DeDragon wrote:
Ok. Thx a lot you two.
And now I have two more questions:
1st: What are IVs? I tried to read Psypoke's IV Guide, but I didn't catch a thing, so can someone tell what IV is simply as possible?
2nd: What are Base Stats?
So answers please!
Thank you!
Base stats are a pokemon's overall potential. Let's use two pokemon with no IVs and no EVs and a neutral nature as an example.
Pokemon 1 has a base attack stat of "50"
Pokemon 2 has a base attack stat of "100"
At level 100, pokemon 1 would end up with 105 attack.
At level 100, pokemon 2 would end up with 205 attack.
It is basically a pokemon basic potential in a given stat. 80 is considered the "average", though the average is rarely good enough on its own, rather you typically want 120+ for your desired stat, preferably 130+ as this would give you a stat of 256, or 396 with the best possible circumstances.
IVs are an extra "bonus" in a stat that all pokemon can get, when they are first created. In short it assigns a number between "0" and "31" for every single stat for a pokemon. At level 100, that pokemon will have the stat they would normally have, + that number.
Using the same two pokemon from the previous explanation as an example with +31 attack IVs each:
At level 100, pokemon 1 would end up with 136 attack.
At level 100, pokemon 2 would end up with 236 attack.
As you can see, this is best for making up a weakness on any given pokemon, though bolstering a strength is still good. A pokemon is very weak defensively? make sure it has 31 defense IV.
Quite a few people don't bother with IVs as it can be time consuming to do, some try to get one or two stats to 31, and others (like me) try to get (if possible) atleast the most useful 5 stats to 31, because they can really make a difference in a competitive fight.