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 Your Own Pokémon Theories 
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I was heavily inspired by Butterfree's Opinions page (and random fanfics and topics I've read) when I thought about starting this thread. Let's hope it works.

So, do you have any theories on any Pokémon subject? Has anyone ever thought about how exactly a Pokéball works? Does anyone wonder how it's possible for a Pokémon to change its whole phisiology when evolving, and why it happens? Has anyone ever speculated on how in the world a Pokémon is able to learn a technique that is, for some weird reason, stored in a disc? Can anyone explain to me the true origin of the Pokéverse? These are just some examples I thought right now, but you can post anything you want that you've thought about. Let's discuss those ideas inteligently.

Now, I don't want anyone to answer these "questions" with official information provided by the Animé, Mangá or games. You can use those sources to base your theories, only; you need to give out your own, personal thoughs, things you imagined by yourself.

I think I'm going to start with something somewhat easy because I'm still working on the more complex stuff.

Has anyone ever wondered how Pokémon can breath fire?

Fire-types are born with that ability and they are able to produce fire naturally, without the need of external energies or magic (those are only enabled when there's the need to shape or bend the fire spit, like in a whirl). I believe there is a specialized gland located either in a portion of the stomach or lung (which will then define from where the fire spit comes out of; the mouth or the nose) that produces the chemical substances that enable combustion. The Pokémon must take a deep breath or inhale a big amount of oxygen, and when the gas makes contact with the fire-production gland, it reacts with radicals secreted there to produce the flames. The flames, now completely produced, use a pression difference to take the opposite way the atmospheric oxygen took to arrive at the gland (either the esophagus or the trachea) until it reaches either the nasal or oral cavities, from where it comes out at full power. Naturally, the structures involved in the process are heavily covered with a thick and powerful cell layer to avoid the massive burn.

Non-fire (or non-part fire) types have to rely on the magical energy or the nature's energy to produce fire. The flames aren't produced by any gland, but are created when the Pokémon manages to gather atmospheric oxygen and combine it with an external energy inside their mouth or nasal cavity. The flames then come out in a blast after the Pokémon inhales a massive amount of extra air, which happens simultaneously to their production. Besides that, it is necessary to store some energy to form a protective barrier so that the Pokémon's mouth or nose isn't harmed by the blisters. No wonder why non-fire types can't produce fire techniques as powerful as fire-types.

Easy easy. Now it's you guys' turn. :3


Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:33 am
Ace Trainer
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There's this topic that started about 8 months ago about the God Pokémon. Many Psypokians (including me) have been participating to this "debate". So far, we think that the ultimate God Pokémon is {arceus}. We've written many theories about the other legendaries too.

Here's the link to the thread: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21065

And my theory so far:
Dark Typhlosion wrote:

1- {arceus} was created.

2- {arceus} creates:
a) {dialga} who sets the boundaries of time,
b) {palkia} who creates the stars the planets and the moons,
c) {giratina} who momentarily controls the chaos.

3- {dialga} and {palkia} create the world. They create:
a) {rayquaza} who rules Air,
b) {groudon} who rules Earth,
c) {kyogre} who rules Water,
d) {heatran} who rules Fire,
e) {shaymin} who rules Nature.

4- {groudon} creates {regigigas} to disperse the continents over the world.

5- {regigigas} creates the Regi trio to make different terrains:
a) {regice}, the ice golem: snow and ice,
b) {regirock}, the rock golem: deserts and sand,
c) {registeel}, the steel golem: mountains and steel.

6- Meanwhile, {heatran} creates the volcanoes and {shaymin} the forests, the meadows and the grass in general.

7- {rayquaza} creates {lugia} (randomly).

8- {lugia} creates:
a) {articuno}, titan of ice and partner of {regice},
b) {moltres}, titan of fire and partner of {heatran},
c) {zapdos}, titan of electricity and lightning and partner of {registeel}.

9- {arceus} creates {mew}.

10- {mew} populates the world. They evolve into different Pokemon, that starts reproducing to create other species.

11- {kyogre} creates {manaphy}, Prince of the Seas, as an assistant, to protect the Pokemon that lives in water.

12- {shaymin} creates {celebi}, as an assistant, to help him protect Pokemon living in forests, meadows ...

13- {arceus} then creates the trio of being:
a) {mesprit}: emotion,
b) {uxie}: knowledge,
c) {azelf}: willpower,
d) the humans.

14- {giratina} now begins to control life and death. He creates:
a) {cresselia} to represent the light side of the moon and the good dreams,
b) {darkrai} to represent the dark side of the moon and the bad dreams,
c) {jirachi} to grand wishes and make miracles once a million years.

15- Anxious about the relations between the Pokemon and the humans, {arceus} creates {ho-oh}.

16- {ho-oh} creates:
a) {raikou} the embodiment of lightning, and partner of {zapdos}
b) {entei} the embodiment of fire, and partner of {heatran} and {moltres},
c) {suicune} the embodiment of wind, ice and water, and partner of {regice} and {articuno}.
These three are {ho-oh}'s eyes on humans.

17- {rayquaza} creates {latios} and {latias} to rule the sky with him. Because they can understand humans, they help {ho-oh} solving their problems.

18- {arceus} locks away {palkia}, {dialga} and {giratina} in different dimensions because of the battle that they started.

19- {rayquaza} keeps {groudon} and {kyogre} in check.
{lugia} keeps {zapdos}, {moltres} and {articuno} in check.
{ho-oh} keeps {entei}, {raikou} and {suicune} in check.
{regigigas} keeps {regirock}, {regice} and {registeel} in check.

20- {arceus}, happy with the world that he created, goes to sleep.

{arceus} is the God Pokemon.

P.S: {deoxys} came from a muted virus
{mewtwo} was created by humans.

Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:57 am
Ace Trainer
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That theory is flawed in my opinion

1- Arceus probably had no physical form until mew was created, think of Arceus as the singularity in the big bang theory it explodes create thousands of things, Mew is the first living and thus gives the creator physical form, this would mean Arceus would be able to create thins with powers while mew could give them form

2. Palkia crates worlds and Silaga at the same time cretes time, and due to the ying and yang Giratina splits everything in 2 to create another dimention

3: The weather trio were probably created by Arceus not Palkia and Dilaga as it lacks reason, additional Palkia creates space not land so 2b is false too

Heatran was created by mistake as he was made when lava pooled together so hence Groudon, Shyamin was probably created by new on a whim to extend life to world

this how bored i was and how much i disagree

4 Groudon probably didn’t create Regigigas as he only create not maintain, most likely the work of Arceus

similar to Heatran the regis were most likely created by Arceus to control some elements, this being said some pokedex entries say they were created and lack brains possibly they were made by humans to serve as keys to unlock Regigas if the world ever needed him, evidence for this is in game play (unlocking him with all three) and the 6 gems implanted on him.

6. Explained flaw

7.Rayquaza create Lugia? why guardian of air makes sea unlikely, more likely to be made by Arceus and Mew to tame seas so life may grow

8. With Lugia in control of the sea to bring further balance to elements Arceus and Mew created the bird, and due to Lugia psychic nature was appointed guardian.

Extra: No need for pairings and they maintain balance in the anime if canon "the harmony of fire, ice and lightning" and why would they be paired with different mix and match trios and legendary’s?

9. Explained flaw

10. Agreed

11. Similar situation to Heatran and Groudon, Manaphy was a mistake and just shared some duties with Lugia

side note: Manaphys offspring should be different in all regions (phione being the shinnoh) so there are likly to be one per region and one per sea (6 different if you count Manaphy as fiore's prince) so it maybe an extension of mew and life started in the sea theory

12. Again probably an extension of mew as god make plants before animals plant life came first theory empowered with protecting the cradle of life with time and power to recreate plants

13 agreed

14: A and B are just embodiments of ying and yan caused when mew made contact with humans (Cresselia being possitive and darkai being negative)
c Jirachi maybe just an aftermath of the bigbang

15: Possible

16: No partnering just resurection after tin tower burned

And no about the humans

17. Latios and Latias are guardians of the humans not the sky as there suppose to be saviours of towns

18: Yea but there probably chose to live there as its the created domain

19: yea

P.S: Castform, porygon, porygon2 and porygon z also man created, Solrock and lunatone also may not be mew related as they didn’t originate on that planet


Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:40 pm
Bug Catcher
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i believe both :D


Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:36 am
Dragon Tamer
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I don't like the fact that {arceus} is god of all Pokemon, I liked it better when {mew} was the creator of Pokemon.
And, also, what about Pokemon like {clefairy} and {deoxys} , where it's been stated that they're "not of this world"? Is there another planet with different species of Pokemon on it? If so, why are we wasting our time EV training on Bidoofs? (I hate Bidoofs.)

And, also....
....Arceus dosen't even look Godly.

A trainer's worst nightmare
Image F/C: 4167-6843-2195; Name Tetra. Fight me!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:44 am
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So lets stay on topic, thank you very much.

I have always had a thing with the move Attract. I mean, a female Gardevoir attracting a male Machamp would be fine, but then we have female Gyaradoses using attract on male Budews! I ask you! But now I have it all figured out. Anybody can find anything appealing, no matter what their nature or species is. I mean, how many times have you found yourself adoring a little kitten or baby tortoise or such? Similarly, you may look up at a great elephant and immediately start respecting its heavy bulk and bravado. This is the same with Pokémon.

P.S. Sometimes, humans (i.e. me) can find certain Pokémon appealing as well.

{gardevoir} <3

I have absolutely no time on my hands, so if you're sending me a PM for whatever reason expect to receive a reply in a few years. Try to use my e-mail if you can.

Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:34 pm
Dragon Tamer
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{froslass} <3 are we pokephiles?

but yeah that doesn't make sense since a plant can't fall in love with a fish <_<

Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:15 pm
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