{pelipper} Pelipper
HP: 80
Atk: 74
Def: 110
SA: 90
SD: 95
Spd: 71
Synopsis: Pelipper looks like it could take quite the beating from physical attacks. It looks like it could keep getting hit with a rockslide and just get back up and up again, and apparently GF agrees with me, because they gave it 100 base Defense. However, I think this terrific pokemon deserves just a *little* bit more.
Pelippers are also quite the hefty pokemon, and for me, 19/20 times, hefty = good HP. Not TOO good, but y'know, good enough. Enough that this whole tank/stalling thing could actually WORK. So yeah, I thought 88 HP was suitable. ;c
As for the attack stats...Pelipper looks like it should have good special attack, but not much worse physical attacks. A pelipper could probably pull off a good double-edge...to something with average defenses, that is. As for the attack, surf and ice beam should work well on it. A pelipper firing an ice beam from its godly mouth should be able to do sufficient damage, whereas a wing attack...you're going to need to hit your opponent a couple of times to do anything great.
Eh, special defense. Doesn't look like anything special. Its speed doesn't look too good either, due to the fact that it's kind of...heavy. And besides, what pokemon has good defense AND speed?
Level-Up Moves: Wing Attack, Swagger, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Peck (from wingull), Protect, Fly, Roost, Supersonic, Double-Edge
Moves by other means (TM/HM/Egg, etc.): Surf, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Agility (again, wingull), Block
Synopsis: Well wingull's look like the speedy little goober, don't they? Or at least, they look like the pokemon that tries to be fast, thus agility.. Wing attack, obviously. I put stockpile, swallow, and spitup due to all the things about pelipper centering around its mouth, of course. Fly, because its dex entries talk about it being a pokemon that carries things great distances, so I thought it would be fitting for a levelup move. Protect because of the defenses, roost because I think one of its dex entires talks about pelipper having a nest. Double-Edge, because, well...Pelipper's attack stat isn't very good, but by flinging its body at the opponent, it should be able to also use its defense to cause good damage. Or something. Swagger because pelipper is kind of...annoying, and people'd get mad at it easily for being so goofy-looking. Peck, obviously. Surf, Waterfall, and Ice Beam, because any water type without those moves does not deserve to exist. D;