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I need to shut the **** up
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Lol.....Jag, basically, the pals have been attacked by Latios. A rocket carrying Gallade and Spiritomb has departed to Cinnabar Island. Shade (flygon tamer's Absol character) was teleported there by a mysterious Ninetales. Meanwhile Nightmare was attacked by Latios. He gets stuck speaking his native language, Static, and cannot communicate with the other Pokemon. He goes into the virtual world and contacts 'M (who the HELL is that guy??). "'M" gives Nightmare back his knowledge of Pokemonish. MEANWHILE, Gallade is attacked by Spiritomb, who takes Gallade to the Astral plane (this is the plane of the mind, where anything can happen). Shade decides to join in. But hopefully I can win this before the others come..... :twisted:

A whitish streak; Gallade struck, faster than anyone could imagine, at Shade. The Absol's legs were sliced off completely (please note, flygon, that you can grow them back....this place isn't physical, anything could happen). He was cut off in the middle of his Howl. Gallade jumped again.


His blades glowed, brighter and brighter, until Spiritomb could barely see. They then proceeded to cut him in half, like a hot kife through butter.

Excruciating pain seared through Spiritomb, as if a million white-hot wires were being wrapped around him so tightly that they were cutting him and burning his flesh. He screamed. He disintegrated. And he woke up in the physical world. Three Kirlias were waiting there for him. The horns of the two on the outside glowed, transferring energy to the middle one. Then they all said, at exactly the same time, in high-pitched, girly, perky little voices:

"Shock Wave!"

KZZAAAP! Spiritomb was launched backwards, convulsing uncontrollably. Everything went black.

Just me and you, now, flygon! YAAAY, SWORDFIGHTS!
Hey, I just noticed, Lv 100 Sceptile joined as a Sableye and hasn't posted at all (except his profile, of course)!


Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Sat May 02, 2009 5:59 am
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@ Chingy: Your distressed face was. Darn it all. 'M is an infamous glitch from the days of Red and Blue that is literally a bunch of pixels. Click here for more info.
@ Everybody Else: This is not the last time we'll see the usage of Static. We'll see it some more, both spoken and written.


Nightmare watched as the rocket sailed toward Cinnabar. He cursed himself; why didn't he just stay put? Because he needed a plan. What was the plan? Who knew?

He turned and asked, "Alright. We need a plan to try and sandbag Gallade. Does anybody have any ideas?"

Let's hear them. But, I want ideas from everybody. Got it?

I am gone now.....*sniff*

Sat May 02, 2009 6:48 am
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Gerk you cut my legs off.

Shades Stubs glowed, and his legs came back.

" You... Can't... BEAT ME!", His blood was at a boil.


Shade suddenly dissapeared and just as suddenly reapeared and sliced of Gallade's right blade. "DIE, " He smashed his tail against the ground and made and tremor form, knocking Gallade to the ground. Shade smirked.

Platinum FC: 4425-7657-0399

Sat May 02, 2009 7:59 pm
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Gallade shook his head.


"Close Combat!"

Gallade smashed into Shade with such force that it hurt him too, but it was worth it. Shade flickered and disappeared.

Gallade returned to the normal world. The Absol was lying there, unconsious.

"Take it captive." ordered Gallade. "Nothing can stop me now."


Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Sun May 03, 2009 12:49 pm
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I say nightmare teleports us to Cinnabar.

"Nightmare, why don't you teleport us."

"Or we could sneak onto a rocket."

Sun May 03, 2009 5:15 pm
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Uh Beav, Nightmare is on Cinabar already, and the rocket took off.

Platinum FC: 4425-7657-0399

Sun May 03, 2009 5:56 pm
I need to shut the **** up
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flygon tamer wrote:
Uh Beav, Nightmare is on Cinabar already, and the rocket took off.

Nooooo, not quite. =P Observe...
Spiritombs Nightmare wrote:
Nightmare watched as the rocket sailed toward Cinnabar. He cursed himself; why didn't he just stay put? Because he needed a plan. What was the plan? Who knew?

See? Nightmare's still with you guys on Mossdeep. Sooo, technically, he can. And what does "sandbag" mean? Normally it's a bag full of sand.....=]

Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Mon May 04, 2009 10:49 am
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Chingy: Sandbagging is another term here in America for ambushing someone.

Haunter said, "Why don't you teleport us?"

Nightmare angrily replied, "I'm not terribly good at it myself yet; I can't coach all o' y'all into it!! Not to mention that I would bet dollars to donuts that Gallade will expect us there."

No kosher. Anyone else?

I am gone now.....*sniff*

Mon May 04, 2009 2:06 pm
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Note: Ninetales is an ally. She didn't teleport me to Gallade, his agents intercepted the teleport.

"Lets get Ninetales to teleport us!" Shadow said, " then we can see if Shade is ok!'

"No you dolt," Dark said, "I think Ninetales was the one who knocked Master out."

Both pokemon got angry and started a bickering storm.

Platinum FC: 4425-7657-0399

Mon May 04, 2009 2:19 pm
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"Oh stop arguing you two," Atra said point his wand at the small Pokemon faces, "Even if Ninetales did betray Shade, she is probably our best bet."


Mon May 04, 2009 11:48 pm
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"Stop it! ALL of you!" Nightmare shouted.
He sighed, and said, "Ninetales may or may not have betrayed Shade. I don't know. But let's find out what other options we have before we take that course. Alright?"

I am gone now.....*sniff*

Tue May 05, 2009 6:21 am
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Dark had a slight frown, " Shade was teaching me to contact Ninetales. I'll try to talk to her." Shadow had an envious look. He had recieved no such training; Dark was clearly Shades favorite.

"Ninetales doesn't trust me," Dark said, "She says she will only help Shade, and someone who's fait is directly linked to hers. Any ideas on convincing her?"

Fire away guys. Lets get Ninetales motivated.

Platinum FC: 4425-7657-0399

Tue May 05, 2009 2:17 pm
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Parisa looked up. "Tell her that she's helping Shade by helping you, and that you're just speaking for Shade. If she still won't and you've tried everything, tell her that she'll die or something if she doesn't help, which would pretty much be an emppty hreat, but I don't think it would ever come to that."

Image(by spiritombs nightmare)
I trade/battle, PM me anytime!
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Tue May 05, 2009 6:31 pm
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Sorry spirit, didn't see your post, but now we're kinda stuck on the subject.

"Ok, but empty threats won't work on her, she's near omnipotent. if there was a danger to her life she would know." Dark said. He then closed his eyes for a good five seconds. "She agreed to help, but she says she isn't responisibe for Shades dissapearence."

Platinum FC: 4425-7657-0399

Tue May 05, 2009 7:40 pm
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"Look!" Nightmare said. "The problem is not so much how to teleport, it's where. We need to figure out where Spiritomb will most likely pop up. Also, going directly to Gallade is a rather stupid idea; we're no match for him in a fight. We need to outsmart him, not pummel him."

Nightmare then took out his map. "Gardevoir said that Hypno was their smuggler; I'd bet that Gallade will try to get Spiritomb to him, if not anyone else, for ease of travel. The map says Hypno is on the move, so we can't depend on that. But, it also said that he frequents the underwater road between Cinnabar and Cianwood. Cianwood happens to be the home of Alakazam, so I'd say that's our best bet. Agreed?" Nightmare tapped his fingers impatiently. In game AND out of game. :frustrated:

I am gone now.....*sniff*

Wed May 06, 2009 7:33 am
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Any possibility that I could change to a Drifblim ?


Last edited by Jaguar on Wed May 06, 2009 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 06, 2009 11:10 am
I need to shut the **** up
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Notes in purple, Jag. Nightmare goes cuckoo if you don't.....
Naah, just kidding, Nightmare.

Gallade stared at the yellow face in the comm.

"I don't partcularly want to hand the creature over, Hypno," he snarled. "I know your sadistic ways."

"It seems you have no choice," replied a voice so smooth and entrancing it almost hypnotized you.

"Don't try your tricks on me, Hypno. I'm Psychic type as well, not only Fighting. Not all muscle and no mind, as Alakazam would say."

"Exactly why would you hire Fighting type to do your work, then?" enquired Hypno smoothly.

"Muscle. They trust me; I'm their type too. They don't trust any other Psychics."

"Good for you," muttered Hypno darkly.

"They deal with Darks. But this is getting off of the point. The point is that you get him to the boss as soon as possible."

"Alakazam is the highest up....then the rest of us are on the same makes sense."

"Of course it does. I'm an assassin. I plan these things."

Hypno frowned. "Any idea why Boss wants this thing??"

Gallade frowned as well. "Haven't the foggiest, Hyps. And he wants it in good condition," added Gallade menacingly.

"Physical or Mental condition?" asked Hypno, who had a reputaion of breaking Pokemon's spirits by psychically torturing them.

"BOTH." hissed Gallade. And with that, he disappeared.

"Spoilsport." pouted Hypno. And with that, he disappeared too.


Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Last edited by *superiorchingling* on Fri May 08, 2009 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 06, 2009 12:39 pm
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Random Dugtrio pops up.

YAY! I tunneled all the way through the center of the world! Wait....... where is this? OH NOZES!!!!!

A new species of Hammer Pokemon runs up and kills him. The Hammer Pokemon then explodes.

Did you like my improv. part!

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Wed May 06, 2009 2:17 pm
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Platinum FC: 4425-7657-0399

Wed May 06, 2009 4:38 pm
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Lol lavender

Please do NOT NOT NOT interfere with our roleplay.

Wed May 06, 2009 5:28 pm
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Yeah what he said!

Real men use pink!

Platinum FC: 4425-7657-0399

Wed May 06, 2009 5:42 pm
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Mektar wrote:
Random Dugtrio pops up.

YAY! I tunneled all the way through the center of the world! Wait....... where is this? OH NOZES!!!!!

A new species of Hammer Pokemon runs up and kills him. The Hammer Pokemon then explodes.

Did you like my improv. part!

No. You are not in this roleplay, so you cannot barge in here saying some completely random rubbish. Go away, if you want to join ask spiritombs nightmare, I doubt she will say yes after you spammed her first RP.


Wed May 06, 2009 11:17 pm
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Uh, Jaguar? I'm a boy. Just like my profile says. And no, I'd rather you didn't.

Also, Chingling, I suggest that you post Hypno's and/or Alakazam's profiles.

I am gone now.....*sniff*

Thu May 07, 2009 5:48 am
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Back on topic...

Shades legs were tied together, and was being carried down the hallway by a pair of Medicham. "LET ME GO!!!!", he shoted to no avail. He thrashed and fought with no results. Finaly he called himself. Suddenly the air around them got distorted *wink* wink*. When they finaly reached the cell door, he shouted, "I'm warning you one last time..." They threw him in the cell, and before thecould shut the door they were sent flying off in opposite dirrections.


He cut the binding ropes with his sullblade, and sprinted out to the hall way, where the Medicham finaly got back to the door.


He sliced the Medicham in half(too violent?), and proceded into the maze that was Gallade's base.

Platinum FC: 4425-7657-0399

Thu May 07, 2009 12:27 pm
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OK, I changed the statuses around a bit....Alakazam is the mysterious Boss' favourite....everyone else is like, the same rank.
Rightio.....without further ado, I present to you the dreaded Hypno and the terrifying Alakazam!

Species : Hypnosis
Name : Hypno (Hyps is used as an affectionate name by the members of the Mafia)

Special moves :
Move 1 : Signal Beam (tutored)
A red, amber and green beam strikes the target, inducing disorientation and confusion.
Strength: Medium
Move 2 : Ice Punch (also tutored)
A fist is reduced to sub-zero temperatures, then used to punch the oppontent.
Strength: Medium
Move 3 : Zen Headbutt
The user's head is used as a focus for Psychic power, then used to ram the opponent.
Strength: Medium
Move 4 : Hypnosis
Swinging its pendelum, the user lulls the opponent into a deep sleep.
Strength: Not Applicable

Weapon : Pendelum Of The ShatterSpirit
Recieved by Hypno from sadistic, tribal Pokemon who enjoyed brutally torturing their prisoners of war.

Weapon Techniques :
Move 1 : Lullaby
Makes the opponent think pleasant memories.
Strength: Not Applicable
Move 2 : Nightmare
Unsuspectingly used after Lullaby to turn the opponent's thoughts into nightmarish, tortuous images.
Strength: Not Applicable
Move 3 : SpiritBreak
Makes the images so awful that the opponent's soul shatters, leving them a mindless, blubbering mess (Hypno only uses this after they have screamed and begged him to kill them at least 10 times).
Strength: Not Applicable

Personality: Completely twisted beyond imagination. He's a psychologist by nature, so he knows how to get inside someone's mind. He is basically insane. He loves screams of agony.

Species : PSI
Name : Alakazam

Special moves :
Move 1 : Psychic
Powerfully bombards the opponent with intensely focused Psychic energy.
Strength: Very Powerful
Move 2 : Miracle Eye
The user always knows where his opponents are. He can even see through their eyes. Dark-Types also lose their immunity to Psycic-Type moves.
Strength: Not Applicable
Move 3 : Energy Ball
Absorbs energy from nature into a compressed sphere, then fires it, with devastating effects.
Strength: Powerful
Move 4 : Focus Blast
Focuses then fires a pure beam of concentation. Extremely powerful.
Strength: Very Powerful

Weapon(s) : Spoon of Mind and Spoon of Soul

Weapon Techniques :
Move 1 : Enhance : Increases the power of the user's moves drastically.

Personality: A gentleman, unlike the other members of the Mafia, Alakazam does not believe in hurting Pokemon. He does what he does and doesn't have to enjoy it. A little posh and old-fashioned, Alakazam would be awesome if it wasn't for the fact that he wprked for the Mafia.

GAAH! Thank God. Finished!

Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Fri May 08, 2009 12:57 pm
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