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 Pokemon: Generation 4.5 {Revived-Place Applications on 10} 
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Genre: Adventure

Rating: E 10+

Setting: The Kronoah Islands (A large portion of islands that lay between the continents of Hoenn and Sinnoh) Various ferries carry people from island to another, making transportation easier for those without the ability 'Surf'.

Plot: A new adventure begins for 4 lucky children when they are given their very first pokedex and sent off to explore the world of pokemon. They must first overcome the obstacles of the islands that are their home and collect the four Kronoah Badges before they can venture off into the other countries. However, there is a certain evil lurking within the shadows of these fated islands. Team Kaos has just been born from a small group of bandits and is quickly building themselves to be quite the threat on these islands. It's up to these children adn their beloved pokemon to not only venture the world, but put a halt to Team Kaos's path to victory.

1) Obviously, follow all the forum rules
2) You may only have 1 pokemon (since you're just beginning anyway); It will be level 5
3) Your pokemon may have 1 Egg Move, but not a TM
4) No legendaries or ancients as a starter (Don't worry, they'll come in later!)
5) There will only be 4 applicants (including myself) There may be more alter on though
6) I'm trying to keep this as an active RP, so please, don't hold back!
7) If any of these rules were broken, you'll recieve 1 warning, after that, I'm just going to tell you to leave. If that warning should arise, you will see this by your name: {jynx} if i ban you from it, you'll see this: {dunsparce} But I doubt that'll happen



Nickname: (optional)
Anything else we should know about you or your pokemon:

Here's Mine-

Name: Jimmy
Age: 15
Appearance Image
Personality: Young and ambitious, he dreams of becoming the pokemon champion and won't give up until he gets there. He's very c0cky and thinks highly of himself, even at the lowest of times. He's very optimistic of the future and is easy to get along with, he'll also do anything for a good friend, especially if its his own pokemon. His intelligence is much higher than he leads people to believe.
History: He was raised as a normal boy on the Kronoah Islands, and spent most of his life in various schools for pokemon studies; Mainly Dark and Poison types. They always seemed to fascinate him. He was born into a wealthy family, but cares little for money and the 'good things' in life. He's happy just living simply. His grandfather also own the only laboratory on the island, giving him access to all the book he could ever read. It was just recently that he was given an egg that his grandfather was using for studies; Once it had hatched a Pidgey was born. This was given to Jimmy as a birthday present. Recently, his grandfather had given him the task to find 3 other children to help him with his studies. Jimmy is now on the search for three other kids that he hopes will help him.
Pokemon: {pidgey}
Gender: Male
Nickname: ---
Personality: Still being very young, it's not very strong, but it's speed is impeccable. Although not yet being able to master the Brave Bird, it makes good use of the sand-Attack technique. It seems to share the same dream as Jimmy and sometimes stays pirched on his shoulder, but it is normally inside its ball.
-Brave Bird (EGG)
Anything else we should know about you or your pokemon: After an attempt at the Brave Bird technique, Pidgey was deeply injured. It now has a large scar going down it's right wing.

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Last edited by Saint_Jimmy on Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat May 31, 2008 7:43 pm
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Name: Jamie
Age: 16
Appearance: Image
Personality: Highly sarcastic and witty, Jamie is often seen as arrogant by others. However he is extremely loyal to what few friends he makes and would do anything for them. Although not the most confident of people he is able to stand up for himself but often hesitates when decisions need to be made. He is highly intelligent and insults people he deems to be unworthy of breathing oxygen.
History: Jamie was raised alone by his father and the two have a close bond. However his fathers job required them to move around a lot. During his childhood he was very quiet and withdrawn. He was bullied as a young child and developed several insecurities and grew to be fearful of strangers and very shy in their presence. As such he never interacted that well with people and preferred to spend his time playing video games instead of playing outside like a normal child. His father spent his time trying to convince him that he should socialise more so he could learn about the feelings of other people instead of spending his time with machines, hoping to finally convince his son he acquired an egg from the nature reserve where he worked on the Kronoah Islands after the mother was killed by a Drapion and gave it to him. The egg recently hatched into a baby Bidoof. Jamie quickly built a friendship with the Bidoof and spent most of his time outdoors with it.
Pokemon: {bidoof}
Gender: Male
Nickname: Ted
Personality: As he is still very young, Ted is very curious about anything new he meets. He has a strong bond with his trainer and often shows his affection by nibbling the bottom of his jeans, often tearing holes in them. He seems to enjoy being around people and will often squeak when left alone.
-Aqua Tail (EGG)

Anything else we should know about you or your pokemon: Because of the unfounded hatred of Bidoof by most trainers, they do not take Jamie seriously and think of him as an idiot. Because of this behaviour Jamie is quick to insult anybody that are negative towards Ted.

Last edited by 2x4b on Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:19 pm
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You're in, 2 more people and we'll start

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Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:39 pm
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Name: Mikayla
Age: 12
Appearence: Image
Personality: Optimistic, but can be very stubborn at times. Sees no problem with things most people would call weird or gross.
History: Mikayla lives with her mother, who is a nurse at the Pokemon Center. (No her name is not Joy) Mikayla has always loved being with Pokemon, and on her 12th bitrthday, her mother gave her an Pokemon egg, which soon hatched into a Sentret. Ever since then, Mikayla does nothing but play with the Pokemon, which she named Chibi

Pokemon: {sentret}
Gender: Female
Nickname: Chibi
Personality: Very shy, but loves Mikayla. She will do anything for her Trainer.
-Defense Curl
-Trick (EGG)


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:39 pm
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You're in.....good to see you again =D

By the way...I love how we're all Normal type lol

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Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:44 pm
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Good to see you again to, Jimmy.

Omigosh I just noticed that... wow, I really am oblivious


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:46 pm
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Hehe, I hadn't noticed that. Btw just wondering, where did you guys get those anime style characters? :p

Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:50 pm
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i just googled the character i wanted it to look like [code geass ftw!]

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Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:13 pm
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Location: Why do you want to know, Stalker McGee?
]Name: [/b]Cs
Age: 18
Appearence: Image
Personality: Cs is a guy who is a He is narcissistic, rude, and some know him to be perverted. Sometimes, that changes, and he is quite the opposite, but that doesn't happen often. He is often not afraid of things, and will dive into ANY situation he well wants to. The only thing that actually scares him, is a disgruntled pokemon bigger than he is.
History: Raised in a big city, he quickly adapted to the loud noises and quick rush of the area he lived in. There he lived, with his twin sister, his rich mother, and his scientist dad. As soon as he went to school, he started to show the personality he has now. The psychatrist and his parents never knew why. After his long streak known as life, he left where he lived to pursue his life goal, which was to get a pokemon. (His parents feared that he would do horrible things with one.) He had many jobs, and were fired from them. Soon, he had enough money to catch a boat to the Kronoah islands. After getting there, a delusional old man offered him an egg, for a price. In the old man's delusion, he was conning Cs by selling a Magikarp egg to him. In reality, he was selling him a Mudkip egg. Short story shorter, the egg hatched, and Cs was on his way, throughout the islands.
Pokemon: {mudkip}
Nickname: Many names, though Muddy is common
Personality: After spending her whole, young life with Cs, she started to become the yin to his yang. She often tries to reason to Cs to try not to do his crazy antics, kind of like a mother.
-Bite (EGGY!)

Anything else we should know about you or your pokemon: Muddy often stays out of her pokeball, and on Cs's right shoulder.


Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:25 pm
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And we're good!

It was a warm summer morning when Jimmy was on his way to the lab. "Ugh...why does he need me so eary? Not even the pokemon are awake yet." He yawned as the salty breeze blew the hair out of his face. Once he'd gotten to the lab he pressed the door hard. It being old, made a loud creak and he could feel the heat from the inside engulf his body. "Jimmy!" "Hey Grandpa..." "Come, come. I've got something to show you!" His raspy voice and scruff appearance always made him look intimidating at first glance. This made many people avoid him. "Well hurry up." Jimy staggered over, still very tired. "A Pokedex." And just like that, Jimmy was wide awake. "A pokedex?? Just like that??" "Provided, you use it to help me with my research." "Research?" "Yes, you see...I'm too old to continue on my own. I need someone young to help me...someone like you." "But Gramps, I can't do it on my own." "Ahhhh, but that brings me to my next favor. I want you to get 3 more people to help you, make sure they are trustworthy!" "Got it." Jimmy nodded understandingly. "Once you find a few friends, please bring them back here." "Ok, Gramps"

An houror two later Jimmy found himself wandering the island aimlessly. "Geez...where am I supposed to find people in a place like this? It's practically deesolate." He turned his head toward the Pidgey perched on his shoulder. "You wanna look around some?" It nodded excitedly and took off into the sky. "Come back soon!"

[[Hey Gonga, your character seems like it'd be more for Kaos, it should make for an interesting story =D]]

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Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:00 pm
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[[Hee hee hee, every forum that I post that rpofile on, the inhabitants ask if he is evil. lol]]

Cs had been in a good mood since he had came to the island. "Whoo, this island has been a decent place. I have a Mudkip, I have some money, I have no one bugging me..." Muddy just smiled. "Well, now I am bored. Let's get something to eat." Cs noticed a berry tree, guarded by a Mankey. "Ahhh, damn."

[[Short post. Damnation.]]


Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:40 am
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Mikayla gave a large yawn as she walked down the dirt path by her house with her Sentret traveling on her shoulder. Summer always made her sleepy.
"Hey Chibi, what do you want to do today?" Mikayla asked. Chibi gave a blank look, and then pointed at a berry tree.
"You want a berry? Okay." Mikayla approached the tree and was hit in the head with a rock. Rubbing her head in pain, she looked around and found the culprit: a Mankey had planted itself in the tree and looked determined to keep anyone away from "it's tree."
"Hey! Knock it off!" Mikayla shouted. The Makey merely laughed and threw another rock at her
"Grr, you'll pay for that you little brat." she said. The Mankey jumped farther up in the tree and grabbed one of the berries, taunting Mikayla even further.
"Okay, if you think that's funny, watch this. Chibi, use Trick!" The Sentret nodded and soon Mankey was no longer holding the berry and was then holding a leaf. Mikayla laughed as she held up the Mankey's berry and gave it to Chibi, who ate it happily.
"See ya, loser!" Mikayla said cheerfully to the fuming Mankey as she walked off.


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:25 pm
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As Pidgey soared, it put its keen eyes to good use and spied not only a Sentret, but a Mudkip just a few yards away. "It called out to the two pokemon loudly with a squawk. Once it landed on the ground, it hopped around chirping, trying to get the attention of the two others. As he hopped across the ground, he heard loud shrieking from the tree above. An angry mankey was now glaring at him from thew branches above. Pidgey called out lo9uder to the two pokemon, hoping for support.

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Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:07 pm
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Chibi's ears perked up at the sound of the Pidgey. She alerted Mikayla, who turned on the spot to see what Chibi found.
"Hey, its a Pidgey!" she said. Mikayla ran up to the frantic Pidgey and crouched down to it's level
"What's wrong 'lil Pidgey?" She was answered by loud shrieking courtesy of the Mankey she tricked earlier. Mikayla stood up again and smirked
"Hey Mankey, what's up?" The Mankey shrieked again and jumped down from the branches, landing on the ground in front of Mikayla and the Pidgey. It jumped up and down in anger and pointed at Mikayla
"Are you saying you want to battle?" The Mankey nodded
"Okay. Chibi, you up for it?" said Sentret shook her head and hid behind Mikayla's head
"Well, Chibi doesn't wanna battle, so you're out of luck Mankey. See ya." Mikayla walked off again and rejoined the Pidgey.


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:26 pm
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Muddy noticed the Pidgey, while Cs was trying to get a berry via poking one with a very large stick. While her master was preoccupied, Muddy walked over to the Pidgey. "Mudkip?" Cs, after getting a berry, walked to the blue fish. "Fishy, what's up with the Pidgey?" But then, he saw Mikayla. "Who the hell are you? And is that less-than-satisfied Mankey yours?"


Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:43 am
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The Mankey's eyes glowed as if it was leering at them. Pidgey continued to chirp to the Senret, trying to get it to follow him. Luckily, the Mudkip approached him as well. He let out a happy "Pidgey!" and rose his wings into the air, but quickly lowered them once he saw the Mankey approach closer. "Mankey...." It rose it's arms and let out another shriek.

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Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:57 am
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"My name's Mikayla, Mr. High-and-Mighty. Anyways, the Mankey's not mine, it's just a wild one that's mad at me 'cause I Tricked it out of a berry. Then it wanted to battle me and I said no. So yeah, it's a mad Mankey."


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:22 pm
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((Sorry guys, I had completely forgotten about this. I'll try and catch up as best I can))

A warm summer breeze drifted through the trees near the pond where Jamie was sat on the bank. His Bidoof, Ted, was paddling around the shallow waters, it's usual vacant expression replaced with one of joy. Jamie smiled... The little Bidoof was so trusting of everything around him. Ted continued to swim for a couple more minutes before scrabbling up onto the bank beside Jamie.

"Have a good time?" Jamie asked.

Ted squeaked his approval and shook himself dry, showering Jamie with droplets of water. As he turned away he noticed Ted had risen up onto his hindquarters and his ears were twitching, obviously listening to something. Jamie listened himself but couldn't hear anything. Suddenly Ted went down onto all fours and sprinted off. For a stereotypically sluggish Pokemon, Bidoof were quite agile.

"Ted come back! Where are you going!?" Jamie shouted as he got up and ran after him.

Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:09 am
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is it to late to enter?

Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:16 pm
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(Yeah, it is too late. Sorry)


^^^spongedude made this. He is AWESOME!!

Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:26 pm
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(I actually PMed S_J, and he said he could deal with a 5th member, sooo...)

Name: Louis
Age: 15
Appearance: Male, scruffy mid-length red hair, hazel eyes, slightly pale skin, blue t-shirt, black pants, gray tennis shoes
Personality: Adventurous, kinda clumsy and lazy, is generally kind, but a bit pessimistic.
History: Louis simply didn't see his life going anywhere with school, and his parents seemed overly disciplinary, so the day after his fifteenth birthday party, he ran from home in time to get on a boat headed for the Kronoah Islands. Unfortunately, with no money to purchase a ticket, he was forced to hide in cargo as a stowaway. He was barely able to rescue a Ralts out of a crate of canned peaches, and revived it back to health using the food around him. Seeing as the Ralts had no home, he decided to take it along with him. The two found their way safely to the first island where he'd heard of an old professor that may be able to help him.

Pokemon: {ralts}
Gender: Male
Nickname: ---
Personality: A lot like Louis in being scruffy and homeless. It hovers off the ground seeing as otherwise it would be very slug-like. Its main move is Confusion, but can, for some unknown reason, use Shadow Sneak as if it were a ghost to sneak behind its opponent and headbutt it with its one red horn. Normally, it's levitative movement would be too slow for such a thing, so Shadow Sneak is the only way for it to do something physical to its opponent. It also travels outside a ball since Louis does not own one.
-Shadow Sneak (EGG)
Anything else we should know about you or your pokemon: When not in battle, Ralts is sometimes clumsy because, without eyes, it must see things with its psychic ability by sending a contiuous psychic wave from its horn.

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:30 pm
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Approved, sorry BlackWarrior, I didn't see your post until just now, if I'd seen I would have approved. But I fear there actually may be too many by this point, sorry.

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Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:57 pm
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(Sweet! And sorry, BlackWarrior ^^;)

Louis barely was barely able to breathe, for fear that the boat's crew might see through Ralts's illusion. He was hugging a tree as Ralts quietly focused inside his backpack. His head was turned so he could clearly see a crewman of the ship he had just left walk right past him. Suddenly the crewman turned to look directly into Louis's eyes. Just as Louis braced himself to sprint away, the crewman called, "I don't see 'im anywhere! Bugger's got fast legs for 'un of his years!"

He heard another call behind him. "No point continuin' this ghost chase. Ever'body, back to the ship, we've customers a'waitin'!"

It became clear to Louis that the man was simply staring through him as he ran back in the direction he came. Louis waited until all he heard was the birds chirping and the leaves rustling, then heaved a sigh, looking back at the ship. Being a stowaway appeared to be everything but easy, and he hoped never to experience it again. He lifted his pack off his shoulders and set it on the ground. "You can stop now, they're gone." he called into the open pack.He heard a slightly high-pitched sigh as Ralts lifted its head out of the pack. It wasn't able to see as long as it was sending out the ray of confusion which rendered them invisible, and so had to be told when to stop. Louis crouched down and patted it's head lightly. "Great job, man, they didn't notice a thing. Boy, if you weren't here...thanks for help, little guy." It let out a weak, but happy "Ral." Louis chuckled lightly. "Well, we're off the ship now. You can go wherever you want, or you can keep traveling with me. I won't force you either way."

It crawled back in his pack.

"I'll take that as one vote 'stay.'" he chuckled, heaving the satchel, heavy with canned food, back on his back, and beginning his trek through the thin forest, in search of the professor of the islands.

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:43 pm
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As the tempermenta Mankey grew nearer, Pidgey looked around for support, knowing there was little chance he could take it on his own. Suddenly there was rustling in the bushes nearby and as Mankey looked, Pidgey blew a gust to the ground. Sand rose quickly, obscuring the Mankey's view as it shrieked louder and flailed wildly. Pidgey quickly made its distance from the crazed pokemon.

Later at the lab, the professor and his assistant were doing research on a newly found fossil. "What is it, sir?" "I'm not quite looks to be very small though, I know that much." They studied longer and as hours past, they still knew nothing. The professor sighed and rose to his feet, fixing his glasses. "Would you do me a favor, please?" "Uh-Yes sir, what is it?" "Go and fetch Jimmy for me...we won';t be able to do anymore with this fossil." He looked don't at it in disappointment. He quickly glanced to his assistant. "Well go on!" The assisntant jumped to his feet and put on his long lab coat. He was quickly out the door. " tiny friend...." He poked at the fossil with a pencil. "You'll soon be in least there they can work with you...and we'll have a whole new breed." He gave an old smile.

EDIT: Meanwhile, Jimmy had dozed off and awoke to the loud shrieking. "What the...Pidgey?" He looked around frantically before jumping to his feet. Where is he? Why didn't he come back? What happened? He ran as fast as he could toward the noise, hoping he wouldn't be too late. By the time he'd arrived he saw there to be four pokemon and two other people at the scene. "What the---who are you guys?" He saw the shrieking Mankey flailing in blindness and smiled in relief. Good....he's okay... Pidgey squaked loudly as he flew back into Jimmy's arms. Jimmy looked up at the others, now ignoring the crazed pokemon. "Who are you guys?"

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Last edited by Saint_Jimmy on Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:29 pm
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Louis had been walking for about half an hour. The sun had begun to set and, having found no lab or professor, Louis was about ready to set up camp when a shrieking echoed through the forest. Having nowhere else to go, Louis ran towards the sound.

Two people around his age and a few pokemon, namely a Sentret, Mudkip, and Pidgey, were circled around a figure in the middle of a large dust cloud which, upon closer examination, appeared to be a Mankey. Even Ralts stuck its head out of the pack to watch it in its chaotic fury as it lashed out blindly at nothing. Louis walked up to the congregation that seemed to be avoiding it. "Jeez, what'd who do to get him like that?" he asked, looking around, trying to evaluate each person.

Daco wrote:
I swear, if one of those guys said "the cake is a lie" one more time, all of their a$$e$ woulda been mine.

'Das my brother. >=]

Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:38 pm
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