respects teachers. Plus, how hard can mythology be?
Attacks: Spark, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack, Helping Hand, Encore

Last edited by pelligargetic on Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:41 pm
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Hmm..This sounds fun!

Name: Joshua
Nickname: That Guy (Because no one knows him...)
Age: 14 Level: 21
Grade: Freshman/9
Gender: Male
Species: {sneasel}<What, you couldn't have guessed?
Likes: Winter, Books, Food, and Work...yes he likes work...
Dislikes: Being embarrassed, Bullies, Plays, and Presentations...anything where he is center of attention....
Bio: Being new to the high school, Joshua was very nervous. He didn't have any friends from middle school since he moved again. This was the fourth time he moved. He hopes to get some friends here...that he will be able to keep this time. He does very well in school, and he gets picked on about it everywhere he goes.
Attacks: Faint Attack, Quick Attack, Fury Swipes, Taunt, Blizzard, and Aerial Ace
1st: Math (Mr. Claw)
2nd: Science
3rd: Language
4th: Mythology
5th: Battles

This profile is very much like me....almost just like me actually! I love math, but I'm very shy to get up in class. I used to be picked on too...

Last edited by Tragar on Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:20 am, edited 3 times in total.

Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:57 pm
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This time, I'll use Shard in a different way, as a respectable teacher. Also, do we list our moves after or before getting accepted?

Name: Shard Claw
A.K.A.: Mr. Claw
Gender: Male
Species: Charizard {charizard}
Age: 27
Areas of Teaching: Battles, Math, and Psychology
Bio: Having once and for all given up his overly aggressive ways many years ago, Shard has devoted his life to teaching the next generation in various ways. Although he has to deal with some rowdy students every now and then, he sees it as karma for what he did during high school and deals with each student in a way that he sees fit.
Attacks: Dragon claw, Flamethrower, Air slash, Will-o-wisp, Focus blast, Scary face.

Schedule :

1st: Math
2nd: Off
3rd: Off
4th: Psychology
5th: Battling


Name: Mewtwo

Just kidding :P

Name: Dik Etarak
Age: 17
Grade: 12/Senior
Gender: Male
Species: Lucario
Likes: Humor, battles, solving problems in very out-of-the-box ways, and girls.
Dislikes: Math, psychology, green pokeblocks and poems (unless they are funny poems)
Bio: Known as something of a flirt, Dik has a bit of a reputation around the school for always giving in to a cute face. He also often uses battles as a place to show off rather than win; especially when he underestimates his foe.
Attacks: Extremespeed, sky uppercut, sword dance, blaze kick, double team, earthquake.

Schedule :

1st: Math (with Mr. Claw)
2nd: Science (with Mr. Quiver)
3rd: Language (with Mr. Grossworth)
4th: Mythology (with Mr. Glalie)
5th: Battling (with Mr. Claw and Ms. Malicia)

Image Image
^Image by dragoni_slayer2014^

Last edited by daveshan on Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:17 pm
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Well, well...I can't wait to face...Dik Etarak...did you use a random name or something? Because that is a

Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:23 pm
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Name: Robert Sanders
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Gender: Male
Species: Sandslash (I'm assuming age isn't always the same as level. if not, I can change to Sandshew.)
Attacks: Rollout, Slash, Swift, Sand Attack, Rock Climb (HM), and Dig (TM).
Likes: Parting fools from money, Explosives, Salty food in general, and Popular Mechanics Magazine.
Dislikes: water balloons, People who he claims "have no sense of humor", EPKs (Extremely popular kids), And humdrum high school Routine, when he gets particularly bored he tries to "Liven it up" usually with one of his first interests (or some combination of the two. And as pokemon hardly ever die from explosions, fireballs, etc, the concern over a few explosions isn't anything like it is in the Real world.)
Bio: A trouble maker, and a shrewd businessman, in his spare time he digs tunnels to smuggle things like rare candy and other such things into the school, or to take stuff from the chemistry lab for "Explosively Dramatic" experiments. :twisted:

1st: Math (with Mr.Claw)
2nd: Science (with Mr. Quiver)
3rd: Language (with Mr. Grossworth)
4th: Elective/Mythology (with Mr.Glalie)
5th: Battling (with Mr. Claw and Ms. Malicia)

Teacher Application:
Name: Amy Malicia
Aka: Miss Malicia
Gender: Female
Species: Ninetales
Age: 647 Years (Anyone with objections go look at Ninetales' pokedex entry's.)
Attacks: Flamethrower, Nasty Plot, faint attack, Imprison, Overheat (TM) Hypnosis (Egg).
Area of Teaching: Battle Supervisor.
Bio: Has had a long career here, and has gradually risen to a Supervisor position. She has been known to hold grudges, (as is typical of her species)
and there are rumors that she wants Mr. Tio's job. Although she hasn't made any significant moves to seize it, her patient nature means that no one can dismiss these rumors entirely.

PS: I use color to represent different people, but I can go with normal white if you want me to.

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Last edited by Darth DLA on Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:40 pm
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Name: Buzz
Age: 18
Grade: Senior/12
Gender: Male
Species: Electabuzz
Likes: Battling, School in general, and of course girls :D
Dislikes: Jock Idiots, Emo Music, and Cafeteria Food, Ick
Bio: Buzz is one of the top students in his class, He is also very skilled at battling.

POST COUNTS MEAN NOTHING!!! If you agree with me, then please copy and paste this in you sig.

Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:44 pm
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Tragar wrote:
Well, well...I can't wait to face...Dik Etarak...did you use a random name or something? Because that is a
Spell "Karate Kid" backwards. Also, DLA, that's a good idea to use different colors for different pokemon.

Image Image
^Image by dragoni_slayer2014^

Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:52 pm
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daveshan wrote:
Tragar wrote:
Well, well...I can't wait to face...Dik Etarak...did you use a random name or something? Because that is a
Spell "Karate Kid" backwards. Also, DLA, that's a good idea to use different colors for different pokemon.

Oh ok...and I also agree too! Joshua will now go with Red!

Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:55 pm
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Name: Alex
Age: 14
Grade: 9/Freshmen
Gender: Male
Species:Misdreavus {misdreavus}
Moves: Shadow Ball, Pain Split, Confuse ray, Psybeam,TM Thunder Bolt, TM Dark Pulse
Likes: Fear, apples, darkness, shrimp, sushi, battling
Dislikes: All types of homework except science,and pokemon who think they own the place
Bio: An odd folk of Misdreavus whom seem to like apples for no exact reason.
Also being a very weird character and having no likes in schoolwork, in fact the only thing that keeps him going to school is to battle.Other then that, he still learns much and makes a few friends. He is usually weird, well tempered, and happy.
1st: Math (with Mr.Claw)
2nd: Science (with Mr. Quiver)
3rd: Language (with Mr. Grossworth)
4th: Elective/Mythology (with Mr.Glalie)
5th: Battling (with Mr. Claw and Ms. Malicia)

Teacher Application:
Name: Terrance Quiver
Aka: Mr. Quiver
Gender: Male (although genderless he prefers a to be a he and likes woman :wink: )
Species: Rotom {rotom}
Age: 30 Years
Area of Teaching: Science
Bio: Being the one to overhear everything that people say by getting into electrical devices, he has learned alot and has deep knowledge especially in the area of science. He is very well tempered and has an extremely good sense of humer, but if you push him to the limit, he will give you a taste of thunder wave. When nobody is looking, some say he gets into the school documents and tries to change the grades of some students who are not doing very well.

(Good idea treecoluv, i edited my application so misdreavus has moves xD)

<img src="images/trainercards/dussel.png">Image

Last edited by Dussel on Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:27 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:48 pm
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Name: Europa Mangette
Age: 17
Grade: Junior/11
Gender: Female
Species: Masquerain
Likes: The Sun, Unicorns, Music, Rainbows, Writing, Art, Music, Shampoo, Elevators, Crayons, Cookies, Her Boyfriend.
Dislikes: Bad music, conditioner, math, mayonnaise.
Bio: Europa is one of the DJs of the Radio station at the school. She is a music snobb, and only plays underground and "indie" music. She loves writing and art but hates math. Wants to join the circus when she grows up.
ATTACKS: Whirlwind, Bug Buzz, Stun Spore, Air Slash, Substitute, Ice Beam

BEFORE SCHOOL: DJs the radio
1st: Math (Mr. Claw)
2nd: Science (Mr. Quiver)
3rd: Language (Mr. Grossworth)
4th: Elective/Radio DJing (Alternating days, Mythology with Mr. Glalie)
5th: Battling (Mr. Claw and Ms. Malicia)

everything that happens will happen today

Last edited by Kirke on Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:36 pm
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Um, can I join?

Name: Cade
Age: 13
Grade: Freshman/9
Gender: Male
Species: Gengar
Likes: The Dark, bothering teachers, battling, turning invisible and scaring people
Dislikes: Super-Happy people, Emos, Direct Sunlight, Schoolwork, and Bologna
Bio: Cade is not very good in school, not because he's dumb, but because he has better things to do. He likes to frolic among the halls while invisible, and scare people, however, he is a loyal friend and can be counted on. He is very proud of his battle abilities, but often overistimates them.
Schedule: 1st: Math
2nd: Science
3rd: Language
4th: Mythology
5th: Battling


Last edited by mudkipman on Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:12 am
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May I join?

Name: Lyla
Age: 17
Level (i did the math):25
Grade: Junior/11
Gender: Female
Species: {espeon}
Likes: Berries, Helping Others
Dislikes: Pointless Homework, Battling her Friends, Bananas :shock:
Bio: Usually Quiet, and Laid-Back. She is an all A student, but Reluctant to do pointless work. She doesn't like to battle her friends, but is fairly good. She is a reliable tutor for those who need help in any subject.
Moves- Psybeam, Psychic, Morning Sun, Last Resort, Wish, and Protect


1st: Math (with Mr. Claw)
2nd: Science (with Mr. Burno)
3rd: Language (with Mr. Grossworth)
4th: Mythology (with Mr. Glalie)
5th: Battling (with Mr. Claw and Ms. Malicia)

Last edited by ScizorManiac on Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:31 pm, edited 16 times in total.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:27 am
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sounds awesome

Name: gamsa rook
Age: 14
Grade: freshman
Gender: Male
Species: Gallade
Likes: comedy TV, comic books (mainly manga), drawing, physics, battling, math
Dislikes: boring days, spelling, grammer, poems. (especially poems)
Bio: gamsa is a bit hyper almost consantly, but when he's not hyper he's very mature for his age, he hates being short and can get very irritable when tired
moves: psycho cut, magical leaf, slash, swords dance, TM Hyper beam, TM earthquake

Last edited by metavoir on Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:47 am, edited 4 times in total.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:48 am
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Can I join?

Name: Imnop Starkan
Age: 17
Grade: Junior/11th
Gender: Male
Species: {tyrogue}
Likes: Lettuce, reading, drawing, studying, being tested.
Dislikes: Bullies, jocks, meat (vegetarian)
Bio: Imnop, in his younger years, was always made fun of because he was scrawny. His father left his mother at age 7 and he hasn't had a very good life. But he made the best of it when he tried hard in school, worked hard, did his chores and studied. The one thing he didn't do so well on was battling...


Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:05 am
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Tragar wrote:

Oh ok...and I also agree too! Joshua will now go with Red!

Red is an okay color in bold, but in large quantities, (EG: an entire post) it gets to be hard on the eyes. Especially with the forum's dark blue background. Use the Color listings to find colors that are easier on the eyes. also, you don't Have to use a color. I'm using it because I might be playing 2 characters.

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:56 am
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I would like to join

Name: Carlton Flynn
Age: 14
Grade: Freshman/9
Gender: Male
Species: Porygon
Likes: Computers, Gadgets, Electronics, Math, Science, Solidarity
Dislikes: Large groups, Older kids, Being made fun of
Bio: Carlton is a tall, akward pokemon who likes to keep to himself and his gadgets, he can be best described as a computer geek.
Moves: Ominous Wind, Charge, Charge Beam, Substitute, Thunder Wave, Dark Pulse, Thunder-Bolt
Shcedule:1st: Math (with Mr. Claw)
2nd: Science (Mr. Quiver)
3rd: Language (with Mr. Grossworth)
4th: Psychology (with Mr. Claw)
5th: Battling (with Mr. Claw and Ms. Malicia)


Last edited by snobord on Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:58 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:42 am
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Bah, this is better than pokemon pirates.
Name: Swant
Grade: 10
Gender: Male
Species: Marshtomp
Moves: Muddy water, Earthquake, protect, Mud bomb, Icebeam (TM) and Stomp (egg).
Age: 16
Likes: Computers, video games, running, math, anything involving circuits and swimming.
Dislikes: When someone does way better than him.
Bio: As much as he likes running, he is slow. About average size for his species. Extremely smart, but can't make the school sport team. But he can make the swimming team.
1st: Math (with Mr. Claw)
4th: Science (Mr. Quiver)
3rd: Language (with Mr. Grossworth)
2nd: Elective (choose...etc.)
5th: Battling (with Mr. Claw and Ms. Malicia)

How about this? Am I the only one who put down moves?

Join DarkCosmos today! Trust me, it's worth it!

Last edited by Treeckoluv on Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:15 pm
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I'm a little mad at you for locking Pokemon pirates but....


Name: Gwes
Grade: 12
Gender: Male
Species: Haunter
Age: 17
Moves: Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Curse, Confuse Ray, Thunderpunch and Poison Jab
Likes: Bullying, black stuff, Green pokeball band ect.
Dislikes: Pink, most girls, rocket science ect.
Bio: Very fast but has a strange sickness that makes him disapear when stressed.
1st: Math (Mr. Claw)
2nd: Science (Mr. Burno)
3rd: Language (Mr. Grossworth)
4th: Elective (Mythology with Mr. Glalie)
5th: Battling (Mr. Claw and Ms. Malicia)

Name: Daniel Mattson Burno
Aka: Mr. Burno
Gender: Male
Species: Blaziken
Age: 29
Moves: Blaze kick, Sky Uppercut, Fire Punch, Bulk Up, Counter and Protect
Area of teaching: Science
Bio: Very fit but has one NASTY temper. When students disrupt his teaching their almost sure to get detention. But he will do anything to protect his class when in danger.

Reaching out to Pokemon and MegaMan fans alike, join today!
One of the few Pokemon musics most people agree is excellent

Last edited by Blazikendude on Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:55 am, edited 3 times in total.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:40 pm
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((Yeah, I did forget attacks. You might want to edit those in >.> Age =/= level Usually I do 1.5 x age == level.))

((Anyway, everyone is accepted, whether you have a teacher character or not. Don't make one if you haven't yet though.))

Name: Marcus Dete
Aka: Mr. Glalie
Gender: Male
Species: Glalie
Age: 25
Area of Teaching: Mythology (Elective)

Name: Shard Claw
A.K.A.: Mr. Claw
Gender: Male
Species: Charizard
Age: 27
Areas of Teaching: Battles (Must Take), Math (Must Take), and Psychology (Elective)

Name: Amy Malicia
Aka: Miss Malicia
Gender: Female
Species: Ninetales
Age: 647 Years (Anyone with objections go look at Ninetales' pokedex entry's.)
Area of Teaching: Battle Supervisor. (Part of battling class)

Name: Terrance Quiver
Aka: Mr. Quiver
Gender: Male (although genderless he prefers a to be a he and likes woman )
Species: Rotom {rotom}
Age: 30 Years
Area of Teaching: Science (Must take)

Name: Burno
Aka: Mr. Burno
Gender: Male
Species: Blaziken
Age: 29
Area of teaching: Science (Must Take)

Name: Chad Grossworth
Aka: Mr. Grossworth
Gender: Male
Species: Claydol
Age: 47
Area of teaching: Language (Must take)

((Ok now. Here's the tricky part. You have to edit your schedule into your application post. Here's the format I want you all to use.))

1st: Math (with Mr. Claw)
2nd: Science (either Mr. Burno or Mr. Quiver)
3rd: Language (with Mr. Grossworth)
4th: Elective (choose...etc.)
5th: Battling (with Mr. Claw and Ms. Malicia)

Lunch is between 3rd and 4th, and keep on applying. No more teachers though, we have enough of those.

((Now we can begin!))

The buses had all arrived and the first day of school had begun. Many students left the buses, but my attention (since it's my character) will focus on Sam, a Croconaw. He's attended this school since he was a freshman, and this will be his final year here. He's hoping it'll be normal like all the other years he's been here.

"Hey Mr. Tio," Sam said.

Amoto Tio is the pricnipal of this school. He and Sam know each other well from all the times Sam's spent in detention. Normally he's not a troublemaker, he just happens to be caught at the wrong place at the wrong time very often.

"Greetings again Sam," Mr. Tio said back. "Let's hope I don't see you in detention on the first day like last year."

"I keep trying to tell wasn't me who clogged all the toilets in the boy's room," Sam stated as he went inside the school with over half an hour before classes started.


Last edited by Sneaky Sneasel on Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:29 pm
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Lyla walked to school. It was a more relaxing way of transportation than a noisy bus. She was the only one, though, but she enjoyed it. That gave her more time to think. Would this year be good? Would she have teachers of a lower intellect and social class than her like last year (she had different teachers)? It was the only year her teachers let her teach the class. Everyone got straight A's that year! She enjoyed going through her mental yearbook.

When she arrived at school, she went straight to Home Room. (Math)

"Good Morning, Mr. Claw. Am i the first student here?" she asked as she looked over the barren room. He was a tutor to her in her freshman year, as she wasn't good with math. Now, it is her best subject!

Last edited by ScizorManiac on Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:45 pm
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Alex walked into the school doors, hoping to see some new teachers that will give him a break from the work that seemed to weigh down every day that came by, and seeing his favorite teacher Mr.Quiver, he walked up to him. "Hey Mr. Quiver! Anything new happen over the summer?"

Mr. Quiver said back "Not much, just got done studying how space and time are realated to the deities Dialga and Palkia and found some interesting facts that-"

"Woah! Stop! I have enough on my mind right now, like apples... and how much the new pokemon will like me! I don't need a lecture about the space time... relativity... thingie!" Said Alex

Mr. Quiver laughed "Ohhh Alex, im sure you'll find it more interesting as you go on. Now get to where your supposed to be going ok?"

"Wheres that?" Said Alex

Mr. Quiver replied in somewhat of a panicy voice "Oh... i'm sorry I don't quite know...Why don't you just sit tight in my room"

Alex followed Mr.Quiver into his room, hoping to see where his desk was.

"Kinda decked out the place huh?" Said Alex noticing all the human computer moniters and TV's in the room.

Mr.Quiver said hastily "Oh don't mind that. Sit here until we figure out where to go."

<img src="images/trainercards/dussel.png">Image

Last edited by Dussel on Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:13 pm
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((SM, it's Math THEN Science.))


Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:23 pm
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Sneaky Sneasel wrote:
((SM, it's Math THEN Science.))

Oh sorry :roll: , but I fixed it.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:01 pm
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Cade never liked just walking or taking the bus to school, so he turned invisible and hitched a ride in the bus, which he though was pretty cool.

He was pretty worried abuo his new school, thoughts ran wild through his head.

"Will I be able to make friends? Are the Teachers smart enough to catch my tricks? Is the food good?"

On top of that, he hated Math, which, according to his schedule, was his first class. He grudingly slouched into the classroom, and saw that he wasn't alone.

"An Espeon...Psychic type, better be nice to it..."

He finally walked up to it and said

"Uh, hi, I'm Cade, this is my first day here, who are you?"


Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:48 pm
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