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How about this for FireRed?

{tyranitar} lvl 59
Rock Slide
Dragon Claw

{arcanine} lvl 69
Flame Wheel (trying to get the Flamethrower TM)
Fire Blast
Body Slam

{machamp} lvl 69
Low Kick

{lapras} lvl 69
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam

{venusaur} lvl 69
Sleep Powder
Razor Leaf
Frenzy Plant

{alakazam} lvl 70
Mega Kick


Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:52 pm
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JT627 wrote:
So...if you are a rater, JsX, what do you think of my team?

I'm not an official rater, no, but I am on staff, so sure, I'll give you a few quick comments.
Swampert: No no on the doubled up moves. Take off Surf or Muddy Water, and add in Ice Beam, for sure. Mud Shot and EQ isn't great, but I see what you're doing with Mud Shot, do I'd leave that up to you.
Gardevoir: Again, ditch confusion and future sight, and shadow ball is a physical attack in RSE, so you don't want that either. Fire Punch and Thunder Punch would be good moves to add. Calm Mind is also fantastic. That's about all Gardevoir is good for it doesn't have a fantastic moveset.
Hariyama: Not sure what it needs...
Houndoom: Get Crunch instead of Faint Attack. Also get rid of either Flamethrower or Fire Blast. You don't need two moves of the same type on your pokemon. Not sure ATM what to add instead.
Glalie: Not sure.
Manectric: Again, 3 Electric moves is bad. Probably keep Thunderbolt, as it had better accuracy.

koipen wrote:
Would you add for the first message: No ingame teams. Cause you don't need anything to get past ingame. High levelled magikarp is just fine.

No. The thread is for all 3rd Gen teams that people want to have rated.


Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:10 pm
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I was on a shor hiatus Cleaning my house for Passover.

JT627 wrote:
Hey! How's life?

I am new to this forum, but not new to the Pokemon games at all. I have been playing since they came out in the US. I am playing Emerald, working on the Battle Frontier. I was hoping I could get some feedback and ratings on my team I am using:

{swampert} lvl 56 holding Mystic Water
Muddy Water
Mud Shot
Ice Beam > Muddy water. You don't need 2 moves, and it should be noted that Muddy water has an accuracy drop of its own - down to 85%. And there's a lowerr pp. Mud Shot, while the speed drop is nice, is not absolutely necessary on Swampert - the power drop is too much. Curse, Rest, Mirror Coat, Roar, etc, are better options as opposed to Mud shot.

{gardevoir} lvl 56 holding Twisted Spoon
Future Sight
Shadow Ball
Shadow Ball = physical, Confusion isn't necessary, and Future sight doesn't really work well. Psychic is good, so leave it. He's stable, so throw on Calm Mind. Believe it or not, he gets Thunderbolt, and that is very standard. For the last move, Will-o-Wisp helps with the lacking defense, though Hypnosis allows Gardy to power up much more safely. Nice movepool is what it has going for it. Other options for that 4th slot: Ice punch (famed bolt-beam), Fire punch (can help against grasses and steels), Wish (you have to have been there for the event), Magical Leaf (ground/rocks, ground/waters. Keep in mind that for rough calcs, Magical Leaf 60 power even on a 4x weak pokemon is less than Psychic with STAB).)

{hariyama} lvl 57 holding Amulet Coin
Focus Punch
Brick Break
Strangth is a baaaad HM - simply a weak return. He's too slow for reversal. He's better off with ChoiceBanded guts (Facade, Brick Break, EQ, Rock Slide), or Thick-Fat Subber (Substitute, Focus Punch, Rock Slide, EQ). The only thing that makes him superior to Machamp is that he gets thick fat for Subbing, along with a very high HP stat.

{houndoom} lvl 57 holding Black Glasses
Iron Tail
Fire Blast
Faint Attack
Iron Tail is inaccurate, only hitting 75% of the time. While Fire Blast typically does more than Flamethrower (85% of 120 vs. 95), the consistency of Flamethrower is really important. Crunch is 100% accurate anyway, so the only time faint attack would be useful is if the oppoonent double-teamed 6 times, and through mud slaps 6 times as well. Get my point?

Houdoom @Leftovers/Petaya Berry
~Substitute/Sunny Day
~Solar Beam/Sunny Day

Keep in mind that the grass move here is better than the STAB moves against Grounds - and with Sunny Day, you run 120 power grass move.

{glalie} lvl 57 holding Leftovers
Ice Beam
Blizzard is 70% accurate. Ditch it. actually, to be perfectly honest, you might want to ditch Glalie as a whole - base 80 stats all over scream mediocrity, and while Ice is a great attacking type, Ice type pokemon are riddled with weaknesses, and typically bad movepools.

{manectric} lvl 58 holding Magnet
Thunderbolt is good. Crunch > Bite. Thunderwave > Thunder. I guess a good hidden power would be nice > Spark, but it should be noted that this moveset is played out better by others in your team - Gardevoir has calm mind and a superior special attack (1 calm mind boost = STAB, 2 surpasses it in percentages). Crunch is played out by Houndoom, as he gets STAB on it. Paralysis is nice, but MAgneton does that just as well, if not better thanks to steel-typing.

As far as the Battle Frontier events go, I usually place {swampert} as the first Pokemon, {houndoom} as the second, then {manectric} bringing up the rear. What do you think?
Gardevoir > Manectric. Actually, consider getting a Blissey if you can - the Pike (the one with the Seviper) has status afflictions, so the Softboiled and Heal bell really helps.

Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:49 pm
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JT627 wrote:
How about this for FireRed?

{tyranitar} lvl 59
Rock Slide
Dragon Claw
Crunch is special, as is Dragon Claw. Dragon Dance might be useful, but the breeding's a pain. I'll be perfectly honest - the Sandstorm he conjurs up is not good for your team.

{arcanine} lvl 69
Flame Wheel (trying to get the Flamethrower TM)
Fire Blast
Body Slam
Meh...I'll be perfectly honest - he sucks in-game. Flamethrower, Extremespeed by the mushroom guy, and overheat in the throws of death is the best he can do. No earthquake (though Dig is good in-game I guess).

{machamp} lvl 69
Low Kick
Let me tell you something - start over. Brick Break/Cross Chop is a good solid STAB move. Facade has great use for status, though the Cross Chop will hurt worse reagrdless if it hits (which isn't often to be quite honest). Earth quake and rock slide are also good moves for it.

{lapras} lvl 69
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Ice beam and surf = good. the Blizzard and Hydro Pump = baaaaaaaaad. Thunderbolt is excellent, and Rest/Confuse ray/Sing to round it out.

{venusaur} lvl 69
Sleep Powder
Razor Leaf
Frenzy Plant

Sleep powder and Razor Leaf are good - keep them. The other two have massive drawbacks - a hyper-beam tpe move, and a hyper-beam tyoe move that makes you wait beforehand. Leech Seed works in there. Sludge bomb is good for STAB but lacks good coverage.

{alakazam} lvl 70
Mega Kick
No psybeam - just a bad Psychic. Mega Kick is physical, so definitely not. Thunderpunch and Ice Punch should be on there instead.

Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:03 pm
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Prof. Dom wrote:
Fire Blast - Yes that was a silly mistake.
Blast Burn
My swampert can beat this
Sunny Day
Leeach Seed
Shadow Ball
Brick Break
Destiny Bond
Dragon Rage
Wing Attack
Dragonite, or swampert
Thunder Wave
Drill Peck
Ice Beam
Rain Dance
Perish Song
Just to clarify this is my LeafGreen team so yous ee the restrictions.

Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:22 pm
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JT627 wrote:
How about this for FireRed?

{tyranitar} lvl 59
Rock Slide
Dragon Claw

you should have aerial ace on this instead of dragon claw

{arcanine} lvl 69
Flame Wheel (trying to get the Flamethrower TM)
Fire Blast
Body Slam

Flamethrower is at the game corner

{machamp} lvl 69
Low Kick

not good at all, all fighting attacks can only kill dark and normal types

{lapras} lvl 69
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam

horrible, once again try this Surf, Psychic, Thunderbolt/Ice beam Body Slam/Confuse ray

{venusaur} lvl 69
Sleep Powder
Razor Leaf
Frenzy Plant

no! frenzy plant is horrible Replace that with sunny day, or sludge bomb

{alakazam} lvl 70
Mega Kick

mega kick is bad, and psybeamtry calm mind and shadow ball

Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:31 pm
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Is someone going to rate my team?


Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:58 pm
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I'm going to repeat what JsXtm said - official raters are the only ones to rate teams.

SE_Psychic - sorry, I thought you left because noone posted.

SE_Psychic wrote:
Here's my team. Rate please.

Dragon Claw
Blast Burn
Mix-zard. I'll be perfectly honest, you need to put on Swords Dance > Blast burn. The fire typed hyper beam really isn't worth the lost turn. Dragon Claw has no real use in FrLg, so you may want to switch it for Aerial ace or Rock Slide.

Morning Sun
Psychic is good, but everything else is bleh.

Espeaon @Leftovers
~Calm Mind
~Baton Pass
^^ Known as Espy jump in competitive, you can breed that if you have nothing to waste your time on.

Espeon @Leftovers
~Calm Mind
~HP Fire
~Morning Sun
^^That works well with special charizard (SunnyDay-Flamethrower-Dragon Claw-Fire Blast/Overheat/Earthquake.

Skull Bash
Ice Beam
About as good as you'll get. You could run counter or mirror coat, have it haze, or spin. But those are a bit useless in-game.

Rock Slide
Ehh...mixed t-tar doesn't really work well. If you want a good mix t-tar, though, get boah - its a bit advanced for in-game, but still good. Substitute > EQ, Focus Punch > Rock Slide.
Alternatively, Put on aerial ace and brick break over the soecial moves.

Rain Dance
Crunch > Bite. If you're using Rain Dance, go with Thunder. Substitute rounds it out, seeing as it doesn't learn EQ.

False Swipe
Leaf Blade
Crunch + Dragon Claw/DragonBreath > Detect + Earthquake. False Swipe helps for catching shinies and whatnot.

I like to use pokemon that can wipe out a party without even breaking a sweat. I don't like using a team of pokemon with just defensive moves. Do you have any suggestions how I could keep my all offensive style while still being able to use defenseive moves when my party is in trouble?
In-game, a good defense is a stellar offense.
You could find a chansey and breed her with an aromatherapist.

Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:14 pm
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Hi I just started my Saphire version again and I am just up to the badge were I vs the tam of Slakings the fourth or fifth badge....

Here is my team. Hopefully you guys can tell me if its ok ? This team is going to be part of my Elite 4 team

{marshtomp} lv 33
Water Gun - Going to change for surf
Mud Shot
Rock Tomb
Take Down

{lairon} lv 32

Iron defense
Shock wave
Iron Tail

{kadabra} lv 29 - Going to make an Alakazam later


{swablu} lv 29

Steel Wing
Fury Attack

They will get better but are they ok for now ?

I have the following shinies on my games All Legit and none fake. I love all my shinies dearly

{camerupt} {slowking} {blastoise} {alakazam} {gyarados} {nidoking}


Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:48 pm
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Hi guys can you guys rate my Pokemon Sapphire Team? Thanks!

{blaziken} Lv.100 Holding Charcoal
-Blaze Kick
-Sky Uppercut
-Brick Break
-Fire Blast

{swampert} Lv.100 Holding Sea Incense
-Ice Beam
-Muddy Water

{sceptile} Lv.100 Holding Shell Bell
-Leaf Blade

{salamence} Lv.87 Holding Shell Bell
-Fire Blast
-Dragon Claw

{pikachu} Lv.56 Holding Light Ball
-Thunder Wave

{metagross} Lv.52 Holding Exp. Share (Still training)
-Iron Defense

Beat the Elite Four and completed Hoenn Pokedex. Currently trying to beat Battle Tower 50 times in a row, Gotta get that trainer star.

Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:21 pm
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blissy -
Marshtomp needs muddy water to take down slaking. Raise it to level 37, then evolve it.
You would have done better with Graveller, but Lairon is good I guess.
I would have gotten gardevoir > kadabra, but thats ok.

They seem ok for now.

cjpinoy wrote:
Hi guys can you guys rate my Pokemon Sapphire Team? Thanks!

{blaziken} Lv.100 Holding Charcoal
-Blaze Kick
-Sky Uppercut
-Brick Break
-Fire Blast
Focus Energy > Fire Blast, Slash/Return > Brick Break. @Scope Lens.

{swampert} Lv.100 Holding Sea Incense
-Ice Beam
-Muddy Water
Muddy Water and Surf? No. Something > Muddy Water - rest, refresh, roar are all better options. @Leftovers - the healing power is great.

{sceptile} Lv.100 Holding Shell Bell
-Leaf Blade
Key for a good sceptile is breeding. Crunch, Dragon Breath / Dragon Claw, Leaf Blade, Thunderpunch/HP Fire is the best moveset.

{salamence} Lv.87 Holding Shell Bell
-Fire Blast
-Dragon Claw
Again, Breed. Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace is the best movest.
Or run GPMence - Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Dragon Claw, Fire Blast

{pikachu} Lv.56 Holding Light Ball
-Thunder Wave
Substitute > Thunder, Hidden Power Ice/Grass > Agility. Trust me.

{metagross} Lv.52 Holding Exp. Share (Still training)
-Iron Defense
Eww. Start over. Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Agility, Explsion/Rock Slide.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:39 am
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Ok thanks for rating my pokemon team Peanut, appriciate it.

Beat the Elite Four and completed Hoenn Pokedex. Currently trying to beat Battle Tower 50 times in a row, Gotta get that trainer star.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:09 pm
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{camerupt} {tropius} {ludicolo} {kyogre} {blaziken} {salamence} **

Camerupt Lv 77 @ Shell Bell
-Rock Slide
Overheat hasn't got much PP, so I use Eruption instead of it if the HP is full. Are there alternatives for Rock Slide?

Tropius Lv 76 @ Shell Bell
-Magical Leaf

Ludicolo Lv 77 @ Leftovers
-Fake Out
-Rain Dance
Absorb isn't very strong, but beside that I think this is a pretty good one. Anyone disagree?

Kyogre Lv 77
-Ice Beam
-Water Spout
Should I replace Water Spout for Thunder?

Blaziken Lv 79 @ Amulet Coin
-Sky Uppercut
-Rock Smash*
-Blaze Kick

Salamence Lv 77
-Secret Power*

*I won't delete this moves.
** I'll keep this pokemon, and I won't breed.

Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:29 am
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koipen wrote:
This is my so-called "Mr murder" team. It is when properly setuped, unbeatable. Normally they use Sunkern (Lowest base stats) but i use Aerodactyl.

Umbreon @Leftovers
Bold (+Def -Att)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Def 4 SpDef
-Mean look
-Double team
-Baton pass
Evansion passer. Starts with Mean look and uses Double team so set-up can continue with peace.

Smeargle @Leftovers
Timid (+Spd -Att)/Jolly (+Spd -SpAtt)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Spd 4 Def
-Calm mind
-Baton pass
Special stat passer. Uses ingrain so that rarely hitting Roar/Whirlwinf won't destruct team. Spore is very useful too.

Vaporeon @Leftovers
Bold (+Def -Att)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Def 4 SpAtt
-Acid armor
-Baton pass
Defense passer. If one of pokemon has been hitted, this will heal it.

Ninjask @Leftovers
Jolly (+Spd -SpAtt)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Spd 4 Def
-Swords dance
-Baton pass
-Double team
Speed, attack and substitute passer.

Aerodactyl @Leftovers
Jolly (+Spd -SpAtt)
Ev: 252 Att 252 Spd 4 Hp
-Rock slide
-Double-edge (Rock head)
-Hp Flying
Killer. Ohko with setup almost everything.

And I dont have last pokemon. Somebody can put to it anything. Like sunkern at lvl 2.

Is somebody gonna rate this? And i have to say this, Liampie DONT USE HM MOVES! And that Kyogre is not good with that moveset. I think i can say this, because i have played Netbattle for year, and get some advise with some good trainers. (hint: Fins)

By St. Jimmy.

If you have any problems with breeding, Egg moves, IV:s or EV:s, you can ask me. Feel free to ask other things related to competive battling.

Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:53 am
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koipen wrote:
And i have to say this, Liampie DONT USE HM MOVES!

Why do you mention that? I said I won't delete those moves because if I see a waterfall, I want to climb the waterfall. If i want to dive, I'll dive.
Without all the HM's, I'm nowhere!
And also, what's wrong with Surf?

Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:47 am
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Liampie wrote:
koipen wrote:
And i have to say this, Liampie DONT USE HM MOVES!

Why do you mention that? I said I won't delete those moves because if I see a waterfall, I want to climb the waterfall. If i want to dive, I'll dive.
Without all the HM's, I'm nowhere!
And also, what's wrong with Surf?

Nothing is wrong with Surf. However, HM moves are generally terrible for use in a moveset (surf being the main exception). Instead, most people tend to pick 2 pokemon and teach them all the HM moves between the two of them, and then keep them in their party, so you have 4 strong battlers with good movesets and no bad HM moves, and still have access to all your HM moves when you need them.


Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:43 pm
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koipen wrote:
This is my so-called "Mr murder" team. It is when properly setuped, unbeatable. Normally they use Sunkern (Lowest base stats) but i use Aerodactyl.

Umbreon @Leftovers
Bold (+Def -Att)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Def 4 SpDef
-Mean look
-Double team
-Baton pass
Evansion passer. Starts with Mean look and uses Double team so set-up can continue with peace.

Smeargle @Leftovers
Timid (+Spd -Att)/Jolly (+Spd -SpAtt)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Spd 4 Def
-Calm mind
-Baton pass
Special stat passer. Uses ingrain so that rarely hitting Roar/Whirlwinf won't destruct team. Spore is very useful too.

Vaporeon @Leftovers
Bold (+Def -Att)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Def 4 SpAtt
-Acid armor
-Baton pass
Defense passer. If one of pokemon has been hitted, this will heal it.

Ninjask @Leftovers
Jolly (+Spd -SpAtt)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Spd 4 Def
-Swords dance
-Baton pass
-Double team
Speed, attack and substitute passer.

Aerodactyl @Leftovers
Jolly (+Spd -SpAtt)
Ev: 252 Att 252 Spd 4 Hp
-Rock slide
-Double-edge (Rock head)
-Hp Flying
Killer. Ohko with setup almost everything.

And I dont have last pokemon. Somebody can put to it anything. Like sunkern at lvl 2.

Is somebody gonna rate this?

Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:19 am
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koipen wrote:
This is my so-called "Mr murder" team. It is when properly setuped, unbeatable. Normally they use Sunkern (Lowest base stats) but i use Aerodactyl.

Umbreon @Leftovers
Bold (+Def -Att)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Def 4 SpDef
-Mean look
-Double team
-Baton pass
Evansion passer. Starts with Mean look and uses Double team so set-up can continue with peace.
Could have sworn I rated this. I know I rated those IVs that you showed.

Anyway, onto umreon. No. Just, no. If you have mean look, there is no need for ingrain (you'd be trapping in non-pseudo hazers and setting up). I'd honestly switch this for something else.

Smeargle @Leftovers
Timid (+Spd -Att)/Jolly (+Spd -SpAtt)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Spd 4 Def
-Calm mind
-Baton pass
Special stat passer. Uses ingrain so that rarely hitting Roar/Whirlwinf won't destruct team. Spore is very useful too.
Spore, Ingrain, Belly Drum, Baton Pass. I can think of three or 4 better cm passers.

Vaporeon @Leftovers
Bold (+Def -Att)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Def 4 SpAtt
-Acid armor
-Baton pass
Defense passer. If one of pokemon has been hitted, this will heal it.
And this vaporeon is why you don't have a bulk up passer - you have attack from smeargle, and defense from vapy. Good.

Ninjask @Leftovers
Jolly (+Spd -SpAtt)
Ev: 252 Hp 252 Spd 4 Def
-Swords dance
-Baton pass
-Double team
Speed, attack and substitute passer.
Aerial ace > swords dance, as you do have a drummer. Maybe adamant because he's fast.

Believe it or not, you may do better with agility jolteon. More defensive, not too many weknesses, and packs T-bolt.

Aerodactyl @Leftovers
Jolly (+Spd -SpAtt)
Ev: 252 Att 252 Spd 4 Hp
-Rock slide
-Double-edge (Rock head)
-Hp Flying
Killer. Ohko with setup almost everything.

And I dont have last pokemon. Somebody can put to it anything. Like sunkern at lvl 2.

1.) If you have aero, and something came out that could stall him completely, you're screwed. Other possible baton passers (also replacing umbreon):
~Espeon (doesn't have much movepool)
~Mr. Mime (Psychic, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt
~Medicham can b-pass to another pokemon, so as to not break the chain. Brick Break, Rock Slide, Shadow Ball
~Girafarig has many of the same benefits of mr.mime, save the special defense. girafarig has access to psychic, t-bolt, and now crunch. Baton passes agility as well.
~Dragonite has the versatility and covers most moves not covered - Ice Beam, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, and return as a filler. Please not that aside from vaporeon, nothing baton passes ice beam, so this is as good as you will get. Except maybe swampert, which gets STAB in Earthquake

{jolteon} / {ninjask}
{mr.mime} / {espeon} / {girafarig}
{dragonite} / {swampert}

Liampie wrote:
{camerupt} {tropius} {ludicolo} {kyogre} {blaziken} {salamence} **

Camerupt Lv 77 @ Shell Bell
-Rock Slide
Overheat hasn't got much PP, so I use Eruption instead of it if the HP is full. Are there alternatives for Rock Slide?
No, rock slide is very good. Eruption isn't - bare in mind that it only works if he attacks with high hp. He's slow, and has a whole bunch of weaknesses. Flamethrower would be much better. Explosion would be nice as well, instead of Overheat.

Tropius Lv 76 @ Shell Bell
-Magical Leaf
I like this as my safari zone/cut slave. Rock Smash, Sweet scent, Fly, Cut. Sweet Scent has its uses, as it distinguishes Tropy as something unique.

Ludicolo Lv 77 @ Leftovers
-Fake Out
-Rain Dance
Absorb isn't very strong, but beside that I think this is a pretty good one. Anyone disagree?
I do - ice beam/surf, even against Swampert, is more powerful than 20 base power. Breed please, and put on Leech Seed, Mega Drain, Rain Dance, Surf. Here, the doubling of power actually regains significant HP.

Kyogre Lv 77
-Ice Beam
-Water Spout
Should I replace Water Spout for Thunder?
Waterspout for thunder. Waterfall for surf. dive for calm mind.

Blaziken Lv 79 @ Amulet Coin
-Sky Uppercut
-Rock Smash*
-Blaze Kick
focus energy > rock smash. Hold a scope lens. Now you have critiken.

Salamence Lv 77
-Secret Power*
Secret power is okay for paralysis, but dragon claw > dragonbreath (level up), and Earthquake/crunch > cut.

HM Moves are really bad, and thus all but Surf and fly (but thats on stall teams) are to be avoided.

*I won't delete this moves.
** I'll keep this pokemon, and I won't breed.

Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:42 pm
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My Pupitar
HP 70 82 - 91 0 - 3
Attack x1.1 84 60 - 70 29 - 31
Defense 70 47 - 56 17 - 19
Special Attack x0.9 65 39 - 47 20 - 26
Special Defense 70 47 - 56 4 - 6
Speed 51 35 - 44 28 - 31

And Larvitar that has got a 20-31 Iv:s in every stat except attack and Defense. I think i continue breeding from these two..
It has Excellent Attack (29-31) and Speed (28-31). A Decent SpAtt for Tyraniboah(20-26). If i dont want the 31 IV 404 Hp version, would this be ok? It supposed to be a Physical sweeper with Dragon dance.

HP 50 40 - 44 20 - 26
Attack x1.1 64 26 - 30 6 - 11
Defense 50 20 - 24 7 - 13
Special Attack x0.9 45 16 - 20 24 - 29
Special Defense 50 20 - 24 27 - 31

Speed 41 17 - 21 25 - 31
And Larvitar that has got a 20-31 Iv:s in every stat except attack and Defense. I think i continue breeding from these two..

HP 70 94 - 104 29 - 31
Attack x1.1 84 69 - 81 21 - 23
Defense 70 54 - 64 15 - 17
Special Attack x0.9 65 45 - 54 25 - 27
Special Defense 70 54 - 64 9 - 11
Speed 51 40 - 51 7 - 9
Now this is annoying. I dont know is it 29. 30 or 31 at the HP IV. And i only have 30 rare candies to test it which i already used.

HP 70 82 - 91 14 - 16
Attack x1.1 84 60 - 70 29 - 31
Defense 70 47 - 56 10 - 13
Special Attack x0.9 65 39 - 47 27 - 29
Special Defense 70 47 - 56 20 - 23
Speed 51 35 - 44 28 - 31
Weel I ecently found that I already used the sub-tutor. So this is without HP and defense the best probably yet. The speed (31, tested with Grandpa IV) is Perfect, Attack (29-31) nearly perfect. SpAtt is also Outstanding if I want clone this and make Tyraniboah. SpDef is Decent and Hp and Defense arent so good, but they arent terrible. I probably now start training this...

I axidently got yet another egg. Luckily, it has a superb IV:s for physical sweeper. Rate please?
91 - 102 28 - 30
Attack x1.1 84 68 - 79 27 - 29
Defense 70 52 - 63 19 - 21
Special Attack x0.9 65 44 - 53 0 - 2
Special Defense 70 52 - 63 31 - 31
Speed 51 39 - 50 28 - 30

I'm happier than ever.

By St. Jimmy.

If you have any problems with breeding, Egg moves, IV:s or EV:s, you can ask me. Feel free to ask other things related to competive battling.

Fri May 02, 2008 11:41 am
Bug Catcher
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I have a mainly offensive team the moves for my pokemon aren't complete yet for all but are for some.
This isn't natured and there gunna be moved to Pearl.

{machamp} @ Gentle

Brick Break
Bulk Up
Cross Chop

{alakazam} @ Hasty

Shadow Ball
Shock Wave

{gyarados} @ Brave

Hyper Beam
Body Slam
Dragon Dance

{magneton} @ Docile

Tri Attack
Lock On
Thunder Waveap Cannon

{rhydon} @ Sassy

Horn Drill
Rock Slide
Swords Dance

{flareon} @ Mild

Sunny Day

Sun May 04, 2008 12:12 pm
Bug Catcher
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Hi, i'm a new guy on the forum... so im' sorry for any mystake (including the english's mystakes, cause i'm brazilian). I have a equip with 26 pokémons in my LEAF GREEN, on my GBA (i wanaa the DS but here in Brazil is too expensive, so i can't battle with the Wi-Fi for so long...)
I have 3 main equip's, a PHYSICAL, a SPECIAL and a 'ANOTHER', i'll post my Physical, after the Special and the 'Another', please if there any problem tell me.

Obs: I don't have many items, cause i just have the LEAF GREEN and i don't have another friend with the game :( , so my only battles is in the Elite Four 8-) , i never test this 3 equip's against another 'human trainer'.


{gyarados} @ Cheri Berry
ADAMANT - 252 Atk 252 Spe 6 Sp.Def
HP - Rock
Dragon Dance

{snorlax} @ Leftovers
ADAMANT - 252 Atk 252 Hp 6 Sp.Def
Body Slam (STAB)
Shadown Ball
Belly Drum

{dragonite} @ Leftovers
ADAMANT - 252 Atk 252 Spe 6 Sp.Def
Wing Attack (STAB)
Brick Break
Dragon Dance

{tyranitar} @ Rawst Berry
ADAMANT - 252 Atk 128 Def 128 Sp.Def
Crunch (STAB)
Rock Slide (STAB)
Dragon Dance

{heracross} @ Black Belt
ADAMANT - 252 Atk 252 Spe 6 Sp.Def
Brick Break (STAB)
Megahorn (STAB)
Bulk Up

{ledian} @ Cheri Berry BATTON PASSER
TIMID - 252 Spe 252 Sp.Def 6 HP
Swords Dance
Light Screen
Batton Pass


{jolteon} @ Cheri Berry
MODEST - 252 Sp.Atk 252 Spe 6 HP
Thunderbolt (STAB)
Batton Pass

{magmar} @ Black Belt
MODEST - 252 Sp.Atk 252 Spe 6 Sp.Def
Flamethrower (STAB)
Sunny Day *
Cross Chop
Confuse Ray

{exeggutor} @ Rawst Berry *(Chlorophyll, double the Speed)
MODEST - 252 Sp.Atk 252 Spe 6 Def
Sunny Day*
Solar Beam (STAB) *(One turn only to Attack)
Psychic (STAB)

{dragonite} @ Leftovers
MODEST - 252 Sp.Atk 252 Spe 6 HP
Dragon Claw (STAB)
Fire Blast
Ice Beam
Thunder Wave

{slowbro} @ Leftovers
MODEST - 252 Sp.Atk 252 HP 6 Sp.Def
Psychic (STAB)
Surf (STAB)

{mr. mime} @ Chesto Berry BATTON PASSER
TIMID - 252 Spe 252 Sp.Def 6 Sp.Atk
Calm Mind
Batton Pass
Psychic (STAB)

ANOTHER - Amazing, i can win the Elite Four with this equip, but i'm not sure about the Power of it.

{ninetales} @ Cheri Berry PYROSHUFLER
TIMID - 252 Spe 252 Sp.Def 6 Sp.Atk
Will o' Wisp
Flamethrower (STAB)

{tentacruel} @ Lax Incense POISON TRAPPER
CAREFUL - 252 Sp.Def 252 Spe 6 Atk

{blissey} @ Rawsty Berry
CALM - 252 HP 252 Sp.Def 6 Sp.Atk
Ice Beam
Light Screen

{vaporeon} @ Leftovers
CALM - 252 HP 128 Sp.Def 128 Sp.Atk
Surf (STAB)
Acid Armor
Batton Pass

{wobbuffet} @ Leftovers COUNTER
BOLD - 252 Sp.Def 252 Def 6 HP
Mirror Coat
Destiny Bound

{muk} @ Rawsty Berry
ADAMANT - 252 Atk 128 HP 128 Def
Sludge Bomb (STAB)
Acid Armor

I'm Sorry if it's too much big, but i don't know the rules, and please RATING MY TEAM.


Thu May 08, 2008 3:54 pm
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Pupitar should have had more HP and SpDef. The attack and speed are good. You should run a dragon dance set, but don't rebreed unless its for the IVs as well.

The Larvitar's attack is waaaaaaaaaay too low. Sorry, toss.
The attack is still too low - needs to be above a 26. And that defense/special defense should be 21+.
HP is still abbysmal, at 14-16 - try for above 20

OMG, finally, yes, go with it.
HP 28 - 30
Attack 27 - 29
Defense 19 - 21
Special Attack 0 - 2
Special Defense 31 - 31
Speed 28 - 30

HyperNurd wrote:
I have a mainly offensive team the moves for my pokemon aren't complete yet for all but are for some.
This isn't natured and there gunna be moved to Pearl.
This isn't a "DP Migration" Rating room - it is a Hoenn rating room - you need to go to the Battle Tower to get DP Teams rated.
{machamp} @ Gentle

Brick Break
Bulk Up
Cross Chop
I'd go with Adamant nature, personally. Bulk Up is a bit challenging, most prefer choice banded guts

{alakazam} @ Hasty

Shadow Ball
Shock Wave
Shadow Ball is physical in this generation. Shock wave is special, yes, but pales in comparison to thunderpunch. Ice Punch > Shadow Ball, btw.
As for the nature, Modest/Timid is much preffered - question of power or speed.

{gyarados} @ Brave

Hyper Beam
Body Slam
Dragon Dance
No. Start over. Adamant (no special moves for him), Dragon Dance (oh, you have that), Earthquake, HP Flying/Rock (Physical - HP Flying for STAB, HP Rock for flyers), and either Return or Substitute.

{magneton} @ Docile

Tri Attack
Lock On
Thunder Waveap Cannon
No. Thunderbolt, Thunderwave, HP Ice/Fire (other magnetons), and Substitute. Modest/Timid nature is best - the speed can use some work.

{rhydon} @ Sassy

Horn Drill
Rock Slide
Swords Dance
Horn Drill is a crapshoot - 30% is not good. Megahorn is much better. Earthquake, not dig.

{flareon} @ Mild

Sunny Day
About as good as you will get. Shadow Ball > Toxic, its physical Here is where you may want dig, though Sunny Day/Toxic may serve better.

More after dinner.

Fri May 09, 2008 5:26 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

Joined: Fri May 09, 2008 10:43 pm
Posts: 3
My unoffical offical emerald team

{swampert} lvl 70
Brave nature
mystic water
-take down
-muddy water

{swellow} lvl 71
Hardy nature
Amulet coin
-Aerial ace
-wing attack
-steel wing

{lombre} lvl 43
Gentle nature
No item

{flygon} lvl 49
No item
-Faint attack

{cradily} lvl 40
adamant nature
soft sand
-confuse ray
Havent worked with him much...

{rayquaza} lvl 81
quirky nature
-Hyper beam
-fire blast

:P I know they are a little... weird... but they work. I guess. Right now I have no solid team as I am working on evolving my pretties. Unnormal means its not always in my team

Fri May 09, 2008 11:32 pm
Pokemon Trainer
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my emerald team
zapdos lv: 100
moves:shockwave, drillpeck,thunder,thunderbolt
rayquazer lv 100
latios lv 50
hoho lv100
lugia lv 100
meganium lv 100


Sat May 10, 2008 5:03 am
Psychic Trainer
Psychic Trainer
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Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:43 pm
Posts: 73
Location: Avie by Pikachu420
Venusaur 100 Leftovers Bold
Hp 303 SA 220
At 194 SD 209
De 218 Sp 243
Razor Leaf Solarbeam
Earthquake Leech Seed(For Now)

Articuno 100 Nevermeltice Brave
Hp 316 SA 218
At 238 SD 296
De 270 Sp 192
Sheer Cold Ice Beam
Aerial Ace Fly

Moltres 100 Charcoal Lonely
Hp 305 SA 294
At 276 SD 212
De 198 Sp 243
Flamethrower Fire Blast
Aerial Ace Fly

Zapdos 100 Magnet Adamant
Hp 315 SA 249
At 255 SD 226
De 234 Sp 261
Thunder Drill Peck
Shock Wave Fly

Mewtwo 100 Leftovers Careful
Hp 359 SA 338
At 268 SD 249
De 224 Sp 1310
Psychic Future Sight
Swift Earthquake

and Rayquaza or Mew.
So How is it?

Image <Joey90

Sat May 10, 2008 8:23 am
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