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 Your top ten pokemon? 
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Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

Joined: Sat May 02, 2009 1:12 pm
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Mine would have to be:

1. rayquaza
2. gardevoir
3. sceptile
4. togekiss
5. togepi
6. salamence
7. manectric
8. tyranitar
9. eevee
10. medicham

Sat May 02, 2009 1:27 pm
Bug Catcher
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The topic is rather useless, but I'll reply too. :P

10- {jumpluff}
9- {crobat}
8- {scyther}
7- {haunter}
6- {tentacruel}
5- {togekiss}
4- {jynx}
3- {kingdra}
2- {gardevoir}
1- {houndoom}

Funny how we all have Togekiss in there.

One for all, and all for me.

Last edited by Dargad on Fri May 15, 2009 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat May 02, 2009 3:20 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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I'll reply too.

10- {caterpie}
9- {togekiss}
8- {tyranitar}
7- {magcargo}
6- {cradily}
5- {togepi}
4- {starmie}
3- {wobbuffet}
2- {scizor}
1- {lanturn}

haha I like Togekiss too.


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Sat May 02, 2009 3:44 pm
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10. Seadra
9. Quilava
8. Swinub
7. Wobbuffet
6. Mantyke
5. Tangrowth
4. Rotom (Lawn Mower)
3. Butterfree
2. Slowbro
1. Flygon

i'm in ur topix, brakin ur combos


Sat May 02, 2009 6:22 pm
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10. {yanmega}
9. {staraptor}
8. {heracross}
7. {latias}
6. {snorlax}
5. {venusaur}
4. {blastoise}
3. {metagross}
2. {crobat}
1. {espeon}

I suck at WiFi battling.

Sat May 02, 2009 7:21 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Note: This list of top ten Pokemon isn't approved by the FDA.

10- {dunsparce}

9- {palkia}

8- {regice}

7- {cubone}

6- {lileep}

5- {misdreavus}

4- {shuckle}

3- {venonat}

2- {mewtwo}

1- {magikarp}
(How could you not see it coming?:))

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Sat May 02, 2009 8:57 pm
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1. {nidoking}
2. {masquerain}
3. {granbull}
4. {jumpluff}
5. {feraligatr}
6. {dragonair}
7. {magmar}
8. {wigglytuff}
9. {exeggutor}
10. {forretress}


Sat May 02, 2009 9:09 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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1. {arceus} (but you knew that)
2. {charizard}
3. {garchomp}
4. {dragonite}
5. {rayquaza}
6. {blastoise}
7. {blaziken}
8. {aggron}
9. {torterra}
10. {typhlosion}

I couldn't find a place for Kingdra, I like too many of the beginners.

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I trade/battle, PM me anytime!
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Sat May 02, 2009 9:45 pm
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1. {tyranitar}
2. {ho-oh}
3. {latios}
4. {dialga}
5. {crobat} (only cause he's a bat)
6. {lugia}
7. {metagross}
8. {dodrio}
9. {lanturn}
10. {groudon}

Sat May 02, 2009 9:50 pm
Super Saiyan
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1. Raichu
2. Zapdos
3. Chimecho
4. Milotic
5. Jigglypuff
6. Masquerain
7. Latias
8. Charizard
9. Alakazam
10. Pachirisu

That's a little tentative, I just put these down as they came to me.


Sat May 02, 2009 10:22 pm
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10- {sceptile}
9- {togekiss}
8- {luxray}
7- {garchomp}
6- {blaziken}
5- {lucario}
4- {froslass}
3- {shaymin}
2- {electivire}
1- {empoleon} (duh :D )

Image ImageClick here to feed me a rare candy!

My Soul Silver Team:
{feraligatr} {charizard} {sceptile} {ampharos} {crobat} {scizor}

Mon May 04, 2009 8:38 am
Dragon Tamer
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10. {pachirisu}
9. {ninetales}
8. {lopunny}
7. {floatzel}
6. {dewgong}
5. {steelix}
4. {noctowl}
3. {altaria}
2. {beautifly}
1. {glaceon}


Last edited by Jaguar on Wed May 06, 2009 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 04, 2009 9:30 am
Lite Four
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10. {raikou}
9. {typhlosion}
8. {vaporeon}
7. {zangoose}
6. {pikachu}
5. {raichu}
4. {snorlax}
3. {dragonite}
2. {jolteon}
1. {heracross}

I say Zangoose and Lucario rank in my top six, but I'm really lying about it. I didn't want to shaft the third and fourth generations entirely (hell, I actually like a few Pokemon from Gen. III and Gen. IV), but I truly do not count any Pokemon from the two newest generations in my top six. Actually, I'll be 100% honest. I don't include any generation 4 Pokemon in my top ten. I still like a few Pokemon from Generation IV ( {lucario}, {cherrim}, {buizel}, {mamoswine}, {carnivine}, the list still goes on), but none are in my top ten.


Mon May 04, 2009 9:34 am
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1. {sneasel}
2. {weavile}
3. {hitmontop}
4. {xatu}
5. {pidgeot}
6. {charizard}
7. {linoone}
8. {flygon}
9. {golduck}
10. {hariyama}

Honorable Mention: {typhlosion}, {mewtwo}, {sceptile}, {rampardos}, {kabutops}, {staraptor}, {ledian}


Mon May 04, 2009 10:38 am
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10. {crobat}
9. {teddiursa}
8. {psyduck}
7. {swampert}
6. {houndoom}
5. {lugia}
4. {dragonite}
3. {arcanine}
2. {gengar}
1. {charizard}

Yeah, Swampert is the only Pokemon outside of the Generations I and II. Charizard was my first ever Pokemon card (holographic) and I've liked him ever since. Number 11 would probably go to Feraligatr since that was my first ever Pokemon in the games. Psyduck and Teddiursa are there for looking cute. Gengar is there because he's purple...and a beast. Arcanine is about as cool as Growlithe so I thought I might as well put it up instead of Growlithe. It's a fire Pokemon and an awesome hybrid of a tiger and dog. Dragonite is my favorite dragon (followed by Flygon who is number 12). Lugia is my all-time favorite legendary. Houndoom is a dog from hell, which reminds me of my favorite subject, mythology, and more specifically Ceberus of Greek mythology. Finally, Crobat is purple and I really don't know why I like it besides that (purple is my favorite color as seen with Gengar).

Honorable Mention (In order from 11-16): {feraligatr} {flygon} {ho-oh} {infernape} {blastoise} {torterra}

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Mon May 04, 2009 2:28 pm
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my top ten would be

1. {espeon}
2. {gardevoir}
3. {eevee}
4. {vibrava}
5. {shaymin} sky form
6. {glaceon}
7. {metagross}
8. {lucario}
9. {garchomp}
10. {darkrai}


Only during the [color=#FFFF00]day[/color] can you truly hide in the [color=#000000]shadows[/color]
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Tue May 05, 2009 7:03 pm
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My current top ten.

10. {linoone}
9. {lopunny}
8. {vibrava}
7. {totodile}
6. {shaymin}
5. {poochyena}
4. {breloom}
3. {riolu}
2. {beautifly}
1. {altaria}

My top favorites change quite frequently. Except for my number one. :3


Sun May 10, 2009 12:29 pm
Ace Trainer
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1. {heracross} (Hence Mega_Horn)
2.{typhlosion} (My favorite starter)
3.{cyndaquil} (Purely for his cuddly cuteness <3)
4.{squirtle} (First pokemon I ever owned)
5.{magneton} (I don't know why, but I've always liked Magneton)
7.{porygon} (Favorite normal type, and I've always liked the Porygon series' cries)
10.{geodude} (He was always the Pokemon I dragged around for Rock Smash and Strength)

Last edited by Mega_Horn on Sun May 10, 2009 7:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun May 10, 2009 1:24 pm
Ace Trainer
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10. {jolteon}
9. {raichu}
8. {deoxys}
7. {aggron}
6. {porygon-z}
5. {charmeleon}
4. {magneton}
3. {crobat}
2. {totodile}
1. {pikachu}

Porygon-Z is the only Gen IV Pokemon I like enough to rank within my top 10. I do love quite a few Gen III Pokemon, but not enough to rank them anywhere within my top 10. Most of my top 10's are from Gen I, and II. Although my top 10 change very frequently, except for #1, Pikachu FTW. :3


Sun May 10, 2009 6:44 pm
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- {mamoswine} (My no. 1 favorite)
- {articuno}
- {bastiodon}
- {honchkrow}
- {lanturn}
- {magmortar}
- {meganium}
- {sandslash}
- {torterra}
- {victreebel}


Mon May 11, 2009 7:41 am
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Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

Joined: Wed May 13, 2009 10:45 am
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- {charizard}
- {swampert}
- {heracross}
- {typhlosion}
- {poliwhirl}
- {raichu}
- {pichu}
- {pikachu}
- {totodile}
- {dragonite}

Don't have a particular order. Only 1 Gen 3 pokemon there :P

Honourable mentions: {lugia} {flygon} {gyarados} {wobbuffet}

Wed May 13, 2009 10:51 am
Dragon Tamer
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Here are mine!

10.) {xatu} XATU
9.) {aggron} AGGRON
8.) {cloyster} CLOYSTER
7.) {dragonite} DRAGONITE
6.) {gardevoir} GARDEVOIR
5.) {altaria} ALTARIA
4.) {flygon} FLYGON
3.) {rayquaza} RAYQUAZA
2.) {milotic} MILOTIC
1.) {salamence} SALAMENCE

I really like salamence!
salamence is so STRONG!



{garchomp} {gyarados} {salamence} {kingdra} {altaria}

Thu May 14, 2009 3:06 am
Bug Catcher
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10 {ivysaur}
9 {dunsparce}
8 {meganium}
7 {stantler}
6 {probopass}
5 {wailmer}
4 {relicanth}
3 {magcargo}
2 {rhyhorn}
1 {flaaffy}

Flaaffy is so kawaii.

Thu May 14, 2009 2:46 pm
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1. Pikachu - A little cliche, but Yellow version was my first pokemon game, and the Little guy grew on me. He's been a standard on almost every team I've ever used.

2. Charizard - Favorite starter, favorite type, kick a** pokemon. Plus, come on, he's a freaking dragon!

3. Eevee - No matter what game I'm playing, I always end up getting an Eeveelution, so rather than listing them all, I just put the orignial

4. Suicune - Favorite legendary, and the only one I actually use. Plus, when you play Crystal, you just have to use him

5. Typhlosion - My starter from GSC. Like Charizard, only somewhat less awesome.

6. Dragonite - Gotta love this guy. He's just awesome.

7. Tauros - I dunno why I like him so much, but the sheer random factor of having a bull pokemon is too cool to resist. The initial draw was so large, that I spent hours trying to catch one in Yellow.

8. Gyarados - The coolest water type in the game, if not for the fact that he can't actually use surf which is hugely dissapointing in-game, 'cause I need another surfer.

9. Sneasel - I liked him before Weavile was popular. Really cool typing, awesome looking... Sneasel just wins.

10. Crobat - He's a bat!


Thanks to Ender for the awesome signature.

Fri May 15, 2009 3:08 pm
Bug Catcher
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#10 {bibarel} for HM's
#9 {arcanine}
#8 {lapras}
#7 {eevee}
#6 {luxray}
#5 {togekiss}
#4 {pidgeot}
#3 {zapdos}
#2 {typhlosion}
#1 {ampharos}

Sat May 16, 2009 8:12 pm
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