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 Create your own bad guys. (ex. Team Rocket) 
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Fails at life
Fails at life

Joined: Sun May 16, 2010 7:14 am
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Like the title says here you make your own bad guy team like team Rocket etc.
Team Name
Region(s) (optional)
Executives and Boss or somethin like that
Locations you encounter them (optional)

Also the bad guy doesn't necessarily have to be on a team, a lone enemy will work too.
For this include:
Enemy's name
Locations you enouter him/her (optional)

Or you could put in your own kind of thing as long as it's an enemy/bad guy

If you'd like you could also make a Rival
Rival's name
Locations you encounter him/her (optional)
Uhh...Objectives, if any besides being better than you...

Also for any specific enemy/rival you should include Pokemon, also do this if you're showing a battle (obviously)

I'm just trying to give options, make your own options if you'd like as long as they're bad guys/rivals or anything that is similar to those categories, even if the bad guy is a pokemon him(her)self.


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Last edited by AnimeFreak_98 on Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu May 27, 2010 1:33 pm
Psypoke Maniac
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Location: With the 3 guides of time, deciding the fate of it...
Let's see, I had a bad guy team in my region & they were;

Organization Name = Team Nature
(open to suggestions for a change of name...)
Region = Unknown
Organization Leader
= Manda
Male Grunts / Female Grunts
Male Rangers / Female Rangers
Male Executive = Ivan / Female Executive = Ivory
Special Executive Scientist = Gaia
They preach about bringing the region back to it's previous state prior to the "incident" where it was probably even more tropical & colorful then the Hoenn region, they call this previous state of the region "paradise" & sometimes "utopia" in their speeches, their method of doing this involves get ready for this...commiting certain random acts of crime & using a "Legendary Pokemon" which they plan to summon & control to do it with seeing as this very pokemon is the one responsible for the "incident" & single handedly caused it anyway, they refer to this pokemon as "the Messiah" or sometimes "the Martyr" by few members & people in the region, unlike with other teams having a device or some kind of artifact to control it with they instead just plan to do stuff in the name of the pokemon & eventually wake it up & ask it (like people pray to certain people to help them with their problems) to reverse the "incident", that's all there is to them except that some more powerful members like to pose as pokemon rangers which are kind of frowned upon in this region since the "incident" occured...
Special Notes
Firstly, their are no weak members on Team Nature, their are non-environmentalist on Team Nature
Besides their being a Male person at the top their is no bad gender Ratio among Team Nature
Team Nature only uses Grass Type pokemon & some other Plant friendly pokemon to make their pokemon teams better
Their are no time for trying to take over the world literally with Team Nature but instead they try to prematurely change the world in their vision which is bad anyway
Finally, Team Nature doesn't take kindly to traditional common crimes like stealing pokemon & controling pokemon but do steal objects like relics & such for the sake of the region which is what they say at least anyway...

3DS Friend Code = 4441 - 9336 - 3527
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Thu May 27, 2010 4:02 pm
Fails at life
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Team Crimson
Region: Deklio
Boss: Vladimir
Second-in-Command: Crismo
Commanders: Tyler and Duna
Executives: Kyler and Luna

Team Crimson's ultimate goal is to dominate this world and, similar to Team Galactic, create a world of their own to rule, due to the extreme damage to the current planet. They plan to harness the power of all the legendary pokemon to create the new planet, dominate this one and rule for all eternity. How they plan to do this is unknown.

Background info:
Tyler and Kyler are twins and brothers with Skyler (aaahhh rhymes!) and they both joined Team Crimson at th age of 20, while Skyler, hating them for this and being the youngest of the three, defeated them and ended up a gym leader. Luna and Duna are also twins and joined at the age of 23, the same year as Tyler and Kyler. Crismo's background however, is unknown.


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Last edited by AnimeFreak_98 on Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 31, 2010 6:39 pm
Fails at life
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Lawence Codye wrote:

Organization Name = Team Nature
(open to suggestions for a change of name...)

well i dunno but since they're working on like reforming the region and "bettering" it how about somethin' to go along with that.
How 'bout Team Eco?


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Last edited by AnimeFreak_98 on Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:00 am
Fails at life
Fails at life

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Team Crimson 1st encounters

Tyler and Kyler Double Battle:

Executive: Kyler
Age: 22
Location of battle (LoB): Unknown, will be updated.

{mightyena} (M)/Lv 20/Item: Sitrus Berry/Ability: Quick Feet
Moves: Tackle, Howl, Bite, Odor Sleuth

{electrike} (M)/Lv 18/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Static
Moves: Thunder Wave, Howl, Quick Attack, Spark

Commander: Tyler
Age: 22
LoB: Unknown, will be updated.

{houndoom} (M)/Lv 22/Item: Sitrus Berry/Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Thunder Fang, Ember, Smog, Bite

{cacnea} (M)/Lv 18/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Sand Veil
Moves: Absorb, Poison Sting, Leech Seed, Pin Missile

{larvitar} (M)/Lv 20/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Guts
Moves: Bite, Sandstorm, Screech, Rock Slide

Luna and Duna Double Battle:

Executive: Luna
Age: 25
LoB: Unknown, will be updated.

{persian} (F)/Lv 26/Item: Sitrus Berry/Ability: Technician
Moves: Fake Out, Fury Swipes, Screech, Faint Attack

{plusle} (F)/Lv 24/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Plus
Moves: Helping Hand, Spark, Encore, Copycat

{weezing} (M)/Lv 25/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Levitate
Moves: Smokescreen, Assurance, Selfdestruct, Sludge

Commander: Duna
Age: 25
LoB: Unknown, will be updated.

{arbok} (F)/Lv 26/Item: Sitrus Berry/Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Screech, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang

{golbat} (F)/Lv 25/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Inner Focus
Moves: Screech, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray

{minun} (M)/Lv 24/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Minus
Moves: Charm, Spark, Helping Hand, Quick Attack

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Last edited by AnimeFreak_98 on Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:57 am
Fails at life
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1st encounters

2nd in command: Crismo
Age: 28
LoB: Unknown, to be updated

{lucario} (M)/Lv 32/Item: Sitrus Berry/Ability: Inner Focus
Moves: Bone Rush, Force Palm, Dark Pulse, Metal Claw

{riolu} (M)/Lv 30/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Inner Focus
Moves: Copycat, Reversal, Force Palm, Counter

{castform} (M)/Lv 30/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Forecast
Moves: Rain Dance, Hail, Sunny Day, Weather Ball

Boss Vladimir
Age: 30
LoB: Unknown, to be updated

{skitty} (F)/Lv 17/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Cute Charm
Moves: Doubleslap, Sing, Attract, Fake Out

{luxio} (M)/Lv 16/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Tackle, Leer, Charge, Spark

{pikachu} (M)/Lv 14/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Static
Moves: Growl, Tail Whip, Thundershock, Thunder Wave

{furret} (F)/Lv 15/Item: Oran Berry/Ability: Keen Eye
Moves: Fury Swipes, Quick Attack, Scratch, Foresight

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Last edited by AnimeFreak_98 on Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:53 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Location: The provisions at the Wild West.
Team Meteor/Demolisher(which name is better?)
Regoin:Everywhere, including outside Earth!!!
Executives(5 of them):Laser,Puncho,Killer,Vilent and Zamboni
Boss:Deemoliano/Meatoreo(which name is better?)
Objective:To destoy everything!Mwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
First time:vs Puncho at Pallet town.
Machop Lv7
Tyrouge Lv6
Snubbull Lv7

Howdy, pardners!

Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:51 pm
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Team Metrogade
(They reside in a fabricated region called Nando.)
Executives: Monroe, Scarlet
Head: Sid E. (pun on "city")

Team Metrogade is a team devoted to industrializing the entire land of Nando, removing all traces of nature. Their main actions in doing this are sealing off/occupying various areas that invoke nature (e.g. forests, beaches, etc.) for the intent of deteriorating/destroying them. They also run various services in some of Nando's biggest cities, which its citizens frown upon and avoid. This angers them greatly and has led them into terrorizing the citizens of these cities. Their secondary goal is to locate and seize the two "guardians" of nature, Shaymin and Celebi.

Team Metrogade's base is underground the ruins of a city called "Hazbolo City" where the 8th Gym Leader previously resided. The city hosted a forst that it was the center of, the "Hazbolo Forest". Team Metrogade's first act was to burn down the forest and officially remove Hazbolo City. They intend to carry out similar acts towards other rural towns and cities.

The head of Team Metrogade is a man named Sid E. As a child, he grew up completely wrapped in city life, and felt disgust towards rural and "unhumanized" areas, feeling that as the planet's dominant species, humans should be controlling every part of it. He has no care towards the Pokémon that will be harmed by his plans, and favors only the inorganic Pokémon or the "true Pokémon". He sees Pokémon as the tools to assist humans and not "friends that humans co-exist with".

Team Metrogade only uses the inorganic Pokémon that Sid E. favors. These include Bronzor, Voltorb, Magnemite, Gear, and Koffing. Monroe's lead Pokémon is also a Rotom that he befriended as a child. Sid E's lead Pokémon is a Magnezone.

Metrogade has two heads, Monroe and Scarlet. Scarlet has the heart of a devil, leading most of Metrogade's acts towards rural and natural areas. She has no regard for the consequences of her actions, responding to them with a simple "Tough". She is the most loyal to Sid E. Monroe is put in charge of Metrogade's movements within the pre-established cities. However, through the course of the game, he begins to feel resent and regret, having never imagined the full scope of Metrogade's acts. He was never in favor of removing all elements of nature, and only wanted to extend industrialization, not capitalize on it. After his final defeat at the player's hands, he has a change of heart and after some deep pondering, he decides to assist the player in overthrowing Sid E.

After Sid E's final defeat, he flees the region of Nando, deciding to seek the city where Destiny: Deoxys is located in. Scarlet is arrested, and Monroe becomes Metrogade's leader. He leads Metrogade in the pursuit of perfect balance between industrialization and nature. He also co-operates with Hazbolo's Gym Leader to begin the restoration of Hazbolo Forest and the rebuilding of Hazbolo City.

Final Black Team:

Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:13 pm
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Psychic Trainer
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Location: the other side of darkrai's dark void
Team: Ultima
Leader: Omega
Exec: Saturn, Jessie, James, Shelly, Tabitha, Broady, Charon, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Miror B.
Admins: Giovoni, Cyrus, Maxie, Archie, Envice,

Formation: After team rocket, magma, aqua, galactic, and cypher all seemed to be defeated at once (how that happened is unknown but it always involves a random kid being an expert at pokemon :O ) Omega began to investigate and found a strange relation to all the random kids, they all had a strange connection to the legendary pokemon. Investigating more Omega decided that the only legendary who hadnt been "tamed" yet were the legendaries of the lands in between the major reigons, and those who also resided in the rest of the dimensions between. Omega went to spear piller later (finding palkia, dialga, and giritina were not there but the portal to the distorion world intact. Going through the portal with some pokemon to combat dark and ghost types Omega explored the dimension and eventually found Cyrus who found found some strange pokemon who lurked the dimension using one of his pokemon Omega teleported himself and Cyrus back to the normal world. After some time Cyrus decided to thank Omega and they partnered up to create a new world. Later when news of rockets fall (again) reached sinnoh Omega found Giovoni again who seemed to be in a sticky situation but locked in prison with no way of escape. News the next day was that team galactic had risen and broken into a high security prison on Cinnibar Island. Grateful of this act Giovoni teamed up with Cyrus and Omega (who was getting his own team together) Then Archie and Maxie knowing wokring together world work better than fighting each other and having lost most of both of their teams teamed up with the goal of a new world but without legendaries knew it was impossible in Hoen so they roamed and found team galactic in sinnoh and applied seeing a similar goal. Screening some of the newbs Omega saw archie and maxie (who applied as a pair) taking to them seperately he promised them with a team again if they were to join the new super team that was forming adding team magma and aqua to the mix . Then Giovoni hearing about ciphers fall went off to have a chat with the former shadow pokemon manufacturer. After the chat Envice attempted to reinstitute his team, not getting far he joined Omega to regain his former glory. After all of these former leaders are in this alliance Omega then reveals hes knowlage to them and putting out his plan of team Ultima forms the team of all teams.

a participant in the nuzlocke challenge
help my pokefarm expand

Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:39 am
Psychic Trainer
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Joined: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:24 am
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Location: the other side of darkrai's dark void
Goal: Stop the 6th Legendary Child and create a new better world

Pokemon Majority: Evil types(sythetics poison and darks) + some distortion pokemon fire ground and water

Only reason this on different post is couldt put on the other post

a participant in the nuzlocke challenge
help my pokefarm expand

Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:44 am
Fails at life
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Team Night Shadow
Regions: All
Boss: Caren
Executives: Harvey, Risa
Head Scientist: Nikolas

Team Night Shadow wants to turn all pokemon evil and dark. They plan to control all pokemon to rule the world and make it the way they want it. They say it's for the good of the universe and with their power they will remove all violence in the world and make it a better place etc. blablabla Yeah right. YOOMTAH!

Background info:
Caren was Karen's childhood friend but they went their seperate ways. Both loved the dark type but Caren wanted all pokemon Dark and truly dark. She plans to turn all pokemon evil (using dark balls) and all pokemon shadow pokemon much like in XD.


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Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:58 pm
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This seems too easy...

Team Midnight!!1!

...Okay enough of the "Back in my day" jokes.

Team Fuel
Regions: Johto, Kanto, Hoenn, small outlets in Orre and Sinnoh
Leader: Seth DeLefiant
Executives: Regulus DeLefiant, Justine, Nicholas "Pyro"
Location: Mahogany Town, Blackthorn City, Vermilion City, Pewter City, Mossdeep City, Sootopolis City, Gateon Port, Canalave City

Goals: To return Team Rocket to it's former glory (Get it? Rocket? Fuel? Heh heh. :p), or to take up the mantle left by the old team. One goal is to control the world's Pokemon in order to amass military strength. They've made attempts to try and control Rayquaza (thinking that with it they could control Groudon and Kyogre) but the attempt failed. Their current plots are unknown, but you know they're up to no good.

Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:54 pm
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