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 9/11 Remembrances 
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Pokemon Master
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Today, it has been a decade since 9/11. I won't go through explaining everything that happened, mainly because you probably already know. This thread is a commemoration to the innocent people and the heroes of that day. 2,977 people went to work, and didn't come home. It was a day that defined the state of the world today, in several ways. It's sad that the turn of the century started out like this. That so many people had to die in such a tragic way for a select number to try and get a message across.

Here's something I wrote for my Creative Writing Class:
War has always been close to my family, it seems. In World War II, I had a great-grandfather fighting for Japan, and one for the US. My great uncles and grandparents fought in Korea and Vietnam. My own father served in the Persian Gulf – twice. But never have I felt the effects of war so closely as during and after 9/11.

When the terrorists hijacked the plane, it was after midnight on Guam. My dad was driving home from a late-night shift on the base when he heard about the first tower on the radio. He got home in time to wake up my mother and turn on the news, only to watch the plane hit the second tower. They later told me that all they could feel was shock as tears rolled down their faces; who would do such a thing to innocent people?

That morning, I woke up later than I was used to. It was a school day, so why wasn’t I at school? Cautiously, I went downstairs, to find my mother holding a cup of coffee and looking distressed. I asked her what happened to school. I listened as she explained what had happened. There was a base-wide emergency recall, so my father wasn’t there. I can remember crying, because I didn’t understand why so many had to die for what appeared to be no reason.

We missed a week of school, because my school was on-base. When I finally went to the base, it took ten minutes for the guards to check our car and IDs; there were Humvees with machine guns and tanks on trailers everywhere. It was awe-inspiring and terrifying at the same time.

Within two years, my dad was deployed for 8 months total. Our country went to war, and I started to meet more and more people who had parents and siblings deployed. I met someone whose uncle died at the Pentagon; I made friends with someone who became a Marine deployed in Afghanistan.

It’s sad, really. So much tragedy, for such poor reasons.

Please post support for those who lost loved ones in the attacks, and are fighting as a consequence of that day. Stories about where you were are also welcome.



Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:40 pm
Lite Four
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While I never knew anyone personally affected by 9/11, it always broke my heart to see families on TV that were torn apart by this. I can't imagine what they went through, thousands of people dying for no reason. Over here it's a huge deal when something like this happens because it's so rare, and I feel thankful that people like my cousin Tyler are defending our country, especially when a suicide bomber strikes in the middle east and I'm just like "oh, another one." I never really sat down and thought about it, but tragedy occurs daily in poorer countries and it seems like no big deal, but it is. It's sad that humans are so heartless and cruel, never thinking about the kids who lose their parents to war and I always took for granted that would probably never happen to me because people like my cousin step up to defend me.

While they will never hear my voice, I thank the soldiers who defend our country, and I couldn't be more proud of my little cousin for stepping up and doing just that. Thanks, Tyler. :)


Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:36 am
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9/11 was a disaster. Those types of situations are horrific to witness. The thing is, we seem to overemphasise it a little. Natural disasters such as Hurricanes and Earthquakes can cause even more damage and loss of life than a few airplanes could. We, as people, suffer at the hands of nature all too often. The reason we put so much focus on 9/11 is because it could have been prevented. That's the difference. Bin Laden could have been stopped beforehand; you can't stop a hurricane.

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:18 pm
Lite Four
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Wow, insensitive much?


Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:08 am
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Ace Trainer
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The reason we put so much focus on 9/11 is because, in addition to being an example of mankind fighting each other for stupid reasons, it started a series of fights between mankind over stupid reasons. That still haven't ended.

Whoever wins... has to change into a yellow outfit, okay?

Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:34 pm
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Krisp wrote:
Wow, insensitive much?

Yeah, I tend to come across that way. :oops: By I really do care about everyone that was killed.

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:52 pm
Psypoke Maniac
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While I agree with Mektar & also am not close to anyone who was affected by 9/11, my heart goes out mainly to those heroes who risked their own lives to help others down there, especially the ones that ended up with all kinds of conditions because of the environment they were at work in...

I am disappointed in the Government to say the least for not having done something for them to date I mean they risked their lives to stop it from being more tragic then it already ended up heart does also go out to everyone else effected by it as well though to clarify...

Honestly with all that said though, I prefer not to bother even bringing it up as oppose to whatever the public does when the day comes up but it can't be helped so...

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Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:34 pm
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