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 Hoenn: Ten Years Later (A DM'd RP) 
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(What do you mean, decreased? Anyway Kecleon's just going to not take damaage.)

Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:35 pm
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((Whoops, forgot about Kecleon being a ground type now and sandshrews have sand veil. It ups evasion in a sand storm.))

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Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:59 am
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"Treeclimber, make a storm leaf around Kecleon while she fires Beam Psy, which when break a hole, Aura will replace by filling it with a palm Force so Grovyle has time to shoot new leaves there and attack anthing that try's to get in!"

Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:26 am
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Your pokemon are confused and don't understand what they are supposed to do. Treeclimber makes a leaf storm around kecleon, who fires a psy beam. But, Aura doesn't understand how she's supposed to use force palm to fill the hole.

Meanwhile, the sandshrew attacks Aura from behind and the voltorb slams into her. She still stands, but she can't take another blow like that. Also, Treeclimber, Aura, and the voltorb take damage from the sandstorm.

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Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:30 am
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"Kecleon keep up for yourself at Sandshrew, now Treeclimber protect Aura while she looks for a third pokemon!"

Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:33 pm
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Kecleon keeps an eye out for the sandshrew, preparing to attack at a moment's notice. Aura is looking around the area for a third pokemon, however, she cannot see it.

Treeclimber is watching her back, keeping an eye on the voltorb. The two are staring each other down. The three take damage from the sandstorm.

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Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:02 pm
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((Not going to work, the jeep went by at 45-50 mph. Not going to be able to get Chili on it.))

The road you and your pokemon follow leads you into Lavaridge. However, by the time you get to the city limits, the cars are no where to be found. The best bet would probably be the gym. But, if you want to go somewhere else, that's your call.

Ralph makes a run for the gym, knowing that it was Flannery's little hideout most of the time. Hey, maybe he could even get a gym battle out of this.

Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:12 pm
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"Aura, you and Treeclimber will go after the Sandshrew!"

Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:30 am
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You see a CLOSED sign over the door of the gym doors, which are locked. Breaking in directly would be a poor choice. Who knows what powerful fire-types are inside? However, you notice that there is a very large ventilation shaft on the roof. Probably needed to keep all the fire attacks from overheating the gym.

As a thief, you should be able to get up there with the help of Chili. After all, kecleons are known to have strong tongues.


Aura and Treeclimber strike at the barely visible sandshrew. However, before they can make it, the branch of a nearby tree swings hard at Treeclimber and knocks him back. Aura and Sandshrew exchange blows as you notice that the tree is actually a sudowoodo and your foe's third pokemon.

The voltorb fires a sonic boom at Kecleon, who returns to her normal color.

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Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:27 am
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Tom mutters something under his breath. Then he shouts "Treeclimber, Storrm Leaf Sandshrew! Aura, Palm Force Sudowoodo and Kecleon, use Power of Aincents on Voltorb!"

Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:41 am
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The leaf storm hits, but does little damage. After using that attack so many times in one battle, Treeclimber has little special attack left.

The force palm strikes the sudowoodo and hits hard. However, it uses copycat and uses a force palm of its own to hit Aura and KO her.

The ancient power attack has missed Voltorb. It's speed is too great to hit with attacks that far away. Meanwhile, the sandstorm has died down.

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Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:41 am
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"OK, Treeclimber, use Blade Leaf on the Sudowoodo and Kecleon, use Skill Swap on it!"

Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:29 am
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You see a CLOSED sign over the door of the gym doors, which are locked. Breaking in directly would be a poor choice. Who knows what powerful fire-types are inside? However, you notice that there is a very large ventilation shaft on the roof. Probably needed to keep all the fire attacks from overheating the gym.

As a thief, you should be able to get up there with the help of Chili. After all, kecleons are known to have strong tongues.

Ralph looks up at the ventilation with a few moments of hesitation. He knew he could do it, but it had been so long since he had last tried something like this. And he could still hear General Brandy, his former direct supervisor, telling him how his skills at thievery would never get him anywhere.

Chili made himself visible again, looking up at Ralph with a helpful nod. He knew Ralph could do this.

Chili made his way over to mightynea, who very lightly gripped Chili in his mouth before flinging the green lizard up to the roof. The kecleon then lowered his tongue as Ralph pulled mightyena back into his ball, then helped Ralph scale up the side of the gym.

Ralph was now on the roof. he looked down at the street below with relief, feeling vindicated. After taking a moment to relax, Ralph crawled over to the shaft, removing the iron bars that blocked it with a grunt and motioning for Chili to enter first. the lizard made his way inside, quickly making himself invisible, then Ralph followed. Where would this shaft take him?

Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:34 am
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The diglet moves up to the lunatone and spokes it with a small show of power. Not much damage is done, but you did get it to flinch.

"Ok diglett use a Sucker Punch and follow up with another Astonish please." Axel said watching the Lunatone and its trainer carefully.

Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:13 am
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Sudowoodo takes the blade hard to the gut, but counters with a slam attack. Kecleon uses her skill swap to exchange the rock head ability with her own color change. But this has left her wide open to a double attack from sandshrew and voltorb, which leaves her on her last leg.


((I'll let you get away with controlling Chili's actions this time, since that's pretty much what I would have done. But, please watch the modding.))

As you crawl through the hot shaft, you reach a 4-way fork with each direction having different sounds coming out of it. The first has the sounds of battle and trainers shouting. Since the gym is closed, it is likely to be some underlings sparring. You could check it out and learn a cool move, perhaps.

The second way has an electronic buzz mixed into it. Probably someone watching T.V. in a lounge. Not much to that, except you can hear the words "Team Aqua and Team Magma" coming from the T.V.

The third has two men talking, both sound pretty bitter. You recognize one as Daniel's, while the other doesn't sound familiar at all. Finally, the forth has several female voices. One is Flannery's and the others are unrecognizable.

Take your pick or do something else.


The sucker punch hits hard, but the ice beam that comes out of lunatone hurts just as much. Both are hurting pretty bad. The astonish doesn't do much.

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Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:57 am
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"Kecleon, Sneak Shadow Voltorb!"

Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:25 am
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A dash in to attack has allowed you to score a direct hit on the voltorb, who falls. However, the sandshrew takes advantage of the situation and strikes down Kecleon. She is now KO'd.

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Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:05 pm
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"Treeclimber, matrix Blade Leaf Soodowoodo and Sandshrew!"

Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:17 pm
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Treeclimber rushes in to deliver a series of leaf blades to its two foes. However, before it can, the sandshrew calls up another sand storm. The attack still hits the sudowoodo head on, though. It is barely hanging on to its fighting spirit, however, it is also changing to a green color. A sign of the color change ability.

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Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:04 pm
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"Hang in there Diglett, this might help." Axel said giving the Diglett an Oran Berry, "Eat up, it should help with your wounds." Axel added looking at the Lunatone again. he then got down closer to Diglett and whispered, "can you move in close to the Lunatone and wait untill it starts to attack, and when it attacks use a Sucker punch followed by a Slash, that ok diglett."

Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:50 am
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"Treeclimber S h L s A f S g Hwf!"

Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:46 am
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The diglett eats the berry and feels better. He then rushes in to deliver a sucker punch that KO's the lunatone. The slash is unnecessary since the group is out of pokemon.

The woman in charge grumbles and drops a few smoke bombs. Once the smoke clears, all of the Rockets are gone. Now all that's left is freeing the caged flying-types. What to do after that is up to you.


((I'll give you another chance to give it an order. Please, no more of that "Y sd O dfd U" stuff. No pokemon would be able to understand that without years and years of practice and even then it would be hard to understand.))

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Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:17 am
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((/me trys again))

"Treeclimber use SLUSH!"

Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:53 pm
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Treeclimber darts in to strike the sudowoodo with his slash attack. The blow hits hard and the tree-like pokemon falls. However, the sandshrew is hidden by the sandstorm. You don't know where it is or what it is doing.

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Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:04 am
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"Treeclimber, let Sandshrew attack you, but don't wait to long!"

Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:03 am
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