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Lapras: Female: Shell Armor: Ice Beam, Body Slam, Sing, Hydro Pump
Whiscash: Male: Oblivious: Body Slam, Earthquake, Rest, Snore
Wartortle: Male: Torrent: Water Gun, Bite, Rapid Spin, Protect
Feebas: Female: Swift Swim: Splash, Flail, Tackle, ???
Octillery: Male: Suction Cups: Psybeam, Octozooka, Smokescreen, Signal Beam

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To be a pokemon master you must enslave them all!

Wed Jul 25, 2007 2:03 pm
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OOC: Movesets aren't really necessary, these aren't the videogames! But if you want to do it that way, here are Elliot and Jacob's.


Sceptile (Male)
Ability(s): Overgrow
Moves: Leaf Blade/Return/Solar Beam/Detect
Held Item: Miracle Seed

Crobat (Male)
Ability(s): Inner Focus
Moves: Poison Fang/Aerial Ace/Shadow Ball/Confuse Ray
Held Item: Spell Tag

Snorlax (Male)
Ability(s): Immunity/Thick Fat
Moves: Ice Punch/Thunder Punch/Earthquake/Body Slam
Held Item: Quick Claw

Chimchar (Male)
Ability(s): Blaze
Moves: Fury Swipes/Flamethrower/Taunt/Double Team
Held Item: Sitrus Berry


Turtwig (Male)
Ability(s): Overgrow
Moves: Razor Leaf/Tackle/Bite/Bullet Seed
Held Item: Lum Berry

Pidgey (Male)
Ability(s): Keen Eye/Tangled Feet
Moves: Tackle/Sand Attack/Quick Attack/Gust
Held Item: Sitrus Berry

Onix (Male)
Ability(s): Rock Head/Sturdy
Moves: Tackle/Rock Throw/Bind/Dig
Held Item: Chesto Berry

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Last edited by Kipper on Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:20 pm
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"I don't mean to cut this conversation short...but I really need to capture a fourth pokemon. Afterall, I don't wanty our team getting disqualified. Nice meeting you, Tom. Let's meet back up at the arena later to discuss a stragtegy." Jimmy then left and ran into some tall grass, hoping to find another decent pokemon for this competition. "I need to find a fourth pokemon...I'm running out of time." After an hour or two of walking, Jimmy decided to turn back and make due with his three. He sighed as he dragged his feet back to where the rest of them had met up. "I can't believe that after all this time I can't find a single pokemon." Angered, he kicked a nearby rocked and moved on. Seconds later, he felt something hit the back of his leg. "what was that" He turned around and saw what seemed to be a rock rolling near him. He tilted his head and slowly took his guitar out. "Could it be a Geodude?'s not rugged enough. A Phanpy?'d be much larger." He took his guitar out and plucked the "B" string. Without hesitation, Beedrill jumped into action. It looked at its target confused before the pokemon quickly jumped up and slashed across it's abdomen. "It's a sandshrew! I should have guessed!" After it's course of action it borrowed deep under the ground. Searching frantically, Jimmy had ordered Beedrill to remain airbourn. After moments of suspense, the sandshrew lept up from the ground behind them and almost struck the Beedrill another time. "Hurry Beedrill! X-Scissors!" Acting quickly, Beedrill stuck the Sandshrew with both stingers, crashing it to the ground. The sandshrew quickly recovered from its fall and began to run away. "No you don't, you put up to much of a fight for me to let you leave now!" After fiddling with his belt for a pokeball, Jimmy hastily threw it at the sandshrew. It rocked for a while before the ball got still Jimmy was able to safely lift it up. Grinning, he said: "Haha, and to think. It's a sandshrew of all pokemon...they're not even supposed to be common around these parts. Beedrill, nice job! Come back." Beedrill returned to its ball and Jimmy fixed them into their assigned strings. Beedrill in the "B" and Sandshrew into the "D". After they'd returned to the main area, Jimmy decided to go and teach his new team mate a TM or two. "I hope we're not too late...I put too much effort into that last fight to be disqualified."

((And if we need move sets, here's mine))
{eevee} - Male
Ability - Adaptability/Run Away
Moves - Bite, Iron Tail, Double-Team, Secret Power
{sableye} - Female
Ability - Keen Eye/Stall
Moves - Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Confuse Ray, Attract
{beedrill} - Male
Ability - Swarm
Moves - X-Scissors, Twineedle, Agility, Poison Jab
{sandshrew} - Male
Ability] - Sand Veil
Moves - Slash, Sand-Attack, Dig, Sandstorm

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Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:48 pm
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(( we need four pokemon? :shock:))

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:21 pm
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OOC: No, Kawaii, you don't. People seem to be getting caught up in the rules of the video games. Kiki and Jacob could enter with just Candy and Turtwig. Jacob, being as inexperienced as he is, had listened to an older trainer talking about a need for more Pokémon and left to catch some himself. A rather long post is coming up from me. =P

In short; don't worry about it. Just Candy is fine, and she can use as many attacks as you want, she doesn't need to be limited to four.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:25 pm
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((Ooo....yeah! Thanks!))

Candy Lv11 Overgrow
Razor Leaf
Vine Whip
Sunny Day TM
Solarbeam TM

More later? If possible...

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:31 pm
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Excusing himself from his present company, which had seemed to degrade into a frenzy after the partners were announced for the Doubles Tournament, Jacob wandered East of the city; searching for another Pokémon to add to his roster.

It wasn't long before he happened upon a small bird Pokémon, which was hopping about scavenging for food near the roadside.

Excitedly murmouring "This is my chance" Jacob, without hesitating, threw Turtwig's pokéball and ordered a Razor Leaf.

The little grass-type responded with a tenacious "Twig!" and fired off it's most poweful attack. The leaves slammed into the Pidgey, but it shook the attack off as it took to the sky and bombed towards Turtwig for a Tackle attack.

"Oh no" Jacob thought to himself, "I forgot about the type disadvantage..." He paused for a few seconds before yelling...

"Turtwig, Withdraw and then blast him out of the air with your Bullet Seed!"

Jacob knew it was risky; Turtwig hadn't mastered the technique yet; as he had only given him the TM upon their arrival in Kanto.

Turtwig fired off his first salvo; it missed. The second barrage would've struck; but the clever little Pidgey stopped the seeds in their tracks with it's Gust attack. The third attempt however, managed to catch Pidgey unawares, it fell to the ground, having been temporarily dazed.

"Gi!" it cried, sounding weak as it hit the hard ground. Jacob's eyes lit up, this may be his first ever capture of a wild Pokémon, he was enthralled in the battle and could not wait to throw the pokéball and feel the anxiety all trainers feel as they watch it twitch and move, before finally settling; signafying a successful catch. He was getting ahead of himself of course, he was still in the middle of the battle...

Turtwig looked round at his trainer, expectantly, he had began daydreaming. The little tortoise rolled his eyes and barked a "Turtwig!" at Jacob, waking him up.

"Oh! Sorry Turtwig! Let's finish this off with a Headbutt attack!"

Turtwig tilted his head to the side - he didn't know Headbutt.

"Just charge at him, but use your momentum to hit him with your head." Jacob reassured. "Tur!" he called back, happy his trainer trusted him with moves it didn't even know.

Turtwig began to gallop towards Pidgey, who was now standing again, feet firmly gripped on the ground and wings spread as if to threaten Turtwig.

Turtwig ignored it's intimidating pose and lowered his head, still gaining speed. Before Turtwig collided with it's target, Pidgey tried a Sand Attack, but the grass-type's focus was unbreakable, it smashed into the Pidgey and knocked him six feet away, into the bushes at the side of the road.

Seeing his chance, Jacob took one of the two pokéballs he had bought from a side pocket in his bag, it was red and white like Turtwigs; it was just a standard pokéball. He threw it into the bushes, hearing a rustling as the Pidgey fought back. Then there was nothing.

Turtwig carefully poked his head into the bushes, then his entire body. After a few seconds he re-emerged, looking triumphant, carrying a pokéball in his mouth. Jacob's eyes widened, "We did it! We caught our first Pokémon Turtwig!" "Tur, turwig!" they celebrated in unison.

Letting Pidgey out, Jacob healde the injured Pokémon with his berries and medicines before explaining the situation. Pidgey agreed to join Jacob as much due to the prospect of more berries than of being trained, but it was good enough and Jacob hoped they would eventually become friends.

"Okay Pidgey, return!" Jacob said, zapping the bird back into it's pokéball, he placed it on his belt just next to Turtwig's.

"Wow Turtwig; I'm a proper trainer now." Jacob was gobsmacked at his achievment.

However, Turtwig was paying more attention to what was beyond the bushes and trees Pidgey had just been caught in; over some moss covered boulders and a few random plants, there was an opening, large enough for the likes of an Ursaring to store food in.

Jacob quickly followed Turtwig to the cave mouth, curious.

"Should we go in, buddy?" Jacob asked.

"Tur!" Turtwig yapped back, excited.

"Well, let's do it." Jacob wiped the sweat from his brow and went into the cave, Turtwig clinging to his back.

There seemed to be noise coming from the cave, as they moved down the passage, the cave felt more... open. Though it was dark. Jacob felt the walls.

"This is definitely a big room or something, Turtwig." The Pokémon peered over his shoulder, frightened by the dark.

The texture of the wall didn't feel... natural, he ran his hands along it as he climbed over a row of boulders, it felt as though it had been dug. "Wait... dug... Dugtrio..." Jacob's heart sank, his father had told him that territorial Diglett and Dugtrio were a constant problem in the mines, "What if an angry colony of Dugtrio attack us" he thought.

"We better head back to the Meet, anyway." he said to Turtwig, as an excuse for his fear.

Jacob turned round and went to feel his way out, when the line of boulders suddenly moved to block his path. A low, rumbling growl began as Jacob looked over his shoulder to see a pair of angry white eyes. The low growl rose up into a furious Roar.

"Oh no!" Jacob yelled, Turtwig jumped off his back "We need to get out of here" Jacob began to make his move, only for the Onix's tail to wrap around him. "Turtwig! Help!" he cried.

The equally scared Turtwig looked round to see his trainer trapped in a Bind attack. Suddenly overcome with anger, Turtwig turned and blasted a Razor Leaf at the Onix's face, and then a Bullet Seed at it's horn.

Roaring now out of shock and pain rather than anger, the Onix loosned it's grip on Jacob and fell back, hurt.

Jacob grabbed Turtwig and hugged him. He was about to make a run for it but instead had a better idea. He put Turtwig back down on the cave floor and took the second of the two pokéballs he bought from his pocket, and enlarged it.

It was a Great Ball, and was good for catching stronger Pokémon like an Onix. The top part of the ball was a light shade of blue, with two strips, giving it a more complex feel than the simple red and white standard pokéballs, though the lower part remained white.

He looked at the ball, then at Turtwig, and then at what he could see of the dazed Onix, and threw it.

In a flash of light that lit the hole cave, the massive rock snake disappeared into the ball. In the darkness that was the center of the chamber, nothing could be seen of the ball, but the faint sounds of it jerking echoed throughout the cavern.

The jerking stopped, and a small red dot of light flashed in the darkness, fading away as quickly as it appeared. The Onix was caught.

"I caught an Onix. I just caught an Onix. I just caught a big rock type Pokémon in a dark cave. Dad would be so proud!" Turtwig turned and looked at Jacob, knowing his words would upset him.

Jacob closed his eyes. His parents must be worried sick. He had ran off in the night without telling them. He felt awful. As soon as the meet was over, he was going to find a videophone and say sorry and let them know he was safe.

"Safer than ever." he said out loud, looking at Onix's pokéball, still stunned. He went back outside, returning Turtwig for a rest and letting Onix out, the huge Pokémon roared at him, but it was friendly roar. Onix seemed to appreciate being healed straight after his capture.

"Hi Onix, my name's Jacob and I'm your trainer from now on." Jacob said, smiling.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooonix!" he responded, amused by the young trainer's words.

"Oh! I gotta find Kiki!" Jacob said, "Onix, return!" he ran off towards Celadon to find his battle partner.

He re-entered the city square, proudly showing off his belt, which now had three pokéballs attached to it: a standard ball containing Turtwig, a standard ball containing Pidgey and a great ball containing Onix.

"Now, where could Kiki be..." he said to himself. He let Pidgey out, and was about to ask him to go looking for her from the skies like he had seen trainers on TV do, but he realised his newly captured Pidgey had not yet met his only friend. "Nevermind, Pidgey." he said, lifting his pokéball to return him. "Gi! Gi!" the bird objected, as it perched on Jacob's shoulder.

"Oh, you want to stay out?" Jacob smiled, glad Pidgey was warming to him. "Well then, let's go ask Professor Birch where Kiki is!" Jacob sprinted off, knocking Pidgey off his shoulder, the Pidgey cooed an irritated call and fluttered after him, flying past surprised trainer's heads, inches behind Jacob.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:32 pm
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I looked around, but still seeing no sign of Jacob. Where is that boy?! Where did he go?! I frowned, and sat, trying to be patient.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:18 pm
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Proud of himself, Jimmy walked back to the tent where he was supposed to meet Tom. Out of nowhere a Pidgey flew past his head after a young boy. "Whoa, watch out, ya might run into someone." Jimmy laughed as the small child ran back in the direction of the tent. Jimmy looked down at the ball of his newly caught sandshrew and smiled to himself. "Nice accident too." He went and sat down on a bench outside of the colliseum. "This is where I wa supposed meet to play the waiting game." Jimmy saw the young boy again running into the tent. "Hmm...he must be talking to Professor Birch..."

((We didn't need 4 pokemon? Haha I could have just saved everyone from reading that long paragraph))

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Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:22 pm
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Fred rummaged in his bag and found the bottle of shampoo and returned to the bathroom where his Milotic sat in the tub, it gave him a happy look and turned exposing the back of its head. Fred rolled up his sleeves and applied some of the hair care product to Nessie's scalp, he then rubbed it in with his hands using the massage techniques taught to him by his mother.

After the bath he let Nessie admire herself in the mirror knowing she would be there for quite some time. Fred released Turtwig and tossed it a treat which was snapped out of the air and taken beneath the bed.

Fred switched on the t.v. to discover the pokemon battles would be televised but he decided to get down there and see the action for himself. He recalled Turtwig and tried to recall Nessie who slapped the ball out of his hands.

"You want to stay out?" he asked as she nodded and slithered out of the bathroom and around the hotel room

"Oh, you want to come with me" Fred said catching on "ok but first sign of scale damage you go back in" he added looking down at her slithering around the room.

Five minutes later He was in the streets of Celadon with Nessie behind him on his left and Shedinja on his right.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:35 pm
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I looked around five minutes later. The rounds were about to start, and Candy and I were worried. Where did he go?!
"Chik-chikorita. Chikor chik?" Candy said. "Yes, I know. He is late. I don't know where he is though." I answered. "Gosh Jacob...where did you go?"

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:56 pm
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Fred entered the double battle tent with Nessie, who nudged him in the back. He guessed Nessie's intentions and walked up to the girl waiting nearby.

"Hi, your the girl I met before right? My milotic, Nessie, wants some attention, d'you think you could humour her a bit, she'd love it and i'd be grateful too."

Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:27 pm
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while waiting for joshua's answer, anson tried out the TM's so that his pokemon were comftarble using them. "I'd like to see someone beat us."

((are our pokemon limited to moves they can learn in the games or can shinx learn earthquake?))

Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:05 am
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OOC: No, metavoir, please think about what you're saying. Pokémon are not limited to the video game moves, but your brand new level 5 Shinx - that you shouldn't have - cannot learn Earthquake; it's a tiny, inexperienced electric type who doesn't stand much of a chance in the tournament.

Currently in need of a Vulpix! Someone hook me up!

Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:39 am
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Tom met up with Jimmy. "Strategy. There is 1 major point in view here. My pokemon have a major weakness to fighting. If you have a Pokemon with some move to make the attacks go towards you, then fighting moves can give not very effective hits, while Empoleon and Absool survive. What do you think?"

Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:47 am
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Jimmy thought about Tom's statement for a moment and had an idea. "My Beedrill. It's bug/poison so it should be able to absorb heit hit fairly well. Plus it'll help me out with out Endeavor. Only thing is...after Beedrill faints, we won't be able to work like that. Eevee's weak against it and they'll passs right through my Sableye. Sandshrew would put up a good defense...but it's at too low of a level." Jimmy worried on if his Sandshrew would even have a fighting chance in their. "So I'll just send Beedrill out first so he can protect your team while you attack and we Endeavor."

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Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:02 am
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"Actually, the Attack's going right through Sableye is good. Just keep Absol and Empoleon going, they have moves to ward of Fight types.Drill Peck and Psycho Cut." Tom said. "And other then that, Empoleon will also have to defend, Beedrill isn't going to last on it's super efectives once it's absorbed those Fighting moves."

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:13 am
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"I have two pokèmon. A Gligar and a Frolass." Joshua answered. "Please call my Joshua. I don't like the name Josh...You better hurry with those TMs and such, I am not a patient person..."

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:14 am
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((ok just checking. didn't think so. is my current chock full of TM taught moves movset ok?))

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:19 am
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I looked at the Milotic named Nessie. "She sure is a beauty." I said, and giggled. I patted her on the head. "I guess I can, but not for long, seeing as I am in the first battle of the tournament. Although, oddly enough, my partner has disappeared." I said to Fred, and then to Nessie, "Where do you think he went?" I patted her a bit more, as she seemed to like it.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:27 am
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(Wait. We didn't need movesets? Ispent alot of time thinking up which moves would serve dual purposes, for nothing... bah. Fine.)

Domenic strolled through the mass of trainers in search for his doubles partner, Samantha.

(Waiting for Kipper to introduce her... or do I make her up myself?)

<center><img src="images/trainercards/whitewash.png"></center>
To be a pokemon master you must enslave them all!

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:35 am
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Jimmy nodded to Tom. "True, and Absol's are known to be quite fast so long as you strike them first you should be good. Your Empoleon's defense should hold up for a while as well. Haha, don't worry about him, Beedrill won't go down until he knows he can't fight any longer." Jimmy said, trying to ease the tension. Although I do hope these fights aren't too hard for them, Eevee just got back up and that Sandshrew's still just small. He thought to himself.

((Bye everyone, I'll be back in about an hour))

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Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:53 am
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Nessie reveled in the attention she was receiving and bent her head allowing the girl to continue petting her.

"Thanks, she's a glutton for attention" Fred said and received a smack on the back of his head from Nessie.

"Anyway" he continued rubbing his head "I'll be your partner" he laughed as he said this wondering if she had taken him seriously.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:16 pm
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I laughed along with him. "Unfortunately, I think it's a bit late for that. The battle has already been selected, and it should start very shortly. However, it would help if both my partner and opponents actually arrived." I sighed, still patting Nessie, and Candy barked in impatience, "Chikor!"
"Yes, Candy, I know. The three boys are taking long. We have choice but to wait, however." I sighed, and looked at the boy again. "Have you happened to see a small boy with a Turtwig running around anywhere perhaps? He's my partner. Although, he won't be for long, should he not get here on time and get us both disqualified." I sighed again. "Anyhow, I'm Kiki. You are welcome to sit in here to view the battle, if you wish, with my invitation. The battlers are allowed to do that." I stated.

The sannur kjarni af ljós er the hreinleiki af one's hjarta.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:23 pm
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Joshua decided to go ahead and walk towards the battle area. He saw Kiwi there.

"Hey Kiki! I guess we are gonna have to fight, huh?" Joshua said, rubbing the back of his head. "My partner was right behind me, so I the last person needed is Jacob."

((Just saying, Chapter 7 in my story is up...I'd be happy if you read and rate it! ^_^))

Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:13 pm
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