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 New Battle Roles 
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Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer
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Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:18 pm
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I think we all have based atleast one pokemon on a battle role, and there aren't enough, I'd like to hear any idea for a new battle role.
Here are some of mine;

The Setter.
Simular to a Baton Passer without any passing, this pokemon sets up for a sweeper in the team.

{ludicolo} @ Damp Rock
Calm / Rain Dish
252 HP / 129 Def / 129 Sp Def
Leech Seed
Rain Dance

Toxic, then leech seed, tickle until close death then rain dance.

Utility Belt.
This pokemon uses moves that are helpful in a sticky situation.

{blastoise} @ Leftovers
Adamant / Torrent
252 Atk / 252 Sp Def / 6 HP
Rapid Spin

I'd like to see your ideas because they're likely to be alot better than mine.
Any input at all would be appreciated.

thanks to hammy.

Wed May 21, 2008 2:22 pm
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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For 3rd generation: (Works maybe even better on fourth (Taunt has five turn affect instead of 2))

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Bold | Synchronize
252 Hp 128 Def 128 SpDef
-Baton pass
-Mean look/Toxic

Taunter. This stops stat-uppers. Also a healer with Wish. Umbreon is probably the best because it is pretty tankish.

By St. Jimmy.

If you have any problems with breeding, Egg moves, IV:s or EV:s, you can ask me. Feel free to ask other things related to competive battling.

Thu May 22, 2008 2:25 am
Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger
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Actually, if I'm not mistaken, the existing battle roles are the ones that really max out the Pokemon's potential. other roles may already have been considred, it's just that the existing ones are the best. :wink:

Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:06 pm
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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Actually, to succeed in current metagame, you just can't slap together 6 pokemon that are like physical tank, special tank, 2 physical and 2 special sweepers. Team needs to be affecting each other. Like using things like status absorber or set-upper (Like before)

Uber tier:

Giratina @ Lefties (Status absorber)
Impish | Pressure
252 Hp 244 Def 12 SpDef
-Sleep talk
-Dragon claw
Absorbs Wispes, Thunder Waves and Dark Voids. Walls too.

Kyogre @ Choice Scarf
Modest | Drizzle
4 Hp 252 SpA 252 Spd
-Water spout
-Ice beam
-Surf / Hydro pump / Waterfall / Aqua tail
Set-up rain. Spout causes some incredibly massive damage. Last slot makes up lowered power of Spout. Idea is to be Endless-Rain supporter to Swift swimmer such as Kingdra (Which I use as replacement of Mewtwo). Same thing can be used with Groudon and Clorophyll and Solar Power pokemon.


Heracross @ Choice band / Choice scarf
Adamant | Guts
104 Hp 252 Att 152 Spd
-Close combat
-Stone edge
-Sleep talk
Switch to Hypnosis or Spore. Then just launch incredibly powerful Guts boosted attacks. You must switch out tough after you've used Sleep talk.

Tyranitar @ Choice band
Adamant | Sand stream
252 Att 252 Hp 4 SpDef
-Stone edge
This set-ups Brightpowder Garchomp or Gliscor, by giving Sand veil boost. You can use maybe Hippowdon but T-tar is in my opinion little better. The great thing in T-tar that you don't need to use move that activates weather, you can just attack. This can also possibly take out the two main counters of Garchomp: Skarmory and Bronzong. So great teamplayer too.

Dewgong @ Damp Rock
Modest | Hydration
252 Hp 4 Def 252 SpAtt
-Rain dance
-Ice beam
Hydration is nice, you can REst and wake up immediately. (In rain) Rest of any damage and absorb status, while launching powerful Surfes. Great.
Dewgong can also be used as set-uper, in conjuction with Swift swim Kabutops.

(All sets from Smogon)

By St. Jimmy.

If you have any problems with breeding, Egg moves, IV:s or EV:s, you can ask me. Feel free to ask other things related to competive battling.

Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:51 am
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