I know there must be some people here who have heard of Sigur Rós, but everyone I ask in real life gives me a blank stare and ask, "Who?" Basically, I'm asking if someone has heard their music and what of it do they like.
I heard about Sigur Rós from my uncle, and at first I didn't think much of them until of heard more of their music from other albums. They're only the second band I've seen live (the first I have actually paid for), and the only band I ever paid to have music of. I bought my first album a week and a half ago, Hvarf/Heim.
I suppose if you've never heard of them, then I strongly suggest you listen to some of their music. They sing in Icelandic (because they're from there) and sometimes "Vonlenska" which is made up and described as "a form of gibberish vocals that fits to the music and acts as another instrument." I'm not really sure who to compare them to, but some people claim they're kinda like Radiohead. I recommend:
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