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 The Celadon City Trainer Meet 
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His black rucksack slung on one shoulder, and his plain white shirt untucked, Jacob wanders aimlessly through Celadon City, looking every bit the scruffy novice and not really sure of what's happening. He had never been to a city this big before; when he was little his parents took him on vacation to Mauville City in Hoenn, but he couldn't remember much now.

He had somehow stumbled into the City Square in time to hear a tannoy give sign-up time for two battle tournaments. "Huh." he thought "I guess I should give the single battles a go."

To his left was a huge tent, something important had to be going on there, on his right where hundreds of stalls; selling food, items, trinkets and big Pokémon plushies. Dead ahead of him was a big blue Pokémon he had only read about in books; a Snorlax. A girl looking roughly his age with pink hair had darted away with a little green Pokémon with a leaf on it's head running close behind her.

"Oh, wow! Someone with a Pokémon like me!" He quickly gave chase, using his small stature to his advantage as he weaved in and out of the crowd; she had ran into the big tent from earlier.

By the time he arrived at the tent door, the girl had left, heading down a path that lead to a large building. He recognised the type of building from his hometown - it was a Pokémon Gym.

He followed her cautiously, curious about her and her little Pokémon.

He hoped he could catch up with her in time to say hello, before she went into the Gym.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:26 pm
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Walking outside of the tent, I looked down at Candy, bent down to pick her up to avoid getting lost, and straightened up just to have a small boy, though taller than me, crash into me. Startled, I fell back, landing on my back.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:33 pm
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Far too busy thinking about how he would talk to the girl and meet her Pokémon to be looking where he was going, he stumbled straight into his quarry - both of them falling to the ground, the small grass Pokémon she was holding gracefully jumping at the right time and landing gracefully, only to run quickly to her trainer's side (who was now flat on her back), growling at Jacob.

Quickly leaping up from the ground, Jacob began a hasty apology...

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I just wanted to say high because I'm new here and you have a little grass Pokémon and I have a little grass Pokémon and I don't really know where to go! And I'm a new trainer! Sorry sorry sorry!" he stammered faster than the girl could keep up with.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:38 pm
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I looked up to see a boy struggling on and on about being sorry.
"Uhh.." I began, but he kept talking. "Wel-" He continued. I finally got up and brushed myself off, getting his attention. "It's alright. It's my fault, I wasn't looking for where I was going. So, you are new?" Candy stopped growling, seeing how the boy wasn't an enemy.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:44 pm
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Pleased the Pokémon had stopped growling at him, Jacob relaxed a little.

"Yes, I only became a Pokémon Trainer about six months ago. I'm from Oreburgh City in Sinnoh. I ran away from there though when my parents wouldn't let me travel." Embarassed that he had just told this stranger his biggest secret, he quickly asked her a question before she could say anything.

"So, uh, what kind of Pokémon is that? Is it from Kanto? I don't know much about this place. You don't look old enough to be a Trainer. All I have is a Turtwig." he said looking down at Candy.

He plucked the only pokéball on his belt from it's place and let out his Pokémon.

"Turrrrrtwig!" the feisty little grass type let out, lowering his head and pawing the ground with one of his hind legs.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:52 pm
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He was asking questions so fast that I forgot one or two of them.
"Uhh...This is my Chikorita, Candy." Candy jumped and yelled in hearing herself introduced. "Uh...originally, I lived in Littleroot town...for few months, perhaps. I'm here with Birch." I moved my head to point towards the tent. "Uhh...I've been a trainer for a few months now, ever since I moved to Littleroot." Then I remembered where I was headed. "Oh! I'm headed towards Erika's gym. You wanna come?"

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:58 pm
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Fred stepped off the boarding ramp of the S.S. anne and into the bustling street of Vermillion city.

"OH YEAH" his father Eathan, cried "Finally made it to Kanto. What do you think, shorty" he asked touseling Fred's hair

"DONT CALL ME THAT!" Fred yelled ignoring the stares "right now dad, pokemon battle, Ill show you a thing or two" Fred's pokemon Shedinja glared at Eathan and made a buzzing noise

"oh you boys calm down" Fred's mother Janice, said stepping between the fueding father and son "there will be plenty of time to battle in Celadon city, but if we dont hurry we will miss the meet"

"Right mom" Fred said shouldering his pack and following his parents down the road that would bring them to Saffron city and then to Celadon.

Fred stared out the hotel room window. He had never seen sucha gathering not even in contests, shops of every kind lined the street, performers everywhere not to mention the pokemon, from all four continents he noticed too. Noticing a large fountain outside, he said to his parents

"Im going to give Nessie some exercise, Ill see you guys later."

"Ok" his mom said "We'll meet for dinner on the department store roof at 6 pm" and adding "be careful"

Fred reached the pond and saw all the other trainers with their water pokemon. Looking around to see if anyone was watching he released Nessie, his Milotic and bathed in the reflected glow of having trained this pokemon.

"Hello Nessie" Fred said to his pokemon

She looked around the pond and splashed Fred while turning her head up

"Now dont do that" he said shaking water from his shirt "This is a nice pond...." she splashed him again

"Ok, ok you win, look I brought your brush now come over here.

Nessie immediately obeyed swimming close to the edge so Fred could reach her with the brush

"You've gotta look spectacular for this event" Fred said causing Nessie to give a happy cry and hold her head up even higher.


Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:59 pm
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"Chikorita, huh? Cool!"

It registered with Jacob that she had invited him along with her into a Pokémon Gym.

"Wow. Yeah I'd love to see a gym! Are you going to challenge the leader?" he enquired, nosily.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:08 pm
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"Uh...we're friends. She taught me what I know, and she trains with me at times. It'll take a while before I can challenge her to a real gym match with her strongest pokemon." I looked at my watch. "Uh oh. I was supposed to be there a minute ago. Come on!" I took the boy's hand and ran, heading towards the gym, with Candy in tow.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:14 pm
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The girl pulled him, sprinting towards the Gym. She was shockingly strong and fast for such a small girl.

"Woah!" Jacob yelled, as he nearly tripped. "Be careful!"

"Keep going!" said the girl, intent on not letting her mentor down.

The outside of the gym was surrounded by flower beds and happy, dancing grass Pokémon.

Candy, the girl's Chikorita kept by her side, while the less obedient and more inexperienced Turtwig leapt around, carelessly diving into flower beds to greet the surprised looking Oddish, Sunkern Bellsprout and Hoppip that belonged to the gym's trainers.

"Your Pokémon is quite excitable." said a serene, smooth voice. Jacob's head shot round to see a beautiful woman in an elegant komono, with a blissful look on her face. "Perhaps I should spend a little time with him." said the woman, calmly.

"Sorry child, I didn't introduce myself; I am Erika, Leader of Celadon Gym and Mistress of Ceremonies for this Pokémon Meet." She looked at the girl, "Hello Kiki, you're here right on time. Shall we go inside and begin? Or would you and Candy rather conduct the match outside in the sunshine?"

"Match? A Pokémon battle? Oh we've got to watch this!" Jacob cupped his hands around his mouth "TURTWIG, GET OVER HERE, WE'RE GONNA WATCH THIS GYM LEADER FIGHT THE GIRL WITH THE CHIKORITA!" he hollered.

Turtwig came running, uttering an excited "Twig!" with every bound. He came to a stop next to Jacob's right leg, now sticking by his side in case he got to battle.

Closing her eyes for a split second, dismissing her irritation at Jacob and Turtwig's boisterous behaviour, Erika again looks at Kiki, "Well Kiki, now that our audience has settled, shall we have out match indoors or outdoors?"

OOC: Kiki, you can conduct the battle without my input if you like - Jacob can just watch and you can have control of Erika.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:25 pm
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"Outside." I replied, and outside we went.
I watched the boy get excited. Erika giggled. "Apparently we have an audience today. I will use two pokemon in the levels of nine and eleven. They should be medium level for Candy, seeing as she is level ten. Which is good, seeing as you don't train in levels, but in friendship and have been her master for two months." I nodded.
"Go! Sunkern!" Erika shouted. I nodded at Candy, and she leaped onto the battlefield. "Sunkern! Tackle!" Erika yelled once more. "Candy! Dodge!" Candy smoothly dodged the attack. "Candy! Now use vine whip!" The Sunkern dodged the first one, but got hit with the second. Seeing as it was a lower level, and simple to take out, I yelled, "Candy! Finish it off with a razor leaf!"
Candy hit it, and the Sunkern was KOed. "Sunkern, return!" Erika yelled. "Very good, Kiki, but this one is a higher level." Erika got her remaining pokeball, and Candy tensed. "Go! Bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur came out, ready to fight. "Bulbasaur, razor leaf!" Bulbasaur responded, and before Candy could dodge, she was hit. "Candy!" I yelled, and she got up. "Candy! Use tackle!" Candy used tackle, and missed. "Bulbasaur, use tackle as well!" Erika shouted. I smiled. "Candy, use vine whip!" Candy used vine whip on the approaching pokemon, and tripped it. It got back up quickly. "Candy, finish it off with a Tackle!" Candy looked at me quickly, and I winked. She got the picture. I then mouthed 'Vine' and 'Razor' at her, and she nodded. She moved in to Tackle, then when the Bulbasaur jumped to dodge, I yelled, "Candy! Now!" She used Vine whip to drag Bulbasaur to the ground, then finished it off with a Razor Leaf.
"Bulbasaur, return." Erika said, then turned to me. "Well done, Kiki. You beat those two again."
I turned to the boy, and winked. "So, how was that?"

((Logging off for about 20-30 minutes, then I'll be back on. Go ahead and post, and you can bunny my character a bit...just don't battle or anything...))

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:40 pm
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Jacob's mouth hung open, as did Turtwig's. Both trainer and Pokémon were clearly blown away by Kiki and Candy, who had just trounced a Gym Leader.

"Wow Kiki, you and your Chikorita are amazing. I hope we can battle like that one day." said Jacob, he moved his right hand to stroke Turtwig, but instead found him to have wandered over to Candy, attempting to play with her.

"Haha," chuckled Jacob, "I think she managed to impress Turtwig. Kiki, I really need the practice; would you mind battling Turtwig and I before the Battle Tournament?"

Kiki looked uncomfortable, she and Candy exchanged glances. "Well... Professor Birch said..."

Erika interupted "Kiki, it's fine. Candy could use the variety in her training, and the Turtwig is at the same level as her." moving closer and whispering "You are more experienced, and though the Turtwig has the greater advantage in physical strength, Candy is much faster and more agile. Good luck." Raising her voice again she moves away from the two young trainers, "I will referee."

"Kiki, do you accept the challenge to a 1 vs. 1 match between Candy and Turtwig?"

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:48 pm
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"Fine, I will. But only to help you train. And I'll only do it once before the real matches." I said, and Candy agreed.

"Alright! Go, Candy!" I said, moving onto the battlefield.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:41 pm
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Yokou walked into the department store and bought a supply of Revives and Hyper Potions. After she paid the store clerk the amount of money due, she went up to the top floor and enjoyed some Lemonade with her Pokemon. But of course the lemonade made Sana hyper, so the other Pokemon (except for Ewan, who was happily sipping some lemonade while sitting on Yokou's lap) spent about an hour chasing the Pachirisu around the room, until said Pokemon was worn out and collapsed. Yoshi got one of those red anger veins on his head and he went up to Sana with an evil look in his eyes, but Chibi jumped in between Sana and Yoshi and waved her arms around frantically, attempting to dissuade the Charizard from roasting Sana. Yokou gave them a :? look and put Ewan down to help Chibi calm down Yoshi

(Always count on a Furret to solve your problems :D )


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:50 pm
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"huff... huff... finally... made... it... through... that... snorlax... blocking... the... path... ugg!" Anson fell down on the pavement. "ow... huhf huhf huhf huhf..." he was nearly stepped on a by a snorlax. "holy!" he rolled out of the way and into a girl. "oops... sorry." he stood up and walked over to a bench and took a breather. "wow... it took a lot longer to get here then i thought. hm... maybe i should see if i can get a pokemon. he went over to the two proffesors giving away pokemon. "hey! 'scuz me but could i have a shinx please?" he actually already had a pokemon or two. they belonged to his dad but they didn't listen to him. "maybe if they fight my shinx and lose then they'll respect me more."

Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:00 am
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Starter Tent

A the Starter Tent, a young boy had just entered, he looked to be in his pre-teens.

"Hey! 'scuz me but could I have a Shinx please?" he asked, rather impolitely.

"A Shinx?" said Professor Oak, amused, "but my boy, you already have Pokémon! Why would you come looking for a starter?" he chuckled slightly.

"I'm afraid you'll have to convince us" added Professor Elm.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:20 am
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"Alright! Thanks Kiki!" Jacob cried, punching the air. "Okay Turtwig, let's go!"

Erika piped in, smiling at the boy's enthusiasm, "Calm down, child. Just focus and pay attention, your Pokémon will do the same. Kiki is so skilled because she and Candy are close friends - you and Turtwig should work towards the same thing. Now, begin when you are ready."

"Oh I'm ready!" he grinned, "Turtwig, Bite attack!"

Turtwig when charging towards Candy, and leaped, his mouth wide open ready to crunch down on the Chikorita...

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:34 am
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"Yes, the Chimchar and the Empoleon have ALOT to realate to. Go Empoleon!" Tom shouted. When Empoleon came out, softly cooing. "Absol come on out as well!" As Absol came out, tensed for battling. "So, do you want a practice battle, 1-on-1?"

(( If you remember, this is Elliot I'm talking to, and please use Crobat, I'm using Absol.))

Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:37 am
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"You're a little over-zealous" said Elliot, annoyed at the boys interruption, but now flat out irritated that he was just another battle-hungry kid. "Fine, but I am a very experienced Pokémon Trainer." he warned.

"Snorlax, Chimchar; return." he said, putting the two Pokémon back in their pokéballs. He took the second pokéball on his belt and threw it "Out you come Crobat, time for a battle."

Crobat flexxed all four of his wings with an energetic cry, "Crobat!"

"Let's keep him on his toes, then." Elliot began calmly, then unexpectedly cried "Aerial Ace!"

Crobat shot into action, straight up, his two top wings glowing as he went straight at the annoying boy's Absol.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:12 am
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"Absol, meet Areal Ace with Night Slash!" Tom yelled, then turned to Elliot. "After this, wanna go buy a Lemonade? I'll pay..."

Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:41 am

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Great idea I will do one later now I feel sick


Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:56 am
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"these pokemon don't obey at all. i figure if i beat them i could teach them to respect me more. Please?"

Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:17 am
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((Sorry I took so long...))
Turtwig moved in for a Bite Attack. He sure was a strong pokemon, but much to slow. It would be easy to battle with him dodging, but hard to pass his defenses. I then took order."Candy, dodge and Tackle!" Candy did just that. However, unfortunately, her Tackle hit the Turtwig's shell and bounced off. Candy came back to me, and I whispered to her. "We need to get him on his back. A Vine Whip will do that and make him vulnerable, and a few tackles and/or Razor Leafs should do the trick." She understood, being the only one to hear me.

((Going to the beach, be back in somewhat hours!))

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:02 am
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After the lemonade incident, Yokou returned all of her Pokemon except for Ewan, and left the department building. She then sat near the fountain and took out a small blue instrument and started playing a soft, sweet melody on it.

(just incase you're wondering, the instrument is an ocarina :D :lol: 8-) :? :roll:)


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:05 am
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The boy's Abosol leapt into the air and met Crobat, their attacks colliding as they are both knocked back. Absol falls gracefully to the ground and gets back to a ready posistion, while Crobat soars in a circle and moves in again, knowing from all the experience they'd had together that Elliot would order a Poison Fang.

"Crobat, Poison Fang!" He shouted. Lowering his voice, he looked at the boy and answered his question "Yeah sure, but don't worry kid, I'll get the lemonade. We should probably register for the Battle Tournament first though. I'm Elliot, by the way." He wasn't irritated by the boy anymore, and was actually growing fond of his humility in the heat of battle.


After the Chikorita bounced off Turtwig's shell, Kiki called her over and whispered secret orders to her.

"Huh. Turtwig, c'mere." he called, kneeling down when his Pokémon scampered over. "That Chikorita is really agile, but if you can tire her out, we can prove ourselves as a force to be reckoned with! Wait until she's up close then blast Razor Leaf in every direction!"

Turtwig nuzzled Jacob, proud of his growing confidence, and as a thanks for letting him battle, before turning and dashing back into battle.

Starter Tent

Professor Elm chimed in; "I think we should allow him to have the Shinx, guys." he said, in defense of the boy.

"I agree" said Birch, "let him have it Sam." He said to Professor Oak.

"Oh of course," he said. "Now, young man. Here is your Shinx, a Pokédex and six empty Pokéballs." The little Shinx leapt into the boys arms. "All we need you to do is give us your name, age and hometown; before we present you with your trainer card and you can get on your way."

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:25 am
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