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 Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Wii Discussion [now with poll] 

Overall, which of the next generation consoles is most appealing to you?
Playstation 3 19%  19%  [ 48 ]
Wii 57%  57%  [ 142 ]
X-Box 360 22%  22%  [ 55 ]
None 2%  2%  [ 6 ]
Total votes : 251

 Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Wii Discussion [now with poll] 
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Ace Trainer
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We'll just see the sales. ;)

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Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:59 pm
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The Geek
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Chimaerax wrote:
r u serious?? no difference between a 733 mhz celeron and THREE 3.2 gig processors?? u're rite in the fact that the style of gaming or control fluency wont be enhanced by higher-end tech specs but u just cant deny the fact that it WILL improve graphics and latency. on top of that, name one gaming console in the next gen that doesnt focus on improving the tech specs or "numbers" as u oversimplify them to be. xbox 360 and its released stats just seem to be on top of things at the moment, which isnt to say that revolution, WHEN THEY RELEASE ANY INFO on the console wont be better.

Once again, you're not helping your arguement. You're telling me that bigger numbers are better. You even say that it "Will improve graphics and latency" right there. That's just more muscle. Big deal. Now I can get the same old games, but with better graphics! Look! It's another shooter game! But the graphics are a little better this time! Let's spend $500 on the console and $50 on the game to play it, even though we already own the exact same thing in all respects except eye candy!

Chimaerax wrote:
and one more thing...u mention that GAMEPLAY is "infinitely" more important than graphics and numbers. wat kind of evidence do you have revolution (which btw hasnt released any public stats yet or official projected game franchises) will definitely have BETTER GAMEPLAY (as if there was such a thing than can be quantified and made general of an entire gaming system, as opposed to educated experiences with their individual games) than the xbox 360??

First off, evidence that the REVOLUTION is going to REVOLUTIONIZE gameplay.. hmm? I wonder. The whole point of the console is to change Gameplay. Check out all the interviews with the Nintendo people about the Revolution. Every time they say "We're not just going for bigger numbers like everyone else, we're focusing on changing how you play the game." You can find DOZENS of interviews about that.

And, for a specific quote of yours: "(which btw hasnt released any... official projected game franchises)" Excuse me?!?! Nintendo's already promising all the classics of Mario, Zelda, and an SSB game. Similarly, there's growing evidence to suggest that Nintendo has finally decided to do the right thing and realize that it's original fanbase isn't 6 years old anymore. It seems that there's a bit of a buzz over more mature titles, to the point that then next SSB game might actually DESERVE a "T" rating. (Rating SSB:M "T" was the stupidest thing ever, BTW.) There's rumors of SSB heading in a direction where there might be actual signs of the beatings the characters take, even -GASP!- blood!

Looking at the other companies out there, Sony and Microsoft are both almost COMPLETELY ignoring the young gamers. While this gets all the older gamers, they don't get kids hooked at a young age. Nintendo doesn't ignore them. Unfortunately, they almost completely ignore the older gamers. However, if they fix this with the Revolution, just imagine! Nintendo will captiviate the gamers when they're young, and actually have something to keep them coming back as they grow up, instead of letting them slip away.

Chimaerax wrote:
and if numbers and graphics according to u are all that separates the 360 from the original, wat then can u honestly confirm is different between the revolution and the gamecube, besides "numbers and graphics."

And, finally. The GCN added an 8-directional C-Stick as opposed to 4 buttons, allowing for not only more input, but a transitional type of input as you slid from one spot to the next. There was also the addition of the analog trigger buttons, meaning that you could now use them in a pressure-sensitive way. This completely changed driving games from the old "Floor the gas or slam the brake" method to something much more realistic. Don't forget the mini-disks that hold more than CDs, BTW.

Then, for the games themselves, Super Mario Sunshine is like nothing else out there. Same goes for Pikmin. Pikmin is AWESOME. And, need I remind you of my favorite little horror game? There's NEVER been anything like Eternal Darkness since.

Now, if you'd like to continue the debate, I'm all for it. But please, capitalize and punctuate more often. I had trouble even reading what you said to respond to it.


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Mon Jun 27, 2005 4:38 pm
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My predictions and assessments - note: I in no way can be bothered to read the technological specs on it. I don't care. If it doesn't have stuff I like on it, It serves as much entertainment value as watching static (and probably even less, as you can see stuff in static if you look hard enough and/or are insane enough)

XBox 360: I'll be honest. I've never seen anything on Xbox that has remotely piqued my interest (Halo's good, yes, but it's also on PC in a much better form, and unless I missed a report, I'd expect Halo 2 to be on the way too) I don't expect 360 to be any better. They're gonna get a New Halo, all the triconsole games, and maybe one or two games by Rareware before the console is outdated. (I am a diehard Rareware fan, but their work has been lackluster at best ever since Star Fox Adventures) Oh, and they also get Final Fantasy XI, which is already on PC and PS2. To the person that waits for 360 for FFXI, you are either very stupid, or very very stupid.

PS3: I like PS2. I don't own the system (it's my brother's) but they have the multiplatform games (which are usually best on PS2 or GC, though they're rarely good in general) as well as several staple games that, with few exceptions, will never appear on Xbox 360. (As I recall Capcom has wanted little to nothing to do with Microsoft, so sorry Megaman, Street Fighter, and other Capcom game fans. Of course, I'm not 100% as to the accuracy of this, so feel free to correct me. Moreover, I think Square-Enix is in the same boat, and besides FFXI, they have no plans for other Final Fantasy games) I can see many good games on PS3, just as there were on PS2.

Revolution: Mario. Zelda. Metroid. Pokemon. Donkey Kong. Star Fox. Kirby. And that's just the lead Nintendo-owned franchises. Add SSBM and the Mario Party and Sports games, the newer series (e.g. Pikmin), brand new series, and the third party stuff, and you have a great variety of games.

As it is, the Revolution is indeed a mysterious system. Nintendo is about making game systems, as opposed to "7 electronic devices in one" technology bricks that you half expect to see on an infomercial. While Sony was stuffing MP3 players and UMD players (which, unless you're insane, you're not gonna use, unless you are such a fan of Star Wars or whatever that you need it on VHS, DVD, and UMD so that you can watch it whenever the hell you want), Nintendo was designing their system with the (novel!!11) idea of building the system around game possibilities. And really, isn't that the point?

Sony made the PSP to cater to casual gamers who are too "cool" to have fun without beating up hookers or pretending that they're pretending that they're Kobe freakin Bryant. That's fine if you want to play an occasional videogame and feel secure while doing, but honestly, I might not be as "cool" as Captain Prep, but I'm pretty sure I have a hell of a lot more fun than him. I'm not saying that everyone with any manner of playstation or Xbox is like this, I'm just saying that if you challenge a guy's (not covering girls, because they're not so insecure, at least not in my experience) masculinity in relation to a videogame, they either get so offended and outraged that they turn the game off and go lift some weights to prove themselves, or they shrug it off and have normal blood pressure. I for one think the latter is to be preferred.

But, I'm rambling...

Mon Jun 27, 2005 9:17 pm
Bug Catcher
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i really want a xbox 360 because it looks awsome and the graphics are awsome too and all the controlls are wireless

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Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:18 am
Frontier Brain
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Dillon wrote:
the graphics are awsome too

None of the consoles are done yet, so all we've seen is prerendered. Until we see actual gameplay, assume the graphics are prerendered.

Dillon wrote:
all the controlls are wireless

Moot point, as all three consoles will supposedly have wireless controllers.


Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:46 am
Bug Catcher
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did u know that u need xbox 360 to play halo 3 and that it will cost $800.00! :shock: this is insane! i found that out from a friend who works for bungie.


Fri Jul 01, 2005 12:09 pm
Dragon Tamer
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The XBox 360 is set to cost around $399.99, not 800.

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Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:04 pm
Frontier Brain
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angela wrote:
did u know that u need xbox 360 to play halo 3 and that it will cost $800.00! :shock: this is insane! i found that out from a friend who works for bungie.

Heh...if it were really $800, no one would buy it except for the rich people.


Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:57 pm
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it deffinately won't cost $800.00


Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:38 am
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I would probably buy Revolution out of all of them because Nintendo have been in the business the longest and in myeyes are the Tycoons of the Video Gaming World.

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Sun Jul 10, 2005 5:04 pm
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Of the three systems, I'm leaning towards Revolution. I have a grudge against Sony and the X-Box/PS3 all seem like they are going to be ridiculously overpriced. I refuse to pay $300 or so for a freaking system.

As for what I think will probably be the best, it will probably be between the Revolution and the PS3. The PS3 will outmuscle the Revolution and have more games(~_~), but the price of the PS3 might end up being a killer.

Sony is seeming to sign exclusive contracts with a large share of the companies. BUT, if a good Final Fantasy game (I'm not saying Crystal Chronicles was bad) is made for the Revolution, or even just a good RPG without the FF namesake, it could really swing momentum in Nintendo's favor.

Also, the next SSB game with online capabilites is going to be a HUGE draw for Nintendo. I am eagerly awaiting that. Also, as for the next SSB being more violent(i.e. blood), I don't really feel that is a direction Nintendo needs to move towards. It just seems utterly pointless and really steals some of the magic away from the SSB series.

Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:49 am
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i think that the xbox 360 is the best because is the only one made by microsoft and the grafics of this console rocks but u r right about the nintendo sistem because has more time making games but i think xbox 360 still the best 8)

Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:04 pm
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The Xbox 360 IS the best hardware, and because of Halo 3, it WILL sell more than the Revolution and PS3, despite people's loyalty.

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Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:16 am
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Antigua wrote:
The Xbox 360 IS the best hardware, and because of Halo 3, it WILL sell more than the Revolution and PS3, despite people's loyalty.

Wrong. One game will not draw as many people two buy the overpriced game ($50 or so) along with an overpriced system.

98% of the teenage population have pasted random statistics into their sig. If you are one of the 2% that hasn't, paste this into your sig.

Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:51 am
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Siphai wrote:
Wrong. One game will not draw as many people two buy the overpriced game ($50 or so) along with an overpriced system.


There is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING meritable about the Xbox that was done right. The Xbox could have been a GREAT system, it really could have. But, sadly, all the energy and money was put into the graphics and nothing more. A built in hard drive, the internet connectivity... it could have been great.

Instead, the hard drive is locked out against all VALUABLE uses, and it only took them how many years to get Live off the ground? Not to meantion Live is almost completely neglected except for Halo 2. The only thing done RIGHT about the Xbox is the fact that it can be modded to run Linux. Yay for Microsoft's stupidity.

And yet the Xbox sold, and continues to sell. Why? Halo and Halo 2. Without those games, Xbox would have NOTHING, and it wouldn't still be around. It'll be the same with the 360. There's nothing inventive at all, just graphics. Yet, it'll have the next installment(s) of the Halo franchise, so it'll survive.

Sad world, isn't it?


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Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:31 pm
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Well, it may also depend on what a gamers looking for. I'm no hardcore gamer, but I love the X-Box and it's games. Awesome graphics and 50,000 blocks already on the Harddrive is good enough for me. 8)

I signed in on 18 April 2017, after pretty much not visiting this site for 7 years. Crazy. When will I update this signature next? Who knows.

Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:23 am
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i cant wait for the revolution to come out because anyway the most important thing is ssb online!

Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:51 am
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the xbox have better games not only halo but doom 3 that i say its my favorite game since the id software classics doom and doom2 that games rules so i think xbox still the best of all consoles and truestar ur right i realy think the same of you

oh the nintendo ds is not that good if u wanna buy a portatile one the better one is the psp

Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:17 am
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frito_man wrote:
the xbox have better games not only halo but doom 3 that i say its my favorite game since the id software classics doom and doom2 that games rules so i think xbox still the best of all consoles and truestar ur right i realy think the same of you

oh the nintendo ds is not that good if u wanna buy a portatile one the better one is the psp

Type in sentences, man, sentences. :shock: So, you're saying that the Xbox 360 is the best system because of two games? I don't know about you but when I buy a gaming console I eventually have a lot more than two games. It takes more than good graphics to make a system great. Besides, none of the systems have been released yet so you can't even begin to say which one is best. I won't even get started on why the PSP is a ripoff and such, just read Jigglypuff's posts...

Anyway I just realized this is my first post in this topic. :P I think SSBM online would be awesome. Depending on how much money I have, I will either get the Revolution, the PS3, or both. If I only have enough money for one, I'll probably end up getting the Revolution just for that. 8)

Someone posted much earlier in this topic about Mario Kart online. This would be good but: I loved Mario Kart up until and including Mario Kart 64. In fact Mario Kart 64 is one of my favorite games for the N64. However, in my opinion, Mario Kart Double Dash was absolutely awful. It barely felt like a Mario Kart game, and the whole concept of having two riders and randomly switching... insanely stupid. What I'm trying to say is I hope the new Mario Kart for the Revolution is more like Mario Kart 64 than that pathetic excuse for a game that was Double Dash. :evil:

Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:22 am
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TheCyberMew wrote:

I think SSBM online would be awesome. Depending on how much money I have, I will either get the Revolution, the PS3, or both. If I only have enough money for one, I'll probably end up getting the Revolution just for that. 8)

so you'll probably end up getting Revolution just for that [ssbm online]...

doesn't that in a way justify the fact that many people prefer the 360 b/c of its held franchises (whether it be doom [which i must say is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER on the PC] or the halo series or the gta series, etc.)? all consoles appeal to gameplay and graphics: you cannot deny that. and the fact is microsoft and nintendo vary in their franchises' styles. sure nintendo is more cartoony and 360's games are a bit on the violent side, but in the end, its all personal pref. of course, a certain loyalty to nintendo is blindly driving some fanatics to make premature judgments about consoles that haven't even released its benchmarks yet. :roll:


Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:33 pm
Lite Four
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Chimaerax wrote:
TheCyberMew wrote:

I think SSBM online would be awesome. Depending on how much money I have, I will either get the Revolution, the PS3, or both. If I only have enough money for one, I'll probably end up getting the Revolution just for that. 8)

so you'll probably end up getting Revolution just for that [ssbm online]...

doesn't that in a way justify the fact that many people prefer the 360 b/c of its held franchises (whether it be doom [which i must say is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER on the PC] or the halo series or the gta series, etc.)? all consoles appeal to gameplay and graphics: you cannot deny that. and the fact is microsoft and nintendo vary in their franchises' styles. sure nintendo is more cartoony and 360's games are a bit on the violent side, but in the end, its all personal pref. of course, a certain loyalty to nintendo is blindly driving some fanatics to make premature judgments about consoles that haven't even released its benchmarks yet. :roll:

After re-reading my post I realized how contradictory it sounded. What I meant to say was, SSB online would push me over the edge in my decision of which console to buy. Certainly I would never buy a console just for one game. In addition to all the other things I like about Nintendo, that is what might cause me to buy a Revolution over a PS3.

And as for buying a system because of its franchises, I don't buy Nintendo systems for Mario. I usually buy them based on gameplay. On a similar note I will also state that Nintendo has by far the best controllers.

I don't see how you can say that Nintendo is "cartoony." All games are animated, it's not like watching a movie. You can say that Nintendo is more focused on little kids, but then I would stare at the shelf in my room of "M" rated Gamecube games and beg to differ. When you say a loyalty to Nintendo is driving some consumers to not even consider the other systems, this is true, but it is also true of consumers with loyalties to Sony and Microsoft.

The thing I agree with you on most is Doom. Doom is immensely better on the PC.

Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:52 pm
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Every system will have its perks over the other for one thing or another, and all of them WILL be costly. Yes, even Nintendo, as to play any old Nintendo game will requite a cost so that you can play them on your Revolution. Nintendo said that they will not be free.

It's too early to tell which system will come out supreme this late year. But hey, if you can't just choose one, choose all three! :D Happy debating.

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Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:35 am
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guys i think its time that we let this new consoles system thing go and all agree on one thing:

that atari is indefinitely the best.

so lets all just sit down, chill, and play some pong 8)

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Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:59 pm
The Geek
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Antigua wrote:
Every system will have its perks over the other for one thing or another, and all of them WILL be costly. Yes, even Nintendo, as to play any old Nintendo game will requite a cost so that you can play them on your Revolution. Nintendo said that they will not be free.

It's too early to tell which system will come out supreme this late year. But hey, if you can't just choose one, choose all three! :D Happy debating.

Really? Source for that info, please? Because, all E3 and every post-E3 announcement, Nintendo has been stressing the fact that they will make their games downloadable for FREE, on a FREE server, that you can FREELY connect to. The DS will connect to a FREE worldwide network as well.

Obviously, Nintendo can't control what 3rd parties will do. They've said themselves that if a 3rd party wants to charge to download the games, Nintendo can't stop them. However, I think that with Nintendo's games being free, it would be pointless to attempt to charge for the other games. We're talking about the classics here; many of them were made by Nintendo. If 3rd party companies think that they can charge for their games while Nintendo gives them away for free, and they still expect people to respond positively, they've got another think coming.

Personally, I think it would be disasterous for the companies to attempt to charge. However, I can see some companies refusing to NOT charge (yes, EA, I'm looking at you). However, I'm seeing this in the companies (like EA) that have already lost all respect in the gaming industry. (For the sake of time, space, and my grandma's phone line, I won't go into my feelings about EA here.)

On to other things I wanted to address. Nintendo being "cartoony" to start with. For the last time, people, ETERNAL DARKNESS! RESIDENT EVIL! Yes, Nintendo does seem to make the mistake of thinking their gamers are all still 8 years old and playing Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda, but there are signs of hope. When Nintendo does violent gaming, they do VIOLENT GAMING. Look at GoldenEye and Perfect Dark for the N64; how many awards did those win, including Game of the Year? And Perfect Dark was rated M, for good reason. I'll even admit that the only thing I see going for the 360 outside of Halo is Perfect Dark Zero. It's a great franchise, and Rare is, by far, the best at console FPS games.

One more thing that needs to be addressed:
Chimaerax wrote:
of course, a certain loyalty to nintendo is blindly driving some fanatics to make premature judgments about consoles that haven't even released its benchmarks yet.

EXCUSE ME?!?! You speak of loyalties to the company and blind decisions, yes? So, tell me, where have you seen game play for these other systems? Where have you seen what those numbers can ACTUALLY do? The answer is a definite NO. We've seen CG movies. BIG FLIPPIN DEAL! I don't care how pretty of a movie it can make; show me how the system plays or don't show me anything at all. Show me what the numbers are practically capable of, rather than what they can do when you spin the disk up to 280457 RPM for 5 minutes so it can play the movie, creating a roar that would rival any jet engine in the process. All the "footage" we've seen so far is nothing more than eye candy. And, like all candy, it's sweet at first, but no good in the long run.

I once again point you to Eternal Darkness. The CG work in that is beautiful. The voice acting that goes with it is spot on too. But, that's not why I love it. If we're taking the narrow-minded view of "graphics are the only thing that matters in a game" that most of the gaming world today has, then this is why I love Eternal Darkness: the beauty of the CG movies is still present in the game itself. Obviously the quality isn't as high, but it's still beautifully rendered. I died the first time I faced a Horror. Not because I couldn't beat it, but because I stood there in awe at the beauty of the rendering. I let it kill me, just to see how well it was put together. It was seamless, even lifelike (which is a scary thought). Yet, those beautify graphics are nothing compared to the gameplay. The Sanity System alone is worth whatever you paid for the game. But I digress.

You strongly underestimate the true value of a game - the actual playing. You can throw the greatest numbers the world has ever seen at me, and I won't care if it plays like a PS1. (Let's face it people, you saw those CG movies you thought were footage of a PS1 game and were amazed; until you saw the game itself was no better than Sonic 3D Blast on the Genesis.)

I'm loyal to Nintendo for the same reason I am, to this day, loyal to Sega; the gameplay. I'll still take Sonic 3 and Knuckles over any Xbox game out there. And, maybe I am blinded by my loyalty; ALL THE BETTER! That means I'm not seeing graphics to keep me loyal, but that I'm loyal to the games. What do you have to go on? Where't the innovative gameplay that gives you loyalty to Microsoft and the Xbox? Or are you loyal simply because they put in a fancy graphics card.

Of course, fancy graphics cards are nice, sure. I'd love an nVidia 6800. Know what I'd use it for? The same games I have now. Evil Genius (which is deliberately corny in the graphics), C&C Generals (where the guns are cardboard tubes), and The Sims. Sure, I'll buy a few fancier games because I'll be able to play them. After all, Far Cry's got pleanty of innovation behind it. And, of course, Doom 3. Similar to Eternal Darkness, the beauty of that game is so much more than graphics.

And, one more thing. PC version > Console version. Halo, Doom, whatever. That's how modern gaming is. The real test for a game is if the console version is better than the PC; that's the sign of a true good console game.


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prima meas ancestras necavit // et nunc me necat

Sat Jul 30, 2005 4:00 pm
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jigglypuff there was no need to rant :roll:

i'd also like you to substantiate your implicit accusations that my loyalties to any other company have caused me to support one system over another. i simply defended the other systems' rights to be considered by consumership. NEVER did i ever say that xbox 360 or ps3 was REALLY better than any other system. i voiced my opinion, which one i would get if it were up to me, and that was that. you, on the other hand, have unequivocally supported nintendo from the start, WITHOUT anything to justify it (b/c nintendo DIDNT EVEN RELEASE INFO ON THE SYSTEM past its name and appearance) except a consumer's devotion to one brand name.


Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:26 am
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