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Pokemon Master
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Location: In your house, nunchuking all of your shit.
Abel stood up and rushed into the hole after Dewey. The time it took for transportation through time seemed to take long, so he fell asleep.
Dewey jumped in. In transit, two scalchops gathered at his waist. "What? How is this possible?" Just then, a voice that sounded all to familiar was heard. "Dewey. You are traveling to 2000AK. There is a Lucario there. Kill her, as she did to me. Strike her down with the scalchops- my scalchops- that you now have. Her right arm is a cannon, and she lacks Aura sensitivity. And Dewey, she brought Felix into the future with her, too." Sel's spirit commanded. "As you wish." A light appeared, and they were in some sort of building. "Felix." Dewey whispered. The deadbeat father. The thought of how much his life has been ruined by him filled him with hate and despair. He stood up, realizing that only Abel, Matt, and the Electabuzz made it through with him. A Medicham was there, too. "Where is everyone else?" Just then, sirens went off. "You've got to be kidding me." Roboguards turned around the corner. They seemed to come right at Dewey, forming a wall. A glow came to envelop him. "Why dont you just leave me alone!" he screamed. His body arched and bowed.
Abel awoke to sirens. He looked up and saw a wall of roboguards, which instantly reminded him of the enemy forces. He looked over at Dewey and noticed the immense power the Dewott was putting out. "There is something happening to him." He turned to face the wall of guards, which flashed to the advancing enemy forces. "Not today!" His left arm began to glow. He drew is spear, and knelt down. He put the Flame Shield in front of him, then the spear on top. He let out a roar and charged.
((Are we still confined to weak Ultimate Attacks, Crunchy?))

"As I look up from the ground
I see darkness all around
And I'm lost but can be found up in the sky

Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:48 pm
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Scarlet fell on the dirt covered floor with a thud. She stood to her feet, stumbling a bit. "Ouch!" Scarlet snapped, rubbing her red cheek. "Where am I?" she muttered. She shook her head realizing what was happening. "Wait, where's Seth! There was a sudden rumble from behind a dumpster nearby. Seth emerged from behind the bin wiping dirt off his robe. "Ewwww. Scar I don't like it here!" Seth announced, running towards Scarlet while rubbish continued to fall off his clothes. Scarlet watched Warren approach her. “Scarlet, correct? Do you think you could lead the way?”
"I suppose so, Warren but I'm as clueless as you are in this place. I have been to Midnight before but this is a different time zone, everything looks so strange. Do you know if anyone else is here?"
She looked around her surroundings trying to recognize anyone she knew. A boy about the age of 16 knocked her shoulder harshly. "Oi, watch where your going!" She exclaimed. The boy stopped to a halt and turned round.
"I am awfully sorry" his facial expression showed both embarrassment and remorse and he seemed genuinely sorry. "Erm- what's your name? If you don't mind me asking."
"It's Scarlet, Scarlet Sneasel. And don't worry about bumping me, it's okay." She smiled lightly, facing the filthy concrete floor beneath them. "And these are my friends Sebastian Larvitar and Warren Wartortle." She pointed to each of them respectively.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you all!" he gestured to handshake. Scarlet looked at his hand in confusion. It was metal and it radiated a blue light. She then looked up towards his face. His smile lit up the frenzied street.
Scarlet shook the boy's hand vigorously.
"You have a firm handshake there, Scarlet."
"Thankyou." Scarlet's curiosity got the best of her. "So why is everyone here augmented?"
"Everyone has it nowadays. It is what this world has come to." Scarlet didn't really understand but she had other things on her mind.
"And who are you exactly?" She continued.
"My name is Skye Scizor, I'm a Dark Knight. Do not be alarmed, however, as I am not evil. I respect Darkrai and what he did." "I was just heading to the castle now until I met you three-"
"I hate to interrupt you but do you know where we could find the president, Skye?" Scarlet said.
"Yes, but it's quite a trek from here." "He lives in the tallest skyscraper located in the upper sector of the city."
"Thanks. But er... We don't really know how to get there. Would you like to travel with us?"
"I would be delighted, Scarlet, but I must not leave post. I could lose my job if I were to leave without notifying them." "However" he added. "You people are an exception."
"Thankyou, Skye." Scarlet said.
"C'mon guys, we need to get moving!" Sebastian said energetically.
"Your right, let's go!"

(( Just wondering; Can Seth still use his attacks, since we're in the future now? ))
(( Also, I think you (Crunchy) should remove the "still accepting roleplayers" bit from the title since we've come quite a way now. ))


"You said you have a dream... That dream... Make it come true." -N

Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:40 am
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((Yeah, the next strongest can be unlocked now. Oshawott, I don't see why not.))

Axel smirked to himself, Trevors comments getting the better of him. A black wind blew passed the two men. The Gallade was ready to fight again, as was the Zoroark. His dark cloak fluttered from the Clock Tower.

"Heh heh heh... Well, if you've been here all this time, surely you overheard what I said. Meteor will fall in five days, that is an unescapable fact. In that time, we have to find our group, stop the current Hume King, and find a method to go back to the past... However..."

Axel snarled, "We still have a score to settle--" Suddenly, the Zoroark flung his gun-arm upward, blasting energy rounds at the Gallade. He ran in to clash with the Gallade, steel against steel.


Joshua pick-pocketed one last passer-by before he ran up to the alley Alex and Celia were supposed to meet him. He picked a spot against the wall and had a rest.

"Hey, you!" Joshua turned, a police officer of some description, a gun in his threshold, "You got ID?"

Joshua gulped.


Matthew transmuted their barrels closed as he passed them, transmuting himself a handgun and fired a couple of rounds at the robo-dogs who approached. He dropped a sweat, looking for a way out. There was no other option, "In there!!" He rounded everyone up, running to the place that was named the Reactor Core.


While Scarlet and Seth made a new friend, inside an old Clothes Department in the Slums, Warren picked himself out a large white-collared coat, wearing it to fit around his armour. He smirked to himself in the mirror, stroking his chin, "Not bad if I do say so myself..."

He walked out with Forde, watching some children and their parents hurry them along, "Quickly! We have to make this train to the Upper Sector! We can't afford to miss it!"

"Upper Sector?" Warren gazed upward, a plate high above them. He couldn't see the sky nor the stars from here. Without the power from the lights, it would've been completely dark. "Could Trevor and the others be up there? Sir Forde, Miss Scarlet, Sir Seth! To the train!"


Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:12 am
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((My apologies for the absence. Job hunting is a lot more time consuming than I thought -.-))

Celia spoke cautiously. "Well...the name on my Robe says "Celia" so that mus be my name..." She shrieked as the hole sucked the group into it.

Alex snickered at the pittance he'd picked from a foolish pedestrian. "Here ya go~" He chimed as he tried to hand it to Celia.

"Hmph. I'll accept none of that filthy money. One should be gaining his worth through hard work - not stealing from others." Alex was taken aback, slightly hurt by her comment. "But...we need to survive. You can't tell me you're not hungry..." Celia blushed. Of course she was starving, but she couldn't turn her back on her morals. As Alex was about to speak, he saw Joshua being abruptly stopped by a police officer. Alex rushed up behind Joshua with a relieved grin. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you, cousin." Alex took the officer's hand and shook it. "Thank you so much, sir! You are certainly a hero and a scholar for finding him for me~" Dumbstruck, the officer looked down at his note pad, ready to write a ticket. Upon looking back to the two, they were gone.

Alex turned to Joshua with a smirk. "Looks like I might be winning your blades after all." Celia turned away in a huff. "Of course I find myself stuck with thieves." Celia looked upward, mid-eye roll to see Meteor. She felt a strange nostalgia come to mind as her staff shuddered. What is...this power? Her head pulsed as memories of Meteor opened up new energies to her.


Forde looked around confused at his surroundings. "You may be right, Sir Warren." As they made their way to a nearby clothing outlet, Forde found himself trying on an array of clothing, looking for something fitting. After look at himself wearing a bright blue jacket and a fuzzy purple hat, he sighed. "I'll never understand this society." He finally settled with a red baseball cap and a black leather coat. He felt uncomfortable, but at least they wouldn't stick out like sore thumbs anymore.

Warren alerted them of the train as Forde rubbed his head. "What is a train?" As the group left Forde felt obligated to make his way through to catch up. "Make way, citizens!" He rose his bone into the air and pushed past the public in a huff. People around him stared awkwardly as they did their best to avoid the "crazed" Marowak. "Make way, I say!"

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Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:04 am
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Clock Tower
Trevor smirked as the Zoroark lifted his arm cannon. He jumped high into the air, dodging the barrage of dark energy shots. He saw the man run though the attack, instantly causing Trevor to shield himself.

His blade collided with the Zoroark's. "Seems that we're a bit evenly matched at this point." Trevor broke the hold and jumped back. He held out his blades to the side and closed his eyes. The blades began to glow a light purple as Trevor focused his energy. He flicked out his arms, sending two waves of psychic energy at the Zoroark. He followed up by jumping in the air and slashing downwards at him.


Claudius sprinted down the dark streets, staying in the shadows of the towering buildings.

It appeared that he was at the lower level, but close to the edge of the cluster of buildings. A large building was lit up not too far from him. He read the sign that said "Power Plant". Claudius ran off towards the plant, following his senses. He felt that there was several of the travellers together there. They were all giving off a good amount of magical power, giving Claudius his best lead.

He ran through the doors, almost getting stuck in the sliding glass. Alarms were blaring and the main lobby was flashing between light yellow and red colors. He looked at the stairway leading downward and proceeded down the stairs. He came to the bottom level that had a sign that said "Reactor Core" and turned in its direction.

As soon as Claudius turned the corner he was greeted by several mechanical creatures. "Well well, seems the distant future is very intriguing." The robots turned and began firing at him. Claudius quickly called out a spell, "Water Pulse!" The Book of Water quickly flew out of the satchel and in front of him. A ball of water shot out from the cover of the book, pushing the robots back into each other.

The mechanical creatures whirred and sputtered as Claudius stepped over them. He continued on his way to the Core.

When he arrived he saw several robots scattered across the room in pieces. "Seems that someone is a good fighter." Claudius looked around the corner of the doorway to see several people running down the hallway. He chased after them. "Hey! Time travellers! I've come to help you!"


Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:39 pm
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((Sorry about the delay, I haven't been sleeping well lately and it's starting to catch up with me.))

-----600 AK-----

Edward watched as the others jumped into the portal. As he walked up he checked to make sure that everything was secure. "Don't worry my king. They'll not escape me." Edward said as he leaped into the portal. Everything went black and he lost track of time.

-----2300 AK-----

Caleb laughed at the Clefairy as it paralyzed Alex. Eventually Josh managed to calm her down and she ended up accompanying them.

Caleb followed the rest of the group into the portal mentally bracing himself for the trip.

-----2000 AK-----

Caleb landed with a grunt. He stood up and looked around seeing a lot of high tech equipment. "Where a..." He started as alarms went off. Suddenly a group of Roboguards came out of side passageways and came straight for him, shooting. Caleb dodged behind a post and waited for them to get closer. Once they were close enough, Caleb spun around the corner and launched a couple fast punches, his plate-mail guantlets denting the gaurds but doing no real damage.

"Guess I need to change tactics." Caleb muttered. He locked his fingers into a spear-hand technique and stabbed into any joints, where the armor was weaker, causing some severe damage. Seeing that he was getting nowhere, Caleb turned and ran stabbing at any guards who got in his way. As he turned a corner he almost ran into an Electabuzz who was being forced back. "There are a bunch more coming behind me!" Caleb yelled.

Edward looked up startled. As it started sinking in he understood the consequences. "Back-to-back then." He growled. As he continued to hack at the guards with his sword. "If you see an opening, yell."

Caleb nodded and turned around to face the guards.


Tue May 01, 2012 5:16 pm
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((It's all good, Dare, and good luck Jimmy!))

The Zoroark dodged his first Psycho Cut, launching a quick Dark Pulse to shield him from the second. Axel unmerged the blade attached to his gun-arm and struck with his left, clashing the Gallade's in-coming dive with a huge dark slash downward. Meanwhile, a dark power charged into the tip of his cannon. He chuckled darkly as he lifted it, "...As long as the Meteor is in the sky, I can absorb its energy and use it at will..." A ball of pulsing energy formed, a grin swept the Zoroark's face as he sheathed his blade, using his left to cast a special spell, "As a Time Mage I can make use of these abilities. Let's see you struggle out of this one--- STOP!!" Suddenly, the Gallade's body completely halted. A dark presence of forced magic pressing down on him as time stopped. Axel's Big Shot attack grew and grew all the while.

"TAKE THIS!!!" Axel fired, the ball of furious energy whirling toward the hero.

A Dragoon of blue armour flew toward Light Continent, he rode a fully-armoured Salamence. The small warrior lifted and rested his three spears to his shoulder, "...Axel Zoroark and Trevor Gallade... Taking you two out will help the Master out immensely," he smirked wickedly. The Salamence battered its red demonic wings as it soared to its course--- Clock Tower.


Joshua Snivy sighed, rubbing the back of his head before pulling his hat back on, "Well, I'm thankful, I guess. Thanks, Alex. It's nice avoiding a fight every now and then. How did your round go? There's no way you've pilfered more than me. If you have, my dagger's all yours," he grinned to himself smugly. There was no way that was happening. This moment... It reminded him of the good old days.

Suddenly, screams and gasps were heard from all different directions. Doors in the neighbourhood opened and slammed shut, closing immediately. Footsteps of matching were heard from all over, on either side of the street. It wasn't long before Joshua cursed, soldiers in mean-looking cyborg armour had surrounded the Snivy, Sableye and Clefairy. "The President's private army! Let's get outta here!" They heard as a couple quickly fled the area. This army was armed to the teeth. Giant swords, machine guns... These guys were the real deal.

The Snivy grabbed at his Mage Masher, holding it up threateningly as he spat, "What the hell?! This... is a little much. No, these guys were expecting us..."

"I wouldn't to anything hasty if I were you, Snivy!" the commander called, "You're coming with us, dead or alive! Your decision!"

Joshua glared, growling under his breath. He slowly placed his dagger to the ground, lifting his hands up. "We're captured... Axel, Caleb... Where are you?"


Alarms and red flashing screamed above them. Matthew shot the keycard device with his gun before he discarded it, opening the auto-doors straight open. "Everyone quick, get inside!" He noticed the Medicham, and the funny-dressed man who suspiciously addressed them as time travellers. But now wasn't the time to ask questions, "Matthew Mime, nice to meetcha! But can we talk once were outta here?!"

The doors closed shut once they were all inside. Walking down a railing, a reactor glowed with an immerse energy in the centre of the seemingly bottomless chamber. Suddenly, little flickers of light started to appear all around them. They were escaping the Reactor Core, access energy. Pyreflies... "Is this generator the source of the city's power supply...? Wait..." Matt gasped, "Is this the Planet's energy?! That's insane! That's the Planet's life force!"

"Hahaha... Curiously accurately, aren't you? I suppose I shouldn't have expected any less." A voice echoed around them. This voice perked the Medicham's attention. An old man's voice... Seemingly familiar.

"Who said that?!" Matthew turned.

"Up here." Standing on top of the Reactor Core was a man. His face was shadowed. He had pig-like ears and a snout. A Charka Headband around his head, he was equipped with Hellish Claws on either hand, another Monk's weapon. "I can sense all of these powerful energies unlocked within you, in particular, that Slowking whose accompanying you... However..." he gestured, "Can you possibly hope to fight this?"

The doors reopened, a giant mechanical beast emerged screeching from the doorway. An AI-controlled Mecha Gear. The monster stood up, towering over the six of them. It started firing missiles from the chamber of its body. Its right arm was a long and powerful drill, its left held a laser rifle.

((You guys can control it and have fun with it. It'll take everyone's posts to make it selfdestruct, so no killing it. It IS a boss fight, after all. It'll have some kinda magic defence system.))


Warren took a seat on the train with everyone. The train was amazing. Like Forde, this was his first experience on one and it was just about to leave the station. Apparently the rails circled around and up to the Upper Sector. Hopefully, they could find the others before encountering this evil Mewtwo King Achxes spoke of.

A small crowd of people were boarding, all awhile, a mysterious figure with a Ninja-like appearance got on the same train as well. She stalked her prey ever since they arrived, hunting her targets. She had a giant Shuriken equipped to her back, her face hidden under an umbrella as she held it with razer shard claws.

As the train whistled and started to take off, Warren felt a little motion-sickness coming on as he bended over to the side, "Ugh, this is awful. Hopefully this doesn't take too long... Ugh."

Suddenly, a kunai struck his shoulder, striking his iron armour underneath. He gasped, turning to see a figure dash onto the other carriage, smash a window and jump onto the roof of the train.

"Let's go!" Warren informed the others, pulling the door wide open and swinging atop. He yelled as a shuriken almost beheaded him, poking his head back out his shell in a cold sweat, "Close call, heh heh."

"Darn, almost had you then!" the female ninja giggled darkly to herself, preparing to fight as the train's speed intensified. She grabbed at the return of her Shuriken, the umbrella still in her hand. Warren took a fighting stance, unsheathing his Iron Sword and his shield.


Wed May 02, 2012 4:58 am
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(( Train roof battles are a classic, this should be interesting. ))

Scarlet, Seth and Skye followed Warren up onto the roof of the train. Scarlet stood, legs slightly parted and her cloak flickered wildly in the wind like a candle's flame. Her blonde hair blew in front of her eyes and lips. Her eyes were squinted, fixed on the strange woman. What does she want? Does she work for that Mewtwo? Many questions flooded her mind and she found herself lost in her thoughts. She became distracted and her knees slowly began to collapse. The train carriage shuddered quickly then the speed at which the train was going increased. She shook her head and realized where she was. "We need to reveal who this woman is and why she is after Warren." Scarlet said to Seth. "Agreed." he nodded and smiled mildly, preparing for battle. Skye snapped his pincers together tightly and a blue glow emitted from them. He maneuvered into his fighting stance, ready to attack. He held the handle of his trusty blade -- which was carefully strapped to his back -- and whipped it out of its scabbard. "If you haven't witnessed me battle before, prepare to be astonished." he chuckled for a moment then charged at the woman, his sword out to his side.


"You said you have a dream... That dream... Make it come true." -N

Wed May 02, 2012 7:56 am
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Alex grunted as the cyborg army surrounded them. "Aww come on guys...this is a little extreme, isn't it? I didn't steal that much..." Celia started trembling as she noticed all of them being heavily armed and directed right at the small group. "Can't you at least put the guns away? Jeez! There's only three of us...and you're scaring her!" A few front guards were ready to fire as Alex sighed and rose his hands, dropping his dagger to the group. He looked to Joshua, concerned. What are we supposed to do now...? I've been caught before but this is ridiculous.


Forde was just beginning to relax when something struck Warren in the shoulder. Arming himself, Forde ran with the group to the roof of the train to see a woman holding an umbrella, armed with a large shuriken. "Who are you to attack us, woman? We've not provoked you in the least bit! Show yourself!" She threw the giant shuriken again. Forde drew his bone up to block, but almost lost his stance as the large bladed object pushed him to the side of the train. He flung it back, but not before having to regain his balance. The train sped faster than he'd ever seen anything move before...and this woman had no problem taking advantage of that.

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Wed May 02, 2012 1:50 pm
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((We're on a train now?!?))
Abel looked up at the machine before him. "I've never seen anything like this before. But, if you threaten me, I will carry through with it." he said. He opened his hand where a stick of fire formed. ((Javelin Torch)) "Take this!" Abel's javelin soared through the air and found its target. The laser activated, destroying the javelin.
Dewey wasnt done. He still had a lot of negative energy pent up in him. He watched as Abel's attack failed. "Laser powered rifle, eh?" Dewey thought to himself. "So, hit it up close and personal. Perfect!" Blue light migrated into his legs. He took a few steps, then broke into a full on run. Dewey's legs became a glowing blue blur as he sped towards the Mech. He jumped up and unleashed multiple kicks on the gear.
"Drat!" Abel said. He watched the Dewott take off and engage the mechanical beast in close quarters combat. "Good idea."
With the flame shield up, Abel threw a spear, hitting the mech in the shoulder. He drew his shortsword and proceeded to hack away.

"As I look up from the ground
I see darkness all around
And I'm lost but can be found up in the sky

Wed May 02, 2012 2:15 pm
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The mysterious woman smiled, "This was too easy... Now, I have you all where I want you..." she looked upward to see a Sneasel, "Ah, one of my kind, huh? Although, you are time travels. So, it isn't impossible. Ninja clans had disbanded ever since after the last century... Perhaps we can compare justus sometime." She grinned as a young Scizor appoarched her, sword drawn. Like a dance, she followed through with her attack, circling and surprising the Scizor with dance-like movement, she managed to get behind him before kicking him off the side of the train.

Warren gasped in horror, "SKYE!!" he leapt down, sliding deperately to the edge and managing to reach Skye to grab his arm, "Quickly--!!" he growled, "Climb up--!!"

The woman giggled to herself, eyeing the next target, "Okay, time to get serious..." she spun her umbrella into the air, revealing a red crown and collar. The Weavile deviously withdrew a claw-full of kunai, ready to attack, "I'm over here boys and girls, come and get me!"

Her radio started to screech, with an angry sigh she picked it up, "Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh... Alright. Is that all?! Good!" she tossed the radio from the side of the train, getting back into composure, "Well, it seems some of you were captured on the Upper Sector. It's my duty to capture you as well... But seeing you with your buddies just makes me want to kill you. My name's Envy, prepare to die."

"Ninja formation!" Suddenly, Envy Weavile called upon a group of black-heavy ninjas, landing behind her and behind the group on the train. They looked similiar and had the same type of gear to the private army who caught Snivy and the others, so they weren't really ninjas, "Attack!"


Mecha Gear furiously swung its drill arm back and forth, trying to hit any targets within its range as a volly of attacks knocked it about. In its struggle, the lazer charged up and fired, whirling around the room. It unloaded another payload of missles.

Matthew jumped out of the way of a lazer strike and an explosion, suddenly feeling himself fall backwards, "W-whoa!" he reached out for anything but with no luck. He started falling.


Wed May 02, 2012 9:45 pm
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Claudius stepped back as the Mecha appeared. Something felt evil about this thing. He watched as the others began attacking and watched how the machine beast responded.

He easily jumped out of the way of the attacks. Then Claudius saw the Mime Jr. fall over the edge. He acted wuickly as he grabbed the Book of Water. "Water Pulse!" A ball of water shot out of the cover and headed for the falling person. It engulfed the Mime Jr. as Claudius controlled the magical water. He raised it back on to the platform. "Be more careful then that.", Claudius smiled at the young alchemist.

Claudius returned his attention towards the beast as he saw the barrage of missiles coming at the group. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his powers. The Book of Lightning appeared before him and opened. A large beast of crackling electricity jumped from the book and roared. It ran and jumped towards each rocket, causing them to explode.

As the debris cleared and the lightning beast gone, Claudius looked at the Mecha. There was a light pink shield around it. "This thing is protected from magical attacks, They won't have as strong as an effect as we would hope!" He looked around at it, "We need to somehow drain its energy so its shield will fail or destroy whatever produces the shield."

Trevor looked in shock as he body stopped in mid-motion. Then he saw the blast coming for him.

He tried to move but his body wouldn't respond. It was too late as the blast struck him. Trevor blasted through the air and landed against the back wall. He fell to the floor, trying to think. I have to keep fighting! I have to do this for everyone!

Trevor stood up and was clenching his fists hard. Soon ice crept over them, as well set aflame and crackle with electricity. More power? He looked at the Zoroark with a smug look, "Seems your not the only one with new powers."

He ran at his enemy, ready to punch the hell out of him. "Now try this!"

((Just so you know Leavanny is going to make an appearance in my next post. Figured that someone will get injured a good bit with all of these boss battles going on :D ))


Thu May 03, 2012 5:13 am
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"Drew?" Caleb asked, his thoughts careening back to his time training under the Grumpig. He was jerked back to reality as the Mecha walked into the room. Caleb jumped out of the way as a missle flew at him, right into the path of another. He threw up his hands and the missle stopped, surrounded in a blue aura ((Psychic)). Caleb turned it around and launched it back at the Mecha, but it never got close, being stopped by the laser.

"This thing is protected from magical attacks, They won't have as strong as an effect as we would hope!" The Slowking yelled, "We need to somehow drain its energy so its shield will fail or destroy whatever produces the shield."

"I'm on it." Edward yelled, charging in dodging around its drill arm. He stabbed his sword into the Mecha's leg. He accessed the energy within him, his colours reversed, and he unleashed a powerful electric attack, channeling it into his sword, and through that, into the Mecha. Once it was over, he pulled his sword free and staggered away.


Thu May 03, 2012 4:30 pm
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Seth's mouth made the shape of a large 'O' and he stood in shock while Envy Weavile pushed Skye of the edge of the train. He ran towards Warren -- who was already attempting to pull Skye up. Skye tried to lift himself up while Warren gripped his arm. "I can't make it!" He panted uncontrollably and his arms began to give way. He finally lost his grasp on Warren's hand. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Sir Warren." he smiled anxiously and closed his eyes lightly. He began to fall and his hopes of surviving vanished. Suddenly a gust of wind swirled wildly underneath his legs and feet. (( Seth's 'Gust' attack. Although it can be used to attack enemies it can also be used in other circumstances. )) He looked onto the train roof and saw Seth standing about a meter away from him. Seth's eyes were glowing as white as snow and his dirty blonde hair stood on end, like spikes. His face showed pure concentration and focus. His left arm slowly reached out towards Skye. As he raised his arm higher, the swirling platform of wind under Skye lifted him onto the train again. He clenched his hand into a fist and the wind surrounding Skye's feet dispelled. Skye fell the ground with a thud. He pushed himself off the ground and stood to thank Seth for his efforts -- he gestured to handshake. Seth's eyes hazed over and without saying a word he dropped to the ground and passed out. "SETH! Are you okay?!" he shouted. He knelt next to him and shook him attempting to wake him from his slumber. Scarlet slid across the train roof, from one side of the carriage to the other -- she landed next to Skye. "THAT IS THE LAST STRAW!!" she roared. She quickly got back up onto her feet and charged towards Envy. She flew up, high into the air and spin kicked Envy. "Take that you b***h!" she made other various attacks but she soon became fatigued, like Seth. Skye clenched his jaw and grinded his teeth. Sweat dripped off Skye's rose red cheeks. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. This is impossible... Skye persisted to attack and attack and attack but nothing was a match for the Weavile's skill. Just as all hope was lost, Seth flew into the air and yelled "We can do this, don't give up!"
"Seth, you're alive!" he shouted, relieved. Both knew this was no time for chit chat so they nodded to each other and continued to attack. "Thankyou, Seth. I would be dead without you." Seth took no notice of Skye's remark and ran off to attack Envy. "This still isn't enough to kill her!" Seth shouted while attacking.
(( I edited some to make it more suitable. Again, sorry Crunchy! I had a feeling about Envy, somehow I knew who she really was. I can't wait for this to unfold! And I know it's longer than usual, I had a bit more spare time. :P))


"You said you have a dream... That dream... Make it come true." -N

Last edited by OshawottFTW on Fri May 04, 2012 10:20 am, edited 3 times in total.

Fri May 04, 2012 8:30 am
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((Congrats on the job, Jimmy! And nice long post, Oshawott! However, these aren't Weavile, only Envy is one, and if you read closely she explained the clan is gone, and the ones you're fighting are only dressed as ninjas. Also, no gore means no beheading, as I've told Samurott earlier before haha.))

Warren sighed a breath of relief when young Seth managed to save Skye using his Geomancer ability. Warren struggled to get himself up and find a balance on the runaway train, but when he did he was more than eager to join the fight as well, "Soldiers, huh? I'll deal with them. Scarlet, you and this Envy seem to have similiar techniques. I'll leave her in your capable hands. Now..." Warren picked up his sword, twirling it above his head before it was engulfed in a white-like magic-- Holy, "...This may be something I picked up inside the Gate... Excalibur Strike!!" he ran behind the Weavile, unleashing a burst of energy from his blade that blinded the enemy in a holy-flash before it struck them. Machine gun fire hit at his shield as he clashed blade-to-blade with another swordsmen, spinning around to give the man a critical blow. The swordsmen fell from the train. Warren turned, at least three of them on either side. Two men struck Warren as he growled in pain, his white coat tearing in a rip.

"Scarlet's your name, huh? Well..." Envy smirked, "Nice to meet you... Now, di---" Something triggered inside the Weavile's subconscious, ---"She should be here by now..."--- "Huh?" Suddenly, flashes and memories started unlocking within her, ---"Looking for me?" "Sis, is that really you?"--- "Stop..." the Weavile clenched her head, frailing about as memories flooded her being, almost as if it was splitting her mind open. Again and again, they would not stop. It was too painful, she couldn't take it much longer, ---"Yes! Now, c'mon! The Time Festival is coming to a close!"--- "I SAID STOPPPPPP!!!" she screamed to the sky.

---The two twins walked off into the distance, giggling to each other---

Envy panted, again and again, seemingly back in control. Upon further expection... a glance upward, dark, piercing red eyes glared Scarlet Sneasel down. She reached for her Shuriken, throwing all of her kunai she had at the Sneasel, before throwing her body back and forth as her spun her main weapon around her. She fought like she was in a dark menacing trance, losing all sense of self.

"Kill Scarlet, kill Scarlet, kill Scarlet---!!"


The Zoroark took punches left and right, a fire, ice and a thunder punch. They continued trading blows, Axel dealing dark slashes with his blade, running down the Clock Tower staircase, firing Dark Pulses whenever he had the chance. And Trevor Gallade, using a series of Close Combat techs and swordplay. However, Trevor got the upperhand...

They were inside the tower as Axel got knocked into the wall. When his back struck the wall behind him the wind was completely taken from him. There were gears of the clock clanking all around them. On their current level, a barely see-through clockface. Axel weakly snickered as Trevor took him by the neck of his cloak, "Heh-heh-heh... Do it, then... You'll know in five days what it's like... To lose everything you hold dear in a single moment..."

Axel, admitting defeat, slowly came to terms with himself. At least Joshua Snivy and the others could do something... Suddenly, Axel noticed something in the corner of his eye, twitching as a dark presense almost throbbed at his heart. He gasped.

The clockface was suddenly smashed into by a dark blue flamethrower attack --- Axel dived and managed to get both himself and Trevor to the ground for cover.

"Hahaha! Aw what? I missed?" the batter of wings descended upon them, a small armoured Dragoon riding a dragon. The dragon clawed itself inside as the Dragoon jumped from his hind, "It's a real pleasure to meet you guys, Axel, Trevor! I'm Wrath Charmander, I'm here to wipe your existense from the face of the earth!" his teethy grin, along with a playful tail suddenly set ablaze.

Axel got himself up, a grit at his teeth, "This kid doesn't mess around... Who is this kid, and why does he want to kill us...? Something isn't right... Guys, I hope you're okay..."

"Think you can help me?" Axel began to cast a spell on Trevor, Regen, "I'm going to fight him. Judging by the dark aura I'm feeling from him, he's no pushover. You can kill me afterwards."


"Haha..." he fell back onto the railing with an embarassed laugh, "Thanks, Mr. Slowking. I thought I was a goner for sure..." he nodded to him, getting back into the fight.

"Nine work, you guys!" Matthew cheered, helping in his own way by transmuting metal shields around them when each missile would find its way appoarching an ally.

Thanks to Edward's thinking, the magic shield was down. Now everyone could use their attacks to full effect.

The Grumpig looked down on the Medicham as he fought, gazing down questionably. Did this boy know him? He had to find out. Using the Psychic abilities of his own, from the peak of the Reactor Core to the railing platform below, he mind-dived into Caleb's subconscious. "Ah, I see. So this, this is my origin... Truly... Our Master is a frightening man..." he grinned darkly to himself, deciding to speak and perhaps try and bend this creature's will to do his own bidding, "Yes, Caleb. It is I, Drew Grumpig, your Master..." he tried using hyponsis as well, perhaps that was what was needed, "These are your enemies, are they not? You foresaw the future with your friend, Joshua. These men are working for the Hume King... Use the techniques I've taught you, and destroy them..."

Meanwhile, Adrienne Gardevior prayed at the church as well as her companion, Mog. Arrays of light shined from the stainglass windows and onto the alter of a sword. The Savior. The large sword was similiar to Hume King Spence's blade he had on that fateful day. She looked up, her Future Sight complete. "I see... Peony Leavanny." Adrienne closed her eyes again, trying to send her thoughts out to this person who flooded her mind. "Peony Leavanny... Please, head to Church... Hurry..."


Cuffed and taken by helicopter, they had all their weapons and equipment taken from them. Joshua looked over at both Celia and Alex, just trying to figure out what to do. "Take them to headquaters. The President wants to see them." The Commander had adressed his radio before they were taken away. What did it all mean? Did this President guy know they were coming all along? And what exactly did he want with them? It didn't sound good. Joshua glared, lookng out over Midnight City, wondering where the hell was everyone.


Fri May 04, 2012 9:32 am
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Abel watched as the shields fell. "Perfect! Now, face me!" Abel started jumping up the mecha's leg. He charged up his Javelin Torch yet again. Holding the javelin in his right hand, he unleashed a powerful Fire Punch into the hip of the Mech. Upon reaching the shulder, Abel swung around the neck and threw his Javelin into the shoulder where his spears were. Picking up both spears, Abel wielded one in each hand. The Dragoon approached the neck of the Mech and plunged both of the spears into it. It let out a giant artficial howl as Dewey kicked it in its face.
((Expect Luka's app sometime soon.))

"As I look up from the ground
I see darkness all around
And I'm lost but can be found up in the sky

Sat May 05, 2012 5:29 pm
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While everyone had their attention focused on Envy, Forde took on the role of taking out her henchmen. Although she was agile, Forde felt as though her subordinates lacked skill. With a loud whacking sound, another was thrown from the train. Small bouts of blade-play and bight lights surrounded him as he felt himself grow tired. After blocking attacks and striking for what seemed like hours, Forde fell to his knee, panting. "There's too many...I can't keep up much longer." He looked back up to see more of the ninja-looking soldiers armed with bigger guns than the others. The few looked bulky, but it didn't seem like they were meant for close combat. One lifted its cannon and aimed for Forde as it charged with a glow. Using his bone for balance, he stood back up, ready to block or attempt a dodge if need be. Suddenly, a pulsating light burst from its barrel as Forde took to his bone, spinning it at an incredible speed. The blast dispersed momentarily before firing back at the gunman. A loud thud was the blast collided and the person was thrown from the train. "Hah! I've still got it!" He looked to the others and noticed Warren taking on machine gun fire, as well as Envy now reaching a sort of blood-lust state. Forde approached the gunners. "Come on, cowards! If you call yourselves warriors, I dare you to match my mighty club!" He held his bone outward, challenging his new found opponents.
Alex sighed in disappointment. "Even when I do the job right...I get caught. What a drag." One of the guards bumped him while they walked. "hey, buddy, how about some room here?" The guard glared down and shoved Alex harder to the ground before dragging him back up by his shackles. "This is just embarrassing..." Alex turned to look at Joshua, obviously lost in thought. He made his way closer before whispering under his breath. "Any clue where they are?" Celia walked behind the two. She made sure to keep quiet, as not to further upset the guards. Neither of them really knew what the president wanted - or who he even was for that matter. It was just a game of wait and see.

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Sun May 06, 2012 10:36 pm
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Once Trevor grabbed the Zoroark by the neck of his cloak he sneered at the man's comment. "You already took away the person I was supposed to protect, so this will be worth it." Trevor had a wild look in his face as he was about to finish off the Zoroark.

The wall behind him blew about in a large explosion. Trevor looked in shock as the man he was trying to kill threw himself and Trevor out of the way of the initial blast.

He looked in surprise as a small Charmander appeared in the tower riding a fearsome Salamence that clawed its way into the tower. When will all these surprises stop?

Trevor nodded at the Zoroark known as Axel, "Well then I'll have to make sure that this pip-squeak doesn't do my job." He struck his fighting stance, "What do you want with us?"
Peony ran through the bottom area of the hospital in the Middle Sector. "Oh my, oh my!" She looked as busy as ever as she squeezed her way past several nurses and fellow doctors.

Peony ran from room to room, checking on several patients and trying to help as much as possible. "Doctor Peony to the 3rd floor please!", a sweet female voice echoed through the PA system with slight urge. "Oh it's time!" Peony smiled brightly as she ran up the stairs, not taking the elevator. She arrived on the floor and ran into the delivery room. A young woman was going into labor. She smiled caringly at the woman on the bed, "Well Mrs.Simipour are you ready for your new baby?" The woman nodded as she winced in pain. "Ok well I'll try to make this as painless as possible."

Peony walked over and put her hand on the Simipour's forehead. She closed her eyes, focusing all of her energy. Soon a wave of soft white light washed over the woman. She looked relieved as the pain dulled a bit. She thanked Peony.
Several hours later.......... "Congratulations, it's a healthy boy!" Peony wrapped the newborn Panpour in a blanket and handed him to his mother. She smiled as she turned to leave.

In the hallway Peony heard a voice come through her mind. "The Church? She sounds troubled so I have no choice." She ran down the hallway and then through the main lobby. She grabbed her staff from the inside of the desk as she ran out of the door. Peony kept running until she made it to the church. A feeling of serenity flowed over her body as she saw a lovely Gardevoir kneeling at the alter. "Are you the one that called me?"
Claudius was about to brace for a large fire attack before the Grumpig began speaking to the Medicham.

He turned and sensed a sleeping spell was in effect. "No! Caleb don't listen to him! He is decieving you to fight us!" Claudius glared up at the Grumpig, "He is using magic to turn you against your friends."

A book levitated upwards slowly from his satchel. "Flamethrower!" The Book of Fire showed itself above Claudius' head before a jet of flame shot from the cover. The flames shot towards the evil Grumpig.


Mon May 07, 2012 6:45 am
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Inside the church, Adrienne turned, giving the Leavanny a satisfied look, "Good, thank you for coming here. There was something I wanted to discuss with you... But..." the Gardevoir sighed, "There was supposed to be more of you. I suppose I'm not that powerful yet... Listen," she gestured to Peony, "There's three children, captured in the tallest building of this floating city. These children are time travelers. If they're not saved, Meteor will fall with no hope to change it. I need you to help me save these young people from Mewtwo's hands. If we don't help Trevor Gallade and Axel Zoroark, I'm afraid there won't be any chance for them."

Adrienne smiled, walking over to place a hand onto her shoulder, "I'm sorry for placing such a burden on you, but everyone's busy fighting evil for a brighter future. Maybe if Meteor never existed, this world would be a happier one. We need to help all the time travelers the best we can. We have to stop Mewtwo and his reign of terror."

She started to leave the church, her Moogle following behind as well, "Oh, and before I forget... I'm Adrienne Gardevoir. It was nice meeting you Peony. And if we should part ways; if you see a Slowking, tell him a message from me..." she clunched at her Sage's dress, "I AM NOT A HARLOT!!" she voice echoed the church walls. Luckily it was very empty. Her face went bright red, however. The Moogle landed on her shoulder and whispered in Adrienne's ear, she took a deep breath, "And tell him Mog says hi."

Suddenly, Adrienne sensed something. She halted, taking a hand to her chest, "Wait, something's happening..." Something wasn't right, she could feel the future danger from one of the two parties fighting the two dark people; Envy and Pride. But which one?


"I want you dead, that's what a want!" Wrath's tail ignited as he burst over to them in a shot of flames. Wielding these three spears, they weren't just for show. He cleverly managed to juggle and swing all three in his attacks. One in each hand and another at his shoulder, he decided to charge for Axel first.

Axel gasped, pulling his hand up to cast another spell, "SLOW!!" he announced, time magic pushing gravity onto the Charmander, but to no effect! Wrath continued his pursuit, "He isn't affected by my magic?-- Who the hell is this guy?!"

"It's Wrath... WRATH--!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, swinging his spears. Axel managed to strike them off for awhile until Wrath unleashed a Flamethrower plume that took him from surprise. Knocking him into the same wall from earlier. Axel lifted himself up, heavily breathing as he patted the flames from his cloak. He began to cast Regen.

In a fit a rage, Wrath jumped high into the air, "TREVOR GALLAAAAADE!!" As a Dragoon, this attack was one of his most fearsome. From the heights, he took a spear, and launched himself down. His weapon pulsated into flames and power. It was to strike Trevor, prepared or not.


Mecha Gear, after countless attacks, was finally defeated. It completely shut down, its robotic legs collapsing on itself as the Gear fell into sleep mode.

The Grumpig grinned, "I see, so that's your story, Slowking. I was wondering why you had such an immense power unlocked, but now I know... You're not from any of their eras." The Grumpig chuckled at the sight of his fire magic as it roared for him below, "Your magic is great and vast indeed. However, I'm one of the seven who's greatest attibute is magic defense... And my psychic talents are only second to Mewtwo's... Your Flamethrower is nothing to me." As the Flamethrower completely consumed him, he quickly dashed a hand across him, letting up a psychic barrier.

The Grumpig grinned, jumping from the Reactor Core. Before he landed to the railing, a burst of psychic energy pillowed his fall, "Who is Caleb to believe? His old Master and mentor? Or the King's puppets? Caleb has seen the future, he knows the truth."

Matthew turned, glaring, "The truth... What does he mean by that?" the Mime turned, seeing a Medicham lost of thought, "Caleb...?"


"This is too much..." Warren fell to his knee, holding his shield high in the air. These men were strong, too strong. They weren't normal at all. There was this gleam about them.


The helicopter landed on its pad. It was Midnight City Headquaters. The most impressive building situated atop of the highest plate of the city. The Snivy, Sableye and Clefairy were all signaled out. Waiting for them was a tiny cyborg soldier. He was mute, and armour got in the way, but there was something about him Joshua couldn't put his finger on. A man lead them to the elevator, "You three will be seeing the President. He'd like a word with you."


Tue May 08, 2012 7:29 pm
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"Yes, Caleb. It is I, Drew Grumpig, your Master... These are your enemies, are they not? You foresaw the future with your friend, Joshua. These men are working for the Hume King... Use the techniques I've taught you, and destroy them..."

Caleb started at hearing a voice in his head, then he realized who it was.

"No! Caleb don't listen to him! He is decieving you to fight us!" Claudius said. "He is using magic to turn you against your friends."

Caleb shook his head, trying to make sense of it all. But one image kept popping up, one involving a giant wasteland. Caleb made his decision. He started walking towards the others. "Don't worry, I always follow my heart." He said with a smile, which quickly disappeared. "In the future the meteor falls, it makes the world into a wasteland, and I feel that the Hume King is to blame."

Caleb jumped at the group, aiming a kick at Claudius.


Wed May 09, 2012 4:25 am
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"Hahahahaha!" The Grumpig laughed inside, absolutely beside himself. He loved when things just worked out the way he wanted them. "Caleb is now mine to manipulate... but... why do I feel this sense of pride... and shame...?" he shook his head, looking up at the others as the Medicham fought Claudius.

"W-What?!" the Mime gasped, "That's not true, it can't be! The King would never allow it!" He clenched a fist, feeling himself shake. "It's a lie, it has to be a lie!!"


Meanwhile, the President's chamber was opened by two guards standing at post. The three young heroes are escorted inside by the Commander who caught them and the tiny cyborg. Mewtwo was over looking his city, pondering his thoughts. "Only... five days remain... are we prepared...?"

The shackles were released from each of the character's hands, almost magically. Mewtwo nodded, "Thank you for bringing them to me. You may go."

The Commander saluted, taking his leave by the door. The cyborg stayed for a moment before making his way out. Joshua watched him curiously as he passed him, "M-Matthew? N-No... Nevermind..." When they were gone, the door shut behind them, unlocking almost instantly. Joshua turned, giving a smirk and a mockful tone, "Wow, it's an honour, Mr. President. This is the first time I've ever met someone of such high regard."

Mewtwo turned, eyeing the three of them behind his desk. Mewtwo was dressed in black garments that held a long dark cape draped down his back to the floor. His height was compared to Axel's. He was obviously of great importance. "I was expecting... you three to be taller. You are the time travelers, correct? No... that's a stupid question. I can already sense that your powers are unlocked, either by a Piece of Meteor or if one's experienced the phenomena through a portal, your powers are free to grow and come to realisation. The other means would be if you encountered the Savior... but that's highly doubtful."

The Snivy glared, "So, you know who we are. Let's skip the small-talk, then. We're here to stop Meteor from falling."

"Ah... yes." Mewtwo turned, looking upward at Meteor threatening all life from just outside his glass window, "That centainly contradicts my theory of why you're here."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Mewtwo chuckled to himself, turning back to them, "It was told to me that time travelers from the past would come to stop me... from stopping the calamity myself. I will stop Meteor from falling," he flicked his cape up, "If it takes my life to do so, then so be it."

The Snivy eyes widened, suddenly grinning when thinking back on how Axel was worrying killing the King off would hurt the future. Mewtwo wasn't so bad after all. Joshua gestured, "Good! But how? We came from the distant future ourselves... it was like the whole world was slowly dying. Meteor fell, you didn't stop it!"

This took Mewtwo by surprise. You could see the dismay and betrayal of hope he had just lost. The Mewtwo crossed his arms, his giant white tail swiftly swaying back and forth, "Is that so..." he sighed, taking a seat and leaning against his desk, "...That's... not good. I guess that means I failed. There has to be something... I'm missing." He placed his hand to his forehead, "How many were you anyway, that came from the future?"

"Another two of us. A Zoroark who revealed everything... And Caleb Medicham."

"I see... Then, why Is my third party currently fighting another group if we have the same intentions?"

"Huh?" the Snivy was caught off guard, trying to think, "Oh! Well, when Axel Zoroark's Piece of Meteor was destroyed, there was a number off us who was caught in the portal as well."

"Hmmm..." Mewtwo gathered his thoughts, "Then, it could be possible that this group is against us in some way... No wonder my third party is after them..."

"Third party? What is this, third party?" Joshua questioned.

Mewtwo grinned, rolling his chair around to face the window behind him again, "I'd rather not know... They called themselves Homunculus... Wrath, Envy, and Pride... They're being lead by that child who escorted you from the helicopter..." Mewtwo sighed, "They've been her for awhile. They've helped this city in more ways than one. There's no doubt in my mind that I can't trust them, although, they're the only ones I can't read with my psychic powers... They've been helping me become stronger, breed an army of warriors, and helped me at achieving unlimited power-- all in the hopes of fighting Meteor. In a sense, as Pride and Envy put it, if I can stop Meteor from falling, I will become the Hero of Time."

"Hero... of time?" the Snivy glared. Was it even possible to stop Meteor? Could Mewtwo actually do it if they helped him? He turned to Alex and Celia. He chuckled, wondering if they would know... probably not. He wished Axel was there.


Wed May 09, 2012 6:27 am
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Peony looked down for a moment, collecting her thoughts. So, the President is evil. I always had my suspicion but I wouldn't of thought it entirely true.

She looked at the mage, "I'll do whatever I can to help you." A small smile spread across Peony's face, "Any chance to brighten the future is a good enough reason for me." Then as she watched Adrienne walk away Peony winced a little as the woman yelled that she wasn't a harlot. Peony snickered a moment, not having the slightest clue what that word even meant. She noticed that Adrienne stopped, "Is something wrong Adrienne?"

Trevor jumped out of the way of the initial strike, the point of one of the spears impacting the spot where he was just at. The ground erupted in pieces from the blow sending Trevor flying past Axel and into the wall.

He went straight through the wall and rolled to the edge of the tower. Trevor coughed and cringeda little. He grabbed his side that was closest to the blast and stood up.

Trevor glared at Wrath as a thought came to his mind. "Sword Magic!" Trevor's mohawk glowed a bright green as he felt a surge of power through his body. His side didn't hurt as much and he smiled at the Charmander. "I will resort to everything I have to take you down! Now, Psycho Cut!" Trevor slashed several times in at Wrath, sending multiple waves of pink energy at the boy.

Claudius frowned as he evaded the Medicham's kick. He quickly turned, looking at the Grumpig, "This era may have some magic users, but none that are as powerful or wiser than the ones that I and my partner are from." Claudius looked analytically at the Grumpig, "And with my wisdom I know who you are. Despite the fact you are more powerful than a natural person, you can, and will, be defeated."

Claudius continuesly dodged the Medicham's attacks. "Caleb, you do not desire to act this way. This goes against what you and your friends have been striving for. Please I do not want to harm you. But I will if I must."


Thu May 10, 2012 4:53 pm
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[color]Alex wandered around the room. He half-listened to the conversation and gazed at the wall of highly decorated diplomas and trophies. After a bit of snooping, Alex walked back over to Joshua, fully intent on the conversation. After all was said, Alex glared at Joshua and the Mewtwo. "With all do respect, sir...that's a load of bull. The three of us and Axel saw you bring down Meteor. You didn't look all too sad about it either, so how about you fill us in on what's really going on here?"

Celia cowered at the first sight of the president. His height and decor made him all the more intimidating to her. Once the room had settled and the guards left, she found herself gazing up at the sky. Something inside of Celia seemed to light up when she saw Meteor. She set her hands on the glass, attempting to feel closer to it. She felt as though it was calling out to her, trying to share with her its mystical powers. After blacking out for a short while, Celia came to when addressed by Joshua. She nodded and giggled, acting as though she understood what he'd said.


Forde batted one of the men away as he came to aid Warren. "Sir Warren, it is tough, yes, but remember our training. We can beat these wretches. Forde panted heavily as he tried to help Warren to his feet. "As Knights of the King we can't stop fighting." The enemies seemed endless though. No matter how many they managed to defeat, more still came. " must be that Weavile controlling them." Forde drew his bone and made his way to the Weavile. "Sir Warren...remember our training." Forde held his club high and called to Envy. "You, wench! Let's finish this bout here and now!" He knew he wouldn't be able to keep up, but what Forde couldn't block he hoped his armor could.[/b]

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Fri May 11, 2012 11:29 am
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((Since nobody else is posting (Oshawott, I'm looking at you~), I'm moving the groups along now. And since its getting harder and harder to get replies, since I know I lot of you are busy, what I had in mind its going to be revised.))

Adrienne gasped, a premonition hitting her as an after effect of Future Sight. She fell weary, placing a hand to the wooden seat beside her in the church. Mog flew around her in worry.

"Change of plans, Peony. Here's what I want you to do..."


"Hmph," Grumpig grinned to himself over Claudius's remarks, "Over-confident, aren't you? You seem to think you're wise just because of your heritage. Well, you may know what I am, but there are far stronger beings in this world. You'll see when the time comes your magic from your era is nothing compared to the horrors that await you and are yet to come."

The Grumpig who resembled Caleb's mentor Drew eyed all of the heroes, giving himself reassurance, "There's no reason for any of you to be alive now-- Caleb and Matthew, however, are coming with me."

"What?! What do you want with me?!"

The Homunculus laughed, an incredible dark and psychic energy growing in his fists. As the characters braced, the Grumpig took them by surprise as he suddenly placed them into his chest. This caused a reaction that shallowed everyone in a gigantic black sphere. "T-The portal?!" No.

The Grumpig teleported to Caleb, teleporting them to Matthew. The Homunculus grabbed him by the shoulder, "H-Help me!!" Matthew reached out to Claudius before suddenly vanishing in a bright light.

Suddenly, explosions filled the orb of darkness, giving everyone massive damage. The blast caught both the Reactor Core and the Mecha Gear, destroying them both. When it was over, they all fell from the sector and to their apparent deaths, dribis of the exploding power plant following them behind.


Warren nodded with a tired smile, embracing his friend's shoulder, "You're right. Let's finish this battle for good, shall we?"

Suddenly, as lights disappeared around them, the train suddenly screeched. The power to the railway lines had failed. The train couldn't stop and the back carriages, crashed into each other, derailing, some violently being tossed into the air.

"AGHHH!!" Warren fell, just as everyone else, to his or her apparent dooms.


Wrath Charmander dodged Trevor's strikes, blocking a Psycho Cut to the body as it pushed him skidding to his dragon behind him. He lashed out a spear in annoyance, "Hmph, so you are strong! But! It's over for you now!!"

The Charmander leapt onto his Salamence as the dragon plumed blue intense flame. Wrath laughed as the beast made their exit, clawing from the blasted out hole of the tower to begin battering its wings upward, ascending

Axel panted, lowering his dark shield as he gazed upward at the dragon-riding Wrath, a blue-like energy forming from the Salamence's mouth. Not good!

Axel took a few levelling jumps upward, through falling debris of the burning Clock Tower-- landing at the highest point of the lookout. As the dragon and its tamer readily charged their final attack, like a tiny speck up above, the Zoroark extended a hand towards the Gallade below, "I'll give you a boost up! Hurry, finish him!!"

"Now! DIEEEEEEEE!!!" Wrath yelled as an omega blast was sent from the dragon's mouth and descended upon the Clock Tower-- Mega Flare.




"Where... am I? What... happened?" Warren uttered, hardly able to make out a sentence. He was lying on a tatted-clothed bed, a dark room, finding it hard to see a figure standing across the room by a window. The street light coming from outside was blinding him.

Adrienne sighed, looking out the window of the slums as she drew back the blind, "Well, there was a battle. When the power plant blew up, the power to the train suddenly stopped and derailed it. The train fell and crashed in the Lower Sector. Many lives were lost."

Warren gasped.

"Don't worry... You're alive, as well as your companions, you can rest assure. Thanks to Peony and I, we've managed to save your lives and heal you up. Although, most of you have been out of it for days now."

"That's good, but... Then... What about the people of the train, what about them? There were families on that train!"

Adrienne's head fell sadly, shaking, "We did... the best we could."


It appeared that Warren's group as well as Claudius's had fell from the Upper Sector. Thanks to the quick actions of Adrienne and Peony, they were saved. While many were unconscious, they stayed at an Inn in the slums. Thankfully it didn't cost too much, being own by a mother Pikachu and her son, Pichu. While the others were yet to wake up, three days had passed. Meteor only had two more days to fall.

Warren sat up, "Thank you-- uh?"

"It's Adrienne, Adrienne Gardevoir. You don't have to thank me... however, it DOES suck to be working together with him again," she noticed Claudius outside, poking her tongue out rudely. She turned, giving a smile, "Your friend in the other suit of armour is awake as well. You should go see him."


"We can't trust them, we don't know if they're working for the others or not. Thanks to the time travelers, many people have lost their lives as well as gave us many set backs to defend against Meteor. We'll have to place our second reactor to full-power. Until we can know for sure these people are trusted not to be aligned to them, take them to the holds." The President ordered Pride Grumpig and a seemingly fine Envy Weavile.

Pride turned to Caleb who was with them at the time, "Sorry, Caleb. It's just for awhile."


"This blows," the Snivy sighed, laying on the bed, "I guess we're prisoners... Hey, Sableye, you DO remember clearly what we saw, right? Mewtwo didn't make Meteor fall. Maybe because you said that he did is why we're here in the first place, ya know?"

Each hold held a single bed, and their were three of them. Obviously, each door was locked from the other side. From left to right, Matthew looked up from his own bed, hearing murmurs from the wall beside him. Joshua and Alex conversed about why they were here to begin with, while in the far right room, Celia eyed a Medicham lost in thought. His name was Caleb, right?

Matthew Mime walked towards the wall, giving it a tap, "Er, hello? It anyone there?"

The Snivy leaned upward, "Um, Alex? Did you hear that? Or am I just hearing things?"


Sun May 13, 2012 11:43 pm
Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:01 pm
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Location: In your house, nunchuking all of your shit.
((Sorry, I havent posted in awhile. Things just got away from me.))
Abel admired the handiness of everyone's work they did on the mechanical beast. He and Dewey turned to see the Medicham and the Slowking fighting it out. "What's happening?" the Dewott said. "I have no clue. Lets take a look."
It all happened so fast. One minute, they were spectating, the next minute, falling. Abel unsheathed his sword and slammed it into the, grinding to halt. He took out a spear and threw it at the opposite wall to make what he was about to do easier. After catching Dewey, he put him on the spear. "Catch anyone you can." Looking up, he saw the Slowking and the Electabuzz. "Oh lord." Abel looked at Dewey. "You ready?" Dewey nodded his head. "I call dibs on the one with the fish on his head." He reached his arm out and prepared himself. "So I got the Electabuzz." Abel said to himself. If only I had brothers Forde and Warren here... It would make this a lot more easier for me.

"As I look up from the ground
I see darkness all around
And I'm lost but can be found up in the sky

Tue May 15, 2012 7:54 pm
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