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Sugi pulled his beak out of the hole in the Scyther's abdomen and looked at Sol with a blank look while blood dripped off of his beak.

"Like I said, it wore itself down, and I took the oppurtunity to strike it, so now it's my lunch. I did use Power Swap on a Weavile though, but it should be fine now."

Sugi buried his head back into the carcass and resumed eating.

ImageA r c a d i a¸.·?
w h e r e l e g e n d i s b o r n

Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:43 pm
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Pokemon Ranger
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Xaviar returned from the water with a gasp, looking around. When he saw a Xatu eating the Syther, he ran to the bushes. Cerulea noticed him and followed.

"Are you OK?"

"This world...I wish that we didn't have to kill each other to get food."

"That's just the reality of life. We can't live on plants. It's impossible.

"I feel like I really knew the guy..."

"Well, it's a cruel world."

"Yeah. I'm tired, see ya."

Xaviar crawlewd under a leafy shrub, made sure that he was well hidden, and went to sleep.

Cerulea went back to the river, avoiding other Pokemon, and began to drink the cool water.

Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:57 pm
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((Funny, I could have sworn I posted last night. Oh well, no matter, I'll just have to write it again.))

Marcus took one last deep breath of air before turning again to follow the river. The short break had done him good, as he had been a bit tired from the steep climb up the ledge, but that was over now, the clean air had invigorated him, and it felt good to visit places from his past. As Marcus walked allong the river bank, he noticed the abundance of game within the woods surrounding the river.

"I wonder who's territory this is." He thought.

It was a very nice area, regardless of whoever claimed it. Marcus toyed with the Idea of finding and challenging the territory's owner, but he had never been one for brute strength. As such his territory tended to be somewhat lacking in comparison with others. Fortunately, as an outcast, Marcus often found himself breaking territory boundaries quite regularly. As long as he was fast, he usually didn't have any problems, and when he did, his hundred and twenty-one years of experience was usually a match enough for his opponents to get him out of trouble.

Finally Marcus came to a brook that joined the river. If his memory was correct, it would lead him to a small sort of clear water pond. Marcus smiled. Hopefully there would be something worth eating when he got there, as he was starting to get just a little bit hungry again. The Buneary he had eaten earlier had made a good snack, but it was too small to be sufficient for long. After looking around, making certain that this was the same brook he remembered, he resumed his journey upstream.

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:42 pm
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Yuo leaped off the branch without thinking about it whatsoever.


He grabbed a vine and swung, let go, and landed on the ground, looking down to see his feet had sank an inch into the ground from his fall. He looked up to see himself face-to-face with a big, scary ninetales.

Yuo didnt move, he didn't want to provoke it, but he wondered if it was the same one he had seen at the pond.

Credit to this awesome sig goes to eon.

92% of all competitive battlers think that Skarm, Bliss, and a good 'Chomp is all you need to own things. If you're in the 8% who value creative thinking and originality with your teams, put this in you signature.

Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:54 pm
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Shadow's head was killing, almost as if that one act of kindness was too much for him to handle. He felt thirsty, so he went to go get a drink of water at the pond. He saw that the Scyther from the fight before was dead, being eaten by a Xatu. Because, of the lighting, when Shadow looked into the water, he saw two reflections. However, he thought he saw one was pure white, and the other pure black. He shook his head, and they turned back to normal. Shadow got a drink of water, tried to walk away, but went unconsious, land with a thud on the ground.

This is getting fun, but I have a suggestion. I think we need a time keeper, so we can know how to post. I've seen lots of times when I wanted to say night, but thought it might confuse someone. With a time keeper, it might be easier.

Thanks, Afonso, for the awesome avvie, and Ender for the epic sig

Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:28 am
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Xaviar slept peacefully.

Cerulea drank quickly, then dove into the river. That Magicarp wasn't very filling. Thankfully, Barboah were in abundance in here. She bit one and jumped onto a rock. The lack of water killed it, and she began eating.

Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:59 am
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"Weavile you say..." Sol said, looking around nervously.

Sol had been frightened of Sneasel and Weavile all her life... Ever since a rather sadistic pair of brothers bullied her when she was little. They were about her age and seemed to enjoy ambushing her when she was playing with her brothers. Luckily her mother normally turned up and drove the two away more times than not. She hadn't seen them since her childhood... Rumour was they ran afoul of a particularly angry Aggron a few years previously. The only people that really knew about her fear were her brothers, parents and the Psychic Pokemon that she was especially close to.

Regaining her normal calm composure she reassured herself. She was grown up now... She could take care of herself. Sol looked around once more, but she couldn't sense anything about to attack. At that moment an Absol came and began to drink. Sol turned back towards Sugi before hearing a loud thud a moment later. She immediately turned around to see the Absol unconscious on the ground a short way away from the pool. Rushing over she looked curiously down at the Pokemon before she touched the tips of her tail against the Absol's forehead.

Sol looked up at the sky... The sun was still rather bright. Hopefully this would help it just to regain consciousness. She breathed in deeply and bright rays of light issued out in all directions from her body, which began to spark, restoring her energy. The sparks travelled down her tail and were passed on to the Absol. She watched the Absol carefully as the light and sparks began to bring it back around.

Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:06 am
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Dei had spaced out. The commotion in the clearing was pretty boring and trivial, he found himself losing interest fast and had turned to watching the sky and sorting through his own thoughts. His moment of calm recollection was interrupted as something loud landed before him.

Casting his crimson gaze at the ground, Dei saw the source of the noise, it was a Weavile. He locked eyes with the Weavile, who seemed to be frozen in either shock or fright. Perhaps he had heard the rumors; those who gaze into the eyes of a Ninetales would see their own death.

Dei chuckled at the thought. How naive, as if one gaze into his hypnotic eyes could warrant a look into the future.

Swishing his tails around him, Dei tapped the Weavile in the head with one. The shocked look seemed to intensify, if that was even possible. Smirking slightly, Dei slinked off into the forest, leaving the Weavile frozen in place.

Wandering through the dense underbrush, Dei once more slid in-between the columns of light and shadow. The noises of the forest masked his footsteps and he was virtually invisible-a ghost in an emerald sea.

His wanderings eventually took him near the brook that joined the crystal pool. It was a nice little spot with calm waters and water vegetation growing on the banks, the forest flanking both sides like a shield. Sounds of splashing could be heard. A water Pokemon.

Drawing closer to the source of the sound, Dei observed a Skitty hauled in a Seaking. An impressive catch for such a small predator. The Seaking struggled and flopped around as the Skitty dragged it onto the shore and deposited it on a rock. The little cat gave a meow of glee and jumped at the Seaking, ready to eat.

Dei stepped out in the open just as the Skitty was about to rip out the Seaking's throat with its pointed little fangs. The little Pokemon, sensing another presence, turned around and gasped before falling silent and standing rigid as a rock. Another victim of Dei's hypnotic gaze.

Gesturing with his tails for the Skitty to move aside, Dei strolled forward. He sat down in front of the Seaking and with one swift motion of his paw the Seaking was silenced forever. Its throat had been sliced open in a clean diagonal, blood poured out before gathering in small pools around the dead Pokemon. Dei leaned down and ripped out a chunk of meat, savoring the taste of fresh kill.

He feasted for some time before abruptly rising and turning to the Skitty. The little cat had stayed motionless during the carnage, hypnotic suggestions still in effect. Gesturing slightly with one elegant tail, Dei moved aside and let the Skitty carry off the rest of its catch.

Moving toward the brook, Dei washed his muzzle and fore paws in the clean waters. He was so engrossed in his attempts at grooming that he almost didn't catch the slight sound of paws moving over fallen leaves. The sound seemed to be moving closer. Whatever was making that noise was coming upstream directly toward Dei.

People ask me why I do all these wierd things.I tell them I have a heart of a little boy, which I keep in my desk.

Once there was a man who ate a poisonous grapefruit and died.The moral of the story:DON'T EAT POISON GRAPEFRUIT!!

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:52 am
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Yuo stood frozen, not wanting to provoke the ninetales. It gave him a look of curiosity, then brushed his head with one of its tails. Yuo tensed, preparing to be attacked.

It smirked, then slinked off into the forest.

Yuo stood on the forest floor, breathing hard. "That was close..."

He shook his head, he needed to hunt some prey. He and Iram liked water pokemon, so he headed towards the stream, where he saw the same ninetales feasting upon a seaking, with a skitty standing to the side with a blank look.

Yuo quietly headed upstream, so he could see the ninetales if it was going to attack, but far enough away so he would have some warning.

He put his face to the stream, so he could see the fish swimming by, and began to bat fish out of the water onto the bank.

Credit to this awesome sig goes to eon.

92% of all competitive battlers think that Skarm, Bliss, and a good 'Chomp is all you need to own things. If you're in the 8% who value creative thinking and originality with your teams, put this in you signature.

Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:27 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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((Seeing as we're going for a real effect here, it probably should be night soon))

Xaviar woke up, just as Cerulea approached. It was mid-evening now, almost the time when noctormal Pokemon would wander about. Evening was the most dangerous time for small Pokemon because both day and night Pokemon would be hunting. The two of them ran through the woods, and soon found the pond. Cerulea dove in, hunted down a Goldeen, and ran out, while Xaviar shot up an ember and brought down a Pidgeotto. They carreied their fresh kill through the woods, and soon found a rock, lying by a tree. Xaviar set down the bird Pokemon and pushed it aside, revealing an underground tunnel the two of them had built a few weeks ago when they first left to go out on their own. They carried their fresh kill into the cavern. Xaviar lit a fire with ember and began to cook the food as Cerulea pulled back the rock. They laid down beside the fire, resting.

Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:55 pm
Dragon Tamer
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((*cough* seems very similar to my tree... >.>*cough*))

Credit to this awesome sig goes to eon.

92% of all competitive battlers think that Skarm, Bliss, and a good 'Chomp is all you need to own things. If you're in the 8% who value creative thinking and originality with your teams, put this in you signature.

Sun Mar 30, 2008 6:20 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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((*cough* I don't care *cough*))

The fresh kill finished cooking, and Xaviar finished his Pidgeotto rather quickly. Cerulea savored the flavor of the Goldeen, so it took her more time. The two of them lay down and went to sleep for the night.

Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:10 pm
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As the darkness began to rapidly approached, the healing effects of the light and sparks rapidly diminished until they were extinguished all together. Sol swished her tail away from the Absol and frowned. It'd have to suffice... Hopefully it'd healed whatever was wrong with the Pokemon. Turning, she walked back over to Sugi, who was still eating. She up at dim sun, which was beginning to become covered by the mountains overlooking the forest.

"Look's like its beginning to get dark... Shouldn't you leave that retched bug alone and go home?" Sol asked.

Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:58 pm
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Sorry I've been gone a while, but I have PSSA's all week, and needed to study. Anyway, this is Shadow's dream when he is unconscious. I'll tell when parts happening in the real world are occuring compared to his dream.

Shadow awoke in a strange place in mid air. However, instead of falling, he slowly floated down to the ground. His entire body hurt, and he cringed at the pain. He looked around at his surounding, seeing mostly wihte, with a bloch of purple and peach here and there. However, the scenery slowly changed to that of a forest. As Shadow stood confused by everything, a black image started to form in front of him. In started to take shape, and became a Houndoom, looking exactly like the one that attacked Shadow years ago. Fear swept over Shadow, as the Houndoom showed it's teath. Shadow wanted to run away, but for some reason he couldn't. The Houndoom charged at him preparing to attack. Suddenly, strength came into to Shadow, (Sol healing Shadow) and he jumped out of the way just in time. A battle broke out, lasting for some time. eventually, shadow wounded the Houndoom, And jumped up, preparing to use a razor wind. However, the strength suddenly left him, (Sol stopped healing Shadow) and Shadow fell to the ground. Seeing it's chance to attack, the Houndoom attacked Shadow, leaing him helpless on the ground. As the Houndoom jumped up to make the final blow, darkness surrounded Shadow, and he fell though the seeming endless pit of darkness. He finally landed, very hard this time, and lay there for some time. When he finally got up, Shadow thought he saw two other Absol in the distance. "Mom, Dad?", he said softly to himself. "Mom, Dad!" he shouted, and he ran to his parents. However, the more he ran, the farther away they seemed to go. "MOM, DAD!" he shouted again, as he felt tears come to his eyes. They suddenly came rushing at him, but as they came, they started turnig into dark beings. Shadow closed his eyes, preparin to be attacked, but when he opened them, the shadows were gone. Istead, there were the two reflections he had seen before, fighting each other, and Shadow was right in the middle. The two released a razor wind at each other, but the dark figure was two strong, and over power the white one. The white one soon lay motionless on the ground. Shadow ran to it, and saw it was dying. Anger filled Shadow, And he attacked the black figure with more force than he had ever imagined he had. He defated the black figure, who slinked away into the shadows. The white one was now standing up, staring at Shadow. It nodded his head, and ran right into to Shadow, merging with him. All pain left Shadow, and he felt happy again. He had defeated the most evil part of himself and felt he would never hate anyone but his enemies ever again.

Boy, was that long. I don't plan on ever plan on making something that long again, but I had this in my mind for a long time, and just had to let it out. Hope you liked it

Thanks, Afonso, for the awesome avvie, and Ender for the epic sig

Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:02 pm
Ace Trainer
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(That's pretty good for a beginner, though if you are going to do that again, I suggest paragraphing it out, I only started paragraphing a short time ago, but it's a lot easier to read and give some structure to your post, all in all very well done :D)

Dark watched in glee as the sun sank below the horizon, his cave faced due west, letting him know when it was time for his nightly prowl. Dark watched the orange rays light the last line of trees before disapearing below the horizon. His marking's glowed brightly lighting the far ends of his cave for a second.

Dark rose slowly and headed out of his cave, keeping to the dark parts of the wood. He heard the sound of running water and crept slowly to the edge. He saw a large Noctowl and a few small Hoot-hoot drinking from the river. Dark was suddenly reminded of the water pokemon earlier that day.

They're lucky I'm not very hungry...

Dark crossed the river in one graceful bound, startling the three bird pokemon who had just finished their drink. Dark walked slowly away from the river and headed slowly for a clearing further on, where he watched the moon everyday.

Dark strode through the wood to the clearing. A large rock lay in the middle of the clearing, the moonlight lit half of the stone as the Umbreon strode towards it. He climbed atop it and basked in the faint moonlight that reached him over the tops of the tree. The Umbreon waited patiently till midnight, when the full moon whould be glowing brightly above him.

(Please note: This is not the same clearing with the pond)


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Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:55 pm
Dragon Tamer
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(Well done Xrader, but like DS said, try to paragraph.)

Yuo finished batting the barboach out of the water, and picked up three in his teeth, and harpooned six more on each of his claws.

"Yum..." He said through a mouthful of fish.

He started running slowly towards the tree, where Iram stood on a branch. "It took you long enough, I'll come down and help."

Yuo started to put the fish down when something slammed into him, he stood up quickly and saw it was a small zangoose, probbably a child.

Yuo grinned, "looks like I just found the main course of dinner." He formed a
ready stance.

The zangoose charged him again, and Yuo flipped backwards, landing on top of the zangoose. It showed a look of utter fear before Yuo ended its life by ripping out its neck with his teeth.

He licked the blood from his lips. "Yum, this one tastes great!"

He and Iram hoisted the zangoose up the tree, even though it was a child, it was heavy and large. They finally got it up and Yuo saw all the fish already inside the tree. They dragged it in, and Yuo grabbed a rock, and hit his claws against the rock, creating sparks.

"This will do, go get some wood." Iram ran out of the tree while Yuo started taking the whiskers off of the barboach. Iram returned with a bunch of firewood, and two long sticks so they could roast the fish.
Yuo lit the fire with the rock and his claws, and they began cooking the barboach, while the zangoose roasted on a primitive spit.

Credit to this awesome sig goes to eon.

92% of all competitive battlers think that Skarm, Bliss, and a good 'Chomp is all you need to own things. If you're in the 8% who value creative thinking and originality with your teams, put this in you signature.

Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:44 am
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((Thunderdude, while we are going for somewhat real effect, please let me manage the time of the roleplay, you may have noticed the speed of posting has slowed somewhat since you decided to make it night. consider yourself warned.

On a slightly different note, if things fail to pick up I'm going to allow more to join.))

"It will be dark soon."

Marcus thought, noticing the crimson hue of the sky shining on the water. He hadn't expected night to come as quickly as it did, but he new that time had a way of disappearing when you weren't looking. It was then that he heard the soft splashing of water ahead. Marcus slowed, moving forward with the utmost silence, his eyes darted about, searching for anything which might be a danger to him. As he moved past a heap of ferns, another Ninetales, one not unlike himself, came into view.

Marcus paused. The other Ninetales seemed older than himself, and had been cleaning himself when Marcus had happened upon him. Marcus Paused, unsure of how the other would react to his presence, but he also readied himself to act fast if necessary.

"Your move." Marcus though silently.

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:45 am
Dragon Tamer
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((So is it dark out or just sunset?))

Yuo and Iram finished their dinner and went out to sit on the branch. Yuo jumped down to the ground and ruffled through the bushes, and picked a few leaves. He climbed back up the tree using his claws, and began chewing on the leaves.

"What are those?" Iram looked over and sniffed the leaves and wrinkled his nose at the smell. "They help with my shoulder, its been hurting lately." Yuo reached up and felt his head, where a new feather was growing back in place.

"I could go for a little dessert, want to go explore? I've never been this deep into the forest before." Iram nodded. "Mabye we will find that pidgeotto that got your head, eh?" Yuo stuck his tongue out and shoved Iram off the branch.

Yuo squealed with laughter and jumped after him. They both caught a vine and swung to the ground, where they started running. "So where are we going?" Iram asked. Yuo looked up. "It will be dark soon, and Lay always said we were more powerful at night, being dark types."

Iram nodded and they kept running.

Credit to this awesome sig goes to eon.

92% of all competitive battlers think that Skarm, Bliss, and a good 'Chomp is all you need to own things. If you're in the 8% who value creative thinking and originality with your teams, put this in you signature.

Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:10 am
Ace Trainer
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(sunset, I'm getting a bit of moon because I'm, supposedly, facing east, and you're all, supposedly, facing west :))

Dark felt the last rays of the sun on his back, and shuddered.

"Maybe I came a bit too early..." Dark told himself "No matter... it will be dark soon..."

Dark watched as the forest became even darker. He lay down on the rock and watched the depths of the forest.

(Is it night yet Darth? Night is when an Umbreon becomes more active you know :D)


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Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:39 pm
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(I feel brain-dead, sorry if this post stinks.)

Crimson met blood red as the two Ninetales faced each other. The other Ninetales tensed and assumed a standard stance that gave good mobility and attack, while Dei simply sat down and licked the last of the water off his muzzle.

Adopting a stoic look, Dei observed the other Ninetales. He was slightly smaller and his fur had more of a white sheen to it unlike Dei's dappled golden hide. The eyes were a deep ruby, the color of blood and in the near dusk seemed to shine. He was almost an exact likeness of Dei, but then again they were the same species.

"I wonder who he is....Why is he here?" Dei wondered.

Last time he checked, Ninetales usually lived in clans or packs, unless they chose to extrapolate themselves from the strict clan system and wander on their own, like Dei had done. Had this one chose to leave, or had he been kicked out? Clan disputes were common place and fights over the hierarchy of the clan were an everyday event.

Dei fanned his tails downward, indicating that he had no intension to fight. Yet. He smiled slightly at the other, awaiting his next move.

People ask me why I do all these wierd things.I tell them I have a heart of a little boy, which I keep in my desk.

Once there was a man who ate a poisonous grapefruit and died.The moral of the story:DON'T EAT POISON GRAPEFRUIT!!

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:09 am
Ace Trainer
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Soo.... Is it night yet, because I want to get a move on with what my Umbreon is going to to...



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Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:40 am
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((The RP sorta... died, so I'm gonna try to revive it.))

Yuo and Iram ran through the brush, feeling themselves get stronger with every step. The moon was almost directly above them now, boosting their strength. A murkrow cawwed out from atop one of the trees, making them jump.

They ran right past an umbreon, laying in the moonlight, and they both jumped onto the tallest tree in the forest, and climbed, and climbed, until the made it to the very top. They could see the whole island from here, and they were right below the glorious moonlight.

Credit to this awesome sig goes to eon.

92% of all competitive battlers think that Skarm, Bliss, and a good 'Chomp is all you need to own things. If you're in the 8% who value creative thinking and originality with your teams, put this in you signature.

Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:17 am
Ace Trainer
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(Yeah I didn't want to do anything till Darth arrived, but whatever it seems the moon is full now...)

Dark watched in interest as two Weavile ran across his path. He rose slightly and let his blue glow extend throughout the clearing and absorb the rays of the moon above him.

Aaaah I love Full Moon nights... Then again I love the New moon too..."

Dark grinned to himself and sank down on the rock feeling the soft glow of the light above and around him.


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Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:38 pm
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bump up then lurk


Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:14 am
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idk but most-likely im too late like with all the other rps but w/e ima post any way cause theres not many other rps that look interesting :|

Name: Spirit
Identifying markings:missing a claw on each hand and the red ear thing on head is light blue
Personality:secretive and dark. sarcastic most of the time yet serious at the same time. not afraid to say what hes thinking.
Background:since spirit was missing a claw on each hand and a blue ear thing he was abandoned when young and was concidered an outcast by all of the sneasel herds(or w/e u call a pack of sneasels) he wanders around alot just stealing what he needs to survive.
other:likes blue apricorns and oran berries. its missing claws make it kinda of clumsy while climbing trees

meh even if the rps dead id like to know if i would be accepted.

Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:44 pm
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