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 Pokemon High School RP 
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Europa, who had been sitting in science all along said with a smirk "My favorite food is Greggle..." As she eyed the androgynous frog.

everything that happens will happen today

Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:15 pm
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"Settle down er GreGGleBAG... Can i simply call you Greg?" Said Mr.Quiver with a smirk.

"Is that all of my class so far? Ok good, now sit down." Said Mr.Quiver "Alright my subject as you know is science, i prefer the science by name of Physics. First off i need everyone to get out something to mark or write with and something to mark or write on"

"Now," Said Mr.Quiver as he levitated over to him a piece of chalk. "We will be talking about the atom" As he wrote "The Atom" in big bold letters.

"I hate writing..." Said Alex with a grimace as he got out his Wingull feather and paper.
"I wonder what that beauty of a Jynx is doing later... Her lips remind me of... a red delicious." ((Thats a name of an apple))

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Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:51 pm
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Lyla finished her second worksheet, and went on to the final one. "Yay, biology!" Lyla was happy that she had biology on her last sheet. She zoomed through it with ease.

Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:09 am
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Dik began writing.

"Ok... atom. Now what?"

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Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:34 am
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Location: In your kitchen, holding a knife. And it's not for the vegetables...
"Wait! You forgot me!" shouted Swant. "I'm swant and my favorite food is pizza!" said Swant. "When are we going to get our first test?" asked Swant, barely able to keep himself still.

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Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:48 am
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"Why does Mr. Burno have to give me what I'm bad at? Biology? Even rocket science?!?" But he flipped through the pages anyway.
"Hurry up! We don't have forever in this period!" Mr. Burno was getting a little inpatient.

(Who-hoo! I got out of school today!)

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Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:56 am
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((Yeah, need to fix your attacks. You have to have 6, and only 2 can be TM/HMs.))

Sam eyed at Dik who was staring at a Monferno.

"There he goes again. Wonder how long it'll take for him to get slapped this year. He paused to look at the board. "The atom, huh? Sounds easy enough. Electron, proton, neutron.

"Ah, Amy, so glad you could join us. I was just discussing this year's battling season with Shard here. I'm leaving it all up to you both to gather some prospects. Just make sure they get their fair share of practice this year. Otherwise..." Tio stopped, not wanting to go any further.

TIME: 9:50 AM


Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:06 am
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Sam's question was answered in the following moments in which the monferno dropped her pencil, bent over to pick it up, sat back up, and caught Dik staring at her butt.

"PIG!" She shouted before giving him a brick break in his face. She then got up and changed her seat.

"Ow..." Dik said as he rubbed his nose. I should have gone with the jynx.


"I know, I know..." Shard moaned. "And I really wish last year didn't happen, but it did. However, that does bring me to an idea I had, since we are on the topic. Do you think there's any way that we could get those new treadmills? The past few years have been hard to train the heavier pokemon in the winter since it's way too cold and they crushed the standard models."

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Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:32 pm
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"Alright you know what the atom is? Alright good, now lets talk about its quilities. The atom has an internal system of other particals called the Nuclei.
The nuclei has protons and neutrons as its Core. The core also will have shells around it with a slight charge to it, containing electrons." Said Mr.Quiver

"Now the protons first, the proton is the make-up of the atom itself, it contains a positive charge!"Said Mr.Quiver "Removing 1 simple proton from the nucleus causes the element to change completly."

"Well, take a helium atom for example! 2 protons, 2 neutrons, 2 electrons.
Now take away one proton and you get...?"

"Take away a proton? Whassa huh? Oh... so all i need to do is look at the atomic number before Helium and iv'e got my answer..."Said Alex

"... Ok i give... hey you! Greg! The croagunk! Whats the first element in the periodic table of elements?" Asked Alex to Greg the Croagunk.

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Last edited by Dussel on Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:42 pm
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"Hydrogen!" Dik said, still rubbing his nose.

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Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:44 pm
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"Correcto Dik!! Now, you have a bit of mass leftover now. You have 1 extra electron, and neutron."

"I'll explain the neutron next!" said Mr.Quiver

"Oh hey nevermind, can we be friends then Greg?" Said Alex

" Now then, the neutron has quite a bit more mass then protons do, so the number of protons and neutrons determines an atom's atomic weight." Said Mr.Quiver. "What we have here, is Heavy Hydrogen the stuff used in H-Bombs, the name is kind of obvious, but the neutron has a very short life, about 15 minutes outside of the atom's shell.
So say you put out 150,000,000 Neutrons to float around in space? How many would there be after 5 minutes?"

"Uhhhhh... 150,000,000
divided by 15 multiply 60 divide 5..." Said Alex, dipping his mouth by accident, into the ink bottle.

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Last edited by Dussel on Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:53 pm
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"Smooth..." Sam said sarcastically. "A real ladies man..."

"This year is better than last year already...

"I'm not sure if we have enough money in the budget for such high tech equipment. Perhaps if we had a fundraiser, we could get enough.


Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:02 pm
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"Wouldn't they all live? I mean..if all of them can last 15 minutes, all of them should be able to last 5 minutes..." Said Joshua...He actually knew a bit about atoms...

Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:57 pm
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Carlton sat quietly taking notes (even though he already knew the material) As the period went on he began getting bored and took out his latest invention, a quill that would never run out of ink. He was tinkering with it inside his desk so as the teacher couldnt see it, but very quiet beeping sounds coming from his gadget were mistaken for common noises by the rest of the class


Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:11 pm
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Dik turned around to get something out of his back pack and saw Sam looking at him. In his usual joking matter, he smirked and mouthed the phrase, "She wants me."

"That would be a good idea." Shard said. "After all, we still have a few months before winter starts... Yes, yes. We could do that."

He then turned to Amy. "You ok with a fund raiser? I'm open to any other ideas, if you have them."

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Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:46 pm
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"Perhaps a fund raiser would work, but I think our failure last year was partially bad luck, and partially the lack of discipline." Amy Said, thinking of her ex-supervisor. "That's only partially true." she thought to herself, while it was true that the last Supervisor had proved lenient in the disciplinary department, she had helped to provide her boss with bad luck. Except of course when Amy herself was in the spotlight. the result had been that her boss got sacked, and she, Amy, got the supervisor position. "The old team wasn't going to win the championship anyway. Not by a long shot" she said to herself. "I will see to It That this bunch doesn't get off easy."

Ha, looks like The ladies man has already shown his true colors. Robert thought. He himself rather loathed Pokemon like Dik, He didn't quite know why, but he did. Perhaps it was because they had an uncanny skill for getting girls, some times a lot of girls, a skill that Robert didn't have.

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Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:50 pm
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Mr.Quiver laughed nervous laugh "Ohhh your right Josh... Uhhh... Oh look at the time hehe i have let you stray from your schoolwork. Turn to page 24 in your Science books I would like you to read silently and do the quiz at the end." ((I missed that completly Tragar xD thanks :3 I'll be a better teacher next school day :D))

"Awwww cmon..." Said Alex with a little whimper.
"... The atom! The fundamental of Life itself... How boring looking..." As he read through the book.

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Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:08 am
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Dik threw open his book and began reading. "Ok... atom... basic building block of all matter... elements... ritual circumcision... compounds... ion bonds... "

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Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:37 am
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(ritual circumcision? That has nothing to do with atoms!)

"I guess I should take my work up to Mr. Burno." Lyla thought. She gave her work to Mr. Burno, and sat back down, wondering if she should try out for the battling team. She didn't in the other years, but this year, it actually seemed like a good idea. She decided that she would.

Sat Jun 23, 2007 7:00 am
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Carlton immeadiatly flipped to the back of the book to take the quiz, and finished it with minimal time. He didnt want to walk up to class and hand in his quiz first so he just continued tinkering with his gadget

(ps i would like to change carlton to a porygon, it wouldnt change any of the story so far and i just realize mr quiver is a rotom)


Sat Jun 23, 2007 7:50 am
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Buzz was doing the work quietly through the whole class doing the whole quiz since he had learned this stuff a few years back. He finished the quiz quickly put it on Mr. Quiver's desk and sat back down. I wonder what I have next period? Buzz wondered.

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Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:20 am
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(Oops, I forgot to give Mr. Burno a name! I'm editing it to Daniel Mattson Burno.)
Gwes finished the 2 pages but the rocket science page made him go cazy. "If a rocket ship was being built that weighed 1000 tons was gojng to be launched into space, how many gallons of fuel would it need to go to the moon at 1000Mph and come back without burning in the atmosphere?!? This sounds more like math! Stupid enginering!"
"Thank you." Mr. Burno took the work and put it in his desk. "You should try out for the battling team this year, we need people like yoou so I don't get the newsletter and read that we miserably failed!" He felt weird, it was the first time he gave a compliment in almost 3 years.

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Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:52 am
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" Thank you, Mr. Burno." Lyla said as she sat down. She decided that she would try out, but the question was, would she make it? She never tried out before, and battling could get stressful.

Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:39 am
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Oh boy, a quiz! thought Swant. He openned the science book and began reading thorugh it. He was always amazed at science. To tell the truth, hr's exited about everything in school.

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Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:22 pm
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ScizorManiac wrote:
(ritual circumcision? That has nothing to do with atoms!)

((Or does it??? :shock: ))

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Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:33 pm
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