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 would like suggestions for team 
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Psychic Trainer
Psychic Trainer
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Joined: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:24 am
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Location: the other side of darkrai's dark void
My team is here most of the time i dont know what nature so bear with me there
Scyther @ Metrenome
??? @ technitian
Fury Cutter
Night Slash
X scisor
Swords Dance

My lead IM NOT EVOLVING HIM UNLESS OTHERWISE CONVINCED I want the speed of scyther and not the defense of sizor swords dance then attack Metrenome for fury cutter mostly it boosts moves used multiple times in a row multiplying fury cutter multiple times over

Marowak @ Thick Club
??? @ rock head
Brick Break
Aerial Ace
Rock Slide

Thick Club increases marowks attack plus he blocks most of the teams weaknesses
eq stab and air ace covers grass

Lanturn @ ???
???@ Volt Absorb
Thunder wave
Charge Beam
Shock Wave/thunderbolt

Surf Primary stab while thunder bolt/shockwave secondary stab. Charge beam raises sp atk while tw sets up for slower attackers

Gallade @ ???
??? @ stead fast
Drain Punch
Psycho Cut
Leaf Blade
Poison Jab

Drain Punch secondary stab psycho primary stab with leaf blade for ground rock and water and poison jab mainly for poison

Houndoom @ ???
??? @ early bird
heat wave
dark pulse
shadow ball

heat wave main stab while dark pulse secondary shadow ball for ghost coverage and protect a filler for lack of a better special attack

Porygon Z @ ???
??? @ download
tri attack
ice beam
Nasty Plot

Tri attack main stab and effects help ice beam for dragons
nasty plot for sp atk boost and recover self explanitory

This is the first true team that i made for actual use in fourth gen games out of the storyline so suggestions help

a participant in the nuzlocke challenge
help my pokefarm expand

Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:00 pm
Psychic Trainer
Psychic Trainer
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Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 6:24 am
Posts: 67
My team is here most of the time i dont know what nature so bear with me there
Scyther @ Metrenome
??? @ technitian
Fury Cutter
Night Slash
X scisor
Swords Dance

My lead IM NOT EVOLVING HIM UNLESS OTHERWISE CONVINCED I want the speed of scyther and not the defense of sizor swords dance then attack Metrenome for fury cutter mostly it boosts moves used multiple times in a row multiplying fury cutter multiple times over

Jolly nature is standard for scyther, Boosts speed lowers special attack, id stay away from sword dance on a scyther lead personally as faster sweepers would beat him before it even has a chance to attack so i sugest U - turn (so its more of a scout and a STAB move ) Arial Ace for STAB, Brick Brake instead of Night Slash (as its psychic beating acpect is overridden by the stabbed U- turn) and quick attack incase of the FEAR pokemon. Give it either Focus sash so it has a chance of using two moves or silverpoweder to boost u turn.

Marowak @ Thick Club
??? @ rock head
Brick Break
Aerial Ace
Rock Slide

Thick Club increases marowks attack plus he blocks most of the teams weaknesses
eq stab and air ace covers grass

This is probably a better pokemon for the Sword Dance, with that and thick club it will be near unstoppable. use a jolly or adamant nature again, special attack bit redundent, id go for jolly, as it will have alot of attack boosters but no speed so jolly would help more. so go for the moves, Sword Dance, Fire/Ice punch to cover a weekness (Fire Punch covering two but Ice taking out dragons, your choice) Earthquake and Rock Slide look good for type covarge. but if you use Ice Punch , trade rockslide for double edge, more power

Lanturn @ ???
???@ Volt Absorb
Thunder wave
Charge Beam
Shock Wave/thunderbolt

Surf Primary stab while thunder bolt/shockwave secondary stab. Charge beam raises sp atk while tw sets up for slower attackers

Give it a calm nature and trade ice beam for chrarge beam and you have your classic beambolt set. ice type help iliminate the grassy weakness.

Gallade @ ???
??? @ stead fast
Drain Punch
Psycho Cut
Leaf Blade
Poison Jab

Drain Punch secondary stab psycho primary stab with leaf blade for ground rock and water and poison jab mainly for poison

looks like your going for a physical sweeper, in which case id go for the moveset of Ice Punch, Close Combat, Leaf Blade (for the common bulker waters like swampert and milotic) and night slash. use a choice band with a jolly nature or a adamant nature with a choice scalf, it needs a speed boost

Houndoom @ ???
??? @ early bird
heat wave
dark pulse
shadow ball

heat wave main stab while dark pulse secondary shadow ball for ghost coverage and protect a filler for lack of a better special attack

Id drop houndoom if i were you, your team lacks defencivly. Lanturn it quite bulky but get tank like metagross and your team will suffer. i sugest Spiritomb. I used this moveset on my platinum game and i think it worked well:

holding lum berry
calm mind
shadow ball
sucker punch

Boost stats with calm mind, rest, wich recovers health and wakes up thanks to the berry, then either sucker or shadow your enenemy. , you may want to swap sucker punch for dark pulse, and shadowball for sleep talk and make it a mono attacker, but Spiritombs lack of weeknes and good defences make it usefull staller and wall EV; 252 HP 252 Defence, 4 Special Defence . One problem with this is taunters, but if one switches it just bring out gallade

Porygon Z @ ???
??? @ download
tri attack
ice beam
Nasty Plot

Tri attack main stab and effects help ice beam for dragons
nasty plot for sp atk boost and recover self explanitory

Proygon Z is a brilliant special sweeper and its probably best with Adaptability as its ability as download sometimes boosts attack which is unhelpfull , so with adapatbility, stab is greater giving a guaranteed boost. Id use a modest mature, choice scalf. Tri attack, Icebeam, Thunderbolt. For a forth move Alot of sites will say hidden power fighting, but its likey like me, you can be botherd trying to get the right IVs needed so id use Dark pulse to cover common psychic pokemon or Trick, so it can offload its scalf, trap the oponent on one move then switch to someone else

This is the first true team that i made for actual use in fourth gen games out of the storyline so suggestions help

Hope I helped

~Jester's Artistic Court~
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Looking for UNHATCHED Manaphy egg. Will trade anything in my trading thread or PM me
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Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:11 am
Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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Its called the team rating thread go there.

I suck at WiFi battling.

Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:53 am
Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger
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Joined: Tue May 04, 2010 6:07 pm
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Hey, fullerfast! You seriously introduced me to PokeFarm!
Thanks! Oh, and um... you've got more posts than me and I posted my team over at the Rating Center. (Go ahead! Munchlax :) and MasterChef won't bite you, I'm sure.) Well, if you read the one with the six pokemon (not the first three posts that were failures- triple posting!!!!) I said that I had 25 (26 including that one) posts. They rated me then. That's the low limit. Go and post it. I bet someone helpful, like Munchlax :) 's going to help. (BTW, Munchlax :) is his full name-including the :) !)
Oops! Too many smilies! Sorry!
(But Munchlax :) has a smiley in his name! It's hard not to do that!)
Argh! Not again!

Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:15 pm
Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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It is called Necromancy please do not do it again.

I suck at WiFi battling.

Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:25 am
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