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After the others greeted themselves, Joshua followed Jimmy around.

"I think it might be it, even though I only saw two lines in there. One for Single battles and another for Double battles. There might be another tent near by that has it." As soon as Joshua said this, he saw it.

"There it is!" He pointed it out. It was about a block away from the other tent. He started to walk in that direction.

((Hmm...I think other than Anson, who I know about but don't know, I think that I have met almost everyone....))

Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:30 pm
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"Haha, nice eye Joshua!" Jimmy eyed the tents as he walked past them to the contest tent. He then walked further down to the other tent and got into the line. "So what are these things all about?"

((Ironically, I don't really know anybody =/))

ImageImage[/url] Let's be friends?

Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:41 pm
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((Doesn't seem like it...You know me and Jacob, and that is maybe 1/5 of the group that signed up...))

"Those are the forms...Just write your info, and they will give you a Contest pass..." Said Joshua. "Didn't you learn any of this stuff at school?" He said sarcastically.

((Sorry, this is how he acts to newbies..))

Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:49 pm
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Jimmy laughed nervously as he filled the form in. "Well...I didn't exactly go to school. I spent most of my childhood practising my music." He said as he looked over at his guitar. Jimmy then finished the form and backed out of line.

(I'm just glad I'm meeting more people, ya know?)

ImageImage[/url] Let's be friends?

Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:59 pm
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"Oh....heh...Well, anyway, I'm going to go back and talk to Kiki and Jacob and see what they are doing...Want to come and meet them? I think you know Jacob..." He said.

((Meh....I guess...))

Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:06 pm
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"Sure, I havn't met Kiwi yet. I know Jaacob, yeah. He healed my pokemon." Alarmed, Jimmy remembered his pokemon. "Oh no! I left my Eevee there alone!" Jimmy ran out of the tent and back down the block to where he last saw his pokemon.

ImageImage[/url] Let's be friends?

Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:15 pm
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"Woah Jimmy!" Said Joshua, starting to run behind Jimmy. Just before he caught up, he fell in front of someone drawing and stayed there for a few seconds before getting up...

"Owww...." He then turned to the person drawing and rubbed his head in embarrassment. He then caught up to Jimmy near where Jacob and the others were standing...

((Night everyone!))

Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:20 pm
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Jimmy ran back to where EWevee was laying on the blanket and fell onto the ground next to him. He looked down at Eevee as he caught his breath and sighed. "He's fine...but I can't find Beedrill of Sableye." He then got up to look around for them adn saw Beedrill resting in a nearby tree and Sableye laying under it. Relieved he sat down on the grass and laughed to himself.

ImageImage[/url] Let's be friends?

Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:34 pm
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((It's KiKi, not Kiwi. It was probably a typo though. Right?:D))
I looked around again. Too many people....
I wasn't that good with lots of people around me. I shivered, then made a crappy excuse. " have to go see if Birch needs me. I'll be back. See ya later..." I ran off again, feeling relieved. I went to the tent, and showed Birch the egg again. "What's in it?" I asked, and he told me. I gasped in surprise, then hugged Birch again. "Thank you." I said.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:37 pm
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Yokou stopped playing her ocarina when she noticed a boy carrying a guitar with a Sableye, Eevee and Beedrill. Ewan, eagar to make friends, rushed up to him and jumped around him. Yokou picked the Ralts up and took out her notebook to write down something: "I'm sorry if Ewan bothered you, he's a little excited to meet new people and Pokemon. My name's Yokou, by the way."


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:13 pm
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((Haha, yeah Kawaii, as you can see I also spelled 'eevee' wrong in my last post, sorry XD))

Jimmy jumped back slightly, startled by Ewan's excitement then saw a yound girl approach to hand him a notebook, slightly confused, he read it and smiled. "Hi Yokou, I'm Jimmy, and it seems like our pokemon are getting along pretty well." Jimmy looked over at Ewan and Eevee as they laughed and played together. "My Eevee loves to meet other pokemon." Sableye just stood by Jimmy's leg and attempted to hide. "I'm sorry, Sableye's not very good around other people...she's a little shy." Jimmy then looked down and noticed she was holding an ocarina."You play?" Jimmy asked excitedly.

ImageImage[/url] Let's be friends?

Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:02 am
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OOC: Wow, 9 pages. This thing has really taken off and we're only at the startiing point! Thanks for your input guys, I hope I'm doing okay.

Starter Tent

Professor Elm smiled at Lania, "What would it take for you to get the female Eevee?" he beamed "You name, age and home town is all it takes and she's yours." he finished.

Professor Oak walked over, holding the pokéball he had just recalled Eevee into, as well as a Pokédex. "Here you go, here's your new partner and a Pokédex."

"Oh! We almost forgot!" Professor Birch exclaimed, speaking to her for the first time; "here are five empty pokéballs."

Professor Elm spoke up again "Well, all I need your name age and where you're from, then we'll make your trainer card and you can be on your way."

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:40 am
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"ahh! crap you made me mess up!" he erased the line he had made through the drawing by accident and started drawing again. without looking up he said: "my name's anson, what about you?"

Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:49 am
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(( I go for one drink and everyone hates me.))

Tom made his way to the Starter Tent. He was A) Hoping to talk to the Pokemon Proffesers, and B) He wanted to help with passing out the starters.
When he got there he asked, "Hello sirs, may I help in anyway."

Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:56 am
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Lania flashed a smile. She was overjoyed that she was getting her very own pokemon.

"My name is Lania. I'm from here, Celadon, and I'm 13." she said proudly.


Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:21 am
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It was some time later when Domenic got his first bite. "Hooked!" It dragged his line with greater force. Time to give slack. Then, out of the water jumped a... Magikarp. Darn. He was about to let out the fishing line when out of the water came a Whiscash, which swallowed the Magikarp whole. That's better, thought Domenic... until he felt the full force of the overgrown Whiscash.

"Gahhhh! Octillery!" Octillery lept into action and put three arms around Domenic's torso, then around a nearby rock, anchoring them to the land. "Hold on Octillery!" said Domenic as he latched the fishingpole to his belt buckle. Reeling... slack... reeling... slack. It was a mighty battle, that ended when the Whiscash jumped straight at Domenic's head and smashed him against the rock. Domenic's nose began to bleed and he was dazed from the impact. Luckily the Whiscash didn't fall back into the water, which meant it was time for a battle.

"That was a heck of a Body Slam," said Domenic to Octillery. "Octillery! Front and center!" "OCTO!" "Good now use Octozooka!" From Octillery's mouth came a barrage of smoke-filled bubbles straight at the Whsicash. The Whiscash was caught off guard and each and every bubble landed. It squirmed and writhed at the dirt and soot that entered its eyes.

"Nice hit! Follow it up with a psybeam!" Contrary to the attack earlier, Octillery closed its eyes and began making wave movements with its arms. A strange aura emitted from its body and a ripple formed, heading straight for the Whiscash. The Whiscash dodged and jumped into the air, landing on the poor Octillery. In one move it had paralyzed the octo, leaving it twitching. "Return! You did fine Octillery. Go Lapras!" Lapras appeared and fell into the water in the river, facing the dangerous whiscash.

"WHISCASH!" The ground began to vibrate and so did the water, which began draining into a crack in the earth. "Nice, it knows Earthquake." Lapras did not think the attack was so nice. "Use Ice Beam Lapras!" Lapras reared its marvelous head back and shot forth a brilliant beam of silver, turquoise, and blue. It struck the Whiscash dead on and the force propelled it back into the rock. But it wasn't done yet.

It began to relax and closed its eyes. "It's resting!" A glow surrounded the Whiscash and all its bruises and marks on it were gone. "Try Ice Beam again! After that, hit it with another and then body slam it!" The first Ice Beam struck, then something strange happened. The Whiscash began Snoring. A horrible sound eminated and struck the poor unsuspecting Lapras. She cried out in pain and misfortune that her flippers couldn't cover her ears. "Shake it off and try the Ice Beam!" Same thing. The Ice Beam struck and the Whiscash snored again. " The Lapras went underwater and went deep to the bottom of the riverbed. It then aimed towards the surface and swam for all its worth. As it breached the Whiscash opened its eyes and saw... nothing. "Body Slam it!"

The Lapras went below the surface and down to the bottom of the riverbed. She turned around and determination shown in her eyes. She swam for all her worth and breached the surface. As she did so the Whiscash opened its eyes and saw... nothing. Well it looked at Domenic but couldn't see the Lapras from before. It searched and searched but hung its head in dismay. As it looked at the ground it saw a shadow get larger. It looked up in time to see the underside of a Lapras make contact with its snout. The Lapras was now on top of the now, severely injured Whiscash. The weight of the Lapras was just too much for it and it gave up and stopped fighting... or so Domenic thought. As the Lapras got off of it, Domenic saw it open one eye. The Whiscash, free from the gerth of Lapras, proceeded to watertail the poor creature at pointblank range.

"LAPRAS!" she said as the tail made contact with its face, slamming her head first into the ground. "Oh, you are mine now! Lapras! Sing it a farewell!" "Lapras opened its mouth to begin a melody of pure tranquility. Domenic noticed other pokemon falling asleep in the river and floating to the top. I should take Lapras fishing next time. He then realized to cover his ears, as he began to get drowzy. The Whiscash fell asleep again, but this time it was resting against its will. "Go net ball!" Domenic through one of the 2 kinds of pokeballs he always carried. It was either a great ball or a net ball. Nothing else would do in Domenic's mind, though he always searched for an ultra ball for sale.

The ball glowed for but a second, then out popped the sleeping whWhiscash, who proceeded to Snore again. "That big oaf. I LOVE IT!" Domenic was ecstatic at his great catch. Rarely does a pokemon bring this kind of battle to a fisherman outside of the ocean. "Lapras! Do one final Ice Beam!" Lapras abliged as the Whiscash woke up. It charged at Lapras, who barely got the Ice Beam off in time.

Down dropped the Whiscash from the air. It landed with a shake of the ground in an ice cube. "Frozen fish sticks! Lapras, you overdid it maybe!" "Lap-lapras! Lapras..." "It's fine, just need to capture this guy so I can treat his cold condition here." He threw a pokeball at it, only for it to bounce off the ice around it. "Crap." He grabbed a nearby stone and began smashing it on the ice, hoping to reach that poke-flesh to throw a pokeball at. "Octillery! I need assistance," said Domenic as he threw its pokeball on the ground. Out came the still paralyzed Octillery. "Grab all the rocks you can and chip away at our friend here." 'Octo!" He saluted with 3 arms again. This might take awhile...

OOC: EDIT: Sorry if I was alittle too specific with the battle.

<center><img src="images/trainercards/whitewash.png"></center>
To be a pokemon master you must enslave them all!

Last edited by Whitewash on Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:41 am, edited 3 times in total.

Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:21 am
Dragon Tamer
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Lania saw Tom arrive at the tent, asking if he could assist anyone. He had interrupted the process of Lania getting her own Pokemon and Trainer Card, so she was upset. She felt like saying,

"Uh, excuse me? I'm being helped now. So either go to the back of the line and wait, or leave."

However, she knew that would be quite rude. She simply just gave him a bad look.


Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:27 am
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Starter Tent

"Young man, we appreciate your offer, but the three of us and our aides can handle things fine, thank you. Aren't you taking part in the battle tournaments? They'll be beginning shortly." Professor Oak stated to the boy who had interupted.

"Now, if you'll excuse us, we were just providing Lania here with her trainer card to begin her life as a trainer." Elm added, sounding annoyed.

Professor Birch arrived from giving a young boy his starter, sending him on his way. "Well, if you really want to help, Squirtle and Totodile are due their feeds before a trainer claims them, would you like to try and talk Squirtle out of his shell? He's rather shy. Meanwhile I'll be trying to calm Totodile down. Interested? I'm Professor Birch by the way."

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:48 am
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((I was still in the tent. I can control Birch, can't I? I thought I could, but tell me if I should edit it.))
I looked at the boy from earlier. He was given the task of calming Squirtle.
I looked at Birch. "Birch, I can do that. Why don't you let him give out the pokemon. After all, you'd have to not be able to read labels to do it wrong. It's not every day that someone wants to help, and he is an experienced trainer."
I looked at him sternly. Seeing Birch hesitate, I seized the opportunity.
"Please?" I pleaded in a voice that he was weak to. I saw him give in.
I smiled at Birch, and Oak said, "You really have to stop falling for that."
"Fine. I'll do it." Birch said. "Hey, young man, er...if you can, you can help give the trainers the pokemon of their choice. They have the labels underneath them, saying the species and the gender of the pokemon. A simple task, right?" He laughed nervously, and I smiled. I looked at the boy, then winked at him and went to the Squirtle. I slowly soothed the squirtle out of its shell, talking to it the whole time.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:07 am
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Joshua got to the group and just listened to Jimmy talk. He then noticed that Kiwi left again, and sighed. He knew that she was with Professor Birch, since she said they knew each other. He followed Jimmy over to someone with a ocarina. He read with Jimmy what the girl wrote.

"Hello, Yokou. My name's Joshua. Just wondering, are you going to be in a contest or the battles? I already signed up for the double battles with someone named Anson. Do you know anyone named that?" He asked several questions to her.

Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:18 am
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Well, Domenic had finally broken the Ice, but the skin showing still couldn't be reached by the pokeball. Domenic gave a loud sigh. "Fine Then. It's been 15 minutes of this work and we are getting nowhere. Lapras... Body Slam the Ice until it breaks please." "Lapras!" Lapras showed its agreement and began the task of getting back into the water. After it did and several body thrusts later... the Ice broke and the Whiscash began flopping on the ground. Domenic threw a net ball at it again. The ball glowed and then out popped the Whiscash again.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Lapras took its flipper and slapped the Whiscash around a bit. The Whiscash was in a furious rage and Domenic was beginning to think he was biting off more than he could chew. He threw one of his three net balls again. Finally it submitted to the pokeball and Domenic caught his Whiscash. He then realized he had bled quite alot and recalled his pokemon. He sent out Wartortle before he blacked out from loss of blood.

The Wartortle took one look at its master and its face went white. It cried out thinking his master had died. 'WAR! WAR!!!! TORTLE!!!!!!!" The shriek was so mournful and so heart-tugging that it got an academy nomination for best Pokemon acting. Of course later on you would learn that Wartortle refused to accept the nomination, saying "Wartort!" It picked up its trainer and began the slow dragging towards town. Tears were in its eyes.

<center><img src="images/trainercards/whitewash.png"></center>
To be a pokemon master you must enslave them all!

Last edited by Whitewash on Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:01 pm
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((It's KiKi!!))

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:07 pm
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"I'd love to." Tom took the Squirtle into a corner with it's food. Tom sarted to sing. At the end of the song the Squirtle came out and started eating. He got up and told the Proffesers, "Thanks for letting me help. I'll go get ready for the Tournament, by getting out my forgotton Pokemon, Sceptile."

(( Sceptile's history:

It's said to know the most powerful moves it can learn. It is very jealous of other Sceptiles.))

Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:10 pm
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OOC: Hello all. I'm going to announce the partnerships for the double battles and give times for their starting. Anyone who has signed up for the double battle tournament and does not have a Player Character partner will be assigned an Non-Player Character to battle with. Though I've put Jimmy and Tom together so as to help include Treeckomaster further. Fred's parents were asigned to two NPCs so TyphlosionXplosion can handle the battle himself without having to worry about another player's input. Players with NPC partners control the NPCs, and can decide which Pokémon they have.

If I've made any mistakes or failed to include anyone, please PM me and I will correct my mistakes. Thank you.

There's also going to be another announcement; a special one. Read on for information.

Additionally, Kawaii, I wanted Tom to calm the Squirtle to involve him more, I felt Treeckomaster was being left out. Please don't change what I do with the NPCs.

And Treeckomaster; you can't just suddenly add a new Pokémon to your roster and call it a "forgotten" Pokémon, especially to suddenly remember you have a powerful and uncommon Pokémon like a Sceptile. I'm afraid I'm going to have to disallow that.

IC: Celadon City

A tannoy sounds throughout the entire city, where a massive PA system had been set up especially for the Meet; there is nowhere it's resonating sound could not be heard from, even on the routes around the city the man's voice was easily audible...

BING-BONG! "Attention all Pokémon Trainers, this is Koga, leader of the Fuschia City Gym; I will be judging the Pokémon double battle tournaments, while my daughter Janine oversees the single battle tournament."

There was silence. Usually there was feedback when announcers paused between words, but Ninja Koga was able to remain utterly quiet and undetectable, even when he was broadcasting his words to an entire city, overflowing with people and Pokémon.

"The partners for the first round of double battles will be...
Anson Hook and Joshua


Jacob and Kiki,

Domenic and Samantha Jameson


Yokou and Andrew Turner,

Elliot Demakes and Solano Lyon


Jimmy and Tom,

Mr. and Mrs Wasp


Rhona Houston and John Henessee"

The silence again....

"Thank you for your co-operation and enjoy the battles, see you at the arena. I believe Gym Leader Erika has a special announcement."

This time it wasn't silent, though still very quiet.

"Thank you Master Koga." she began calmly, "Hello trainers and citizens of Celadon alike. This is Erika, and I would like to make the following announcement... A Pokémon Contest will be held after the battle tournaments in the Gym. The winner of this Contest will be presented with a special Ribbon for their collection; the Serenity Ribbon. Applicants may see either myself or one of the Celadon Gym Trainers to sign-up. Thank you and good luck in your battles." BONG-BING!

OOC: To all those who want to enter the contest, PM me so I have all your names; you may enter the contest even if you are in the battle tournaments. Thanks.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Last edited by Kipper on Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:26 pm
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((Sorry for the earlier posts. And please people, it's Kiki.))
I ran up to Jacob, putting my egg into my sack. "Jacob. Come'on! We're first!"
I pulled him towards the gates, and ran to our chambers, where the competing trainers were allowed to get prepared.

I checked Turtwig and Candy together, making sure that Turtwig was alright, and that Candy was up to running and jumping. She was going to be a hard pokemon to hit...

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:38 pm
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