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 The Celadon City Trainer Meet 
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Fails at life
Fails at life

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Tom took an injection from Enpoleon. The penguin was unconsious (natural anesthetic courtesy of Absol :lol: ) and Absol was watchijng the Trainers here, eyeing a Crobat (if crobat was out), a possible foe.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:53 am
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"huff... huff... finally... made... it... through... that... snorlax... blocking... the... path... ugg!" Anson fell down on the pavement. "ow... huhf huhf huhf huhf..." he was nearly stepped on a by a snorlax. "holy!" he rolled out of the way and into a girl. "oops... sorry." he stood up and walked over to a bench and took a breather. "wow... it took a lot longer to get here then i thought. hm... maybe i should see if i can get a pokemon. he went over to the two proffesors giving away pokemon. "hey! 'scuz me but could i have a shinx please?" he actually already had a pokemon or two. they belonged to his dad but they didn't listen to him. "maybe if they fight my shinx and lose then they'll respect me more."

Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:54 am
Bug Catcher
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Can i join?

Character Name: Mike
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Occupation: Marine Reserve but going to college to be a mechanical engineer
Appearance: Tall, brown hair, brown eyes, usually wearing blue jeans a t-shirt and a Phillies baseball hat
Pokémon on-hand (if any): tyranitar, Male, Friendly and helpful
Personality: a usually cheerful, smart Honors student that loves to play and watch baseball
History: Played baseball since the 8th grade in catcher/ 2nd base position. met larvitar when i was young and we've been friends ever since
Reasons for attending the meet: to try my hand against the gym trainers

Walks into town listening to an mp3 player repeatingly tossing tyranitar's pokeball up into the air then catching it with tyranitar walking next to me. i walk straight pass the professors hand out pokemon and into the battle area the finally looks up to observe the current battles and to find a place to sign up for matches. But also notices people keeping their distance from Tyranitar.

Image Image Image Image

Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:29 am
Dragon Tamer
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Fred stared out the hotel room window. He had never seen sucha gathering not even in contests, shops of every kind lined the street, performers everywhere not to mention the pokemon, from all four continents he noticed too. Noticing a large fountain outside he said to his parents

"Im going to give Nessie some exercise, Ill see you guys later."

"Ok" his mom said "We'll meet for dinner on the department store roof at 6 pm" and adding "be careful"

Fred reached the pond and saw all the other trainers with their water pokemon. He saw a trainer with a feebas and wanting to show off went and released his Milotic next to him.

"Hello Nessie" Fred said to his pokemon

She looked around the pond and splashed Fred while turning her head up

"Now dont do that" he said shaking water from his shirt "This is a nice pond...." she splashed him again

"Ok, ok you win, look I brought your brush now come over here.

Nessie immediately obeyed swimming close to the edge so Fred could reach her with the brush

"You've gotta look spectacular for this event" Fred said causing Nessie to give a happy cry and hold her head up even higher.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:35 am
Fails at life
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Absol tilted its head. Tom looked up and...nothin happened.

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Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:42 am
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"Well, fine then." Joshua said, the other trainers ignoring him. He searched around again and found someone with a Milotic.

"Hey there. You mind battling?" He asked.

(((Also, try to learn grammar a little better...It is slightly hard to read them...Woah Treekomaster! :shock: )))

Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:43 am
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(I know your not referring to my grammer, but just in case "your mother" :lol: )

Fred stopped brushing as the boy asked him to battle.

"Im a pokemon coordiantor but I do have a pokemon that only battles, so yeah Ill be happy to battle you." Fred said recalling Nessie who gave him an offended look.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:51 am
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"Well, ok then!" He said.

"Go, Frolass!" He said. throwing out it's pokeball. In dazzling light the Frolass showed up.

(((Not much to say, but meh...)))

Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:40 am
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Hey, this sounds like some other things I've seen.
(Hope it's not too late to start...if not:)
Let's see if I can get this down right the first time (if it's not, feel free to point out):

Character name: Solano Lyon
Age: 16
Gender: male
Occupation: Pokemon Trainer
Appearance: Tall, purple hair, with a slight tan that makes him stand out (seriously, purple on a tan does not look ordinary)

Pokemon on Hand: A Lunatone named Lunacis, and a Porygon2 (with Trace, no nickname).
Lunatone's Moves: (are TM moves allowed first off? If so): Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam
(If not allowed at first:) Embargo, Psychic, Cosmic Power, Psywave
Porygon2's moves (regardless): Tri Attack, Recover, Discharge, Psybeam

History: Raised in Fallarbor Town, Solano takes frequent trips to Meteor Falls to train his Pokemon, sometimes for days on end. Since he became a trainer at the age of 12, he has fervently trained his Lunatone. He had obtained the Porygon as a birthday present, and used the Upgrade as soon as he found one. He has yet to find a Dubious Disc, but he desperately wants to find one.

Reasons for attending: Since he'd spent so much time in Fallarbor and Meteor Falls, he needed to get somewhere closer to the 'real world'. And so he left for the meet.

And, it seems like I know 1, 2, 3, 4...people from another Roleplay
:D . (*gasp* Solano's a repeat!)

Kipper, please tell me if this profile is approved, so that I may start ASAP.


Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:59 am
Fails at life
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((The post made the word c o ck e d turn up as stars?!))

Tom was now watching two trainers battling. One had a Froslass.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:02 am
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((I know!! I hate that! But shouldn't we wait for Kipper? We left him in the dust.....Besides, I'm waiting for him to reply to

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:35 pm
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(Oh my gosherz! Most of the acadamy is here! Oooh I wanna join this!)

Character Name: Yokou

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Occupation: Intermediate Trainer

Appearance: same as trainer card, except she has a scar across her nose

Pokémon on-hand (if any):
{charizard} Yoshi (male)
{furret} Chibi (female)
{umbreon} Eirika (female)
{espeon} Ephraim (male)
{pachirisu} Sana (female)
{ralts} Ewan (male)

Personality: Very nice and kind, but people think of her as intimidating because she is mute.

History: Noone really knows, and Yokou won't tell :?

Reasons for attending: She plans on destroying Team Rocket's base in the basement of the Game Corner, and right now she's looking for other trainers that could help her.


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:06 pm
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"Oh no" Fred moaned seein the Froslass "This battle was over before it began. Go Turtw.." At that moment Shedinja impeded Fred's throw.

"What you want to battle?" he asked as Shedinja bobbed up and down. Taking a moment to size up the opponents froslass he agreed

"You'll be sorry if she has a dark move, Shedinja!"

"Alright, I'll start this. Shedinja strut your stuff and SWAGGER"

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:34 pm
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I hid carefully behind the Snorlax, my heart beating fast. I wasn't much into fighting strangers, and it was a direct order from Birch to avoid them. However, I was over here, and Candy was over there. She seemed oblivious to the fact of who she was by.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:46 pm
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Feebas grew scared and cowered at the sight of the battle. Domenic noticed and sighed. "You're safe here Feebas. No worries." How am I ever going to get this girl to evolve?

<center><img src="images/trainercards/whitewash.png"></center>
To be a pokemon master you must enslave them all!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:00 pm
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OOC: Okay. Wow, bigger response than I expected. Sorry I haven't been in touch, things have been far too hectic at work for me to get any real time to think about my hobbies.

Everyone is excepted, even Tom, despite him inexplicably being a Professor at the age of 15. Perhaps a Researcher, but I doubt he's a Professor at that age.

Let me clear something up regarding the ten Pokémon available from the Professors in the square; you are only to ask for one of them if your character has no Pokémon and is looking to become a Pokémon Trainer; not if you already have Pokémon.

Also, could people do me a favour and repost their story posts below my reposted one now I've accepted you all? I hope we can get everything rolling now I'm here.

It wasn't to be started until I accepted you all; I do realise it's my fault I didn't get back to you all as quick as I should have; and I am sorry for that people and thank you for your co-operation.

"So much colour. So much happiness. So vibrant. This place is positively teeming with life!" Elliot Demakes thought excitedly to himself as he wanders through the wide streets of the beautiful city of Celadon. He was always enthused by things like this; his favourite part of travelling was the different culture, and the extravagent decorations and exotic landscapes he had seen in his four years of roaming. "No wonder this place has a reputation." he mumbled.

He had been in Kanto for roughly two years now, but he hadn't been to Celadon before - preferring to explore the mountains, small towns, islands, forests and outskirts rather than go to a big city - but he immediatly regretted that decision as he arrived in Celadon City.

The streets were packed, as this was beginning of the bi-annual Celadon City Trainer Meet, but Elliot was given a wide berth. This was of course thanks to the Pokémon strolling closely behind him; a Snorlax. The big blue and cream bear-like Pokémon caused people to swerve around Elliot; struggling past the hulking monstrosity before them.

"Steady big guy." said Elliot, patting Snorlax on his huge stomach as he recoiled from almost stepping on a young girl's Skitty, "that's not the best way to learn Stomp." Frightened, the young girl scooped up her Pokémon and ran off. Snorlax merely shrugs and continues plodding along behind his trainer, as if this was a common occurance.

The loudspeakers that had set up throughout the city for this event suddenly came to life:
"BING-BONG! Attention all trainers - sign up for the Single and Double battle tournaments will begin at 1:30pm. Rules and prizes are explained on the sign-up form, please have your forms handed to the nearest Pokémon Center Nurse or Celadon Gym Trainer by 2:00pm. Placements and battle partners will be announced at 2:15pm, round one will begin at 2:30pm. Thank you and good luck. BONG-BING!"

Elliot glanced down at his watch, it was 1:12pm. "We'll win you a few truckloads of food soon enough." Said Elliot, smirking to himself while looking about in awe at the city, the people and the Pokémon. "You ready to fight for it though?" he added mischieviously, knowing this would ignite his Snorlax's pride.

"LAX!" He bellowed, stopping in his tracks and striking a pose like a battle-ready Medicham. Suddenly a loud, thunderous rumbling noise, like a Rhydon letting off a full strength Earthquake attack caused Snorlax to blush and hurry along behind his trainer, making himself look ironically small and timid for a Pokémon of such huge size. It was his stomach, and the very reason Elliot Demakes was at the Meet. Feeding a Snorlax had become a costly task, leading Elliot to compete in the tournaments for the prize money. When you're on the road, just travelling and getting to know your Pokémon, you only earn money from selling things you find or beating other trainers - the latter had kept him afloat before Snorlax evolved; but recently Snorlax had become even more ravenous. Usually this was a sign of him learning a new move, a powerful one. He was already a physical powerhouse as it is, who knows what it would be this time.

"Careful Snorlax, you're spooking the locals." Elliot mused, watching people hurry out the way of his Pokémon. "Y'know when you evolved from Munchlax, I was gonna change your name to Bruiser - but you're really just a big baby." He jibed playfully, giving Snorlax a cheesy grin. Snorlax huffed slightly, turning his headup in indignation.

"Come on big guy, don't get all moody o-." He stopped mid-sentence, he had reached the city square, where the huge fountain had been decorated with crystals that reflected the sunlight into the water, causing rainbows and sparkling multi-coloured light to flow and cascade everywhere.

"Wow." He uttered, breathless. "Lax." said Snorlax simply, his focus shifted momentarily from his stomach to the fountain.

Elliot looked at his watch - 1:16pm - plenty of time. "I think we'll hang out here for a while, Snorlax; see if we can meet any interesting trainers. You tend to attract attention in public places so you're keeping me company."

Snorlax nodded a cheery affirmative to his trainer, happy to be by his side for longer than normal. His stomach rumbled again, startling and scattering a nearby group of Pidgey feeding off scraps dropped by the many people milling about the square.

"I better let Chimchar out too, Prof. Birch said I should spend as much time with him as possible so he won't be wary of trainers." said Elliot, as he reached to the back right-hand side of his belt, plucking off the pokéball furthest back and enlarging it. "Out you come little man." he said, opening the ball.

The little orange fire ape let out a happy "Chimchar!" and scrambled up to sit on Elliot's left shoulder, taking in the atmosphere with the same zeal and enthusiasm as his trainer; this was a sign that Chimchar had identified with Elliot and they would develop a close bond.

He had heard Professors Oak, Elm and Birch were giving out Pokémon to new trainers to the south-west of the square. "Wow, I bet there are a lot of excited ten year olds screaming their lungs out for their favourite Pokémon over there." he mused, looking in the direction of the large red and white tent to the south-west. He knew the three starters Oak and Elm usually gave out would be up for grabs, but with so many kids wanting to set out on their journey, he had no doubt there would be a massive selection - to cater to everyone's tastes. "Maybe we'll take a look after the first round." He said to Snorlax, who wasn't paying much attention. He was far too busy eyeing up the hundreds of food stalls, vendors yelling the merits of their delicious wares.

*RUMBLE* - Another Rhydon Earthquake...

"Heh, we better win this." Elliot chuckled, as Snorlax sheepishly held his stomach and Chimchar laughed furiously at the embarassed behemoth.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Last edited by Kipper on Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:02 pm
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Can we just post them again? If so, then:

I was in the back of Birch's tent, playing around with Candy. We giggled, and she ran outside, wanting to play around. I laughed and ran after her, easily keeping up. I was only watching her, and not the road, which was bad because Candy was looking back at me.

She ran away when I almost got her, and as we passed the gym, Erika waved us by. I waved back. Birch had me befriend her, and she taught me good tactics for grass pokemon. Candy then ran in between the legs of a Slorlax, me not that far behind her. She then ran through the trainer's legs, and ran along the outside rim, over and over, waiting for me to catch my breath as I kneeled behind the Snorlax. I didn't like it when other trainers see and talk to me, since they always wanted to battle, not spend quality time with their pokemon. I definitely didn't want this confident trainer to see me, and I didn't want to battle him. Besides, I didn't want to battle until singles and doubles matches competition.

I hid carefully behind the Snorlax, my heart beating fast. I wasn't much into fighting strangers, and it was a direct order from Birch to avoid them. However, I was over here, and Candy was over there. She seemed oblivious to the fact of who she was by.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:19 pm
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Snorlax stopped in his tracks and looked behind him, peering at a small girl who was cowering out of Elliot's view.

"Lax?" he said, confused.

A few steps ahead, Elliot realised Snorlax was no longer serving as a plow for him and turned round. His big Pokémon was smiling away at a small girl, the very one who had just managed to dart under his legs while chasing a small green blur. His knowledge of grass Pokémon allowed him to deduce that it was a Chikorita - know for their playful nature. They may irritate the heck out of their trainers but they sure don't mean it.

He walked up to Snorlax and the girl.

"Hi" he said, smiling "I'm Elliot and this is my Snorlax. This little guy is Chimchar." he said, while pointing at Chimchar on his shoulder and patting Snorlax on the back with his free arm. Snorlax raised both his arms in delight "Snorlax!" Elliot rolled his eyes and chuckled with Chimchar emulating his movement, "Pleased to meet you. You don't need to hide." He extended a hand to help her up from her crouched posistion.

"I saw your Chikorita, was she your first Pokémon? I started with a grass-type too."

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:32 pm
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I accepted his hand, smiling, glad that he wasn't the type to suddenly ask to fight. "Yes, she is my first pokemon." I said, hoping that he wouldn't notice that I didn't look ten years old.
Candy bounded over to me, and I bent down to pick her up. I stood up again, and noticed how short I was compared to the kid I was now facing.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:43 pm
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Fails at life
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((Ya, I guess reasearcher was more of what I meant.))

Tom walked towards the Boy and this girl with the Chikorita. "Are you alright? Anyway, I overheard you saying that you started with grass pokemon? I was going to aswell, but the Treecko was taken by some creul Pokemon coordinator, and my Piplup was just looking so sad, all alone." Tom laughed. "My Pokemon are the only friends I've had, and I'm glad to have them." He stopped laughing. "So, anything you'd like to tell me?"

Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:53 pm
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"Hmm?" I noted the approaching teen. I sighed, seeing that I was the only one that was younger than a preteen. I have to get away before either of the boys note my age... I then looked at my watch, and said. "Oh, it's time for me to go." I said, nervously. I wasn't much of a social type. "Eehehe...bye now." I waved and left, running, towards the tent. Candy followed, catching onto my plan.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:59 pm
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Domenic walked briskly into the fountain courtyard and was dazzled at the fountain he saw. He sat on its edge and felt the water with his fingers. Today is going to be a great day. He splashed the water slightly, then took out a pokeball and let Feebas into the water. It was ecstatic at being in the gorgeous fountain.

<center><img src="images/trainercards/whitewash.png"></center>
To be a pokemon master you must enslave them all!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:01 pm
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Elliot was about to begin a conversation with the girl when a boy approached, asking about grass-types and laughing.

The girl glanced at her watch and dashed off in the direction of the Starter Tent, her clearly loyal Chikorita in tow - the two shared a deep connection. This was obviously due to their young age, the Chikorita was clearly a child and as such bonded with the pink-haired girl quickly.

A little disorientated, he turned to the boy and replied "Uh... yeah, I started out with a Treecko, four years ago."

Elliot was a little confused as to why the girl ran off, perhaps she was shy - she was clearly under ten years old. Maybe she was worried Elliot would report her for not being a legal Pokémon Trainer? He would never do that. Pokémon and people share a bond, and friendship shouldn't have age restrictions.

"I'm Elliot Demakes by the way, Pokémon trainer and traveller. You have a Piplup? Isn't that one of the starters from Sinnoh?" He said. Chimchar piped up, realising he was referring to the fact that Chimchar are also Sinnoh starters. He waved at the boy with a warm expression "Chim! Chimchar!"

To his right, a trainer had just let out a Feebas into the fountain. He had heard those were pretty hard to catch, native to Hoenn and only found in small numbers on one Route. A route he had probably visited and fished at many times, but he had never seen one. Elliot was impressed, to capture a Feebas must take dedication.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:23 pm
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I stumbled into the tent with Professor Birch, who had just finished giving pokemon away. He looked up. "Kiki! What are you doing back here so early?"
I bent down, panting, then stretched back up. "Trainers." I told him. He looked at me, and sighed. "Smart move. I don't want you to go near them until you have to battle them. Erika is wanting a battle by the way. She wants to see how Candy is holding up. Why don't you go show her?" Candy and I exchanged excited glances. "Alright. Tell her that I'll be there in five minutes, Birch." I waved Birch goodbye, and walked down the path leading to Erika's gym.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:25 pm
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OOC: I've just decided to start another character, called Jacob. To avoid confusing with which character I'm using at the time, I'll put either Elliot or Jacob before it, so everyone is clear. Also, new Pokémon have been made available for starting trainers - see first post for details!

Here's Jacob's bio and first post...
Character Name: Jacob
Age: 10
Occupation: Rookie Pokémon Trainer
Appearance: Jacob wears 3/4 length beige shorts, with a white button-down shirt, a grey vest jacket and has light brown messy hair and black thick-rimmed glasses.

Pokémon on-hand (if any):
ImageTurtwig (Male)
Jacob received his one and only Pokémon from Professor Rowan in Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh; where he is originally from. Turtwig, though as young and inexperienced as his trainer, loves to battle and is fiercely loyal to Jacob in every way. His known moves are: Tackle, Withdraw, Razor Leaf and Bite; he also was recently given the TM move Bullet Seed, but he has not yet mastered the technique. Though prone to the same overconfidence as Jacob, Turtwig can at times be shy as his youth sometimes makes him unsure of some people.

ImagePidgey (Male)
After signing up for the double battles at the Meet, Jacob realised he may need some more Pokémon. He promptly slipped away from his friends and went to find a wild Pokémon. The first one he came across was a rather tenacious Pidgey. It was simply going about it's daily business of gathering food when it was attacked out of no where by a blast of Razor Leaf. Jacob battled the Pidgey with Turtwig; who struggled with the type disadvantage but managed to wear the flying-type down enough for Jacob to capture him in a standard ball. Jacob promptly apologized to Pidgey and asked him if he wanted to join him, the bird Pokémon agreed, probably enticed by Jacob's many berries and Pokémon foods.

ImageOnix (Male)
Wandering further from the path west of Celadon, Jacob found a cave, and entered it; hoping to find the Geodude or a Sandslash, Pokémon his father owned that he already knew how to battle with. Instead he found a resting behemoth of a Pokémon; an Onix. Enraged by the tiny boy's intrusion, the Onix attacked; but was quickly stopped in his tracks by Turtwig; now relishing the upperhand he didn't have while fighting Jacob's Pidgey. After a brief altercation, Jacob threw the Great Ball he had bought at the Department Store and caught the Onix. Though Jacob doesn't know his Onix very well, his experience using his father's rock and ground type Pokémon should make their bond grow fast.

Personality: Jacob is naive, believing his Turtwig to be capable of anything. He is impressionable and gullible, but loves to brag and is very fond of battling. Often brash and over-confident, he is also very immature and needs to be taken care of from time to time.

Born in Oreburgh City, Sinnoh; Jacob's mother is a Doctor of people as well as Pokémon, helping out around the Pokémon Center as well as serving as a doctor for the coal miners, of which Jacob's father is one. Upon turning ten, Jacob travelled to Twinleaf Town and got his first Pokémon, Turtwig, from Professor Rowan, and hoped to begin a Pokémon Journey. His mother and father prevented him from leaving Oreburgh, however, wanting him instead to follow in their footsteps. While his father worked all day in the mines with his old buddy Geodude, his mother instructed him in basic medicine and herbal medicine, hoping he would one day become a doctor too. Frustrated by being stuck in Oreburgh, Jacob snuck off one night with Turtwig in tow, and stowed away on a ship bound for Vermillion City. Now in Kanto, Jacob hopes to make a life for himself as a travelling trainer.

Reasons for attending the meet:
Jacob is attending the meet to train his Turtwig and meet other trainers, as well as hopefully meeting people to travel with, as he is scared to travel alone, but would never admit it.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Last edited by Kipper on Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:16 pm
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