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 War of Legends 
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Pokemon Ranger
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After it's his turn to be cured, Ray were questioned about the allergy that he has.

"I have some allergy that makes me *cough* mostly cough, and i also have the allergy that sometimes i sneezes when it was morning *cough* or when the dust are thick", Ray explained about his allergy. After some more minutes later, he got some medicine that could heal his allergy and after that, he rushed to Jared's room.

After he arrived at Jared's room, he opened the door and find out that no one was inside. Where are they? I thought Jared was here. As Ray thought, he sit down on the chair inside the room and wait for other people.

Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:13 pm
Ace Trainer
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"Give it back" i said to diglett "NO you gave it to me" takeing back the slice of pizza "i said you could taste it, i have a idea let spite it" "Ok" he said reluctently

a while latter
"lets head back to the room befor someone gets worryed" "Ok" after geting back to the room i see ray "Let me guess just missed you when getting to the cafiteria or allergy pills"

((lets leave the hoppital after the next post or 2))

Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:27 pm
Ace Trainer
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"Let's Go Pedro, come on your the only one who can be in the hospital besides Heavyweight and he's a Klutz". "Ludicolo" Pedro replied. We got to Jared's room only to find Ray there. I sat on the other side of the room near a window, when I heard a loud shriek in the distance. "Seems like more legendary pokemon are on their way Pedro. It's your turn this time." Bracing or battle I was wondering. There's got to be more than just the legendary pokemon waging a war. Something has upset them and the balance between them and us.


Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:28 pm
Ace Trainer
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((i was there to :( read my last post))
"hear that,its birds giga tank come on out" throwing there poke balls "wait there out side return lets get outside" running out taking out giga and tank waiting for the others to get out

Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:36 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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What the? What was that loud shriek? Ray wondered after he gets up by surprise. He runs to the source of the voice and think that there were another legendary pokemon. "K, i guess it's time to battle again. Go, Skarmory!", Skarmory appeared and takes stance to battle.

Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:33 am
Ace Trainer
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"Hmmm would you look at that" I said to Pedro. Looks like the almighty Ho-oh has graced us with his presence. "Pedro start building up a Hydrobeam" I commanded. "Ludi" Pedro replied. That's it come a little closer.


Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:04 pm
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((I think its us three naku hasent been on and whats his name also hasent been on (he could be haveing computer troble) ))
"Ok lets do this" flames ball moved "you want in this ok come on out the giant fire lizzard fly out of his ball liking to make a entranse "giga go to the microwave in the hopital (we are still there right?)" giga quickly became heat rotom and came back "ok flame get up high get redy for a flying dive mixed with a flame thrower "Char" he yelled as flying up "Tank he will most likly shoot a ice based attack at the slowest thats you conter with flame thrower" "skun" he replide braceing for a fight "Giga you use thunder shock on the water it should knock coono down then over heat" "Ro" said the ball of electric plasma "Tank when its down toxic," "Ok team sounds like a plan!!" at once they all said "RO:SKUN:CHAR"
the birds were on us know and it was time to act
the bird of Ice was knock down by fireball after that the plan had started it went graet untill the thunder shock coono had frozen Giga and tank
it was up to flame "lets make this fair we will go hand to hand no moves no nothing just strength" said the sly bird of ice "Char" locked in combat one will make it the other shall fall
((this will a epic multi post battle to the finish))

Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:26 pm
Ace Trainer
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"Now!" I yelled. Soon a Teal beam shot out at The birds hitting Ho-oh. "Run!" "colo" Pedro replied. Ho-oh used Sacred Fire but we quickly moved. Go "Aquos.""Jump into Perdo's Rain Dish." "Now use titanic soon a giant wave built up, and I knew someone was about to be hurt.


Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:48 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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"I haven't battle a legendary before, and it's my time!", he said while he were throwing a pokeball and calling the pokemon inside it. "Go! Aggron!", Aggron comes out of it's pokeball and readied to fight. "K, Skarmory, use Toxic on Ho-oh, and Aggron, use Stone Edge on Ho-oh! It should do a lot of damage to Ho-oh!", Ray shouted. The Skarmory moves quickly near Ho-oh and successfully poisoned it. Then Aggron uses Stone Edge that makes Ho-oh damaged pretty bad.

But after that, Ho-oh immediately uses Recover, makes half of the damage healed. But it was still poisoned and it will takes damage overtime.

Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:25 pm
Ace Trainer
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((Lugia zapdose Ho-oh and coono right?))

Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:41 pm
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((to end thetwo day drie spout i will make a IC post enjoy))
coono"you foolish fire pokemon are all the same you think every one has thehonor you do................... YOUR WRONG" with that a ice beam was shot at Flame freezeing him knowing he will thaw fast i throw out electrode (nick name know gernade)"go gernade use the ice covering fire ball as a ramp then use roll-out" it worked perfectly coono was down rotom and tank were finaly thawed "tank use toxic" down on the ground articoono lie there with a bit of streght left knowing if he moves the posion will get him "go poke ball" catching him hes sky brothers ran helping the injurd Ho-oh "now we can get some anwersers"
((i figure a)coono could tells us why the legens and pokemon are acting up And b) to cure the dry spout by you guys not having to battle the others))

Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:00 pm
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((Works ok...))
"Hmph. Looks like they weren't ready for us. We better get some rest it's gonna be a long day tomorrow." "Colo!" "Dew-gong-gong-gong" Pedro and Aquos replied. Something isn't right there is more to this than we can see. I noticed a lot lately and I think I'm beginning so too the big picture


Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:51 pm
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"i always dreamnt of catching one of these just never like this" grabing the poke ball "i'll hang on to this if you have a problem with it talk to my layer fire ball" "Char" i returnd every one then let abra out take us back to the.................? wait i didnt tell you guys about the lab did i" i quickly explained it "you guy want to see it"

Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:02 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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"Hey, where's the location of the lab?", asked Ray. "We will question the legendary pokemon there, won't we *cough*?", Not again. Think Ray while he opens the bottle that has pills inside it. He immediately take one of the pills and eat it.

Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:55 pm
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"it can't be far to the center we were at but its more near the middle of the centar and of the moltras battle and center only a little north you know what abra can port us there" abra telleport us there with lighting fast speed "wow thats weird teleporting" after a while of showing them around "well besides the ocasional not evil rattatat and stunky (come on not all the pokemon can turn evil) this is a prety good place" I took a poison heal so coono could move grabd old rope that was lieing around heal my pokes using potions and such all in preperation of the intarygation "lets get started" I said after spraying the poison heal "you can move without fainting now"

((DS i think this a go time to introduce TL if you want or not you only left me with a i'll think about it so i dont know if you want to or not))

Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:12 pm
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((Who's TL?))

"K, Gardevoir, go and check the legendary pokemon whether it lies or not", Ray commanded and throw the pokeball and calls Gardevoir. "You should tell us the truth now, we could know if you lie or not", said Ray while his Gardevoir read the legendary pokemon's feeling.

((K, i forgot what legendary pokemon you caught, what was it?))

Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:30 pm
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((the legen is coono forget how to spell the name thats just me and my friends slang for it its the ice bird from the trio and TL is something me and DS were talking about Team Legen i came up with he said maybe basicly its A)gona be the people that turned the legens on the humans and those are the select few who they didnt turn eon or B) the legens have them under mind control or threatend them or the legens figured they need henchmen))

Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:36 pm
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((Oh, K, we just need to wait for D_S))

Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:44 pm
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((Sure lets get going with TL, lets let THEM control the legendary pokemon.))
"Sure lets go check this place out." hmm this could be the place we're looking for. "Be careful guys, by the way where is this lab at?"


Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:42 am
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"ok bird speak why are the legens turning on the humans" Coono "I know your expeting me to tell you every thing after ive been torured but i will cave at one point so to same time and pain heres the resoan theres a team its called team legen it was made by the never heard from fouth in comand of team rocet glactic and plasma (i figured we are not useing the new pokes but we can use the new team) they got togehther and made a plan 2 years ago in that time they had got the three orbd rings its a chunk of the orbs that give the ruler of space the ruler of time and the master of the dimentions there power using those they took control of the legens and over powered arceus they had made us help them twisting are minds the few who were to pure turn were locked up in 3 seprate locateions theres a lake neer the game corner where the was a swewage leak and grimer now infect it go to the old abandon seware follow there to reach a small base"

Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:05 am
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"K, it didn't seems that the legendary pokemon lies, and now, what will be our next plan?", asked Ray. "If we directly go there, there's a chance that we will be ambushed, but staying here and do nothing didn't make it better, so what's the plan?"

Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:05 pm
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"that lake is near the game corrner ive heard rummurs of a old team rocket base there we can find a few otfits there and wait no they probaly have a new uniform well if we go to the old Hide out then we can take some old computer and stuff bring them here then we could break in to the seware using diggs then tank can go throught with a cammra hidden on him we can modater him from here to see if theres a ambush whos gona think a skuntank in a seware is odd but the only think im worried of is if they have muk and skuntank guardes we will have to battle them with out a noise" thinking about it after a while i asked abra "you have any ideas" not even a movement "did you hear me" again nothing to get his attention i went to tap him on the shoulder then a fource field blocked me "thats it"

Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:23 pm
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"K, so we're going to the old Rocket Hideout then Digg and Tank are going to spy into the sewers, right?", asked Ray. "And when they spy, we take a look with the camera on Tank and see it with the computer at the old Rocket Hideout, right?"

Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:35 pm
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"diggs is more or less to get throught the wall and yep thats about it if any one has a better plan"

Sun Sep 26, 2010 3:01 pm
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"K, i agree. So, when will we go there then? Right now?"

Sun Sep 26, 2010 3:14 pm
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