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 A Cruel Fate [Has started! Only accepting Shroobs!] 
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Pokemon Ranger
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Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:05 am
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Location: Doesn't really matter. It's not like I'm standing right behind you with a knife...
Name: A Cruel Fate

Genre: A Mario themed RP

Setting: The Mushroom Kingdom/planet Shroob

Plot: Everybody was going peaceful life, [including Bowser] when all of a-sudden aliens attack the mushroom kingdom, but not just any aliens, just as the elder princess shroob said in MLPT, [Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time] the shroobs have returned! Led under their new lord, King Shroob; the husband of Princess shroob who previously died during the failed attempt to take over the mushroom kingdom years ago. But this time they are sucessful, they take over the planet and capture every important figure of the planet! Together, a small group of mix races such as hammer bros. and Koopas try to save everybody. They will need strengh, courage and hope to possibly mount these seemingly imposible odds!

Some Pictures:
Image A Shroob. [Their are also red ones, green ones, yellow ones ect.

Additional rules:
- All forum rules and roleplaying rules apply
- No cannon characters [Well duh, the're captured!]
- You don't have to have played MLPT, but it would help if you knew a little bit about the shroobs.
- No godmoding
- You can be either a race from the mushroom kingdoom or a kind of shroob.
- To prevent this RP from going down like last time, you must have 100 post on the forum and be active and mature.
- For the sake of humanity, think! No being lava bubbles as they cannot really move out of lava; which you wouldn't find in a peaceful field or in space.
- No arguing with anything, or you'll be simply kicked out of the RP.
- You MUST PM your profile to prevent spam, all in-topic applications will simply be ignored.
- Put your profile in this manner:



Favorite food:
Least favorite food:
Pet peeves:
Any other random info:



[b]Favorite food:[/b]
[b]Least favorite food:[/b]
[b]Pet peeves:[/b]
[b]Any other random info:[/b]

Reaching out to Pokemon and MegaMan fans alike, join today!
One of the few Pokemon musics most people agree is excellent

Last edited by Blazikendude on Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:39 am
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Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger
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Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:05 am
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Location: Doesn't really matter. It's not like I'm standing right behind you with a knife...
Blazikendude wrote:
Name: Zadak
Race: Shroobs
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: White with black spots, average size for a shroob.
History: The same as almost any shroob, he was born and was nursed by his parents until he was old enough to start his training. His trainer always said he had a lot of potential, but he doesn't know it yet.
Biography: He was a just born when Princess shroob was killed by Mario and Luigi, he grew up to be very adventurous and often descovered caves on his homeplanet.

Personality: Timid and brave
Strenghs: His extreemly good mind
Weakneses: Just like all shroobs, baby tears.
Likes: Ray guns
Dislikes: Water and any type of liquid.

Favorite food: Mushrooms
Least favorite food: Rocks
Parents: Two shroobs; a yellow one and a red one.
Pet peeves: His breath
Any other random info: He has a soft spot for chain chomps.
Pokemon39 wrote:
Race: Shy Guy
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: Flashing Green, Red, Yellow and Purple
History: Born on the day the Shroobs attacked, some Shroob Plasma dropped into his mouth and made him shine multiple colors.
Biography: Due to his trait, he got picked on by all the Shy Guys in Shy School, so he tends to stay alone.

Personality: Shy around others (well, duh. look at his name.)
Strengths: Mask threat
Weaknesses: Not that smart
Likes: To play self-card games
Dislikes: Other people

Fave Food: Ice Cream!!!!!!!!!!!
Least fave food: Spinach
Parents: He doesn't know because they abandoned him due to trait
Pet Peeves: Flashy Colors
Extra: Bug him once, He runs off. Bug him twice, YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!!!!!!
ScizorManiac wrote:
Name: Perri
Race: Paratroopa
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: ( Sorry that it is so big)
History: Almost drowned while swimming once. Since then, she never set foot in the water.
Biography: Had a good life until the Shroobs came back. They kidnapped her parents. Perri is determined to save them.

Personality: Outgoing. Looks at the Positive side of everything.
Strengths: Flying, Stealth, Ranged Combat
Weaknesses: Swimming, Melee Combat
Likes: Flying
Dislikes: Being Alone, Swimming

Favorite food: Raspberries
Least favorite food: Fish
Parents: Her mother was a Paratroopa and her father was a Koopa.
Pet peeves: Bad Grammar
Treeckoluv wrote:
Name: Blueshell
Boomarang bro
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Err, can't find a picture. Image <imagin this with a blue instead of green and a boomerang instead of a hammer.
History: A coconut fell on his head once. He doesn't suffer from amesia, but he does forget things.

Personality: Shy, but will get the job done.
Strengths: Long range boomerangs are go!
Weakneses: Forgets things. A lot.
Likes: Boomerangs
Dislikes: Hammers and fire balls.

Favorite food: Wild peach.
Least favorite food: Coconut.
Parents: Two Boomerang bros. He was born when Bowser was invading for and was captured and raised to join Bowser's army.
Pet peeves: When someone tells him to do an errand.

Reaching out to Pokemon and MegaMan fans alike, join today!
One of the few Pokemon musics most people agree is excellent

Last edited by Blazikendude on Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:20 am
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Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger
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Location: In your kitchen, holding a knife. And it's not for the vegetables...
((Whoo, I get to start the RP!))
Blueshell (note: that's his nickname. Please edit that into my profile) was busy reading the Mushroom Times and he saw a headline titled "UFO sighting!". "I wonde what that could be... Wait, I should get to work, wait, what was that again?" wondered Blueshell. Sudenly he heared a big bang and he rushed outside and saw more UFOs flying through the air.

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Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:30 am
Ace Trainer
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Darre (my name; edit profile please) was busy practiceing turning into stuff for a local tournament when he heard an explosion. He turned back into itself and looked outside. There were Shroob UFOs everywhere!

"Not again!" Thought Darre. It remembered when there was an invasion before. It was pretty bad, but not as bad as now.

(((My name sounds like the word "dare." I have to say "it" because my character is neither a boy nor girl. So yea....)))

Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:59 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Location: Doesn't really matter. It's not like I'm standing right behind you with a knife...
('K, I added your nicknames.)
Zadak [Sorry, the only alien-ish name I could think of.]
Looked down below at the mushroom kingdom and saw Toads and Goombas runing for cover, only for another UFO to fly overhead and ubduct (sp?) them.

He then saw what appeared to be Mario ducking behind a dumpster. "Fool, a dumster will not fool us!" He flew his UFO near the dumspter and used a laser beam to destroy the object.

"You will pay for the death of our rulers!" He was about to obduct (sp?) Mario when he saw Mario jump overhead and land on top of his craft. "Maybe later, but not today!" Mario fell to the ground and scurried away.

Suddenly Zadak heard an explosion. "Uh-oh, I think the egine is going to--" KABAM!

The UFO blew up and he went crashing to ground, and ended up doing a faceplant. He heard the scream of Mario off in the distance as another Shroob captured him.

"Must... get... back... to... mother ship..." But it was no good, he collasped onto the ground, with a row of houses surounding him, one had a Boomerand Bro on the front-step.

Reaching out to Pokemon and MegaMan fans alike, join today!
One of the few Pokemon musics most people agree is excellent

Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:06 pm
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Ace Trainer
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Perri was busy cooking raspberry waffles when she saw hundreds of UFOs through the kitchen window.

"Shroobs!" Perri knew that they kidnapped her parents and was filled with a boiling rage.

"Oh wait 'till I get my hands on those evil little mushroom wannabes!" She muttered to herself. She was so angry that she was seeing red.

She finished cooking the waffles, put them in a bag along with other supplies, put them on her back, and set off to join the koopa army in resisting the shroobs. They were having a meeting in Bowser's castle.

Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:42 pm
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Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger
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Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:31 pm
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Location: In your kitchen, holding a knife. And it's not for the vegetables...
"Hmm, wasn't I suposed to be at Bowser's castle right now?" said Blueshell. He walked forward and tripped over a shroob. "Ew! It's a shroob! Wait, what's a shroob?" said Blueshell. He tucke dinto his shell and another koopa kicked him and he went spinning towards Bowser's castle.

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:47 pm
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